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Everything posted by dRose22

  1. So 250k in about a month and you want 16 mil for it. Only 5 and a half years until you're in profit after buying.
  2. you got your whole account dedicated to that shit and you selling it? fake ass mothafucka... do not trust him.
  3. they just need to stop sitting outside labs waiting for gun shots tbh
  4. Why is it allowed to give so much time for actions done on a video game? reduce prison times
  5. Gotta take his advice, I don't bid agents text offers, so I'm out
  6. People still want to use private labs and to be fair a lab is not made in one day and night , its cost a lot and the vents/tables are heavy weight so they take a long time to order and gangs wont give up their weight without a hefty tag, i feel like give something back either removing minigame refilling water or removing minigame from watering the table will help balance it out. The time saving cooking helps people come to public labs so this wouldn't kill labs. To prevent the constant raiding of island lab you could add more tables to the other exsisting labs (Chili, garbage, etc), example make them all 10 tables total and island 15 tables due to the need of a boat 90% of the time for island lab, or add more labs in the city, airplane scrap and below dcc bridge would be perfect naming a few areas, adding more labs helps balance out solo crims from gang crims and reduces chances of them getting robbed and makes crims intrested by learning how to defend/attack the lab which arguably is the most fun part of being crim.
  7. The update is going into the correct direction, the drugs prices should go up when labs go fully public because of the risk of cooking in a public lab and playing a crim is much more expensive than PD/SD (Guns, armor. (100 AP and a AK will cost you +$80,000 while holding the lab and SWAT is waiting for the new player 911 call on top of the hill of palomino lab ) ) .
  8. +1, anyways, you selling tec ammo?
  9. paying that much is insane, don't reward this behaviour
  10. dRose22


  11. +1 It's really cringe how they stack charges for everything, i was in shootout with PD and got arrested and wasted 2 hours wasting time while they stacked charges and had to do insurgent transport and then a 5 hour sentence, not very cool.
  12. can you picture interior big man?
  13. Bought it from him, guy is hella fishy so never do cash with him i just was desperate for the car so i paid hella but at High End, he is a 2/10 overall seller not recomended only when desperate to buy!!
  14. dRose22


    SCAMMER SCAMMER SCAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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