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Everything posted by Aldarine

  1. As a member of the Event Team I have to -1 this suggestion as it stands. Yes I do completely understand the desire to want more to do especially with the number of players presently in the server but designing stuff and getting it implemented as well as organizing an event takes a lot of OOC time plus the Staff Team as a whole is fairly busy right now with the large influx of players. I highly suggest you attempt to organize events ICly to keep things new, exciting and fresh. Fun times await from things the Event Team is planning but please do remember that we are players just like you as well as humans who are dealing with the pandemic and our own health and safety as well.
  2. It has already been stated that something is being worked on, multiple times by multiple people. Just because you are not privy to the details doesn't mean it's not happening. Developers have their own plans and projects they are working on and will release information when they deem it to be appropriate. It can be frustrating to be patient, that's understandable, but the intent is never to deprive of fun. The process is long and we simply ask that you continue to remain patient.
  3. Yes, I am aware that these proposals take time to look at - I'm actually in the process of filtering through and working on proposals myself. It's not a fast process by any means and it shouldn't be. Proposals require work, dedication, commitment, and follow up. Factions have resources (Faction Management Team) to lean on for things like this but they are very very possible to get approved and accomplished.
  4. They can already type up proposals as I've said before and submit them for consideration as alternative roleplay. It's just a matter of people putting in the effort and preparation required to attempt this.
  5. I am specifically referring event wise so context is important here. This ties directly into server events for criminals, server events for civilians, and server events for the entire community.
  6. Absolutely not at all. You are able to create proposals that have proper risk / reward ratios and see if they will be approved, modified, etc. For weekly/biweekly events something like this doesn't really make sense. For occasional well written scenarios that promote good roleplay and commitment, different things can be considered but for "Every x day of the week there would be a new sort of weekly event for all sort of criminals to participate in" that's a no go from me
  7. This is where alternative roleplay proposals comes into play, more than I believe you see it right now. 1. Just considering the gun shipment alone. San Andreas is a police state where the criminal to civilian population ratio is quite absurd. There are multiple incredibly well known gangs that have solid footing in the state. Now, realistically speaking, what narrow minded idiotic should be fired from their job person would drive a cargo truck full of guns through such a state without a MASSIVE police force, and I'm talking literally all of our LEOs? This is with the historical and crime rate knowledge of the state as a whole. This just wouldn't make sense and then for something like this to be part of an event - okay how many times would this crazy person drive through the state before they got the idea that hey, maybe after losing thousands of dollars in weaponry we shouldn't do this again? 2. This is a suggestion for something that would provide opportunity SPECIFICALLY to criminals with no normal legal civilian being offered the same opportunity to have an event like this that could give them a massive prize. That is what creates the divide. 3. As mentioned in point 1, consider how many different types of events you can have before it doesn't even make RP sense anymore. How many cargo shipments before people realize the idea is asinine? How many raids of Humane Labs until they RPly put electric fences around the perimeter to keep people out and maintain heavier security? Again, this is where alternative roleplay proposals are your friend because they are uncommon events that take time, effort, consideration, and a good group of people to put together and can be incredibly rewarding.
  8. So you want: 1. Prizes spawned out of thin air 2. A larger divide between civilian activities and criminal activities 3. Criminals to still be eligible to participate in server wide events where they can win a sponsored prize with absolutely zero cost to them Sorry I cannot get behind that. I'm all for working with people as a member of the Faction Management Team to write out some really great alternative roleplay proposals and kick butt trying to get that approved, but this, apologies, is a -1 from me in it's current suggested state.
  9. At any point in time you may draft up a well written proposal for alternative roleplay to be reviewed and forwarded on for potential approval of things like this. The events you see held on the server every 2 weeks are for all players regardless of affiliation and be it criminal or legal. These events are put together by the Event Team which I am a part of and a lot of time and dedication goes into this to provide something fun for everybody, with a prize that is available to all which is sponsored (as opposed to this suggestion which will just be weekly spawning of a reward out of thin air). Shall we forbid criminals from attending server wide events for something like this? Along with that, advertising an event like this would be impossible due to legality. Finally, "events" for criminals is something that has been mentioned before - completely different from a system like this - and has not gone by the wayside.
  10. Aldarine


    See I don't believe there is as much anonymity as one would like to think again due to proximity requirement for rating. I'm not an advocate for anything that can promote negative feelings or potential trolling (ie: knowing that a player can see they got a negative rating and just doing it because you know they will see). I don't believe this kind of player interaction on an OOC level is necessary. I like the system the way it is now and there is nothing presently preventing you from asking in OOC chat who rated you after you receive the popup.
  11. +1 I would like to see differences between stores and what is available. This can contribute to increased immersion as well as promote more travel to different places by players.
  12. Aldarine


    -1 Ratings can only be done when in proximity to another player and because of this if you were to get a negative pop up you can deduce who made it or what situation it was regarding. The unknown aspect of ratings keeps things fairly neutral which I believe should remain the case. I understand the desire for more disclosure but ultimately I think it could promote unnecessary negative feelings.
  13. That lady with the tommy gun looks like a badass
  14. @DimaDan - I know you stated that would be your last reply but I still feel it in my heart to respond no matter what. From the absolute bottom of my heart I am sorry that you feel discouraged in any capacity and have a bitter taste. I cannot speak for any other staff member as we all have different commitments and different areas of the forum we spend lots of time on. Ever since I joined ECRP, this section of the forums has been my little home. For as long as I've been commenting on this thread in particular, I've actually been at work (I do not actually condone this! Pay attention at work please! Do not be me and procrastinate!) I don't think it really has anything to do with getting blamed or anything of the sort - some people just may not have much to say about the topic that hasn't been said, may be misguided from the title, may not want the (sadly all too common) criminal vs leo back and forth that occurs, etc. I myself roleplay as a civilian with jobs in 2 factions being DOC and GOV and prior to this I was in MD so I think I'm in a nice position where I can have this sense of neutrality and that further promotes my engagement on threads like this. I also have an intended criminal alternate character already made (soon to be 2) that is presently benched for multiple OOC reasons and I hope one day to bring her to life. However, as mentioned before, that is just my personal promotion for engagement and all other staff may have sights set somewhere else or are otherwise engaged. In one way or another, every single staff member cares. It is an absolute honor to be part of a team that puts in time, effort, and energy to helping and providing where we can. It can be the simple things like letting somebody know how to unlock a car or big things like finding those who intentionally break rules and also giving second changes, but we all try to do our part for you. You may not always get to see it on the forums and in game but we all work hard and we wouldn't be in our positions without having that motivation. We care, more than you can imagine, and I, personally, have made it a goal of mine to make sure that players are very well aware that I do - again, my own personal decision but I can confidently say that no member of the staff team would be there if they didn't have a heart for the players. I actually think that picture is a brand new one and not the same that was posted before, however, I could be wrong. I believe the earlier image posted was just of a table to begin cooking and then this one showed a completed product. It's hard to say what else has been scripted to make that image even possible but I like to hold in my heart that it shows efforts to promote more and I hope that maybe not now, but one day, you can see it from that perspective as well. I don't want anyone to feel offended, experience discomfort or distaste. At the end of the day I want us to have enjoyment when we log in - that's my overall goal and hope for every member. Instead of viewing the post as a tease, view is as a step in the right direction, the direction that will potentially provide you with more. View it as acknowledgment of your concerns as a member of the criminal player base. Our perspective can change a lot, although I know that it's not always easy getting there. There is not a single player that I feel ill will towards and every single complaint, criticism, suggestion, etc. be it mean spirited or kind, private or public, I look at with fresh eyes and no malice. Throughout this conversation I have enjoyed engaging and communicating with you and it's through conversation like this that we can provide so much for our community. Please do not ever think that I look down on your or anybody else or view you as a joke because that is far from the truth. I look to you all to help create this place we all escape to for whatever reason we chose. It's you all that make this place worth it and from the bottom of my heart I will always be thankful and will do my best to support and advocate in every way that I can.
  15. It has been teased multiple times with random photos in the ECRP Discord and conversation surrounding it. Also, development takes time so who knows how long it took to get to that part? The fact that something is being posted should give people the assurance that this group of players is not simply forgotten and discarded. It's hope for something to come which is never a bad thing.
  16. @DetectiveStone - Your reply didn't have me tagged and I believed it to be in direct response to what somebody else said. Please do not make the assumption that I did not care as I think it's very clear from my continued responses and involvement that I do care about every player within this server and their enjoyment. That being said, you reported the incident to your handlers as you should and they are more than capable of taking it from there. I apologize that your attempt at more involved roleplay went astray but to try to nail the hammer into the staff team and assuming we don't care and don't here you is severely misguided. Also, not sure if you missed the edited portion of my post but I would highly suggest you keep an eye on the development channel in the ECRP Discord. This criminal player base is not forgotten or heard and things are actively being worked on.
  17. @DetectiveStone - This post in its entirety seems to be more of a discussion posting to promote more discussion as opposed to a fleshed out suggestion where members of the community can provide +1/-1 and further expansion on a specific suggestion. I am more than happy to relocate this - no need to close it as I do agree and promote conversation between all members of the community, staff included, which is why I have been actively on this thread giving a different perspective and providing answers where able. Also I highly advise keeping tabs on the development channel in the Discord. You can see that the criminal players have not been forgotten and I hope this gives you hope for what is to come.
  18. @DetectiveStone - As you are the original poster of this "suggestion" I will point my question to you - where is the actual suggestion here as this seems to be a discussion post as well as the fact that your title is misleading and doesn't really define a suggestion. This is the game suggestion part of the forum and reading through everything and going through all the responses I've made, there is no real specific suggestion being made and the question at the end of your initial post has been answered.
  19. @DimaDan - I can empathize with the frustration, trust me I can and if I could provide you with script support I would. I implore you to take this time to look at fun in a different perspective than what you are typically used to. Look for more in-depth roleplay opportunities or put in some behind the scenes work to creating an amazing scenario. Fun shouldn't solely rely on script support and weapons. Now, speaking to crime update when, that is unknown as development takes time and what, that is undisclosed information and can only be provided by very specific people when they deem it right. I ask that you don't get offended by my stating 'just having fun' because yet again, there is absolutely nothing I can do script wise for you. In my capacity as staff I'm actively working on alternate avenues of fun for members of the community. I spend hours a day editing roleplay proposals, planning events, fixing tires in game (I swear I answer about 50 tire reports a day), etc. Do not think we are sitting idly by doing nothing - there is only so much we can do. If anything, I spend more time trying to make sure the community as a whole is having as much uninterrupted fun as possible than focusing on my own roleplay. @Tomvd682 - Content comes with time and it's not something that happens simply over a day, week, or even month. It can be agonizing but patience is key.
  20. @DimaDan - You are welcome to have all the fun you want within the server, nobody is stopping you and telling you that you can't have fun within your current capacities. Again the market being down is an IC situation which every player at one point has most likely encountered an IC situation that they have to learn to work around. When staff are flying in planes it's OOC and being LEOs has nothing to do with it - we're staff and this is the same when we spend hours and hours of time testing things and planning events to give the community some fun. Would you like for us to stop planning and organizing events and fun things within our power because there has been no criminal update? There is also nothing development side that any of us can do for a criminal update - we're not the coders in the server who can script something to provide you with more.
  21. @DimaDan - The development team, who are the only ones that can provide a criminal update, are completely separate and have no bearing on flying planes. I do not see the connection between the 2 in any way, shape, or form.
  22. People have been informed that this is an IC issue by staff members. There is nothing more that can be said about it on an OOC platform as we all know that would be metagaming. @mexicanwave - The laptop is IC. The market is IC. Saying anything about it OOCly ahead of time would be metagaming.
  23. This is not a bug - it's an IC issue.
  24. Hello there - Reading through this, I do not see an actual specific and fleshed out suggestion here, just a discussion. If you have a specific suggestion then feel free to edit your original post or request that this post be moved to discussion as that is more appropriate. That aside.... The TL;DR at the bottom asked the question of is anybody working on something for criminals. The answer to this has been stated time and time again by multiple people and the answer is yes. As far as specifics, those are private and everybody just needs to remain patient. Yes, it is frustrating waiting but that is just how the development process works. Illegal factions have been asked for development suggestions - this would have never occurred if nobody cared or wanted to work on something. You will get an update regarding a criminal update when staff are able to provide updates and this will, as always, be done in the ECRP Discord. Also, there are no new legal government factions coming to the server right now and SAAA is just a fun thing that some staff members, myself included, are doing and nothing more. The laptop is not bugged, your stock is gone and it's an IC issue. I'm not sure what more can be said here - I answered your question which again, has been answered many times. So please advise, where is the actual specific game suggestion here?
  25. Thank you for the clarification - your earlier response seemed you wanted this archived. Apologies for the miscommunication. That aside, I will be giving this suggestion a -1 considering that there should not be an NCZ where you are free to quite literally farm money into your account with no consequence.
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