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Everything posted by Aldarine

  1. Nicole Crawford 2 Tickets Leah Lennox 1 Ticket
  2. Thread has been archived upon request. Please message a member of Faction Management should you wish for the thread to be unarchived.
  3. After reading this over and a few responses, I wanted to just post a few of my thoughts that have gathered over time being in the server and speaking to many people. Please note that this is an opinion to promote conversation and is not intended to promote any negative feelings - at the end of the day we're all here to have a good time! 1. Joint Frequencies Joint frequencies are not a bad thing - if they are done for the right reasons. There is a very big difference between joining on a joint frequency for the purpose of relations and business such as helping one another rob banks/stores or are simply having a bonding experience between members and going on a joint frequency to hit labs and engage in conflict. The former is appropriate, the latter not so much. The latter should not be seen and is truly what is the most disruptive. These forms of joint frequencies only serve to promote absurdly large scale conflicts and these 60 v 60 shootouts that have unfortunately grown far too common. It is important to also find a mix between being on a joint frequency and a solo frequency. Internal relations for your own organization are just as important as external relations and while activities with others are rewarding and can bring about fun times, a private frequency should always be primary meanwhile a joint can be a secondary to go on and see if there are needs, transactions that need to be made or again, planning a group activity. 2. Alliances Alliances, in my personal opinion, do not function the way they should at all and the way they are presented in game give a bad perception of the term and relation. It makes very little sense to go up in arms and fight a battle that is not yours due to being in an alliance. The way these realistically work is, as mentioned before, through utilization of soft power. It is perfectly feasible to be in an alliance with 1, 2, 3+ other organizations for the purpose of different things all of which are mutually beneficial without amassing numbers for a firefight. Truthfully, alliances that are created and fight together show very little regard for their lives and it can be argued that the fact that you respawn at MD makes this something that's just a piece of dust on the ground. Truthfully, how much sense does it make to ride around hunting/targeting people with your allies in multiple other organizations because 1 organization did something to 1 organization. What logical sense does it make to then get a gun and risk your life when you have never been targeted nor any foul acts have been done against you? Why would I send my organization out to potentially be killed when no transgressions have been made against us but instead have been made against our allies? I really wouldn't and I don't believe people should. Consideration for life is something that people should take seriously and if there was more of a thought on that, I believe that alliances would start to move in the direction that makes a lot more sense. 3. Dominance Mindset I have worked with a considerable number of gangs on this server, both past and present, as well as with the smaller criminal trying to build themselves up. Please note that this statement is not meant to offend anybody, but the dominance mindset needs to stop. San Andreas is a very large state with multiple counties and a wide variety of neighborhoods that are completely open and prime areas to grow influence. However, instead of viewing our roleplay environment on a large scale as it should, organizations have the tendency to have this desire to assert dominance over ECRP - they want to be the biggest and baddest organization on the server. I apologize but this is a poor mindset and one that we should look to pull away from. Neighborhoods exist, turfs exist and these should be used to promote your dominance in a realistic area of influence. Why would an organization that operates out of Grapeseed want anything to do with an organization on Grove Street? Why would a German organization that focuses on prostitution and operates primarily in Mirror Park continuously scout out an Asian organization that focuses on drug trade and operates in Little Seoul? These examples don't make sense and really if you think about it one of the biggest factors that contribute to odd actions like this is the mindset of wanting to be at the top. I truly believe we are all adults here and when we roleplay our characters in these organizations we need to do much better about understanding that a state has more than enough room for a considerable number of factions. There is no reason that smaller gangs are practically forced to disband due to not having numbers or because they have no choice but to submit to somebody who is quite literally never in their area of influence and wants it simply because others have it. 4. Larger Server Impact It has been stated time and time again that there are more than criminal roleplayers on this server - we have taxi drivers, mechanics, law enforcement, medics, normal civilians, etc. When players of the criminal variety group up and have these absurdly large interactions, it is quite fair to say that the server pauses. Law enforcement responds and have to deal with securing a scene, organizing the people involved and arresting all those appropriate, medics have to disregard every incoming 911 call to attend to the scene and treat/transport multiple injured, mechanics may be called to assist in towing vehicles out of a scene, taxi drivers may be called to transport the countless people who respawn at a hospital, the new player that fell off their bmx bike or had a car accident is left to die on the side of the road, the average civilian that got their vehicle stolen has no law enforcement to report it to and has to suffer their car being chopped along with a Mors fee to pay. 5. Space To Breathe Gang on gang conflict is not the end all be all in the server and I would hope that the criminal community would come to terms with that. There are so many things to do outside of shooting one another or constantly hunting/pestering each other. We are here in a roleplay community and should strive to roleplay. I have witnessed many factions disband or speak of being on the brink of disbanding due to not getting an opportunity to do their roleplay. I have heard many non criminal players speak of wanting to log of due to the impact. Everybody in this community needs to learn when things have to settle and when to focus on themselves and their organizations.
  4. I would say that the text color being different is enough and don't truly see how much a sound would benefit considering that there are multiple sounds that can happen during normal roleplay such as ambient sounds, voip and radio. It would be nice, however, to have a notification pop up from time to time or permanently that they have a report filed and to cancel should they no longer need assistance.
  5. Lealtà | Parte 1 | Opportunità Bussa Loyalty | Part 1 | Opportunity Knocks Flashing a smile to the parking attendant and offering him a quick wave, Leah Lennox approached her Kamacho and immediately felt unease as a shiver ran down her spine. Glancing around, she entered the vehicle and her eyes darted to the right, noting that the glove compartment had a small slip of paper jutting out from the top of it. As she looked around, scanning the area for a moment, she started the ignition, placed the vehicle in drive and repositioned to the back of the parking lot before snatching the paper. A single word followed by a lone letter provided just enough reassurance for Leah to let go of a slow breath and sink into her seat. Pulling her phone out from her pocket, she tapped on the screen, dialing a few numbers from memory. What is it now Nino? Rolling her eyes, she muttered under her breath and raised the phone to her ear, hearing the familiar ringing before a booming voice sounded on the other end. As the conversation dragged on, Leah uttered very little and opted to give the occasional off handed mhm until one comment struck her with interest. Pacing back and forth outside the Kamacho, she drowned out bits and pieces of the conversation as the sound of the snow crunching softly beneath her boots lingered in her ears. “We need to ship this equipment and San Andreas would be the perfect location.” Cupping her hands around the phone even though already out of earshot for others, she quietly asked for more details of what was being presented to her. Knowing Nino, she settled in for a treat. “Whispers are starting to come up around the warehouse. All of the equipment and paper is there and we need to get it out sooner rather than later. We’ll take a hard hit if we can’t keep printing. Paul told me about you and Jace and his blessing for extension so here is your first job.” Back in Italy tucked away in the city of Genoa the family owned three warehouses, each dedicated to a specific purpose. The first of the three was registered as a front of a packing and shipping company, regularly open to the public during normal business hours. The second warehouse served as a storage center, front facing with simple storage and back end serving as a quiet product holding/movement area. The third and most notable for now had a line of offices and a hallway that led to a keypad locked area. Behind the keypad were industrial printers, mountains of paper and countless stacks of freshly printed money, wrapped in bundles sitting atop wooden pallets. The printing center was home to the production of millions of dollars that was distributed to loan sharks on a regular basis. Leah knew from her previous work with the mafia that declining a job was never an option and she needed to figure it out. Being the leader of the Contratti Sector within La Nostra Famiglia it was her duty to organize and see through every offer of contracted work. There was no such thing as a job too big, too small or unachievable - not when it fell into the lap of Ms. Lennox. Having no location to store and utilize the equipment, she needed to get to work. Recognizing not only the desire but the need to prove their worth to everybody back home, a simple sentence was uttered as Leah stepped back into her vehicle. The determination was evident in her words - years of making ends meet when the odds were against her ensuring her this was the best decision. "I'll handle it, wait for my call." Who would have known the opportunity to proceed was going to knock at her door? More specifically in the form of a text from the lovely Lola DeValera. To Be Continued....
  6. Loyalty is rare ~ if you find it keep it To Be Continued...
  7. @CalvinKlein - As this is a suggestion thread and not a discussion thread I would also advise you to be more specific in regards to what you are very clearly suggesting for server implementation. I will also suggest you take a look at other suggestions in different subsections and providing support there.
  8. @Solomun - As has been stated to factions that have handlers, they are free to bring up any and all concerns to their handler team to then be discussed among Faction Management and fellow staff in escalating discussions should it be needed. Speaking for myself, not a single faction I manage has come to me or their team with topics of discussion or concern about Faction Management. Should you be in a faction with handlers I highly encourage you to bring up concerns with your High Command to then speak to handlers. That is the proper way to go about further discussion and potential changes within FM.
  9. It has been stated in the past that Faction Management is a reactionary group. We speak to the factions we handle, hear questions/concerns, provide feedback and try to maintain communication and understanding. Faction Management in whole is not individual members of staff who just do as they please. There are internal discussions as a team where topics that have been presented are discussed, matters investigated, etc. and senior members of staff do also give their thoughts/concerns as well - this includes Head Administrators. As FM, we handle all player made factions in efforts to assist in maintaining standards expressed and decided upon following multiple meetings with various groups. I would highly recommend gaining more insight into how Faction Management actually functions prior to making surface claims and suggestions regarding this specific group of staff.
  10. Aldarine

    More Blood

    Thread locked and archived. Please reach out to a member of Faction Management if you wish for the thread to be unarchived.
  11. Mike! So proud of you for starting this. Really excited to see where it goes!
  12. If you want to continue commenting on this thread please reference the original post and comment solely on your thoughts for this RULE SUGGESTION. Failure to do so will result in posts being removed and the thread potentially locked. Please stay on topic and cease the back and forth PD vs Criminal banter that gets us nowhere - either stick to specific thoughts on the Non-RP suggestion or refrain from commenting. Thank you in advance.
  13. +1 Overall For quite some time I have wanted to see car thefts become something a bit more engaging and all around difficult to be honest. I find it fairly unrealistic that just a simple bobby pin is all that is needed to get in and start a vehicle. There simply needs to be more to it which I think hotwiring can assist with. Along with this, upgradable security is a nice thing to consider as well although I would rather this not require assistance from official factions (decoder). In addition I would like to suggest perhaps having to maintain said security for your vehicle as opposed to a one time modification payment which would not only provide a money sink but also promote continuous/regular traffic for mechanic shops and push people to further value their vehicles. Finally, I would highly advocate for some type of repair kit. There are a lot of vehicles that get abandoned when they stall/run out of gas and time/resources get wasted trying to snag these only to find out they cannot move. Repair kits shouldn't allow the vehicle to move very far or for very long so it would still require thought on when it is beneficial to use them on an abandoned vehicle. Just some rambling food for thought here after thinking about this for a long time. Very good suggestion OP!
  14. +1 To all vehicles having this capability and introducing hotwiring as a part of vehicle theft
  15. The wait times and restrictions regarding gun licenses is not an OOC matter - this is something handled IC. In regards to the ability to conceal a firearm, that is a game suggestion and I implore you to look at the linked suggestion above and comment your thoughts there.
  16. Aldarine

    Asian Boyz

    Faction threads are not meant for this back and forth banter. Please keep your commentary on this thread to constructive criticism. Failure to do so can and will result in forum reprimands and potential muting. Thank you all!
  17. While I do agree that some adjustments could be made to current static labs I am also not blind to the complaints or the general lack of perception to what was actually going on in the server prior to these updates. On a fairly consistent basis there were complaints regarding people calling 911 on a drug lab when never even being on the premises and the lab subsequently going inactive for a considerable amount of time or the continuous "person X is metagaming X lab and driving around - doesn't X faction have rules against this?" Along with this, there is absolutely nothing, and I truly mean nothing, stopping any gang/criminal organization from interacting with each other without the use of static labs. To think that static labs was a main contributor to roleplay between criminals is simply false for the most part. In the past you would see the exact same criminal factions holding down a lab for hours/days and get the occasional passerby asking "who has this lab?" If it was an ally, cool, they may stop by and chit chat or listen to music. If it wasn't then there may be hostilities. Now, I am not negating that there was social interaction within these labs as I have personally had dance parties on the LSD roof myself, but to make it seem like static labs were akin to the epitome of roleplay interactions is just not true as this suggestion makes it seem. Ultimately we are in a roleplay server and all players should look to properly roleplay with one another and not solely rely on scripted means to partake in such things. These so called "declines" in criminal roleplay are not due to script adjustments but are reliant on the player base. As of right now, nothing is stopping people from going to labs as groups, holding them down, cooking and having good roleplay interactions among themselves or others who roll on past - my own faction already successfully does such. Again, as stated previously, I do believe adjustments overall can be made and these have been mentioned in prior posts while I implore all posters to search for an add their own contributions to for more exposure and potential implementation.
  18. This is already a thing that gets reported as well as has been ruled on by the Administrative team in many different reports. Simply because it is not written separately doesn't mean it's not a rule. We do not need a drawn out rule that states don't abuse the rules - abusing the rules already falls under acting unrealistically. Also be mindful of the fact that the first bullet point of our Non-Roleplay rules states the following: Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor quality roleplay are considered as non-roleplay.
  19. -1 I feel that the time to get your vehicle back from Mors is fairly adequate especially combined with the fact that vehicles despawn 2 hours following the player logging off which decreases the risk of a vehicle being sent to Mors in the first place (I have personally gone "hunting" for vehicles to chop and there were very few available due to the despawn). Players should be mindful of their vehicles and keep them in safe locations/parked and suffer actual consequence to not protecting their assets. Along with this, having multiple vehicles to swap between is very common and people do this all the time when their cars are chopped or impounded.
  20. As much as I see how this would be overall beneficial to people who want to be around moving, I find it highly unrealistic to be able to self treat multiple stab wounds, hatchet wounds, etc. to the extent of being able to walk around and use pills to extend your time being in a "normal" state. If somebody gets stabbed a considerable amount of times, they wouldn't get very far and moving would ultimately make them bleed out faster. Painkillers shouldn't be seen as something life prolonging, they just numb the pain but don't realistically stop you from potentially dying. Ultimately I am not sure where the middle ground for this would be to be quite frank, just thought I would share tid bits that would relate to this suggestion.
  21. Meeting The Vatos Even with prior connections meeting people through the years it’s always common courtesy to reach out and reacquaint. It helps to have friends and when common interests align it’s good to have people you can work with. Keeping this in mind, Leah mentioned reacquainting with Aztecas to Jace especially in light of some new goals she had in mind. Following a few back and forth texts, 2 meetings were set up, one private, one meet and greet. To begin, a private meeting with a very important woman was on the agenda. Multiple matters needed to be addressed - one being people, another being familial affairs, and the last being REDACTED. Going off without a hitch, all sides walked out of the meeting with positive thoughts and potential plans for future relations. [Discussion regarding REDACTED and the potential for working together] When you find one Azteca, there are surely more to follow. Simply meeting with one would never be enough and being two who believe in proper communication, Leah and Jace were very eager to meet with more people and take proper steps for formal introductions. Expanding on the meeting, in depth details were discussed and multiple numbers exchanged. A weight was quickly lifted off of Leah's shoulders when laughter filled the room. Even with relation talks, it was always good to know you could kick back and enjoy a moment of light talks. Now, it was just time for people to start meeting one another. [Establishing proper relations with a few laughs here and there] [Small yet formal meet and greet to start building lifelong bonds founded on trust and respect] The meetings were short but beneficial and this truly felt like a step in the right direction. Truthfully, only time will tell how everything shapes out but in the meantime, it was a job well done. Now, time to scroll through contacts and on to the next...
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