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Retired Administration Staff
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Everything posted by Ash

  1. (Remember, information in these posts is strictly OOC and using the knowledge IC is Metagaming) Solomon did not think his babies would be born at the prison that day, by 2 of his bosses nonetheless. ___________________________ Sometimes it's good to have a command meeting away from the offices with a nice birds-eye view of the prison from one of the towers. Clockwise from bottom-middle: Solomon Cobb - Captain of HR & Head of PR, Seth Cincaid - Captain of CERT, Wes McLoughlin - Captain of GFO & head of groundskeeping, Nick McAlister - Commander of HR, Moriarty McCann - Commander of CERT, Dustin Withrow - Deputy Warden, Ren Sanchez - Warden, Reina Moraine - Commander of special divisions
  2. +1 this happened to me for DOC earlier today. I kicked somebody from our faction and i suddenly was booted off duty however i kept my work clothes on and having however much time after not clocked. I couldn't see /f chat (although others said they saw me type even though i couldnt see my own messages). I had to do a full logout to fix this
  3. +1 for more RP objectives and consequences for inmates being scriptly added. This would greatly improve the prison system and give people things to aim for whilst in prison and get more +1 for more RP objectives and consequences for inmates. This would greatly improve the prison system and give people things to aim for whilst in prison and get more of the inmates working together or fighting for actual reasons instead of random DMing. I do have to say though, having players seek out other inmates to cooperate with would also benefit RP in a non-script way. As for the import/smuggling system, i also really like it. Right now the most common way people get items smuggled in is through a guard not looking at the right part of the screen (previously the chat box saying "Weapons: none") which is very rare and not really a good RP reason for contraband entering the cell block. I could see a way the new turf system coming up could work with something like a smuggling system for the prison for gang members to acquire contraband. Once again, from a non-script point of view, maybe players should try and think about how they can reach the same end-goal of this target RPly such as more people attempting to smuggle in items through visitations, or through RP on their person. Stash spots could be implemented like the pd/sd/doc evidence locker system but with a smaller inventory for inmates to access inside. Good and bad behavior implementation would be amazing. The primary issue right now is that even if we had something basic as a reward such as stamps we could give out, they're converted to cash and/or time off so that's limited until that's either scaled appropriately for us to give out or an alternative is implemented. Right now the only way I, a non-corrupt DOC officer, can reward inmates is through praise and food and drink which isn't really rewarding. As for punishments, our only real punishment we can give at DOC is solitary which in my opinion should only be reserved for extreme cases as it's very much an ooc punishment since you're locked away from any other players which makes it an unappealing option. There's very often RP scenarios where I'd love to reward, or punish inmates more but there's no avenue for that right now so I love the ideas proposed here. Even if these specific ones are not implemented, it would be great to see some way to reward or punish inmates. I'd like to put forward my suggestion of freelance jobs in prison that give stamps like mining does, but can be more RP heavy and can involve officers more such as cleaning, clothes washing, or even recreational activities inmates can spend time doing and earn stamps for and potentially roleplay heavier in.
  4. This looks absolutely amazing. I really can't wait to see what RP comes from a cult!
  5. +1 Coming online to 20 blank messages from 1 person to then get another when I get online, followed by an immediate call was extremely frustrating. Eventually I realised that must have been why I kept getting offline blank messages.
  6. +1 absolutely this 'inconvenience' would add more travelling around the city and RP. Side note for clothing, would be cool to have clothing numbered/catalogued similar to furniture to be able to help people pick the same item (or re-find the same one later)
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