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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Yeah i do understand that for sure, it's a money sink to an already struggling criminal side. But from another point of view, why not start using vehicles that are more efficient in this regard instead of going for the sports or super fast vehicles that would have smaller tanks and efficiency and aim for attrition instead of just instantly complaining about a new system and giving it a try at some alternative solutions for more than a few hours like is being done in this thread?
  2. -1 for pretty much what Ceasar said punishing people that are offline is unfun. There's better solutions for adding activities for crims to do than things that people offline can't deal with.
  3. Something to keep in mind is that driving non stop for hours IRL is sometimes days IC. I could drive around for 10-20 IRL hours in my vehicle with the old system which is 40-80 hours In-character which I don't think was realistic for the car. Refueling is something i did once a week if that as a mild inconvenience and now it makes sense, if i wish to lap the state a few times I should be expected to make pit stops especially in small-tank vehicles. I think the new system adds a new layer of choice in what car to buy and whilst it sure can be annoying for the ones it badly affects, overall from the cars I've personally tested I don't think there's anything unreasonable. A main one i've seen is the quad bike that lasts 30 mins IRL which would be 2 hours IC, its awful sure, but for what quad bikes should be used for I think that makes sense. As for the pro-gas station owner comment, the current gas prices is absolutely an issue as they've banded together into an oligopoly. BUT this is 100% an in-character issue that people have been speaking up about ICly and is irrelevant to this change.
  4. Ash


    +1 for the part about vocal states like CTRL+z Your text chat should by default refer to whatever voip state you have for example if its set to shouting you don't need to do /s. This could fix the issue of people shouting whilst down and breaking that rule as their voip state is set to whisper, so their default text chat should be /low
  5. This is not a bug. This is an In-character issue you'll need to ICly handle on the government website (https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/) or by talking to the guards at the prison.
  6. Also having /me and /do or X characters sent in char count towards it would be a much better option generally speaking. The bit you mention about paperwork is also good, the amount of stuff I need to do on the forums in another screen is a bit of a pain to keep up with.
  7. As of yesterday, we have just ICly set up a new department in the faction that is dedicated to this sort of thing, and their role is to be about the cellblock a large majority of the time. So as that's being set up feel free to give any feedback to us regarding that from an OOC point of view for sure. I was chilling RPly watching a movie with an inmate earlier myself so we are getting criminal characters/inmates slowly accustomed to us being in the cell block. Also I am absolutely cracking down on officers being at intake also as I view it as salary farming if they're not actively waiting for a PD/SD that's said they're a few minutes away, this has been happening a lot less the last few weeks though as you mentioned.
  8. +1 to extend it, but not to 60 minutes. The current times just is annoying most of the time
  9. Whilst fishing from boats has been a suggestion that's been brought up many times, the primary issue is that Sync with boats makes them unusable with more than 1 person and even harder to fish off. However, if you just mean more boats added to the game then i'm all for that why not
  10. @McLovin1257 Don't worry about the activity comment, it's a very recent thing that we're shaking up to improve prison RP but expect changes in prison when possible from guards point of view as we'll be pushing for a lot more interaction (But also a lot more reporting of people who randomly DM, or take hostages without prison break permissions or a good enough RP reason). And yeah I just suggested 500 as a minimum since that's how much people get but the number can be tweaked specifically for something better I was just spitballing really. When the interior is changed (soon™ ) There will at the very least, be more options for RP opportunities for things like prison jobs like washing, cleaning, cooking etc. Whether or not these will have script support for stamps is unknown but I can guarantee that from my faction we will be utilising all new resources to offer some more varying RP. Felony evasion is a 60 minute charge and so is felony public endangerment. Look at the penal code but this is very much in line with other charges. The misdemeanors you can get that are vehicle related vary from 10-30 minutes and then the felonies are 60-90 basically making a clear difference between the lower crimes and the more serious ones. I personally don't think these need adjusting and that instead the focus should be on what can be done to fill that time. I am trying to shift the mentality that prison is an OOC punishment for peolpe to go AFK or have a DM fest and as outlined earlier, my faction is taking steps towards that so you'll hopefully see the change over time. I agree solitary is boring, that actually feels like an OOC punishment so we're making IC changes on how that is used. As for the bug where solitary get released in the hallway thats annoying I believe there's a bug report up about it somewhere, if not ill put it up. They should be released into the cell block imo. Feel free to shout or /Ldo them saying an inmate was released from solitary so they can take you back it's all we can do for now.
  11. +1 from me on this. Streaming can bring people to the server so making the server more streamer friendly even though I'm not one myself would be valuable imo. With the recent snow announcement, I think there's room for RP improvements across the board if we're pushing for that and these kind of things do not contribute. The derogatory terms mentioned here don't increase roleplay at all, it's usually people trying to be edgy to provoke a reaction (usually on an OOC level anyway).
  12. @McLovin1257 Toothbrush shanks I really like this idea, something that can be bought with stamps with a relatively long action timer that could be formed into a knife-like weapon. Not a lot of people do good smuggling RP so usually the only weapons in the cell block are when PD/SD do not fully search someone when there's no DOC guards about and put them in prison which is very rare. This type of make-shift weapon would be a nice script addition. I would say enough for X stabs though as opposed to enough to kill one person, either way some sort of durability based on connected hits would make a lot of sense. The bit I'm not sure about is the lockpick thing as the only door that would fit that description is the cell doors (which I can see a justification for if you're on lockdown or something) or the airlock door. I don't think it would facilitate a prison breakout that much as pretty much all the doors in the prison beside the ones mentioned are electronic locks (for now). "This would ensure guards aren't just there on their down time and that the prison would always be populated(Guard wise)" This statement is a little misinformed. We are not just there on down-time. When we have enough people available and a decent ratio of guards:inmates, we have been recently pushing more officer presence in the cell block and I can guarantee that's something you will be seeing more of in the coming weeks also. Something I am heavily pushing. But currently, the main times there's no officers about is due to them doing other duties such as transports, processing, visitations, or helping people at front desk with a combining factor of the number online at the time. But as I said, this officer presence in the cellblock specifically is something our faction is working on so I do want to see some give and take from inmates in making it possible for officers to be in the cell block so there's some fun RP both sides that's not just the usual attempted hostage situation without prison break permissions or random attacking. MP3 Player This is a awesome idea should the speaker system start working again. A low-radius version of a speaker for people to vibe to that wouldn't irritate the rest of the cell block. Prisoners Items So we recently got access to the /accesslocker command that PD and SD have, meaning we have lockers that are tied to characters (for example /accesslocker John_Doe) with a large inventory per person that we stick everything we take off inmates when processing now. This is relatively new a few weeks ago but we have been using it for everyone we process. So all items that fit our criteria are stored here to be retrieved. Granted, I do understand that there's not guards available 24/7 (also the front desk buzzer only works when a guard is in that specific interior part of the prison, not everywhere so we cannot tell when someone is at front desk all the time) but whether you ask for your items right after your sentence is over, or days or weeks after, or 4 prison sentences after, the items will all be stored in said locker system now so the common issue of items being lost or deleted on server restart is no longer a problem. I don't really think it should be fully automated as I think the window for corrupt guards yoinking peoples items and the little bit of RP taking and handing items back generates is good. Work & Stamps I 1000% agree with your message about the stamps. I've mentioned it briefly in other areas on the forum but the ore generation is abysmal for anything more than 1 inmate at a time to mine and the time it takes to make your stamps back from buying the pickaxe alone is not worth it. Coupled with the fact you don't get government salary in prison this is literally your only way to make money during that time which even if you're the only one mining, isn't anywhere near close to the government hourly salary. The time you get off with stamps is also absolutely not worth it. 20 minutes to make 500 stamps which takes 1 minute if that off your sentence is not worth the time. And on the subject of stamps, poker is a 1.5k stamps buy-in. They absolutely need a rework. Obviously the main issue with stamps is they convert to pocket cash 1:1 when you're released so they don't want it to be an abused feature but it still needs changing. My suggestions for stamps are as follows: Lower poker buy-in to 500 so if you wish to waste your 'free' stamps for a gamble, you can Increase ore generation Give the ability for certain ranks (probably command) of guards to be able to give out stamps for good behavior. - Taken out of the faction treasury with an allotted budget for a week that can be ICly tracked The obvious common one is more script work that rewards stamps and also can create more RP opportunities such as washing clothes, cooking, cleaning. Especially when the interior gets updated Be able to buy stamps for money from your bank, maybe at a costly ratio e.g. buy 1000 stamps for $1,500 - This would have the risk of inmates taking them should you get into a genuine fight (I don't mean a stupid random deathmatch) but also allow for poker entertainment at the very least. If this was a thing there'd need to be a cap on how much time off you can buy off with stamps so rich criminals couldn't just buy their way out of a triple murder and kidnapping charge (or y'know just tie time being reduced with doing large amounts of work if more script work was added)
  13. (Remember, information in these posts is strictly OOC and using the knowledge IC is Metagaming) Cellblock Operations In an attempt to retain our position as the #1 Penitentiary in the state of San Andreas (Yes we're the only one...what's your point?) we have decided to task our officers with more cellblock activities for inmates in the recent weeks. Some things include: - Mandatory yard time because the inmates might as well be World of Warcraft players the amount of time they spend in dark rooms alone. - Mandatory exercise time so they do better at running from cops so we don't have them back here - Dedicated times for lunch and dinner - Mandatory shower time as the inmates get very stinky. Below are some photographs of our most recent venture into land of the inmates when we decided to hold a Inmate vs Officer basketball game. Naturally that never actually happened and resulted in a large amount of sh*t-talking and banter between the 2 groups but it was fun nonetheless and better than riots! After the yard time, the inmates were hot and sweaty so it was time for showers, some were a bit too prideful to get changed in front of people so most either went in their tighty whiteys or stayed clothed for this segment of cellblock activities.
  14. I like the idea of splitting water even into just 2 types, drinkable water, and seawater. Drinkable you can replenish thirst and can refill at possible water coolers. Salt water for cooking and would only be for cooking drugs. Or even as mentioned above about distilled, a process to be able to turn saltwater into distilled water for cooking. But yeah working water coolers in job areas like PD/DOC/MD/Bayview/LSC would be cool Mentioned it before and I'll mention it here, drinkable seawater is silly.
  15. Oh yeah for sure, the finer details could be ironed out such as a minimum value, I was just meaning it as a general suggestion of how to make it a little more interesting as opposed to just capping the amount you can buy. Either way even if it's just what you said, I still support the idea.
  16. Text with bold and pink
  17. I could get behind this so not everything is locked behind real world currency for those that can't afford it. Maybe the amount you can buy for $X fluctuates depending on the weekly rolling average or whatever of how many people buy them. Similar to how WoW tokens work in world of warcraft so the more people that buy it, the less you get for your cash and the less that buy it the more you get.
  18. This is a weird one for me, I mainly play a civilian character at DOC and whilst I would always favor some civilian content changes, a LOT of it comprises of what you want to make from what we currently have. This is nothing to do with scripting, some people make a player owned business and it just doesn't go well or they don't want to pursue it. I tried my hand at running a bar, and decided it wasn't for me so will be pursuing something else instead. I don't think this is an issue with script support. Anyone could set up a casino if they wanted right now, the old one literally ran off the /dice command and went really well. I think that's one of the great appeals of civilian RP, is that it's whatever you try and make of it. I completely disagree that there's not much to do and you should not have to wait for other players to host events for you to go and have some RP.
  19. +1 For calling the cops this would be amazing, you should have the ability to quietly snitch - Me, a professional snitch
  20. Ash

    Human Meat

    @ladypapercrown I think the issue is the rate at which that RP has been done. Sure crime is denser that it would realistically be, but the proportion of these "darker" individuals due to everyone wanting to be the baddest guy just is a bit silly in my opinion. Which is why I think the script change of selling human meat shouldn't affect people wanting to do this RP, there's nothing stopping people doing a /me consumes the flesh if they so wished. But selling it is just a ridiculous notion and I think it's more about the money issue as mentioned above, which I think there are many better alternatives for little moneymakers for crims than this.
  21. This is actually something that's done a fair amount already. I've seen some events by Downtown Cab Co done there. There's also nothing stopping you, or other people in-character from hosting some events and getting them advertised. I don't think there is anything that needs to be changed in the game for these to happen. Your own suggestions of shops setting up stalls, boat races, atv races, swimming races, could all be achievable in-game already I would say. But, I'm always for more events!
  22. +1 Just a bunch of quality of life changes to make poker that little bit more enjoyable. I really like the queue idea since this is meant to be a legal gambling venue and not some shady gambling ring so more order makes some sense. I also really like the high and low stakes tables idea, let the big boys play with other big boys for higher stakes. Also on the topic of poker, would love to see the buy-in price for poker in prison to be severely reduced from 1500 stamps to at most 500 (how many you come into prison with). Or have a way to utilize bank money instead of just stamps if it was to stay high.
  23. In my opinion, when calling the police it should just use /low by default for the proximity of seeing the text. You're calling in a scene and it does not make sense that people across the road could hear you. I've had plenty of altercations with people from snitching when I thought I was a reasonable distance away and out of sight of them to call 911 but evidently not.
  24. Welcome! This is definitely more in depth RP than you'd find on GTAO, so hopefully you enjoy your experience here on Eclipse RP!
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