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John Nut

Private labs being completely murdered.

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People still want to use private labs and to be fair a lab is not made in one day and night , its cost a lot and the vents/tables are heavy weight so they take a long time to order and gangs wont give up their weight without a hefty tag, i feel like give something back either  removing minigame refilling water or removing minigame from watering the table will help balance it out. The time saving cooking helps people come to public labs so this wouldn't kill labs. To prevent the constant raiding of island lab you could add more tables to the other exsisting labs (Chili, garbage, etc), example make them all 10 tables total and island 15 tables due to the need of a boat 90% of the time for island lab, or add more labs in the city, airplane scrap and below dcc bridge would be perfect naming a few areas, adding more labs helps balance out solo crims from gang crims and reduces chances of them getting robbed and makes crims intrested by learning how to defend/attack the lab which arguably is the most fun part of being crim.

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2 hours ago, dRose22 said:

defend/attack the lab which arguably is the most fun part of being crim.

I don’t find this to be the most fun part of being a criminal. I find the criminal roleplay experiences to be the most fun part of being a criminal. Very little of that is defending and attacking a lab and I’ve been at this for 2 years.

The most fun is having the freedom to do want I want with my friends and spend time with them and new people I meet everyday. Making money rolling dice, robbing banks, chopping cars, basically anything that doesn’t harm people who have done nothing to me/us, which includes helping people regardless if we know them or not, asking nothing in return but an reasonable social exchange on our assistance. Otherwise, we mind our own business.

If defending and attacking labs was the most fun part aka shooting and getting shot at - I’d probably do it in Call of Duty, Valorant, etc. Love ECRP and this is no slight to any development or scripts but the PvP experience pales in comparison to modern shooters. The server is optimized for roleplaying, not to be a 3rd person multiplayer shooter.

Legal or criminal - the more people focus on having fun and interacting with friends and especially new people, the more people will find that regardless of any changes made to the server and gameplay (whether you deem them good or bad) you can and will remain happy. Scripts and settings can change, but just having fun roleplaying and chilling and laughing between activities and being satisfied with that, will never change. 

That being said: I totally respect YOUR opinion and how YOU want to roleplay. This is just a bit of how and why I do.

Edited by Mikazuki Ueno
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16 hours ago, JohnnydaHo said:

The biggest complaint against the private labs was people making cash alone in a lab with no rp.  It is valid to compare the legal and crim sides on this. Store/gas station owners do not even need to be in the city and they are making cash. I have seen LEO's parked and tabbed out for extended periods....still making cash. So lets be honest and admit that the actual basis for this is the desire to solidify the server as a PVP server where gangs are in multiple shootouts per day


So real. Its the argument of making more RP yet most legal faction members sit afk or tabbed out farming there salary where instead even if you are cooking in a lab, you dont have to just sit tabbed out, push a button and money gets printed - Theres a process that goes into the production. Getting the money in the first place to buy equipment and materials, buying a property, setting up the lab, cooking the drugs, having to actually interract with it not just let it be, labs can also be ran interactively with many players too, its not always a one man job. Although there is "more life in the city" tbh it is going to be termporary boost in life before people find another way of making money how it used to be, or alternatively not logging in as much because its getting boring. Unless you are a high level crim with good stash and backup, your done for in these public labs, they have always kinda been a space where your at risk of being robbed easy, now its just been made even worse. By pushing everyone to public labs, realisitically its just pushing further and further towards encouraged PvP. 

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2 hours ago, Payn said:


So real. Its the argument of making more RP yet most legal faction members sit afk or tabbed out farming there salary where instead even if you are cooking in a lab, you dont have to just sit tabbed out, push a button and money gets printed - Theres a process that goes into the production. Getting the money in the first place to buy equipment and materials, buying a property, setting up the lab, cooking the drugs, having to actually interract with it not just let it be, labs can also be ran interactively with many players too, its not always a one man job. Although there is "more life in the city" tbh it is going to be termporary boost in life before people find another way of making money how it used to be, or alternatively not logging in as much because its getting boring. Unless you are a high level crim with good stash and backup, your done for in these public labs, they have always kinda been a space where your at risk of being robbed easy, now its just been made even worse. By pushing everyone to public labs, realisitically its just pushing further and further towards encouraged PvP. 

Almost every single crim that said they were doing private lab cooking, said it was boring as hell and were only doing it for the money. Also, LEO's are not sitting AFK non stop. LEOs have to do IC paperwork and submit on the gov website all the time, so that is likely what you are seeing. If you would like to spread misinformation or false accusations about LEOs and how they do their duties, I invite you to make a legal character and join law enforcement and see what its like. 

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2 hours ago, Payn said:


So real. Its the argument of making more RP yet most legal faction members sit afk or tabbed out farming there salary where instead even if you are cooking in a lab, you dont have to just sit tabbed out, push a button and money gets printed - Theres a process that goes into the production. Getting the money in the first place to buy equipment and materials, buying a property, setting up the lab, cooking the drugs, having to actually interract with it not just let it be, labs can also be ran interactively with many players too, its not always a one man job. Although there is "more life in the city" tbh it is going to be termporary boost in life before people find another way of making money how it used to be, or alternatively not logging in as much because its getting boring. Unless you are a high level crim with good stash and backup, your done for in these public labs, they have always kinda been a space where your at risk of being robbed easy, now its just been made even worse. By pushing everyone to public labs, realisitically its just pushing further and further towards encouraged PvP. 

Most of LEO players do paperwork and not sit AFK, we choose to be tabbed out rather than log out of the server and do paperwork as it is still our IC duty, and we should get paid for that. Every time you speed through us and get into traffic stop we fill a shit ton of information about you which takes time. To be fair 90 members of LEO fill out more paperwork than IRL whole my city's police department.  

Commenting about labs, I agree this pushes RP to be more PVP based rather than actual criminal life. Many new players will be robbed there and lose everything and I can guarantee they won't learn anything new about the server and will decide to leave. Without a crew and 10 mils worth of cars and guns you will get raided in a matter of minutes by some Lithuanian clapper gang in warreners. 

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2 hours ago, Bill Breacher said:

Almost every single crim that said they were doing private lab cooking, said it was boring as hell and were only doing it for the money. Also, LEO's are not sitting AFK non stop. LEOs have to do IC paperwork and submit on the gov website all the time, so that is likely what you are seeing. If you would like to spread misinformation or false accusations about LEOs and how they do their duties, I invite you to make a legal character and join law enforcement and see what its like. 

let’s be real buckaroo, obviously it’s going to be for the money. Crimes aren’t sitting afk none stop either there is a lot of Rp you may not be aware of

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2 hours ago, Frezas said:

Commenting about labs, I agree this pushes RP to be more PVP based rather than actual criminal life. Many new players will be robbed there and lose everything and I can guarantee they won't learn anything new about the server and will decide to leave. Without a crew and 10 mils worth of cars and guns you will get raided in a matter of minutes by some Lithuanian clapper gang in warreners. 

🙌🏻 This is the thing if people are pretty much forced into doing that now it just leaves people dominating and then people who aren’t able to experience it properly

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Since I've now had time to play with the new update, I'd like to address this.


The island is a complete warzone, 3/4 times I've been there, we've been in shootouts. Another time was a SD buzzard came and checked it out and we had to dip.


In my entirely honest opinion, private lab nerfs should be removed, and put back to the state they were in prior.

The massive plot for growing marijuana is more then enough inventive to send players there, as we can then collect it faster.


Don't get me wrong, it was a great idea, but poorly executed. I get the need for RP, but at the end of the day, all this island does is primarily start gang wars over drugs.

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4 minutes ago, John Nut said:

Remove private labs fully, no point having it right now. Let people refund the items as they are not usable anymore if that happens.  

Add back sealab tables and North tables and shit is booming. Good updates. 


just gonna add more clapping mentality 

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I don't play crim so not sure what the current state of labs are but from what I am reading it's a call of duty lobby right now at the new island.

Maybe add a second plantation somewhere else so it isnt constant war over the singular plantation?

Adding back some labs that were taken away could give solo crims or smaller groups better odds of being able to pick plants and cook drugs without getting confronted as often.

More labs should equate to more options and less confrontation. Maybe I'm wrong

Edited by Jett_J
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30 minutes ago, Jett_J said:

I don't play crim so not sure what the current state of labs are but from what I am reading it's a call of duty lobby right now at the new island.

Maybe add a second plantation somewhere else so it isnt constant war over the singular plantation?

Adding back some labs that were taken away could give solo crims or smaller groups better odds of being able to pick plants and cook drugs without getting confronted as often.

More labs should equate to more options and less confrontation. Maybe I'm wrong

You are as right as rain mr JJ. More labs spreads it out, maybe put some more labs in some different locations, it spreads the cod lobbies apart and will probs be better because adding 1 more lab but then forcing like 10x the people out into the labs wont work and isnt working there needs to be more room to keep the rp between people in labs, but to stray away from basically implementing a warzone

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The new lab is good when it's not held by huge gangs. As soon as a gang holds it hostage another gang see's and then think sweet we can go DM. I've seen a gang hold it hostage and not even plant seeds or cook, just a DM opportunity for the big boys.

When that big gang dies, they do a massive forum report crying because they got dropped after losing all their heavies and armour. 

There needs to be a rule put in place to stop that happening. If you go to the other labs you're most likely gonna get the shittest RP going with "hands up, hands up" by 2 masked guys, who don't even rob your plants, they're just praying you have a gun so they can DM or rob your gun. 

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In my opinion, the private lab nerfs aren't terrible. Obviously, everyone was complaining at first because it was a major update but I think the overall thought process behind it was a good idea. 

I'll use OTF since it's the gang I'm in personally. We have over 30 people and probably 10+ of them had 48 table labs and we were producing around 2,000 or so drugs every other day or something like that. I'm sorry but that's highly unrealistic to be doing. There are plenty of other groups/people that do the same thing and have these massive 50+ table labs and were able to produce so many drugs so quickly they were practically playing crim on arcade mode. 

I personally think that they should just completely disable private labs at this point and allow people to sell their tables & vents at the pawnshop for import pricing so they can at least get some of their money back. Private labs are dead, you cannot run a private lab anymore with how long watering tables and refilling water bottles takes, it takes wayyyy too long to be worth it.

I agree with what Jett is saying too, as much as we joke about it and like the bridge to the island being the "wilderness ditch" that's quite literally what it is. The island is a PvP simulator, I have been playing criminal roleplay for about 9 months total now, I joined the server end of June and started off with criminal roleplay, in that time I have been part of numerous gangs. I have had more large-scale gang shootouts on the island since it was made a drug lab, then I did in the entire 9 months of roleplay. There needs to be some sort of change to make it where the island isn't just a PvP fest.

The change I think would be good, would be adding more public labs with the same or even more tables then the island. Give right-lake multiple LSD/Marijuana tables instead of just Ecstasy Tables, add more tables into LSD ( if possible), give Sealabs and North Labs their tables back, and add a few more public labs to rival island. If you make other labs that are just as good as Island it will hopefully spread the PvP out so that it's not just a warzone.

Overall, I like the idea that devs were trying to go for. Private Labs were basically just afk hermit fests where you just go cook a batch of 250 real quick come out and sell it and then boom there's 150k. I like that devs are trying to turn the server to be more player interactive, but with the mentality of players right now, it just wasn't executed properly. Like everyone's saying, labs are a demands or die fest. You can't have a normal conversation with people without one of you pulling a gun, when you see someone pulling into a lab your first thought is "lets rob them". It's just the current mentality of players and I think if that gets addressed, then the nerfs will be able to seen properly.

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Just now, alexalex303 said:

The actual city has been more alive than ever these past few weeks.

I agree completely, with private labs being nerfed to the point of unusable, people are actually out doing other things to attempt to get the money they would've from private labs. It's nice to be able to actually find people to interact with and people not just cooped up in their property for an hour or something doing a cook, selling it, then logging off for the day.

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58 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

I also agree that it would be best to disable private labs entirely, and allow refunds for tables and things.

It will open up a lot of properties for more inclusive RP and permanently remove the hope of a return to the old ways.

The actual city has been more alive than ever these past few weeks.

I think just do something same as the weapon attachments /refundequipment get your import price per item back, it will solve most of the problem. Of course people wont have their private labs anymore, but at least they wont just have tables sat in a property doing nothing. Its basically like hundreds of thousands of dollars just sat there there should be a way to just sell the tables and move on. No point making half a change just get rid of them because that seems like the intention in the first place

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2 minutes ago, Payn said:

I think just do something same as the weapon attachments /refundequipment get your import price per item back, it will solve most of the problem.

While I think this is a good idea, I also think it could be an EXTREMELY bad idea. There are so many tables and vents and just labs overall owned by players that adding something like that would severely mess up the criminal economy. While I agree something like that should be added, I look at both sides of it. 

If something like that is added there would be probably be damn near 100 Million or more in cash that just gets thrown into the economy. There's multiple 100+ table labs on the server and that's 700k in import price tables alone. 48 tables labs would give back $636,000 for the entire lab. There's a lot of players on the server that own labs or just have a stash of tables or something wanting to setup a lab. I think it'd be a good idea but I just think it would fuck up the economy pretty badly for a small amount of time with the amount of money that would just be generated at the snap of your fingers.

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2 minutes ago, Herbo said:

While I think this is a good idea, I also think it could be an EXTREMELY bad idea. There are so many tables and vents and just labs overall owned by players that adding something like that would severely mess up the criminal economy. While I agree something like that should be added, I look at both sides of it. 

If something like that is added there would be probably be damn near 100 Million or more in cash that just gets thrown into the economy. There's multiple 100+ table labs on the server and that's 700k in import price tables alone. 48 tables labs would give back $636,000 for the entire lab. There's a lot of players on the server that own labs or just have a stash of tables or something wanting to setup a lab. I think it'd be a good idea but I just think it would fuck up the economy pretty badly for a small amount of time with the amount of money that would just be generated at the snap of your fingers.

Economy kinda already gonna get slowly worse with money harder to get for crims who relied on private labs. The money earned from tables will slowly detiriorate to be honest


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On 3/26/2023 at 11:40 PM, Herbo said:

While I think this is a good idea, I also think it could be an EXTREMELY bad idea. There are so many tables and vents and just labs overall owned by players that adding something like that would severely mess up the criminal economy. While I agree something like that should be added, I look at both sides of it. 

If something like that is added there would be probably be damn near 100 Million or more in cash that just gets thrown into the economy. There's multiple 100+ table labs on the server and that's 700k in import price tables alone. 48 tables labs would give back $636,000 for the entire lab. There's a lot of players on the server that own labs or just have a stash of tables or something wanting to setup a lab. I think it'd be a good idea but I just think it would fuck up the economy pretty badly for a small amount of time with the amount of money that would just be generated at the snap of your fingers.

Not nearly as bad as the money it printed over the past years actualy. 

you can make with some tables 600k in one day, this wil be a funny blip in the market 

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Private labs were a bad thing for the server. If you are a criminal and want to make money there's many activities you can do. If you go to a lab alone and get clapped by a gang, join a gang. If you don't like going to labs cause it's like a CoD lobby nowadays, then do other stuff, or try to improve your interactions with other criminals so all the community improves. Of course you are going to lose money being a criminal, you also get to earn a lot in a short amount of time. If you don't like the risk then go the legal way. Not everything is money in the server and you can actually roleplay with other people and have cool interactions, have fun.. and develop your character. So tired of people farming money all day and complaining that they don't earn enough.😇

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I just don’t think this is entirely fair on the newer players of the server cause when they try go labs to cook.. they’ll get smoked. No one will bring them into a good gang cause they are new and they won’t have money to buy assets such as cars, gun stashes which is what gangs look out for when recruiting. This will just create a huge empty gap in the new batch of actual decent ‘upcoming’ criminals of the server which is bad.

the gang I’m currently in I’m already seeing people have to graft freelance such as trucker or garbage job just to be able to be 5 .50s 😂 if this is how y’all want crim money making rp to be like crack on.

Not everyone cooks in labs cause of the ‘clappers’ who rotate them daily and do nothing but rotate labs.. banks are 50/50 chance of making a 30k cut which is fuck all for the risk + risk of getting caught and paying 20-30k in fines, no one does house robberies or atm robberies so there’s not just a blank hole in the crim world for making money 

Then there’s the players who’s grafted cooking the last year+ and have absolutely millions and is set for life on the server and just don’t care cause this won’t affect them

I personally don’t agree with the change but I also don’t really mind as I am one of those who had cooked for ages.. all I’m saying is this won’t be fair for new players 

Edited by xMysticZx
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