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The Rooks

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Frank Patterson



Chapter 1 | Origins

Frank was born in a quiet village in the north of England, in Yorkshire to be specific. Growing up, Frank realised that the United Kingdom was becoming an increasingly harsh place to live in. If he was to stay in the north, living among the farms and the sheep, then there was little chance of acquiring vast amounts of wealth; no matter how tranquil life in the village was, Frank always aspired to go further. If he was to move to the south (anywhere below Yorkshire), then he'd have to live surrounded by dreadful accents and remainers; no one wants that. Then there was London, which is a major financial hub and a distant land of opportunities, but Frank knew he'd rather not get stabbed by a teenager wearing Armani or trampled by robotic commuters. Frank had considered all his options within the United Kingdom, and that's when he heard of a city called Los Santos in America; it was a place where dreams supposedly came true, he was intruiged. Frank was deliberating on whether or not to make to move, when he received a knock on the door, followed by a man shouting "POLICE, OPEN UP". Frank opened the door and was informed that he was to receive an ASBO (Anti-Social Behavioural Order) for calling someone a 'Scouser prick' online. "Fuck it", Frank said, "I'm off to Los Santos".


Chapter 2 | New city, new friends

It didn't take long for Frank to find a solid crew to roll with. Soon enough, he met three people that he could call his mates, whom he knew he could trust. Their names (in order of meeting) were Cheyenne, Max and Kenneth. Both being new to the city, they aimed to learn as much about Los Santos as they could, and how they could make money. They soon met a man by the name of Mike Laurie, who helped to introduce them to many of the city's locations and opportunities; he showed a level of compassion that no other long-time resident would ever afford the pair. Mike revealed himself to be a part of a gang called 'West Coast Assassins', although Frank was clueless as to what this meant. soon after, they met max and Kenneth, who would accompany them on their intial journey to discovering all the city had to offer. At the time, Frank was not very familiar with the criminal gangs of Los Santos, and he had no desire to ever seek them out. Max was a member of a supposed 'anti-gang' called the Rebels, although they disbanded not long after Frank met him. Sticking together as a four, Frank, Cheyenne, Max and Kenneth would soon begin robbing convenience stores as a way to make a little bit of cash; they all received their first felonies from this.




The squad continuted to roll with each other for a while, and Frank didn't do much outside of this. Despite this, he did occasionally hang out by the Los Zantos 24/7 store, as Cheyenne has introduced him to a man named Deakin Storm, and subseqeutly to a group called 'the Zetas' (or whatever it was). They seemed nice enough.


Chapter 3 | West Coast Assassins

Due to Frank's quick tongue, a minor incident occurred that meant he could not return to the store, and he was potentially in danger. Because of this, Frank contacted his old friend Mike, and asked if he could join West Coast Assassins. Mike stated that Frank would need to catch a tan, which he promptly did, before anything could happen. Soon enough, Frank was a member of WCA. At that moment, the gang was embroiled in a bloody war with Novo Los Aztecas and the Front Yard Ballas; this was very exciting for Frank, and WCA would ultimately emerge victorious. Frank's involvement would unfortunately come to a halt as christmas had just arrived, and he had to leave Los Santos for 3 months ((3 weeks)) to visit his family back in England. Due to this, and the fact that Frank was a new recruit, he had to part from WCA, which was a shame, but understandable from the perspective of his higher-ups. After returning in January 2020, Frank was quickly accepted back into WCA, although he was soon let go after a purge that saw prominent members such as Tony Baboni leave the gang. Once again, Frank was independent.



Chapter 4 | Los Zetas?

It was not long before Frank reconnected with Cheyenne and begun hanging around Los Zetas again, although this time it would be in their new headquarters. Frank made a lot of new friends, he admired them and they admired him. Additionally, he would come to learn a lot more about how a criminal organisation operated. He would receive training from Reece Curry to be effective in gang activites, practicing skills such as location callouts and efficient mugging. Whilst rolling with Zetas, many a situation would occur where Frank would find himself opening fire on enemy gangs and the Los Santos Police Department (sorry Church x). After chilling with Zetas for a week or two, Frank would become a 'pre-prospect' which meant he was on his way to being recruited. During this period, he would continue familiarising himself with the gang and making himself known to its members; he even attended a Zeta wedding.


Frank could not find the ties in the clothing store

Despite Frank's seemingly promising path towards becoming a Zeta, it soon became apparent that not all the members liked him as much as others. Names will not be named, but Frank was eventually informed that he was being rejected from the organisation, and as such he would no longer be allowed to chill at their HQ. The news came as a shock, to Frank as well as the friends he had made along the way. Once again, Frank was independent.




Chapter 5 | Joining the Rooks

Frank had been aware of the Rooks for a while, although he had never thought to approach them; that was until he met Jack Hawk. Frank had approached Jack and enquired about joining the Rooks. Almost immediately, Frank began rolling with Jack, and would soon be introduced to the Rook family, whom he would have to prove his worth to.


Frank felt closer to the Rooks than he had with any other gang; there was a real sense of family that accompanied the organisation. Additionally, Frank greatly admired their system of democracy when it came to recruiting new members; such a system was not present in Los Zetas, where recruitment was ultimately the decision of one or two people. Soon enough, the time came for Frank to enter the recruitment stage. Taken to Rook HQ, he was frisked and asked a series of tough questions to assess how well he knew the city and its many criminal facilities. After a long interview, members were asked to cast their votes; a hand up if they wished to see Frank in the family, and a hand down if they did not. Going along the line, the people Frank had been rolling with each recalled their experiences hanging with Frank, conveying their thoughts about him and what he could bring to the family. Surpsingly, Frank received a 'yes' from every member present; he was welcomed to the family with open arms. Frank was now a Rook.





Chapter 6 | A grand old war

In Los Santos, it has long been the custom and obligation of all gangs to pay taxes to the Council. Despite the vast amounts of wealth they were amassing, it was eventually decided that the taxation system would be abolished in favour of what they referred to as a 'respect' system. The concept was simple, gangs would have to earn neutrality with the Council not through payment, but through earning their absolute respect; their definition of the term was never clear, which left it open to member interpretation and was therefore a problem. The family immediately congregated to discuss the new changes, and there ensued a long debate over what the new respect system meant, both semantically and in regards to the future of the Rooks.



Almost immediately after the meeting, the Rooks found themselves being hunted by Zetas, and it appeared that any prospects of earning respect were thrown out the window. In their words, it was open season. A purge had commenced, and no Rook was safe, at least, that's what the Zetas thought. What was initially confusing was the fact that it only appeared to be Zetas out trying to hunt the family, as their allies, the Triads, remained neutral for a good while. Nonetheless, the situation would escalate into an all-out war. Rooks were now being hunted by Zetas and Triads, and it was not long before Novo Los Aztecas, a former ally, and West Coast Assassins began sucking up the the Council and started hunting Rooks as well. Despite the onslaught, the Rooks found allyship in many groups of mercenaries and unnamed gangs, as well as stepping up their own recruitment. Both sides of the conflict had experienced wins and losses, and the Rooks were still standing strong, but the ultimate conclusion of the war is yet to be seen......


all information in this post is not to be used IC, no OOC beef is intended 😁




Frank Patterson name 2.png

Edited by FrankieP
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Ravyn arrived in town unaware of the things brewing in the shadows. It seemed like any other messed up day in Los Santos. Robberies, car chases and other deviant acts of recklessness going on. The sun was shining on her face as she looked up into the sky taking her last careless breath as she knew it before her phone went off with an update frequency as it has any other day. She went through the redundant task of changing freq and checking in but was immediately informed there was something up and no one knew what to expect. 

She met up with the family and they were directed to group up because the counsel was holding a meeting with all the gangs and organizations within the city. Dmitri and the High Command went into the meeting and the remainder of us were told to hold back because Dmitri didn’t want it to look disrespectful for us to roll in once it had already started. We all followed his orders waiting impatiently not knowing what the outcome would be. 

Once the meeting was finally over, we all met up and discussed the issues at hand. We were informed that they were doing away with taxes completely. It was a blessing and a curse all at the same time. On one hand, we can save money to help with the organization's needs. On the other hand, that means we were fair game while at labs and places up north. We were told that we no one is to hit clothing stores, the barbershop, Head Quarters and various other places in the city. They also stated that it was said, taxes would now be paid in respect so we all knew we had to bite our tongues. Dmitri made it clear what was told to them, but there were still many unknown things he and high command weren’t fully sure on. 

With all things covered we went out on daily activities, but that's when the curse cloaked us like a dense fog, coating us all in darkness and left us blind and unaware of where to go.  It was a very short time after the meeting that our members started getting hit one by one in places, we were told it wouldn’t happen. Ravyn was riding with Dmitri when it all happened. She pulled off somewhere safe for him to make calls and access the situation at hand. He had called Jay trying to figure out what had happened, had one of our members done something to violate the agreements? It was then told in another call shortly thereafter, that things were mis stated and that just meant chaos had begun. 

We all did what we could to not panic and try to access the situation and act accordingly but we had shooters with itchy fingers just waiting to be able to open fire and take them down one by one. The Rooks are made up of many types of people, shooters, thinkers, workers, comedians and those who are reserved. That's what made us unique, but at this time with things as they were, that wasn’t helping. 

*To take a few steps backwards to explain the current issues within the organization*




Our organization had been having growing pains with communication between high command, lower command and lower ranks. Ravyn had been approached many times regarding issues lower ranks had and she did her best to try and get them resolved, but could only do so much. She approached Dmitri with issues and gave her ideas on how to fix them, but only so much could be done. You can only lead a horse to water, you cannot make them drink. The main issues were as follows; high command wasn’t available when members needed them. They were too busy hunting down Zetas, Triads, WCA and NLA, not on freq and not answering calls. The person we bought guns from was never really in town around this time to help them with their needs so they were running low on supplies, making fighting this fight impossible. Not being able to communicate with high command when Dmitri wasn’t in town was an issue and Jerzy did his best to help everyone he could with those matters. Dmitri had been aware of the issue of high command not being on freq when he wasn’t in town and he was thinking of a way to fix that. There was talk of moving someone else to a high command position to help with those issues, but by this time things were getting worse. Morale was low, people stopped coming to town, people left since no one was in town to help with dealing with this. There was only so much Ravyn could handle and do to help. Trying to explain the situation was pointless if no high command could assure them of anything to aid them.  

Ravyn is a people watcher, she notices things, spidey senses tingling when things seem amiss. She sensed things were not right and tried to warn Dmitri. She discussed her concerns with Jerzy regularly and they would try to figure out a way to help the family as best they could with the power they had. There were a lot of changes that needed to be made, but no idea where to start first. 

*Back to the point*




With things crazy around the city no one could rest, everyone’s heads were always on a swivel. The tension in the air was very evident in the days leading up to the beginning for the Rooks possible downfall. Many believe it was due to traitors, and you wouldn’t convince them otherwise. There were so many of us robbed, cars chopped, guns lost, bank accounts dwindling but some seemed to be in higher spirits than they should’ve been in hostage situations. Ravyn remembers a call from a Rook one day while she was with Dmitri, Johnnie and another member.  The fact that he seemed to be laughing like this was funny made her think a lot about the situation. She played along and let things flow naturally, or as naturally as they could, but that stirred distrust immediately. 

Weeks had passed with no change in the war, people were doing all they could to stay positive on the situation. It all began to feel normal unfortunately, people stopped coming to town, you’d hear mostly radio silence, people would just talk shit, people hung out in areas they felt safest in and waited for direction. With Dmitri out of town more often, leaving high command in charge, we were left wandering with no answers, high command had dropped the ball in his absence. It was passed down to Ravyn that Dante had been deported. That news hit everyone very hard and with so many more questions Jerzy and Ravyn couldn’t answer at the time.  We needed high command to take charge, not run the streets all day and night, ignoring the tasks that needed to be handled internally. The family was looking for solutions, answers, ideas, anything, not static and unanswered calls and questions. Members were becoming frustrated.


Edited by WillowRaven
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It was again, a new normal day in Los Santos the day Ravyn got into town and tried to reach Dmitri. No one on the frequency, no answers from text or calls. She called and sent a text knowing he would get back to her when he could as he has always done. It wasn’t a long wait for the text which read “HIDE AND LAY LOW NOW.” She knew what that meant, and she did as she was told as she tried to call him. He called her back asking where she was and if she was followed. She reassured him she wasn’t and he proceeded to tell her he needed to grab another radio, gun and a few things and he would call her back. She waited for a while before she reached out to him again wondering if something had happened since he seemed stressed and uneasy. Usually he is well composed and not much leaves him this way as far as she had seen. He told her where to meet him and others arrived shortly there after. He was on his phone trying to explain the situation at hand. He had explained that Rex had been taken hostage by Zetas and triads and they were demanding weapons. She knew that none of us should give in to giving them more weapons and she backed him on that choice. He then proceeded to tell them that he had gone on the radio asking for Tyler to come, leading him into a fate no one wanted. 

Dmitri was still on the phone over and over, she could hear the frustration in his sighs each time he hung up the phone and proceeded to dial numbers again and sent texts frantically. With each new family member who showed up, he explained the situation trying to think of the best course of action to take. He had asked everyone who came if they heard from Rex or Tyler, were they safe? Had anyone seen them, etc. About ten minutes had passed and we were all trying to figure out what to do at the moment and then someone said they saw Tyler at Central Hospital. You could hear Dmitri sigh relief as the words left their lips. No one had heard about Rex yet, he had made some more calls as well as continued to reach out to Tyler. 

The members that were at the meeting spot rolled out to meet after Dmitri heard from Tyler. We met and HQ and Dmitri and a couple others went off to talk secretly, things we have all come accustomed to unfortunately. Shortly after they spoke we all met up again and things took a turn for the worst. It has been said by other gangs and our high command members decided Dmitri should not be the leader of our organization. They believed he had shut us off from other gangs, showed blatant disrespect, amongst other things, as well as lift Tyler and Rex to be tortured and die. This left those of us there a little baffled, but Ravyn had been suspicious of all of this for weeks now, all growing stronger and she knew she was right now. WIth the recent situation in which Tyler and Rex were tortured, was the perfect way to set these actions in motion on their part. Why wouldn't the leader look bad by using his words against him to work in their favor?  

Things were discussed and Al Romano showed up out of nowhere, Ravyn had her thoughts on who called him to come and her mind wouldn’t be changed. The bickering was relentless and was getting them nowhere at all, emotions were on high and no one wanted to budge. Many of us stood behind Dmitri, but were also confused on how this came to be in the end. After some time it had been stated there would be a vote in true Rook fashion in which Rex was irritated and continued to be hysterical and say “he only wants a vote because he knows he will win. I’m out”



After Dmitri left town for the day a familiar face showed up leaving some of us very concerned of our future as Rooks. Gauge Michaels voice sent chills down Ravyn’s spine and she was instantly on high alert. Al, Tyler, Draven, Rex and Gauge wasted no time trying to convince the remainder of us there that Dmitri needed to be taken out of his position. Ravyn’s blood was boiling with every word from their mouths. She believed this was all handled wrong and the fact they were allowing other gangs to decide our family's fate pissed her off even more. There was ending the war, and then there was this shit show and the actors on stage made her want to vomit. 

She knew that they knew she was going to tell Dmitri all of this, she wouldn’t deny it if they asked. She had her mind set and it wouldn’t change until there was proof that made it.  The conversation continued and something said during it from a member left her very uneasy yet again. Tony Rizzo stated, laughing, “I cannot believe I am going to say this but if Dmitri doesn’t step down we are going to have to plot a coup!” Ravyn couldn’t believe what she heard before they all laughed like this was something to be celebrated. 


It was a dreadful day we came into town to, everyone was divided, some in the dark, some just following to follow not knowing all information, or what to even think. When Ravyn arrived with Harley at the meeting spot Dmitri stood out immediately, looking slightly stressed out. She approached him and whispered she loved him and he said the same, she felt for him at this point and was worried on how the family was divided. After the meeting started there was a lot of yelling, tensions were high and people were acting like children. It seemed nothing was actually being fixed, everyone's pride was out and showing in brutal force. After a while Dmitri walked up to Ravyn and whispered to her what he wanted to do, and she agreed that was the best option for the family. He knew who he wanted to lead the Rooks. This person has showed up time and time again, showed his dedication, his compassion and his willingness to fight for lower ranked members day in and day out. Jerzy. He had busted his ass to do all he could for the family and was constantly underestimated by people within the family; he was the underdog, the champion many of us believed in even if the ones voting against Dmitri didn’t. Rook command should stay with a Rook and many of us believed that. The vote wasn’t to decide if Dmitri should step down any longer, it was should a Rook stay in power or someone who was now an outsider. 



With tensions still high a rival gang member shows up in our meeting, Al Romano. Everyone was upset about this besides Rex of course; suspicious yet again. He felt he needed to talk in our family meeting, which made no sense to a lot of us, even Tyler and Draven were concerned and told him he needed to leave, but Rex fought for him to stay. Ravyn focused on everything going on still confused. Things that were said changed slightly every time they were restated which caused even more confusion among us trying to figure out what this was actually all about. After a while Gauge showed up after Rex had asked if people wanted Gauge to come, people had questions, but many of us still believed this was a family affair being puppeteered by other gangs at this point. After discussions were had we divided into groups who felt Rooks should have a Rooks leader and those who believed having Gauge in power would actually stop the war like we were told it would. After more arguing from both sides it was brought up as a suggestion, why not have them both in power to appease both sides. Things settled a little bit as people contemplated this choice and the people voting on Gauge DID NOT seem happy about this option. 

Jerzy and Gauge stepped away to have a discussion on this option and came back to tell us all what they had decided. They would both oversee the Rooks. Jerzy will oversee the internal side and Gauge, since he works well discussing solutions with people, would oversee the external areas. 

This left people a little uneasy, but felt it was a good compromise for now in order for the war to end. With people believing the war would now end as it was stated, meetings were to be had and everyone was in limbo for the next day or two, not knowing our fate. Ravyn left and later met up with Dmitri to talk about what had just gone on. His frustration was apparent, but not because he stepped down, but that there wasn’t a Rook at the head as boss, but a co-chair type of situation. He knew that our overseas contacts would NOT go for this in any way. He had strengthened a relationship with them, having knowledge of how Rooks handle business, who is who and who is not family. They worked with Dmitri closely so he knew how this was going to go and had no way to convince them otherwise in his mind. This was the last time Ravyn had talked to Dmitri, unaware she wouldn’t hear from him for quite some time. 

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All Ravyn could think of after days and no word is something happened to Dmitri and no matter what he told her, she always looked out for him. He was always trying to keep her out of danger, out of the spotlight, but she is stubborn and knew what she had gotten into when they started dating over a year ago. She told him that time and time again, and she kept telling herself he’s just doing what he normally does, nothing has changed. But this time felt different because it was. She hasn’t gone a day without him reaching out to her. She hadn't gotten a call or a text nor heard him on the freq in days. She was beginning to lose control over her paranoia and the thoughts ran rampant. 

She had met with Lewis and Draven at Tequila La one day to play poker, deciding that may help get her mind off of things. She exchanged a few words with Lewis in which he reassured her Dmitri would reach out and he’s probably thinking of things. However, he also pointed out a man at the Poker table he believed looked  a lot like Dmitri in different clothes than his normal business attire. Ravyn looked the man over and the resemblance was similar, but she couldn’t believe that; wouldn’t. She questioned that if that was really Dmitri, why has he not reached out to her, why let her worry so badly? 

 They continued their conversation and Ravyn was constantly glancing and studying the man at the table, noticing tattoos, trying to match things up to verify it was him or not. After a round Draven and Lewis left the table and Ravyn sat down for a few rounds, glancing across the table at the man, wondering if it was Dmitri. If it was him he would definitely say or do something that she would recognize right? Even a wink, a glance, something, anything, but she got nothing from the man across the table from her. It was a stranger who resembled things in the man that had been missing. Maybe it was her emotions getting to her, maybe they were all wrong, it wasn’t Dmitri. She pulled herself up from the table and left to meet up at HQ as requested on the radio. 



After Ravyn arrived at HQ Gauge walked up to her wanting to talk about things that had happened earlier in the day he felt she needed to know if she hadn’t already. Gauge and a few others approached Ravyn which made her very uneasy given the situation at hand and her and Gauges past issues. He began speaking about a meeting they had with Dmitri this morning and her heart sped up. He stated Tony Rizzo had called them after he was speaking to Dmitri about plans he had for his future and the future of the Rooks that followed him. Ravyn instantly felt her blood boil as Tony seemed loyal, and to see yet another person betray Dmitri left her enraged, especially with him still missing. He proceeded to tell her a few of the details in which she had no idea about since she hadn’t spoken with Dmitri in days. 

Gauge questioned Ravyn if she knew about this and had spoken to Dmitri, but she hadn’t and it was evident in her reactions. He head began to race instantly as it began thinking about how Gauge and high command members were the last to see him, all of whom wanted him out of power and access to overseas contacts. They claimed he had left unharmed and fine, but she didn't believe it. She Didn't want to believe he abandoned her. She then thought back to the man across from her at the poker table...could they be telling the truth? Could he be alive and sat less than five feet from her not acknowledging her?




After Gauge and a couple people left she sat in her car, turning her music up loud trying to deafen the static in her head. Dave Weeden stayed behind knowing she was in a bad place at the moment, but she ignored him as she began to cry out of frustration and confusion. Time passed and Draven had returned to HQ and moved away from the car to talk with Dave. Ravyn couldn’t hold it in anymore and snapped, screaming at the top of her lungs. Everything was disappearing, family, stability, sanity, her dignity..Dmitri.  Dave and Draven walked closer to her car to check on her, but they hadn’t noticed that she had taken out her loaded gun which was in her shaky hands at this point as she cracked her window to see what Dave wanted as he knocked on her window. 

In this time, Neil Fergus had shown up at La Spada to meet with Draven, this was when she lost control of herself. She got out of the car, gun in hand and walked to board the dinghy in the marina. Unfortunately the gates were locked as she drove to them which left her even more frustrated and she let out a blood curdling scream that people could probably hear at Vespucci Beach. Draven, Dave and Neil had been watching her as she was freaking out climbing out of the dinghy. Ravyn just wanted to get away and dived into the water, swimming towards the docks on the other side to get away. She could hear Draven calling her name and their footsteps on the docks in the distance. 

As she neared the ramp she heard the splash in the water behind her and turned, pulling the gun out and holding it to her head, still shaking. At this point she was free of any thoughts in her head other than the voice in her head screaming “just pull the fucken trigger, don’t be weak.” As she tried to block out the voice, she saw Draven pointing his gun at her, which made that voice even louder. It was at that moment Draven lunged at her and she pulled the trigger and the gun went off. The bullet missed her head by centimeters, she laid on the dock with Draven over her trying to pry the gun from her grip. It took Draven and Dave to get her to loosen her grip and she just lost all strength she had left in her body, lying there staring off into the sky only hearing some of what was being said around her. She could make out Draven on the radio and knew she needed to get out of there, she didn’t want these people around her she couldn’t trust. 

She pulled herself to her feet accepting the cigarette Neil had given her and began walking back towards La Spada with them behind her. As she neared the back of the building she made a run for it to get in her car before they could reach her. Ravyn got in her car and sped off with them right on her tail, speeding up the West Highway, just driving, not knowing where she was going to go, she just knew she needed to get away. Her phone began to ring, as she reached for her phone her car went off the road and flipped and she landed shocked and a little out of it. Her phone was still ringing as she came to, Draven was reaching in the car frantically trying to pry the door open. She could make out him giving locations and she instantly came to and wanted to get away. With a knife the only thing she had left she pulled it out and made it known as she ran into the hills trying to get distance.

 As she ran she heard a car pulling up beside her and heard Gauge and Lewis’ voices yelling her name which made things much worse. As she ran the car passed her on the left and she was becoming tired, slowing. She ran near the car stabbing the tire in hopes it would slow them down, but she struggled to pull it out and by then she was surrounded by a handful of men grabbing at her trying to stop her. The only thing she could do was fight with what little energy she had left. She began to swing the knife around in hopes they would back off but ended up cutting someone and instantly felt bad. Were they really trying to help her? Or just get her out of the way? She screams for them to back off and after a bit drops the knife and walks away trying to breathe. 

Marco approaches her calm and collected trying to get her to talk and after a while he breathing slows and the reality of this all sets in. She still needed to get away and she knew that they weren’t going to let her go alone so Marco walks with her as they try to avoid the others out here with them. As she walks past them Rex drives by on his Drag and the rage begins to build as she remembers Gauge saying they were some of the last ones that seen him earlier and were the last ones to see him, and the things Rex had said in the last week. She and Marco walk to the road and find her car and drive away, unbeknown to the rest of them, they get away. 

After awhile she calms some and brings Marco somewhere so he can crash for the night and she convinces herself she needed to go look at Tequila La one last time in hope the man was still there and her questions would be answered. As she runs down to the poker table she rushes through the door only to find the room empty. She was too late. It was too late to know if that was him, she needed to accept that they could be right and he left her for whatever reasons he made up in his mind. From here she proceeds to the hairdresser, changes are to be made and she needs to lay low from family so she can think straight and that means changing things to go under the radar. 



She colors her hair and changes her clothes before proceeding to head to LSC to change some things on her car when Jeffrey pulls up and rats out her location over the radio which she can still hear. Within moments there are at least 5 to 6  Rook vehicles on her tail as she heads to the interstate. As she tries to make a sharp turn to head the opposite direction Frankie hits her car sending it over the edge, landing on the highway below, overturned. She quickly unbuckles and climbs out of her car and before she can  make a run for it they have her surrounded. All of these familiar faces staring at her, some sad, some seem to have a sadistic grin forming on their faces, she can’t be here and looks over the edge and the long drop below her contemplating her next move. 








Edited by WillowRaven
adjusted the first paragraphs alignment and added a photo
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Tony Rizzo
The Final Episode


Al Romano. Brandon Fitz. Gauge Michaels. All former Rooks who were removed from the family for their own reasons, some more treacherous than others. 

And now here they were, standing inches from me.

The meeting to determine the future leader of the Rooks had left Tony Rizzo concerned. He entirely accepted the fact that the war would have no chance of ending with Dmitri as leader. A change in leadership to open up the possibility of peace? Absolutely. If this were the terms of surrender, so be it. In his mind, it was a no brainer: make current underboss Dante Kalashnikov the boss, and delegate Dmitri to a High Command position. There’s likely no single person in the state of San Andreas who is more well known than Dante, whether good, bad, or simply just knowing who he is.

Just one problem: Dante had been deported. The feds finally tracked him down, and sent him back home, and it would be at least a month before he was able to get back.
This left the meeting to decide the new meeting vulnerable for a grave mistake to happen, and for vultures to step forward to finish what they started.


*    *    *


My Knife; Your Back



Tony stood on the roof of an abandoned recycling plant, in a circle with Draven Vaspucci, Tyler Rogers, Rex Rogers,
Lewis Pelletier, Alex Greco, and none other than the newly appointed boss of the Rooks:

Gauge Michaels 

The man behind an attempted coup that left several former Rooks dead, known forever as traitors.

Not even a day earlier, Tony had joked, that should Dmitri not give up his leadership for the good of the family, they would have to stage a coup. Now, standing on the roof of this building his words echoed in his head. Dmitri had refused to hand sensitive information over to Gauge, calling him “not a Rook.” Despite Jerzy Mceden being named as the secondary boss, Dmitri was smarter than that. And now here Tony stood, surrounded by commanding members of the family,
discussing a plan to change how the family does business. 

They discussed instating a council of sorts, where High Command is all one rank, superseded by the bosses. No decision could be made without everyone’s approval, and should the boss go over the councils head, action would be taken. And as they spoke, the more Tony came to believe this was the way to save the Rooks. Despite his history, Gauge Michaels was well liked by other criminal families. And if this Rook council could truly prevent Gauge from running wild, maybe this really was the best option.
With all of this said, they all agreed that this would be the future. But first, they had one favor to ask of Tony.

“You’re the only one among us who Dmitri trusts. If you can get him alone, we can swoop in and take what we need to keep the family alive.”

"And what exactly would that be?"

“The illegal imports.”

Ever since establishing contact with an overseas organization, the family had imported hundreds of thousands of dollars of illegal weaponry,
making it one of their most lucrative business ventures yet.
It was arguably the single reason the war was started. Not a matter of respect, but a matter of too many players at the table.
To lose them in this crucial moment would prove devastating.

Tony gave them two conditions for doing this.
One, Dmitri would NOT be hurt, by torture or otherwise, and he would not be punished for his refusal to cooperate.
Two, Tony would retain his position in the Rook High Command, and be given a seat on the council.

Everyone agreed to the conditions, including Gauge himself.

As they ended the meeting for the night, Tony thought about his decision, and wondered if what he was doing was right. 

What I’m doing is practically betrayal, against my own boss, my own friend.

Images of his betrayal in Liberty City flashed through his mind.
He shook the thoughts out of his head, reminding himself that the family would continue this way.

*     *     *


My Gun; Your Head



The following day, he texted Dmitri, asking to meet him somewhere private to discuss a matter of money that Tony was owed.
Dmitri agreed, and he informed Rex that the meeting would soon take place.

When Dmitri arrived, he brought with him a guest, and Tony’s heart dropped into his stomach. 
John Corsetti, of the Ballas, had been discussing joining the side of the Rooks to fight in the war. Dmitri was holding true to his refusal to give up power to Gauge.

Taking him aside, Tony started trying to convince Dmitri that Gauge could be the boss, with the proposed council keeping him in check.
But Dmitri refused, and began to suspect Tony was up to something.
At that moment, multiple vehicles came into the parking garage, surrounding Dmitri.

“What the fuck is this?”

Tony pulled his gun out of his jacket, but not pointing it at him. Casting his eyes downward, he solemnly spoke. 

“Dmitri, please, just get on the ground. It’ll be easier this way.”


As Rex and Tyler came up, guns drawn, Tony turned to Gauge, and pointed to John Corsetti. 

“The leader of the Ballas, he was with Dmitri. For diplomacy’s sake let’s not hurt him either.”

And with as little professional courtesy as possible, Rex began shouting at John to get on the ground.
Immediately, Tony began to feel like this would not end well.



After a lengthy interrogation, the insurrection had begun to get the information they needed. All the while, Tony refused to look Dmitri in the eyes, even putting his gun away. Rooks or not, Tony was doing the one thing he swore he’d never do: betray those close to him, ever again. All the while being reassured that this was the right thing to do.

Tyler told Dmitri not to be surprised about this, that it was his own doing.

“None of this really comes as a surprise, the only surprise here is Tony.”

The pit in Tony's stomach only grew.


By the end of it, they had the necessary IP addresses, and the information on how to retrieve new ones in the future. It was done.
They let Dmitri go, as Tony gave one last pathetic attempt at apology. While they all drove away, Dmitri made one last call on the radio.

“Long live the Rooks.”



*    *    *


The following days were awash with confusion and turmoil. The meetings with the Zetas and Triads to end the war had not resulted in the end of the war, simply a ceasefire. A ceasefire that WCA refused to uphold, and continued hitting Rooks. Eventually the ceasefire fell apart, and all groups continued attacking.
Nobody knew who to trust, and though many attempted to establish order, it was useless. Tony tried endlessly for days to contact Gauge, but to no avail.
Tyler and Rex were also difficult to reach, with nobody quite knowing what was going on.
On top of this, the login information and IP address for the dark web that had previously worked, no longer worked.
Another one wasn’t due to arrive for another month, and likely wouldn’t arrive in the same manner either.
Someway, somehow, the plan had failed.


This was the downfall.


*    *    *


March 13th, otherwise known as Friday the 13th

Communications in Rook channels had gone dark. Jerzy Mceden also proved difficult to contact.
Tony received a text from Leo Krasas, asking to buy guns. During the sale he noticed Leo having been dressed oddly, and similarly to some others standing nearby.
Clearly not a Rook uniform.
As he left, began to wonder just how many people had left the family. 

Tony saw he had a missed text from Jack Hawk.
He heard about what Tony had done.
And he was not pleased with him in the slightest.


Tony responded, saying he did what he felt was right for the future of the family.

Making his way to Mirror Park Gas, he spotted a familiar face: Rex and Tyler Rogers.
Immediately, he began talking with them about the past few days, looking for some answers. What he got, didn’t make him happy either.

He, Draven, and Tyler were all trying to join the Triads.
Gauge, had left the city for good, once again. Whether it was because he had accomplished his goal of successfully breaking the Rooks apart,
or frustration at the dark web login no longer working, was left for Tony to decide on his own.

Either way, Tony had just unwittingly helped Gauge accomplish what he couldn’t back in winter. He had been turned, thinking he would be saving the Rooks.
He did the opposite.
It was because of him that everything fell apart.

As the Rogers brothers drove off, Tony felt his entire world crashing down around him.
He made the wrong choice, and paid dearly for it. He was now alone in this city, with nobody left to turn to.
In a moment of defeat, he felt broken. He'd lost.


He walked inside the store, and bought as much alcohol as he could carry.
He drove home, and locked the door to his condo behind him.
He went through his closet, and threw every Rook uniform he had in a box, and shoved them away underneath the bathroom sink.
Staring at himself in the mirror, all Tony could feel was despair.



Digging through his stash, he pulled out a bag of cocaine
Cutting a line of it on the living room table, he stared at it, and the bottles of alcohol he'd just bought.
Everything he’d worked for was gone. All of his friends, all of his family, all of them gone.
False pretenses and beliefs aside, there was no avoiding the truth.
Tony Rizzo was a traitor.

He hit the line, and it all went black.


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Family Divided
Jerzy arrived in town after a trip up north to look at some property. It was a relaxing trip.He turned his phone on and it immediately started buzzing with text and incoming calls. Answering the call , it's Dmitri, "Rex and Tyler have been taken hostage by the Triads".... instantly Jerzy knew , things were not going to end well. The Triads were demanding an insane amount of heavy weapons in exchange for their lives. What happens if we give in and then tomorrow they want more? With no right possible answer and no final say on the matter ,Jerzy went searching for where the Triads might be holding them. After searching for over an hour he found them sitting on Elgin Ave. Jerzy pulled up to find out how they escaped , as he did a Triad also pulled up on the other side of them "We won't be hitting you two" is what he said to them. This combined with the "don't worry about it" attitude he received from Rex and Tyler was concerning.
A meeting pursued , Dmitri, Rex, Tyler, Draven, Tony, Christian P. Randy, Marco, Ravyn, Lewis P. Were all there as well as Brandon Fitz, Al Romano and Gauge Michaels. It escalated quickly with Rex, Tyler, and Draven throwing their mask on the ground after demanding that Dmitri step down and let Gauge take over as the leader of the rooks. "It's the only way to end the war" ,was the claim they had made. A meeting was set for the following night to vote just like any other decision made involving the family. 
The Big Meet
Arriving at the meeting I could already tell tensions were high. Fingers being pointed, words flying, blame being placed. "Gauge needs to be the leader" is what Rex claimed. Gauge was removed from the family long ago for trying to stage a coup. A coup that led to bloodshed and loss in the family. "He is not a Rook, the leader should be a Rook". Was the ground that Dmitri stood and refused to budge from. That's what the vote came down to, a current Rook or Gauge. The vote was an even split, this just led to more arguing. Jerzy pulled Gauge off to the side to talk about a solution. We came back to the circle with the only solution that should have kept everyone content at least. Jerzy and Gauge would both Lead the family. 
Where to?
Jerzy and Gauge met to talk about short term plans as well as long term. We decided that Gauge would handle external affairs and Jerzy would handle internal. Things were ironing out straight away. 
The next day Tony Rizzo made contact with Dmitri to set up a meet. Dmitri showed up with a John Corsetti the second in command for the Ballas. Suddenly things went sideways and Tony had Rex, Tyler and Gauge pull up. In no time they had guns drawn on Dmitri, demanding him to hand over his cartel connections dead drop information and location, to them. They just didn't understand that the cartel wasn't gonna work with those they don't know. 
They successfully coaxed Dmitri into handing over the details of the drops and now they had what they wanted... or did they?
Was it all a ruse?
Rex soon found out that the information would be useless to them without Dmitri so he made his choice to leave the Rooks and run to join the Triads after they allegedly tortured Tyler while he was made to watch and that led to the family being hit by the council again. 
It also led to several others leaving the family to join the triads. 
Jerzy was contacted shortly after by Gauge and was told that he was stepping down since the Council decided to go back on there word and the war was continuing. 
Jerzy and Frankie went to meet with Triads to see what needed to be done.They arrived to find several familiar faces including Brandon Fitz, who just a day prior said he wanted to do his own thing awhile... They wanted us to exile Dmitri , not because he was a bad leader or person but simply because he had cartel connections and they didn't want us to have access to them.
"We want the Rooks gone",said a Traid spokesman 
Was that the plan? Destroy the family from the inside? Try and place Gauge in a position to run the Rooks so that the council in turn could run Gauge? 
Rex's final words were "Give it up Jerzy, you're not good enough to lead".
We'll see about that Rex, is exactly what Jerzy was thinking as he stood watching him drive away, Needless to say, Rex didn't know of Rooks plans to come...
Edited by Jerzy Mceden
Auto correct
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The next few days were a blur as Ravyn tried to wrap her head around everything going on. She began to just go through the motions of her daily routines, empty and lost. She took to the roads with nothing but a bike, her cards and her phone looking for him as well as some clarity. She would jump every time her phone would buzz and each time she saw anyone who resembled Dmitri. A month passed and still no word from him, she was beginning to lose hope for it all, ready to walk away from the family and leave town for good but something changed all that.  It was the one thing that made her stay, in hiding from everyone in safety...she was pregnant. 


Another month passed with no word of Dmitri and Ravyn kept her secret safe. She kept in contact with Jerzy and had random meetings on the status of the Rooks and how it has been hidden under the surface of the Void. Jack, Jerzy, Harley and Ravyn had meetings to be sure they did all they could to be sure the Rooks looked dead to everyone, including some members. They changed everything, colors, clothing, attitude and purpose on the outside while things were being handled beneath the surface through Dante. They were not going to let this go down in flames, regardless of it they heard from Dmitri or not at this point. Family is family and they were fighting to keep it alive. 



A short time later Ravyn had arrived in town and got a call from Jerzy to meet up. Thinking it was just another meeting in secret she gathered herself, climbed in her car and made her way to meet him. As she pulled up, something seemed off and as she got closer she saw him. Tears instantly filled her eyes as his face came into view, his smile had it hard to breathe. It took all she could to pull herself to her feet and walk towards him. He hugged her tight and kissed her as she clung to him, not wanting to let go. He explained what he had been up to and  how he had been in contact with Jerzy, Jack and Dante only due to he knew she was being watched and followed by those hoping she would lead them to him. He knew it was hard for her as well as him, but it was for everyone's safety and in order for all these plans to work out, it had to be that way. 

It took everything Ravyn had to not tell him their baby had been growing all this time, but after hearing all of this, she knew it had to be this way.  He began to explain his plans from there on out and how there would be no way to contact him and he would reach out to us when he needed to speak to them. He would be changing his name, appearance, everything to be absolutely certain the plans would play out. Unknown if and when she would hear from him again. They said their goodbyes as she hugged him tight, trying to remember every part of him as this would be the last time she would see the face she has grown to love.


The passing month consisted of plans, recruiting, choices and making more people believe the Rooks were no more. With Ravyn being second in command of the Void it kept her a little busy, but her focus wasn't there and she was beginning to be noticeably larger than normal as the months continued on. Knowing it was not safe to be out and about in the daytime or around those who would recognize her she began traveling out of town more often and staying away and having little contact with the high command as it was harder to hide her predicament. Jerzy seemed to be getting annoyed with her absence and she knew it was time to tell them the news as she was almost 8 months pregnant and she didn’t want things to go down hill and interfere with plans. She needed to show her face and be more present, and this was the only way this would happen. 

She called Jerzy when she landed in town and asked if they could meet up and talk. He was more than willing to meet up and discuss things and that set her at ease. Jerzy, Harley, Randy and a few new faces were present as well when she broke the news. It took a minute as they all looked at her with a bit of confusion and the obvious question came out….”Is it Dmitri’s?” Ravyn rolled her eyes and sighed as she confirmed it was his and explained that she didn’t tell him and had no way to tell him the news at all and hiding was the safest option for everyone. Catching up with them felt like home, she missed it, all of it. She explained how she would be available, but not in town as much until this was sorted and the baby could be protected. With everything going on in the city and the hecticness she could hear just driving to the location, she knew it was the right choice. She left again and told Jerzy she would be in contact once she landed in town again. 

A month passed and she kept her word but texting Jerzy to meet up. As she pulled up to the meeting place there was a man she didn't know there as well and Ravyn approached with caution. As she got closer she saw the masked man and could feel his eyes on her. She looked to Jerzy who stayed quiet other than saying “Hi Ravyn.” She clutched her growing stomach in concern as she responded “...Jerzy.” She never looked away at the man as she stood there wondering why they were meeting with whoever this was. Minutes of silence passed before the man began to lift his mask off and spoke. Ravyn’s heart stopped, she was speechless as the man spoke. She knew the voice, the tone but this man looked nothing like who that voice belonged to. So many thoughts ran through her mind in a short time and anger was what it landed on and she walked up to him and punched him in the face as hard as she could making him stumble backwards. “WHY HAVE I WAITED THIS LONG TO HEAR FROM YOU?!” She was angry and happy and confused all at the same time. 

Dmitri began to explain as he kept looking down at her belly. After he was done trying to apologize and explain he reached out to touch her stomach gently. “Is this mine?” he asked quietly. She nodded and smiled, “Eight and a half months. Just about ready to pop.”  “A lil D?” he chuckled softly as he smiled at her. “Yes.” she replied. They discussed the baby for a bit before getting back on track with business at hand. Jerzy rejoined them in their talks and Dmitri and Ravyn were filled in on things they had missed and things in the works. 

Things seemed to be more chaotic than she remembered. The Counsel was at war yet again, the city was in complete disarray it seemed. Not a thing seemed to change it seemed, it only moved from one group on to the next as we all predicted after they came after the Rooks.


When will they all learn who the enemy really was here?

When will everyone begin to see there is only one way out...




Edited by WillowRaven
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Harley Pavlovich


The Navy


Harley joined the Navy the second she got the chance when she was 16. She joined as an engineer apprentice and began to become more interested in working her way up the ranks to begin her career in Navy Command.

She grew her career into the Fleet for the Navy of a ship named ‘Liberty’ after 5 years of service.




After joining the Liberty, her career as a member of the Navy fleet took off, she started getting promotion after promotion from the Grand Admiral ‘Rabbit’, she became fascinated with title, status and the chain of command, she became very competitive with her colleagues.




After years of service, she worked her way up to Admiral and was working towards the rank of Grand Admiral. To her surprise when promotions came up in a debrief, her colleague ‘Kiwi’ was promoted to Grand Admiral instead of her. She was filled with jealousy, and anger while Kiwi became very aggressive with his new found power.




Whilst on route to a mission they were commissioned on by the UK Navy, Kiwi and Harley had an argument in the Barracks, an argument about who belongs in which rank which ended with no conclusion and bad blood left between the two. Kiwi with his new found power decided to invite Harley to the side of the ship to talk over their argument and come to a conclusion. Harley, naively accepted his invitation and met him on the side of the ship. Kiwi gestured for a handshake as she approached him. Harley went to accept the handshake when the next thing she knew, her arm was being pulled by Kiwi and she was being thrown overboard into the oceans of Los Santos. Kiwi ordered the ship to continue moving and to leave Harley overboard, assuming she would drown.




The closest land Harley could see was Los Santos, so she swam towards the city until she became too tired. She decided to conserve her energy and focused on staying alive. She leaned back and floated on her back, listening to the water, waiting for somebody to find her or the waves to wash her ashore.

What felt like years went by, but was probably around an hour, when finally a boat found Harley floating in the water. The boat had a russian family on board, they were the Pavlovich family. They offered Harley a hand and brought her back to land, to Los Santos. They brought her inside their home and offered her their home to stay inside while she became familiar with the city. This gesture really got to Harley. The Pavlovich family saved her life and offered her a place in their family, with nothing they are gaining from it. Because of this, Harley decided to change her surname to Pavlovich for her new life in Los Santos.


Los Santos + Rooks

Los Santos was a very scary place to Harley. She had never been outside of her small hometown as a civilian. After months of having nothing but guns pointed at her face and being robbed, she met a very interesting Ariadne Kouris. She was crying at Central MD. Harley decided to ask why Kouris was crying. They both became friends very quickly after an incident with a knife and a man named Stan. Kouris soon afterwards introduced Harley to The Rooks. This is the first organisation and family that she felt she belonged in since The Navy. Harley quickly applied, met Dmitri at a beach and became a Rook.



Family Divided

After years of being A Rook, Harley was informed about a meeting taking place at the docks of Los Santos. She was confused but went along with Ravyn, her new found closest friend. On the way to the dock, Harley and Ravyn discussed what the meeting was about. Her heart sank when she heard the words “They want Dmitri out”. Dmitri had been always there for Harley, a leadership role she looked up to and someone she depended on. The fact that her own family members would think something of the sort left her stomach turning on the way to the meeting.

The Meeting

Ravyn and Harley turned up to the Docks to see everyone she has ever called Brothers and Sisters stood in a circle shouting and arguing. Her eyes began to water as she braced for a difficult night.

The meeting went on for hours, everyone in the family had their piece to say. When Harley finally thought the arguments might be over, the name “Gauge Michaels” came up in conversation. Immediately Harley’s confusion and sadness turned into Anger and Hate. She felt like she had just been thrown overboard into the freezing cold oceans of Los Santos once again. Her body was completely covered with goosebumps, her nose began to run, her eyes started to tear up. She began to scream at the group “How could you!?” she asked the people who she thought she could trust. “Rex you know what this man has done to us before. I can’t go through this again!” she screamed as she started to show her emotions had gotten the best of her. She walked further away from the group and sat with Johnnie Everdeen, who was crying in the corner with her.


The meeting concluded hours after it began. The sun rose as everyone began to slowly get in their vehicles and drive away to cool down. Harley decided it was best for her to drive to her home and sleep it off.

She woke up the next day, she hopped on the radio with the little energy she had and asked how everyone was. She was delighted to hear Ravyn’s voice asking her to meet her somewhere so they could talk. Ravyn and Harley met in a secluded place and discussed how they think the Rooks will perform with Gauge Michaels running the show. Not to their surprise not a week went by before the Council started hitting Rooks once again. Harley didn’t have the energy to go through another broken state of The Rooks, she stayed in town and waited for Gauge and Jerzy to come back from a meeting with the Triads with what she hoped would be good news.


Gauge and Jerzy returned 20 minutes later. Harley’s heart sank when she heard “They want The Rooks gone”

As she had guessed, Gauge returning to the city to run The Rooks had not been successful, as she stated in the meeting. And just like that, her family fell apart around her. People who she called brothers and sisters were either killed, whether that was by others or themselves, or left to the Triads with the drop of a pin.

"The Void left in their hearts"

Harley hadn’t given up on her family though.

The broken family she saw around her gave her inspiration and the wake up call she needed to bring back the commanding officer she was back in The Navy. She used all the time and energy she had whilst in the city to meet with everyone she knew was still alive. Jerzy, Ravyn, Jack and Randy all met with the intention of keeping The Rooks alive. They decided to stay together and run an organisation while they figured out where Dmitri was. The Void that was left in all of their hearts, where The Rooks used to live, inspired the name of this organisation.

They decided they would run a Security business to keep their income stable and to keep the family alive and closeby.


Where Ghosts Live

A few weeks later, Harley was awoken by her phone buzzing beside her bed at 5AM. The phone number was unknown and she didn’t recognise it at all. Normally she would ignore these types of calls, but for some reason, she had a good feeling about this one.

 “Hello.” The person on the other side of the phone was a familiar voice. Her eyes immediately began to tear up as she sat up. “Dmitri!? You’re alive!” she said while trying to calm herself down. Dmitri replied bluntly: “I need to meet you. Make sure you’re not followed. I’ll see you where ghosts live”

Harley immediately got out of bed, dressed and got on her bike. She drove as fast as she could, avoiding a police officer who attempted to pull her over nearby. She pulled into the location and walked up to a man she didn’t recognise. “Hi Harley” he said as she walked faster towards him. “We’ve missed you so much” Harley said as she went to offer D a handshake. They both quickly got back to business conversation and discussed how they can continue to run The Rooks, as they always wanted when they were founded.


What's Next?

Harley and Dmitri met once a week to begin working on The Void’s place in the great plan for The Rooks. What continues is their plan:

The Void Security is and has always been a legal front group of The Rooks, publicly being led by Jerzy Mceden, Randy Berkowitz, Ravyn Leroy and Harley Pavlovich.

The Rooks have gone into hiding and have fully transitioned into the weapon smuggling business. The public face of The Rooks is Dante Kalashnikov while Dmitri has changed his name and appearance and is pulling the strings from the background.

With the dream market operating once more it’s safe to say the city will be feeling the presence of The Rooks much more. As an illegal empire attempting to operate in the shadows, The Rooks’ impact on the city is going to be less social and much more economical as we aim to fulfill our genre to stay away from ‘Street Gangs’ and pursue a different approach to crime, like The Rooks was founded to be.



No information or knowledge gained from this thread should be used IC. Anyone seen using this information ICly will be Metagaming.

Edited by Harley
People metagaming and using this thread's info ICly to think Void members are Rooks.
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Picking Up The Pieces


Rooks are dead. These words echoed across every corner of the city, a once powerful syndicate reduced to rubble by a failed mutiny. Jimmy was uncertain of what the future would hold for what was left of the family. He knew he would have a place in the Void, but after months of endless violence and death he needed to take a step back and clear his head. “How can I truly thrive in this city and become powerful enough that I will never again have to witness those I love suffer?” he thought. He swore not to take the easy way out and join up with those he once called enemies, unlike some of his former brothers.


After receiving a phone call from Frankie Valalero, he was told of Frankie’s plans of putting together a crew in the city that was solely focused on making money and he agreed to help. Putting all the bullshit and politics aside and focusing on the one thing that makes the world go round sounded like a great idea at first, however problems soon arose and they were back to their old ways, ensnared in the violence they tried to put behind them.


Jimmy and Frankie called a meet and proposed a business transition that would prove essential to their survival. After an overhaul of the organization the Los Santos Workers Union was born, a legal workers Union providing much needed services to the working class. LSWU quickly grew its membership base and Jimmy was tied to the desk, processing applications and pushing papers, he was in a completely different realm. He liked doing meaningful work and helping the civilians of Los Santos rather than harming them, but something was missing.


Jimmy had limited contact with his old family, most of whom were dead or on the run. So it was much to his surprise when Frankie informed him that he had been contacted by an old friend and that they were to meet at an anonymous location. The meeting was straight to the point with no time to mourn our fallen brothers and sisters, big things were in the works and there was no margin for error. LSWU had been set up as a perfect cover organization were this day to come, and it had, we were back in business.


Jimmy and Frankie grew up in the same city, different boroughs. They both shared similar values and a mutual understanding of the life, but most importantly they knew how to operate under the radar. Jimmy and Frankie's undying loyalty to The Rooks was recognized, and they were given an important task, continue to build up Los Santos Workers Union while trafficking weapons & contraband secretly for The Rooks, simultaneously maintaining the illusion that The Rooks are defunct. Thus, a meeting was called between the inner circle of the Union and the path was clear, they would move into arms dealing while maintaining the LSWU as a fully functioning legal organization, keeping the two businesses separate yet intertwined at the core.



No information or knowledge gained from this thread should be used IC. Anyone seen using this information ICly will be Metagaming.

Edited by Jimmy Irish
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Harley's Birthday Bash

The night before her birthday, Harley met Dimitri at [REDACTED]. They discussed business and what they plan on doing in the near future. After their conversation, Harley mentioned to D that she would be having a Birthday Party the night afterwards. "I assume you won't be there" she said to him, laughing. "I'll be around somewhere, don't worry. Happy Birthday Harley" D replied with a smile on his face. They shared a handshake and ended their meeting.

May 10th 2020: It was Harley's Birthday, everyone together decided to get together and throw Harley a birthday party on Vespucci Beach.

Everyone Harley considered to be family showed up at some point during the night, even some people she hadn't seen in years. With a trunk full of alcohol and gifts exchanged, everyone together decided to take a break from their daily duties, cool down and just chill together for a bit.

The party lasted a while, people drank a lot, danced and showed off their most impressive vehicles and merchandise and just had a good time.

When the party came to an end slowly, Harley stood near the shore and looked over at the group of her family. A single tear dropped from her eye and a smile grew on her face. Her family being together once again without a care in the world. Just enjoying each other's company took her back to simpler times, back when they could ignore politics and just sit back inside a garage and listen to Frankie play guitar and sing 'Wonderwall'.


She turned around and faced the ocean. She wanted the sun set and saw a small silhouette standing on the pier far away. She couldn't recognise the face of the man but she had a good feeling. She smiles at the sight of the man, raised her drink slightly to signify 'Cheers' and downed her drink to finish off the night. "Here's to us D" she said quietly to herself.


Harley moved from the beach and went back to business.



No information or knowledge gained from this thread should be used IC. Anyone seen using this information ICly will be Metagaming.

Edited by Harley
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