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More Parking Options and Lots

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I don't think there's a big parking situation around the bank, the issue at the bank is people choose to hang out there.  There is a parking lot behind the bank that is still, I believe, in the NCZ.  I think what you're really referring to is long term parking, and I think the current long term parking lot is fairly close to the bank in my opinion.  I'd say a lot close to the airport might be nice, like the big lot right next to the DMV, and maybe one out by the casino. Having a couple of more options of location so you can park closer to places you usually RP would be nice.  What can happen on RP servers of all sorts is when you only have one option, in other words a choke point, that becomes a cluster of bad RP.  Ideally, for the sake of actual good RP you want things spread out a little to reduce traffic and force people to do more than hang out in one spot and goof off for hours, like the bank and the parking lot turn into.  So, yes, +1 for another lot but it shouldn't be anywhere near the bank. We should be trying to get people to leave the bank and go out into the world.  I get that people want to hang out in NCZs, but also keep in mind that the more people you have in a non-NCZ the harder it becomes to pull-off crime, and the funner these things become. 


Edited by cheatonus
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Opening a second parking lot would greatly increase safety and this lot and the current parking lot. Spreading out the options for parking make sit less likely of a car jacking when parking/unparking your vehicle. Right now criminals know to stand in this one spot and eventually someone is going to pull out an unlocked car. I think adding this one additional lot is a more elegant solution to that problem than making it a NCZ. Of course you'd have to pull your car out of the same lot you put it in with, they wouldn't be connected. 


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I would really like to see some of the "employee parking" areas of the city have parking lots as well... We at the DOC are like 10 minutes drive from the nearest parking garage and admins keep coming by and force impounding our vehicles because it causes lag... but we have 40-50 employees and most of us dont have time when there is somebody at our door to get off duty, go to our car through 5 gates, drive all the way into town, and park our car before logging off.... either a few strategic ones or at least one near the DOC.... 

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3 minutes ago, Wizzidy said:

I would really like to see some of the "employee parking" areas of the city have parking lots as well... We at the DOC are like 10 minutes drive from the nearest parking garage and admins keep coming by and force impounding our vehicles because it causes lag... but we have 40-50 employees and most of us dont have time when there is somebody at our door to get off duty, go to our car through 5 gates, drive all the way into town, and park our car before logging off.... either a few strategic ones or at least one near the DOC.... 

Yeah I think if there was a way to put in a few, the one by DOC, the one by the bank and something somewhere in vespucci/canals area. 

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As title says, I think there should be more parking lot options. Los Santos is a lively and bustling City and there are tens and tens of parking lots all over the City. Yet you can only park in a certain one. My general and simple suggestion is to simply script more parking lots. Simply copy/paste the script and parking points and apply them to different relevant parking areas around Los Santos. Technically speaking script and logic wise for RP you could also utilize the parking garage structures for this too if you wanted. It would diversify things and allow players living or doing business some choice in their vehicle storage outside of their homes garages. There is potential to script 10+ of these in the City alone but I feel an additional 2-3 of them would be sufficient. Anyone have an opinion on the parking lot system?, agree and or disagree like or dislike feel free to reply to the concept below with a reply. Thanks for reading!.


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-1 I think that if there would be a lot of parking lots, even like outside of the city, the cars that are left, becuase they didn't have a place where to put it, would dissapear, and that way there wouldn't be one car to chop, because all of them would be parked at parking lots. That's a no from me.

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