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Everything posted by Msato

  1. +1 to poker tables being added, I know myself that I'd buy one the second it's put in. Regarding unlicensed gambling, that would be an IC issue and shouldn't prevent script implementation on the fact that "it's illegal" -1 to ATM's just being furniture. Perhaps as an alternative these could be a City Hall managed function where licensed businesses can apply for one at their property exterior. Once approved it could be scripted in by the developers.
  2. Msato

    Bolt Cutters

    +1 there needs to be some scripted way to get into these gates. I don't agree with the auto-notification on the gate being broken If people want to risk leaving their cars outside behind a single gate, they should face the risk of is being stolen.
  3. +1 it would be good to see old punishments expire after a certain time period, this would help with people who made mistakes in the past or were "baited" into punishments. Different punishment types could have increased time to expire, e.g. DM would take greater time to expire than a NRP.
  4. Hello, Currently illegal factions are limited to 10 ranks in their F4 menu, meaning if you have more than 10 unique ranks you'd like to assign to members you physically cannot do this. As far as I'm aware this is only a restriction places on an Illegal Factions F4 menu, due to Legal Factions being able to add 10+ Ranks in F4. This OOC limitation may have made sense when designing the system however, now that our F4 menu is fully OOC there is no reason as to why we cannot accurately represent our IC ranks in F4 similar to how LSPD has it. If possible, this cap should either be changed to match that of a Legal Faction, or remove the cap for both sides as we have a very limited number of factions that are all well managed.
  5. -1 as mentioned before, we need less ooc restrictions on criminals as they're already in a poor state. The majority of the large gang members do not go around chain robbing "randomly" 95% of the time there is reason. If more systems were to be implemented for criminal, the "chain robbing" would passively decrease.
  6. -1 Don't carry large sums of cash on hand if you don't want it to be stolen. The majority of systems already draw the money from your account unless you have cash on hand, player to player trades are one of the final remaining items to require "hard cash"
  7. Msato

    Import Changes

    Unsure if you have experience with the current laptop, is already is not "unlimited" per say, it builds up over time and when the amount is optimal you place the order, which takes multiple ooc hours to even reach a mere 100 rounds, if it were to ever reach that with the current saturation of orders. This is a simple solution to a current problem, I agree that the overall system requires a rework. But criminals do not need further restrictions placed on their already limited systems, such as specific order times in the month. Yes this would make sense irl but we have to find the balance between player satisfaction and realism.
  8. Msato

    Death RP

    Okay Jin_Koi aka the most anti pd person to ever exist until going pd. You're commenting from a clear side of bias unfortunately as these always end up. Let's get back to the topic.
  9. +1 I like the idea of still allowing the auto exit when payers are not engaged in rp or guards are not present, but people should still have the option to stay in to continue rp is they desire. Perhaps it could be added as a command you can only use when the time remaining = 0 E.g. If your sentence is complete /leaveprison would take you out with no bounce back If your sentence has 200 seconds left /leaveprison would state "you still have 200 seconds to serve"
  10. Msato

    Death RP

    Neutral on this. You say death rp is rewarded for good rp, even when doing good rp all it takes is one person's ooc mood to deny it for simple reasons such as "he belongs to X gang" I made a suggestion a few months back that covers adding death rp conditions, removing the ooc input per person based on their mood at the time along with some improvements to the medical rp system. Which I think overall would help flush out this system, see below:
  11. -1 I'm against any form of automated system whether it be import notifications, car releases or time based resupplies on items. The server is moving its focus towards immersion and with it should come dynamic systems. If you don't want to wait at the impound go run to MR and interact with someone to try and get them down to the impound, instead of typing /release upon availability. Yes the impound is under staffed but this is due to IC preferences of jobs and nothing a script should be used to fix. Development time should be used on much more critical improvements imo.
  12. Msato

    Import Changes

    +1 ordering ammo is one on the primary issues for criminals factions currently, whether other may see it as minor, it's a critical issue. It essentially removes any form of cash flow that once came from that system, leaving yet another gap in criminal rp. It would make rp sense that each "official faction" has their own supply line as each of them comes from different back stories and locations e.g. Zetas importing from Mexico, Triads importing from China and so on. Overall with the moving ammo to private supplies I personally believe that aspects of the old import system should be brought back. The big red containers would vastly improve ammo delivery rp and changes it from 1 person required to get a drop to a whole gang potentially as there are multiple crated to unload. If the old system was to be implemented, it would be highly beneficial that the order could pick their location dynamically literally anywhere that correlates to their import method, e.g. If you use boat import to a dock, or a plane to an airstrip. Following with this PD could get a similar system where instead of the exact location of the drop being given, they'd receive a radius circle of where the drop may be in (like phone tracing) , bringing some actual detective rp when it comes to locating the drop.
  13. -1 we do not need any further ooc limitations placed upon players. The server is moving further towards an immersion based focus, rules like this make no sense when it comes to rp and breakdown a form of immersion. Why should we protect players who are impatient and careless just because its "a lot of money" the systems already exist to prevent these losses. Onto the house raid limit, what rp sense does it make that if PD were to raid a criminal stash house they'd be like "okay boys we got the 150k worth let's leave the other 0.5mil worth of illegal guns and items" they wouldn't ever. It is the risks that come with being a criminal or attempting to avoid tax and do private trading, perhaps if players who made a mistake were more accepting of their loss they would continue on like others instead of al+f4'ing and never returning to the server. If you quit the server over your own mistakes, chances are you were only here for self benefit.
  14. +1 Along with zip ties, flashlights, parachutes etc should all be added back. There is no reason that a general store should specific items randomly removed that were once available, unless they're being abused. Parachutes were used for very niche tasks and provided some fun if you wanted to head down that route.
  15. Turning signals on most cars turn off automatically after completing a turn, in the UK at least. However bikes still require manual switching off. I don't see the critical need for this to be implemented but it would help the "hey turn your indicator off" that is commonly said.
  16. +1 to this so long as it applies to every vehicle. There is zero reason that you can magically start some 90% of vehicles with no keys but the other 10% randomly do not allow it. I feel that this could add a little more depth to car theft and should be added as a whole package when it comes to chopshop refinement etc, as currently its a dead system.
  17. Snow will be gone at the start of the new year, as it was last year. Why attempt to remove it literally 5 days earlier? 4 weeks out of 52 is nothing, and the player base should be able to tolerate a minimal change such as this, given that it effects all all players at once unlike the client synced weather system.
  18. +1 there needs to be more ways to dispose of bodies whether it be cutting them up, dissolving them in acid, or burying them. From a criminal pov I'd accept the identifying of bodies so long as they're for data recording purposes only. It makes no sense that the body could be identified and then have charges placed on then where they'd be rply dead for that scene.
  19. @Osvaldon Below are two videos replicating this issue, from the POV of the passenger and the driver. These are recorded say day as this reply 21/12/2019
  20. +1 to this, the argument of "lets not script this in to introduce less police control" is invalid. Currently there is zero way for criminals to unlink themselves from a stolen/illegally purchased weapon, other than a /me and /do which expires after 48 hours. There is always the capability for detectives to investigate the stolen weapon utilising /do which would prevent players from lying to counteract the introduction of this. Not everyone of these guns are purchased and sold on - they are often stolen, hence the requirement of a serial number removal.
  21. It seems to be related to the NCZ bug. I think the NCZ bug itself is caused by the "Ghosts" of people that appear. Meaning if another players ghost was to appear within an NCZ whilst they are not present in it, it would update their NCZ status granting item protection.
  22. This also occasionally occurs when the passenger of a moving vehicle takes of their mask. I believe this is caused due to the mask animation operating as the character model standing up straight, making the car ping up at one side.
  23. -1 you should not be forced to re purchase an item that you currently scriptly have on you at all times even after death. Going down this route people will start asking for car keys to be lost in death etc, this is not a 1 life rule server and let's keep it that way. If that was to be implemented, perhaps adding phone booths at popular areas across the map would help resolve the limitations this brings.
  24. Added note, Currently having the same issues with Faction attached properties and houses. Nothing can be placed outside and no error message occurs when attempting to place the furniture. Already existing external furniture can be removed. If you were to leave the building range of the property and attempt to place the furniture you receive the error stating you must be on a property with building access. Building inside the property is still fully functional.
  25. Added note, We have the same issue with building on our island. It is caused by the furniture amount being placed down exceeding the limit set in the code. Causing the building to un-render and create a json error. A temporary fix is to remove furniture items until the placed amount becomes less than the furniture cap, then causing it to all reappear and not cause the error. Potential solution - add a physical cap on placing furniture to prevent players exceeding this limit or increase the furniture build limit. Our related Bug report below:
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