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Everything posted by vGJake

  1. Interested... Any pics of inside? It's locked.
  2. You've hit the nail on the head. I'm actually starting to understand it now from the people who "give demands". Thinking about it, they probably don't want to say "I've given demands" (really cringe to say IC), however they've got to otherwise the whole group/gang could end up in trouble by admins. I do think the DM rules need a massive overhaul because these forum reports are getting out of hand. Every single DM that happens in game ends in "SAVE POV lol".
  3. vGJake


    I can't believe you read it
  4. Ok that's fair enough. These past few months I've seen so many people get shot at because they didn't listen to a "hands up" demand. Obviously 9 times out of 10 the person being shot at are in a high powered vehicle so they are allowed to just drive off, hence why the other people shoots at them. I'm seeing this every day, so I'm just confused on this whole demands shit.
  5. Impossible, too many egos and win mentality. Radios being used like it's a discord server is crazy.
  6. Most of the reports lately on the forums are usually to do with something that happened at a lab. If you watch some of these evidence videos it's laughable what goes on in the radios, for example: "I gave demands, we can now shoot at them". Proceeds to DM because they didn't get out their supercar when aimed at. This whole I gave demands bullshit so you can DM is ridiculous. The radio is being treated like a Discord server. I personally think the whole demands a reason to DM people is dumb and needs to be reworked. I also think how radios are being used by criminals currently is silly as well. My suggestion: Remove the whole demands thing, it's cringe. Realistically I can just go up to someone and say get out the car, they go no wtf... Ok dead. It's such a shit reason to go and DM someone and shoot their car up. I've seen people get chased through the city being shot at all because they didn't listen to their "Hands up, hands up" demand lol. As for the radio talk, I don't know but I think admins should try crack down on the non-rp shit that goes on in them. Before you say well how? Just look at the videos on the reports of the radio chat. Chris' latest report shows that for example. No, none of this happens to me, if I ever go to a lab I go solo and bring literally nothing with me but the amount of DM that goes down is crazy.
  7. What you on about? I just said watering every 2 mins and randomly blowing up is stupid. I also cook at labs solo, never had a problem, made most my money from cooking. Like I said having to water tables every 2 mins, you gotta use like 300+ water bottles and do a minigame each time you refill a bottle. IMO it should just be spills you need to clear in a certain amount of time. You saying get tables, a 4g house and start cooking like that's gonna make you money if you think spending 100k+ for it to RANDOMLY blow up is worth the risk, you need to rethink. I know multiple people that's happened to, police swarm in and take everything, now you're back to square one. I'm all for it blowing up if you don't clean a spill etc. But an RNG is dumb and not worth the risk at all.
  8. This would be ideal as a mega lab. Could put tables all over the house not just in the basement. P.S Can you fix the weed and crack table at the Island lab finally?
  9. Bro, no point buying tables when it can just randomly blow up and having to water tables every 2 minutes is pathetic. If they remove the watering then it would be good.
  10. Well, if I'm 30th in a queue I know to not bother waiting and logout if need be.
  11. I just think a queue would be nice. Saves me waiting hours.
  12. An estimated wait time when you do a report would be nice. I've had to wait hours before lol. A general question about my property for example, had to wait 90 mins for a quick reply. Edit: A queue system would be great
  13. +1 but I just think it's pointless even suggesting anything anymore. Most the time you get replies like "Yeah but other things need to come first"... What other things? I'm yet to see a suggestion be implemented.
  14. Get more admins then? The whole point of the suggestion.
  15. Rather than refunding tables and vents for stock price. I think just remove the need for having to water tables completely. Keep the spills etc. but that water shit is too much.
  16. Bruh... 700k for 1g in Sandy, come on man
  17. Bro, there's a reason why it's been up since the 28th March. 800k for a 2g in Jamestown St lol... Back yard or not, that's 200k shy off 1 million, hell no.
  18. Bro, most people will change that. They want it to look how they want it to look. Removing parts cost money. Anyways, I hope you sell it for 270k!
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