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Character Name Change Abuse Suggestion

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Yes, I understand this is most likely going to get a lot of -1 from criminals, but think about it realistically. Walking into PD and changing your name to clean your record should not work. In my opinion, charges should stick to your Stranger ID and not just your in game name. It is terrible RP to walk into PD, change your name, and then brag about all of the cops that you killed while also telling everyone you are a new person, while in reality you are still the same cop killing person with a different last name. The current system can be used to get jobs or get married, and it makes no sense. The only way to get rid of your record is to make a new character and be a new person for real, not just changing your last name and still having everyone aliased. This is an RP server, put some RP behind it. If you want to perform a "Character Kill" because that seems to be popular now-a-days, you should honestly lose the house, car, and money you have, aside from credit cars. Your new Character would not live in the house your old one did, would not drive the same car, and would not have the same bank account. This thread is just to possibly get some conversation going on how to fix this flawed system.


Reference this link for how it really works: https://info.cleanslatelawyers.com/blog/will-legally-changing-your-name-clear-your-record 

Edited by ImSuspensee
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So, your telling me, as a new player, instead of getting caught and paying the 25,000$ in fines, I could of just payed 25,000$ to the desk, ND not gotten a 2hour sentence, AND change my name? WTF HAVE I BEEN DOING.

-1, if ^ thats the current system.

Edited by 2cannnn1
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-1 Most of the time people change their name and appearance to CK (character kill)

If you RP as a brand new person, why would you have charges on your record from a person that existed before? That makes no sense... Im pretty sure you can only get your record wiped if you RP as a new person, which means not being in the same gang / job as before or knowing everyone. 

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13 minutes ago, Shannon said:

-1 Most of the time people change their name and appearance to CK (character kill)

If you RP as a brand new person, why would you have charges on your record from a person that existed before? That makes no sense... Im pretty sure you can only get your record wiped if you RP as a new person, which means not being in the same gang / job as before or knowing everyone. 

Nah, 9/10 times criminals just rp as the EXACT same person when they namechange but their record gets cleared still.

Edited by Chris Strange
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You do not need to RP as a different person to get your record wiped. As soon as you change your name, your record goes away completely. If you CK and are RPing a new person, you would not have all of your old characters belongings. I am proposing an addition to the PD front desk that allows a "Character Kill" option for $0. It would generate a new stranger tag and be as if though you created a new character, but without adding an additional character slot. If you do not select the "Character Kill" option, and you wish to change your name, your record will remain as well.

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1 hour ago, ImSuspensee said:

@verydoge12I am suggesting a system where if you CK, you will get a fresh criminal record, but you will lose everything. If you want to just change your last name, your record stays and you keep your belongings.

Should apply to first or last name change (or both) which I think is how you're trying to present this. This may cut down on the run and gun atmosphere that has been hovering around for a while.

+1 Support for this

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