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Everything posted by Ash

  1. The reason for this is you shouldn't treat it like a game to be optimized or find the meta best strat to get the most money or something, you should treat it like you would real life. You should ask around or look at adverts for jobs and ways to make money in ways you can develop your character. If you want to work for a government service, ask people how to do so. If you want to make money in less legal ways, make the right connections who will eventually trust you enough to tell you these things and show you the way, tl;dr ask people and find out in-character.
  2. @GiorgosK Please use the correct formatting and then move your topic here:
  3. +1 It could work something like the DMV driving test script and you have to be in an area and press "e" when stationary which would then freeze the vehicle for say 5 seconds
  4. +1 Even better if we could scale UI in general, but chat font size would be great maybe even with the option of having more lines on screen at once for those at higher resolution
  5. I don't doubt smuggling rp should be a thing, people can attempt that. But the matter reported is that EVERY inmate can use their phone in prison which is beyond unrealistic. The old behavior used to turn peoples phone off when they were prisoned, then that broke, which is why it's being reported. Also we have people trolling calling taxis, and 911 daily from inside prison which is absurd and never something that would happen.
  6. I look forward to seeing you RP some day
  7. Ash


    This aspect is something I would love to see fleshed out more and come to fruition. Vigilante RP would be very interesting to see and add a unique factor to your group over others as if this ends up being a large part of your lore it would stand you out from generic gangs purely interested in the normal illegal stuff. I look forward to seeing where this bit goes.
  8. Ash


    +1 Most jobs have an MLO now with some form of locker room. Would be neat to see a re-use of the evidence locker within those locker rooms limited to faction members with smaller storage. I know a lot of people in gov factions already use the evidence lockers as on-site storage anyway so a proper way to do it would be cool and I imagine other non-PD/SD/DOC jobs would benefit from it also.
  9. If you believe he broke our fear rp rule then report that. You can not complain about people rulebreaking and then expect their rp to improve without report them.
  10. That is absolutely not true. "poor IC judgement" is not in any way the same as bad rp. If you had planned better had a scout, backup, more weapons, exit plan etc, you could have taken advantage of this cops poor IC decision to go in alone, but at the end of the day the single cop out-equipped you. I'm also very curious who you're telling "there's a car coming" and to "move move move" at the beginning of the video since no in-game audio is shown
  11. As I said you can report him if you believe his actions broke any rules. "Failrp" is a very subjective umbrella term, your discussion may have more merit if you specified rules potentially broken. Also, a cop making a poor IC judgement call is not necessarily bad rp, what if you ended up taking advantage of his poor choice and shot him down and got away because of his mistake? This is why "failrp" is a terrible term to use, someone can consider something failrp just because they don't play the character how you think it should be played.
  12. FYI , this animation he's doing with his arms stretched and the weapon frozen in place means he is pointing the heavy at you and it's just bugged your end visually meaning on his screen he likely had his heavy weapon on you before you had your pistol on him from you turning from aiming at the NPC. If you feel someone's actions are "failrp"/NonRP you can report them for it if you think that rules aren't being followed. That's...why the rules are there. So people who do not have a higher standard of rp can then be reported. That last statement is like saying "if people stopped doing crime we'd have less people arrested". But ultimately your statement is "people need to be better at roleplaying" which doesn't really leave much to be discussed.
  13. Ash

    Faction Uniforms

    Unsure what exactly you're requesting here, but faction uniforms are mostly tied to the factions so to get them you'll need to be within the faction and go on-duty as most are not available within the clothes store
  14. Welcome to the server! I'd advise joining our discord if not already as out #i_have_a_question section is great for OOC info for newbies to the server to help with commands and mechanics etc. I'd also advise going over our rules: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/136-rules/ Otherwise, hope you have a good time here!
  15. Can confirm. Editing anything in the "Basic" section of your profile results in this:
  16. Roughly every 2 weeks the Staff Event team host some sort of public event on the server, recent examples are: Monster truck races (Vehicles people dont usually get to drive) Dirt race on Cayo Perico (An area not many people get chance to go to) Ocean Exploration underwater tour in submarines Mr & Mrs Fashion Contest These examples are from the last 2 months alone. On top of these staff events, people can host their own events and do every week you just need to catch them advertised in the Weazel News feed or on Lifeinvader. Also, moved to correct subforum.
  17. Ash

    My Issues with Eclipse

    Great update 10/10
  18. The chances are one of the situational questions (6&7) had some NonRP stunt jumping in them that you failed to point out. The best way to avoid a future denial based on this kind of thing is to compare the rules against the situation and pinpoint what the player did that broke the rules: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/136-rules/
  19. This kind of thing is exactly my point, between being able to select any undershirt and any torso you'd be able to get this effect with the biker jackets very easily.
  20. This is a short and sweet quality of life change I think would be great to have implemented. They've been mentioned in threads in one form or another but I thought I'd make them a proper suggestion dedicated to them. The undershirt one is not a new suggestion to this forum but I thought I'd stick it here alongside the torso suggestion since they go hand in hand. tl;dr Torso slider that "sells" (non-gloves) torso for $0 Undershirts not to be dependant on what t-shirt you wear Torso So the torso item slot is supported currently as gloves only, I think this should be extended to all torso items for more compatibility and an easier way to fix the many clothing items that are unusable from them being even a little glitchy with arms or chest poking through because the wrong torso is selected. List of male torso items as an example: https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Male_Torsos Example of clothing item with wrong torso (Note the shoulders glitching): Female Cobb looks beautiful and I wont hear anything else about it Example of clothing item with correct torso: I can appreciate that this isn't really a 'clothing item' that you'd normally buy in a clothing store, but being able to pick torsos to use some currently very underused items. would be very nice. Gloves may need to be moved to clothing stores or be separate from the other torso options. Undershirts Not much needs to be said about this. It is currently a pain in the ass to get the undershirt you want, and even then not all are available. This should just be made into a slider with all undershirts. If someone uses one that's glitchy on purpose they can be told to change. Some newer people have glitchy tops anyway currently so I don't think there's any trust issue with this as nobody should want their character to look stupid and glitched. Example of a shirt that looks ridiculous without the specific undershirt being available: Example of an undershirt (I believe) you just can't get that fits it amazingly: These 2 suggestions are pretty much for quality of life so people can look pimpin'. Thank you for coming to my TED talk
  21. I like it being darker overall, I also have 0 investment in the usage of any mods. What I don't like however is that lights that are in the game are literally just dimmed. The perk the mods highlighted have is that they selectively change brightness as opposed to just reducing the brightness globally. Lights should still be lights, moreso when it's dark. Add property / dimension owners the ability to change time for that dimension. ^^^ This 1000%. Or just a straight up toggle between midday and midnight. Properties that want to be naturally darker could set it to night, those that want to use it for basically anything but a nightclub can set it to day.
  22. You're told the speeds in various parts of the state when you take your driving test
  23. +1 it would make prison riots more RP based and not just random deathmatching with it being mostly nonlethal. From a guard point of view it would also be good because the baton would be used to subdue and weaken someone instead of beat the living shit out of them and I do love my baton. Street fighting and fight clubs would also be enhanced by this as the loser wouldn't need to go to the hospital after every round and they'd sit out until they recover.
  24. I can picture you as the new chief of police AND best drug lord
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