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Ourballs last won the day on September 6 2020

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About Ourballs

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  1. Best of luck on your journey homie!
  2. Ourballs

    The Goblins

    Missing moments boys!
  3. In game you can use "/report 1 need a head admin for refund" like Andy Mason said. Or you can wait to admins say in-game they are avaible for that situation, that happen few times, i already pass for that and i wait for the admins announce that in-game.
  4. Abilio Fresh 1 ticket http://prntscr.com/zqyej4
  5. Ourballs


    Saddly to see the faction who bring more RP content to the server leaving, i don't need to write more words, you guys know what i think! We keep together Vatos! A huge respect for everything you boys did!
  6. Big Larry!!! Just wanna visit that shit for sure man! Congratz for that big man!
  7. Ourballs


    Best of luck boys!
  8. Ourballs

    The Goblins

    Ps: Thank you @NadePop for the help!
  9. Best of luck! looks very nice
  10. Ourballs

    6ix 7even

    Looks good, good luck with that project
  11. Ourballs

    The Goblins

    (Two sides of the coin) Goblins Diplomacy is based on respect! Goblins respect everyone, doesn't matter if it's a new family/gang or they are an Old Gang, everyone deserves it, doesn't matter if it's an enemy or an allied or with neutral relation group. Respect the enemy as an enemy is the first step to be respected! Goblins build a good relationship with almost every group in the city. Rooks, the relationship of that families did not start with correct feet, both families fight a few times to the labs. Both wanna show up to each other who is the best. The high command of both families meets and have a good talk about the wrong way both go, a neutral relationship was the best decision for both sides. That is an example of respect an enemy like an enemy and not like a dog. Both sides will win with that decision. Daichead Gadaí (Famous Irish Family) one of the families who shows up almost the same time, at the beginning, everything was very good, both families trust a lot in one, after some time that relationship starts to drop, for which reason? Some disrespect, some actions, some wrong steps. Both families still respect others but not like in old times. The Four Seas Order (FSO), Both families have good relations, many meetings happen, trust and respect was born from that relation. Both families probably don't give 100% to the relationship because the respect and neutral status is the main goal for both. La Familia Michoacana (LFM), the high command of both families have a strong relationship and huge respect between them. Both families grow up in different ways but ways put respect on the relationship that was the many steps to have a stronger relationship not only the high command but the members respect each other. Aztecas, an OG family in Los Santos. The relationship of both families come from old times. The high command of both families knows very well who is on the other side. Respect, trust, and loyalty. Both families trust a lot in each other, that is not something that was born or just made, was what respect give you! Both family support which others in many ways, events, illegal business, and other ways. The Royal Clown Crew (TRCC), The relationship of both families was not good from the first days, both fight for the same! Labs, both families like to hold labs and keep them under control. Disrespect from both sides was huge and probably the main problem for both don't have a good relationship. The Lost Moto Club (Lost), the relationship of both was the most stranger goblins have. That starts with nothing and they have a strong relationship in a few days. Where that relationship starts, honestly nobody knows but they trust a lot which other, anyone controls the relationship and both build it with respect, with business and trust! Goblins and Lost have a bad relationship with TRCC, both together try to control the TRCC, many fights happen and both sides still stronger without moving their feet. When Goblins got attacked, Lost Show up. When Lost got attacked, Goblins show up. In one of the fights Goblins notify some names from FSO in the middle of the fight and they got shot by them, a strange thing, and without reason FSO was is TRCC and they attack Goblins. Don't make too much sense when Goblins and FSO have a good relationship. One day, Goblin high command got to access the TRCC freq where some FSO was there talking about shipments and the Goblins. All the conversations got recorded. The Goblins feel stabbed by FSO. After few days FSO and Goblins meet and things go so wrong, both sides leave that meeting with things to say and without a good relationship at all. Goblins understand at that moment a big war will happen... They will have to decide which side they will stay. Aztecas and LFM fight against TRCC, Irish, and FSO. Both sides meet with Goblins, Aztecas, and LFM to bring their diplomacy up to Goblin's high command, and few days after TRCC, Irish and FSO ask for a meeting to discuss some diplomacy. TRCC, Irish, and FSO meet Goblins Many questions were made, Goblins don't understand the real reason for being attacked by TRCC and why FSO stab Goblins, probably Irish are only the guys who are in the middle of that without reason. Neutral Status is claimed for them, be neutral, and stop attacking each other. Goblins have one question, how possible will forget what TRCC did after many attacks and many times both families disrespect which other now they are "neutral". Nothing got decided after the meeting because Goblins like to decide that in the family. Goblins know if they refuse that offer, Irish and FSO will hit Goblins too because the 3 families are allied. The Goblin Family meet and decide about what gonna happen. They have the two sides of the coin, or they refuse the offer and will fight on the side of Aztecas and LFM or they will be neutral with everyone and forget what happens with TRCC in the last months. The decision was made and they decide to refuse! They will fight on the fight of LFM and Aztecas against TRCC, Irish, and FSO! After the meeting Goblins high command text Irish and FSO for the respect they have for both families saying thank you for the offer but they can't forget what TRCC did in the last 3 months for that reason they will keep respect that 2 families and will be respected on the battlefield! Almost every day both sides fight against each other, both sides looking for what they lost in other times on the street. RESPECT!
  12. Ourballs

    The Goblins

    That is the First Paleto Party made by Goblins in cooperation with Aztecas. The main idea will be to get some money with drinks and food but not scam people for giving them a little bit of fun! With the Half Pipe or "Death Pipe" called by some people, using BMX. With some Low-riders jumping. Abilio Fresh talk with Aztecas about that and both have the same plan to give some good moments to their families. They don't just wanna give a normal party.. Or just a meeting with a lot of families and groups, they want something bigger. That party takes some time to plane. Preparing a good stage, have a good condition for food and drinks, they will need a good sound system for everyone to hear good music! After a few meetings, the date was decided and it's time to start preparing everything for the moment. A huge order of burgers, tacos, and drinks was made! Goblins grab everything and store it inside the building for the party! Every member starts to share the word of the party! That will be just the first of a lot of parties! [Sunday] A lot of people come from different sides, from Los Santos, Sandy Shores, Chumash, and more! Bikers from different clubs, LFM, Aztecas, and many other OG show up with different groups and families! The party goes well.. everything has fun, Low Riders in the middle of the party everything got crazy with the jumps the cars can do! People on halfpipe doing huge jumps and having fun with that shit. Nobody expects the party goes so well! It's amazing when you work hard and everything going so so good! PD and SD show up! Nobody is doing illegal shit or has his gun.. probably some guys with masks but just 3 or 4, everyone was in a good vibe, and BOOOM! Sirens everywhere, fucking huge swat vehicles block the road from both of the sides and nobody can leave the zone! On megaphones they told everyone leaves the zone, but how it's possible when it's everything block and they have heavy weapons on the hands when we are just civilians looking to have fun? Well, everyone just hands up and made a huge line. "They have enough reasons for what they did?" Well, end of the day some guys got arrested because they start trash talk with cops and fail to comply with them.. Party ends with that situation! Sadly is not a good way to end a party but next time will be better! Learn with that situation for improvement next time!
  13. Ourballs

    The Goblins

    Not every situation was simple to solve. Not every problem has a solution but, you need to understand if you skip or you solve it without thinking about the costs. Sometimes a simple conversation explaining what happens makes all the difference and the problem is when a family does not talk the problems start to become bigger and bigger, like a snowball. The boss is not a monster with 3 heads if you talk he eats you, the boss is a soldier like you! Will cover you back for you to cover his back! That is what means family! One of the Goblins asks for the Lord Goblin to have a conversation, an important one, he explains his problems and the family problems. And the Lord Goblin told him that. "It's normal in every family the brothers and sisters have problems, fighting for no reason and make each other upset with stupid actions. The Goblin Family is not different, that type of situation happens here! But! Everyone needs to be clear, need to talk and expose when the problems come. If each one still hides the problems and doesn't talk about them will be difficult to solve! Sometimes we are so focused on the problem and we can't see the solution. It's easier just turn your back and run, don't care about the problems. You prefer to give up then stay and solve the problems. Searching for a solution is that you mean? If you care about the family do not leave, stay and solve the problem! Help the family growing up because that is only possible if everyone has the same mindset!" The Goblin now understands the most important is to stay together with a focus on the solution and not on the problem, identifying the problem is a first step to get a solution!
  14. Ourballs

    "Ocean Life"

    My suggestion about weed plantation and "ocean life", Actually, we don't have much to do with water vehicles. Will be good to have some new stuff on the ocean. Crime: - An island possible to plant weed will promote some good RP with water vehicles and people trying to hold that island for plant weed. - The "normal" labs should change too, probably more tables with a reduced time for a cook at labs got worth then cook on your lab. - Add criminal stuff on the water, like materials for cook drugs, like pseudo-ephedrine/toluene/muriatic acid mining it under-water or any process taking it from rocks near the ocean. With that system in the case, we need to take something under-water a new item should add an oxygen bottle. Legal: - License to drive a boat - Possible to get different species of fish giving more money and less money, we already got information about the license for fish will bring some RP for police patrol people fishing and control who fish. Areas for fishing on the middle of the ocean with more % to get a "rare" fish. That will make people use boats. Actually, the boats don't have a system for spot, will need to add an anchorage system. The ocean has few people and will be good have some action where cops can patrol the boats and things like that, Should be added a license to drive a boat.
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