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Zac Oxx

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Everything posted by Zac Oxx

  1. In the middle of a shootout, my friend was in need of ammo, and that lead to his death as he couldn't loot ammo, I had that happen as well , when i was looting off a shotgun from an injured enemy gang member, Wanted to get them arrested for the .50 so I had to RP taking everything off of him but the empty .50 which took some time, but It aided me in the shootout, because i got some with the stolen Shotgun, Needs to be fixed Urgently Also, this can lead into, that if an ally is looting you, you instantly put it back into the inventory, but for an enemy you just keep it on you, and waste their time, leading it a different scenario, that could happen
  2. -1 Feel like this change is not really needed, as there is plenty of drags, If you watch most of the Crimp Fights that involve council and some other old group, its mostly drags kamachos/novaks or komodas
  3. Eyyy, I was there, but dead Great interactions with yall
  4. +1, But i feel that, the group chats could be made a bit customizable, by saying that i mean, that like in "messager" the owner of the chat could add nick names to the people which would make it a lot harder for rival gangs or people to find out who you are rolling with, Because otherwise, if you get killed by a rival gang member, and he takes pictures of your phones group chat, he could find out all names involved in the gang and numbers which would fuck it up for the rest of them, if he cant find names, he has to go through a more rp process of finding numbers, through other people that you might speculate is involved which would lead to some good RP in my eyes
  5. Insane video, best of luck
  6. Zac Oxx


    Good Luck, Hope yall will have the forum activity that WCA had
  7. Zac Oxx


    Saw, promising fashion photos , best of luck
  8. Hey, This might be a doozy one, but might also improve racing and chases So, for racing if anyone has seen some ***** clips , I want to suggest having a command to set up races like over there. The problem right now is that racing is pretty stale the same tracks over and over, It's also in places that PD never go to so it does not have that risky factor in it which should be there in Street Racing,My fix for this would be making a command like this "/startrace 4(4 PEOPLE CAN JOIN) 1000(The Buy-in)" everyone would lineup and a race would be started in a couple of minutes , the tracks would be random it would put down a marker anywhere on the map, the issue could be speed cameras for this , but like having races through the city would be fun, because pd could see the race and start a chase on the 4 suspect vehicles it would bring in some need for speed vibes into the server , and u would not be able to scam people and not give payouts in racing, every race would be with a random destination , there would be a normal gps marker on the map to show the road and the more talented people would still know all of the shortcuts towards that destination , when the race starts , it would also show up in the chat that the destination is for example High End and some people would know faster ways over there so they dont have to strictly follow the gps, Thoughts ?
  9. Zac Oxx

    Phone Overhaul

    Yes, totally agreed
  10. Zac Oxx

    Phone Overhaul

    +1 Ic twitter rip off would be nice aswell, people shit posting some shit would be really funny icly, could bring more rp aswell like "if i roll a dice and land it on a bigger number then yours u have to tweet something out", also crim rp would be better aswell, like in wars when u kidnap someone u could force them to tweet something out to everyone icly and stuff like that would be nice i guess, thoughts ?
  11. Had a Blast watching yall clips of shootouts , and a blast reading through the 32 pages of story , haha
  12. A small tease of what we have to offer
  13. That's some good shit
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