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Jail times and Drug lab timers

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So while I see both sides of the argument for the increased jail times. I STRONGLY urge that we reset the jail timers to how they used to be, until crim RP is developed further. As is right now, labs are getting shut down within 30 mins of being up because of a 911 call cuz someone oocly knows when they are coming back up. Yesterday there was 2 or 3 drug lab calls within 20 mins of eachother, as soon as the labs came up. There is also a great decrease in store robberies but a huge increase in gang v. law enforcement shootouts. It is not coincidence, the large scale shootouts and criminals rolling around with heavies nonstop is to do everything in their power to avoid going to prison for 5 ooc hours. There is not enough RP in prisons to justify the longer sentences. As a law enforcement roleplayer I will stand by my reasoning because most of the people who advocate for longer jail times are not the ones who have to go through with them. If a person who wants to RP a true criminal and do criminal things they are scared to do so because they will face an IC punishment of 4+ hours which in my eyes is an ooc punishment. IRL I am a sheriff deputy and work in a jail, there are people who come in and then leave jail in a shorter time than that. Its not fair to the crim players to thwart their crim rp by dangling an extensive jail sentence over their heads. 


If the jail sentences stay the same the RP in the prison NEEDS to change. I feel that until it is implemented, that the jail sentencing should go back to the old way where 2 hours was the max. I GUARANTEE you would see an increase in store robbery, drub manufacturing and overall crim roleplay. As of right now, almost every extensive RP situation I have as a member of PD is either: pursuit or code 1. It needs to change because the RP is repetitive. As of right now, almost every crim roleplayer that has spoken to me says the following: "We want to do crim RP but the cost of doing 4+ hours staring at a jail cell is not worth it."  And the final thing I wil say is, the only people that I have seen that do not agree with the previously made statement are the ones who have never done a long sentence icly in jail and realized that there is no RP to be done in there, even with 10+ people.


Also I will add that the current timers for the drug labs to be respawned is WAY too long considering how quickly they are taken down. We have players that oocly know when they come back up and are making phone calls within 10-15 mins of them being back up solely to have them tore down "to be a good civilian". I suggest that the drug lab respawn timers be reduced to 3 hours which is roughly half of what it currently is to my knowledge. Again I will state that the crim roleplayers need to be able to do crim stuff t roleplay. Yes there is a non script side of the roleplay but they also need avenues to make money and with the current mindset of certain players, their money making side of their roleplay is being crippled which is making people not want to rp crims anymore. Gov. workers are not on the same level with this because they get money every hour, criminals have to go out and work for it then are getting thrown in prison for 4 hours.


TLDR: Jail sentences need to be reversed to increase the crim rp enjoyment. I am a PD member and I can tell from my end the shift in crim RP. Also the drug lab respawn timers need to be shortened to battle the players who solely go to the drug lab, with ooc knowledge of it respawning, to get it tore down again. 

I would like your opinion please, this is not a forum thread to argue on and toxicity will be deleted. Constructive criticism only, Thank you.

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+1 to both

The bigger picture is that Crim really needs an update but in the meantime these are NEEDED updates. Crim RP is becoming stale because it's a repeat cycle of what we know we can do without going to jail for ridiculous times. I know it's supposed to be realistic punishments and consequences to do but I'm sorry no matter how you look at it 5+ hours if prison is just ridiculous. Especially cause there is NOTHING to do in prison yet we punish for being afk where there is nothing. 

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+1 for both suggestions. 

To support these ideas i would like to give also an eg. for each :


Drug lab timers: In the last 2 days OOCly (referring to the moment I post this)  there were labs which were down for 12 hours in a row. Raided 2 times consecutively.

Also, having 2-3 labs down in the same time at high peek hours is trash.

Suggestion: Maybe only 1 lab can be down at a time ?


Jail Timers: Operating chop - 3 hours in jail, because you will also get evading and so on. Shooting cops - maybe the same or less !? Where is the balance?

Just think about how much time an average person spends in the city ? 3-4 hours in a day ? What is his experience encountered for trying to have some fun as a criminal ? Loosing his whole day staring at a wall for a 3k car.





Edited by Prozacel
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