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Everything posted by Ash

  1. +1 I really would love being able to RP working in one of the actual burger shot or cluckin bell buildings if they got an interior, if it was a freelance job i'd main it as a proper job
  2. It's neat, some pretty boring looking areas have been revitalized with them. Plus the purchasable trees you can build with also are cool. This house had nothing around it and i think it's a huge improvement
  3. Ash

    In-game Hunting

    @lSyPh0nl Hunting of animals is a feature in this server. In future I'd advise heading to #i_have_a_question channel in the ECRP discord for things like this as you'll likely get a faster answer
  4. I'm not keen on private messaging as it will undoubtedly be used for illegal stuff which would go against what was said about conducting illegal activities, plus would be impossible to moderate and also wouldn't make sense for a social network to be used like that. I think it's better off being hidden. Huge +1 for the marketplace though!
  5. Up to 24 hours usually we aim for. You will get an email when this happens
  6. +1 I'd like a furniture store rework. Also have the rotation go the other way, or start half the items from another position because waiting for a furniture item to almost full 360 to actually see it (pictures specifically) is a pain in the butt. I imagine there might be a way to do it so it's placed on the ground and you can walk around it similar to whilst you're building and only you can interact with it
  7. With the recent times the Bathsheba family have found themselves in Bolingbroke Penitentiary the last few months, it was only a matter of time until Psychiatric evaluations began to happen on the members of flarg's great church. At moments of weakness, even the wizard prophets themselves had their minds probed into by what we can only assume to be patrons of Boofa: Kourtney Parrish & Yuki Nakamura. Below you can find the leaked documents from the SADOC medical team and their attempts to penetrate deeply into the mind of our glorious leaders. Full Credit for writing these goes to @LeroySimpson&@Kimeybear. Wizard Prophet Shag Bathsheba Assistant Wizard Prophet Ronnie Bathsheba Wizard Prophet Scoobie Bathsheba
  8. Ash


    I understand the frustration, I've lost things to bugs several times in the past. However that specific one you mentioned, the admin markers you rush past do explain that it was a risk and to screenshot your inventory with /time so you could attempt to get it refunded in the future should you fall subject to that particular bug
  9. Ash


    As I said, there's a queue of reports usually that need to be dealt with in order, the time taken depends on the factors mentioned in my above post. If you make a report about police (by your own example) a staff member that is police will not deal with it as it's a conflict of interest. There's measures in place so staff don't handle conflict of interest reports which is why you'll see non-pd staff members handle reports against PD on the forum for example
  10. Ash


    I imagine your report was denied by Jason because you mis-reported it as a /report 4 (urgent) rule break to try get attention instead of a /report 2 bug. Staff play on the server too, and sometimes the queue of reports can get quite big and they're worked through in the order they're sent in so that probably explains any long waits you've had, especially at times that the server is busy. I don't believe this has anything to do with "staff members being intertwined with gangs" in any way. If you see any staff that are doing anything you think deserves repercussion you can report them to higher staff with sufficient evidence as staff are accountable for their actions and use of their power. Also, is there any basis to your claim about people focusing on reports relating to their gang?
  11. Massive +1 /removefurnitre is the worst part of the building system as even when you're close to the center of the furniture it's still sometimes a gamble.
  12. Ash

    Body Cam RP

    +1 to this absolutely
  13. +1 have it with an action timer so if you're in a rush and skip it there's the risk if you crash it's worse for you but if you have it on you might not get injured (as much?)
  14. The main question to be asked here is...why? To get information such as phone number? As you said, if you're holding a cop at gun point you have more worries than getting the phone number of someone There are alternate, smarter ways of getting peoples personal information To look up someones charges? For your own you can just ask a cop legally For someone elses, is it worth holding a cop up to find it out? To add false charges to people? This sounds like it could be very abused and is it even realistic? To get information on cops units and their locations maybe? This is one where I could see it making sense, but the MDC isn't quite the solution to adding that, maybe if you're in the drivers seat of a police cruiser that has a GPS in, you can see other units on the map similar to how all emergency services factions can Overall I'd say no to this suggestion personally as most of the information you can get just by holding said cop at gunpoint like you'd suggest anyway without needing script access.
  15. If you do find that it charges you when on a job, post screenshot proof as a bug report Also as for the bit about it ruining the flow of traffic...it's hardly causing traffic jams for the odd car that goes down that highway every few minutes. If anything it just makes some new RP opportunities for example I saw some gang members running one the other day and had some great banter.
  16. Huge +1 I love the new furniture system and I have debated making my business property just a fully custom home instead as the existing furniture in 1g/2g/3g makes design really limiting. I'd love blank canvases and also would give different properties value based on how well it's decorated which would be a nice change than having location be the only factor in selling houses as well as give them a little competition to how nice looking apartments are
  17. There is just straight up no option for short sleeved variations of gloves for the faction I believe, so they need to be added to the faction loadout
  18. I think that's just a straight up bug. I only bought vip for the first month and my promoted posts are still there circulating. 100% agree overall though for moving advertisements to lifeinvader (even if the OOC rule is that it must have the #advertisement hashtag or something so they can be pooled together or a facebook marketplace kinda deal as mentioned above)
  19. +1, I believe the LTU server has migrated its forum IC advertisement section to lifeinvader and I think this server would benefit from it also. The first few weeks of lifeinvader was really good and I would love to see some love go to it
  20. @Speed Racer Yeah I would view it more of a way to get you out of a predicament long enough to get you to the right service similar to how cpr is a temporary measure to get you to a medic or hospital.
  21. +1 Some good suggestions for both sides
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