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Gun drops on injury or death.

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On 9/9/2019 at 7:49 PM, Brixton said:

I will go ahead and be the odd man out on this one. I understand everyones position on this and agree with you all partially. Yes, it would be easier to just run up and take the item. But you have the think, if the person is only INJURED he is still physically and visually aware of his surroundings. If players got injured and someone runs up just to O and take their shit, I think thats wrong. Especially if EMS are enroute to safe them. 

Yes, they are injured but if this takes effect its going to ruin a injured persons roleplay. They are injured, theres nothing they can actually do BUT roleplay. I am surely willing to discuss another way to do this for everyones benefit but personally I dont think this would be fair to a lot of players that just might want to roleplay injured.

They won't be taking everything just a weapon they had in their hand, if they didn't have a gun or melee weapon out nothing will be dropped. An injured player can actually click O and pick an item up off the floor.

On 9/9/2019 at 9:22 PM, MrUntouchable215 said:

+1/-1 should only be on absolute death. depending on the injury, a gun may still be in hand irl. Again, it all depends on the injury, it's RP at the end of the day

The only thing that will be dropped is the item in the persons hand, a gun or a melee weapon. It would be much more realistic instead of people searching someone for 20 seconds just to take a gun that would have been in their hands RPly and realistically. It wouldn't affect someone who didn't have a weapon out as that weapon would have been hidden somewhere in their clothes or someplace else.

Edited by Sufyaan
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+1 If you been shot or injured to the point to where you are incapacitated and can't move an inch you would have dropped your gun. Makes total logical sense. The idea that you are still conscious seems invalid as a reason to not as it would make sense then that you would be able to use the gun if you are so intent on holding it still which you cannot fire the gun while downed.

Secondly there are plenty of police situations IRL where someone is still alive and conscious but they have been shot to shreds. at that point they typical don't hold onto the gun or they would be completely killed by the police. So in my opinion this would be great for police rp as well as it would help them secure the crime scene after a shooting.

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1 minute ago, djnugget said:

+1 on death but -1 on injury. 


aslong as your hand hasnt been shot off, you can still use it and if your in  a situation so serious you have been shot while shooting at someone, you wont stop shooting unless your dead surely?

your missing the complete obvious that you cannot shoot the gun ever while injured. When injured you are 100% incapacitated.

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1 minute ago, GOAT said:

Sounds like more reasons to kill someone besides roleplay to me.

How so? It makes sense as realistically, the gun in your hand would not go back in your pockets, it would most likely stay in your hands/fall to the ground.

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5 hours ago, GOAT said:

Sounds like more reasons to kill someone besides roleplay to me.

It doesn't effect roleplay,currently you wait a couple second to open his inventory, you don't start talking with him about future businesses after you just killed him. The timer is unrealistically long in my opinion. It doesn't take that much to grab a gun and dip. 

But if you mean it will encourage people to start more shootouts I am agree with you but shouldn't be that much of a problem when time passes, its mostly an ic issue I guess. 

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I thought this was applied to the server now? 

However, I disagree that weapons would be dropped just by being injured if the weapon is not drawn. 

Because I'm a pleb, I clapped myself crashing into a wall on my bike and got injured. My weapons were then on full display for all to see and passersby noticed. Luckily, I managed to tell them that I'm an ally of theirs and they gave me my stuff back.

If I was in an active scenario, gun drawn and I was downed, fair enough but not having it in my hand and having ALL weapons bring dropped? They took my knife too man, I'm not exactly going to be wielding both while driving a bike. 

Edited by Azphelle
Icky typos
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5 hours ago, Azphelle said:

However, I disagree that weapons would be dropped just by being injured if the weapon is not drawn. 

I don't think this should be a thing either, the only weapon which should be dropped should be the weapon you're wielding. 

Edited by Fuz
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