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Phil McGee


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5 hours ago, Xoza said:

Suggested many times.

Staff please merge all topics into one.
(if you don't know how to do this effectively, please let me know)


Really had no idea this has been requested since 2018, if this isn't a sign I don't what is...

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Think it would be really cool to be able to buy a pair of Binoculars to see further. Could be used for a number of things from Hunting to Spying and PI work. If their isnt a mod already for Binoculars I have an idea how to create some.


If a sniper rifle  could be modified to not be able to fire or take ammo, and the Sprite changed to some Binoculars or something small that wouldnt look like a gun and renamed Pair of Binoculars, with only the scope feature active it would be pretty close to some eagle eyes 🙂

Edited by Dirty Mike
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+ 1 and make it cost 30k, and import only, except for cops, they can infinite zoom and spawn new one for the mates,
and add a cloud to it so the pictures save automatically, except for crims, then will have to buy an SSD  for an extra 15k, with the data being remove only 24 hour later, but not for cops, cops can always access them.

also for the crims the camera has a chance on exploding when taking to manny pictures.
and crims also need to print them illegally, next to lspd. hahahahaa

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On 4/7/2022 at 3:30 AM, Bala said:

@Thang has actually made an excellent Camera and Binoculars script which he has offered to the founders.

Here is an example of the camera in action, with working zoom.


Gonna necro this thread, especially this comment, can this be looked into and added if it's a simple thing? Would add some cool RP ops all around

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+1 great idea, even as alexalex said they are mainly mounted, an item which can be ' deployed' would still be a great addition. Would provide great RP for people for scoping out areas and as well for PD in terms of not just using the scope of weapons to look, and instead using this new item. Not sure if it should be accessible to all, but no harm if it was!


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