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Cyrus Raven

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Everything posted by Cyrus Raven

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 14:26 (GMT+1) Character name: Barrett Kincaid Issue/bug you are reporting: Whenever I attempt to preview an animation through F6 it spawns a similar character. Status of the character changes from IDLE to WALK to RUN to SPRINT yet the character remains stil and does not move, just idles. Expected behavior: Animation that accurately previews how it changes a character's idle, walk, run and sprint speed. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Notice in the image how it says ''Sprint'' in blue, yet character is just standing idle. I attempted to press F6 and try the animation preview both in and out of a vehicle. https://imgur.com/tfRbEQlhttps://imgur.com/tfRbEQl Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  2. Have you tried logging in with your username instead of email? It's the same user that you use to log-in to the server
  3. Going to slightly necro this thread and add on a suggestion that is related. On SA:MP servers some of my best memories were live interviews where a SANews employee and a guest would interact with each other or where general live news would be covered using a server wide chat. Like shown here: While Eclipse is more VOIP based. I do think it could be interesting to have something similar outside of the occasional weazel news ad announcing some major event or breaking news and would allow for more daily interviews along a multitude of topics and an incentive to seek out RP that will be confined to in-game instead of collecting info and writing up an article after the fact.
  4. People care too much about their play money and assets, which I don't blame them for given the server economy. Realistically speaking I don't think this will happen, although I will +1 it. For those who are interested, there is a chance, although small that you can place your own character in a CK situation and have some assets transferred as outlined in the Transfer Request Information post, but it's a risk since it's not something officially supported. "'Eclipse RP currently doesn't have a system to support character kills, thus we will not accept that as the sole reason to transfer assets. Only in very rare occasions if the character kill isn't proven to be random can a Senior Administrator approve asset transfers for character kills.'' For those who don't mind CK'ing their own characters without assistance from staff or any transfer of assets, you can do this on your own. Two of my characters have perma conditions on them which were set at the start of the character, if 3 out of 3 of those conditions are met then the character will be ''vaulted'' and no longer played. These can be simple conditions, for example: - My character is downed by an established nemesis - The RP leading to this down has been going on for at least 3 months - A knife must be used. This is different from the suggestion at hand, but something I recommend people try especially on a new character if they want to get used to playing a character without OOC influence of loosing digital assets.
  5. Still available. Text 535-6160 for any offers. Only offers around the asking price will be considered.
  6. Keep in mind what you think is self-defense might not be IC'ly valid. Example: You might think that chasing someone down for various miles after they've tried to kill you is self-defense, but IC'ly that would not be the case. As mentioned before here, read VERY carefully the IC guide for self-defense and if you still think you were wrongly charged, contact someone from JB and explain what happened (or file an IA report against whoever took it from you.)
  7. +1 Would also like to see a social media platform (not life invader for the love of all that is holy) for simple server wide communication. Think of like a message board/twitter.
  8. While we appreciate the bids so far, we will only respond to offers around the asking price.
  9. Selling -------- Price: 835,000$ -------- Well located 3G in Vespucci next to the marina. House comes with a few goodies inside. GPS: Rub St. 3 ((/setgps 3 Rub St)) --------
  10. For the people concerned about new players interacting with large groups. Perhaps this could be something that can be looked at by LFM in the same spirit as Bakmeel's thread Groups found to be actively providing RP to include other smaller groups or individuals at labs and other public criminal locations could get a Tier reward (what that is I have no clue). Example: Group A charging entry fee for a lab while providing security. This isn't to say that Groups are forced to do these types of RP to progress, but those who do should be rewarded.
  11. I think compromises can be made. It might be beneficial for PD for investigative purposes, but at what cost? Having people (especially during ''dead'' times) wait for 30mins for someone to show up? Why not have something similar to evidence locker logs that stores that information or an updated /viewimpound [Plate] command that not only tells you who impounded the car and when (which is an already existing feature), but also who recently released it and when.
  12. -1 I think the salary cap in government jobs is fine as is. A good to way to achieve the differentiation between higher ranking members would be to slightly lower the salary at certain spots. Example: Instead of having Assistance Chief of Police and Chief of Police at the same salary level. Have CoP at 8,000$ and Ass. CoP at 7.950, etc... If anything, I think the focus should be on the way Eclipse handles taxes, which seriously needs an overhaul both in terms of the bracket percentages and how the server calculates total wealth.
  13. That's a good point. Might be something to consider, perhaps a command that stops prison/jail time from continuing for those types of situations? Idk
  14. I like the percentage idea Pazz mentioned, back in 2019/2020 I used to request through /report that a player have their IC time adjusted if I felt they RPed well, but I think this was changed and prohibited. Maybe a good solution would be to start the jail/prison time as soon as a charge is added. When players eventually arrive at DOC/MRPD/Paleto the time would continue. If for some reason a player was left on a scene for more time then the charge gives out, they would be instantly released as soon as /jail or /prison is used. I think this would take players minds off of jail time knowing that their jail time is already counting down even if they are sitting in the back of a cruiser for 30 mins. This would hopefully increase the level of RP after someone is caught.
  15. I think it's important to note that wanting communication and transparency on the development of the server does not mean people want super strict deadlines. It's better to be told ''Hey we're working on this, it's currently at X stage, planned testing for Y month'' and then be given an update that it had to be delayed + reasoning for it then 0 communication or just the initial information with no follow up. If dev work is actively being done, then inform the community, a weekly/biweekly message on #development about what is being worked on/what has been done since last update. This is the easiest solution to avoid any misinformation or speculation from rightfully frustrated community members.
  16. -1 Speed caps were introduced because some vehicles could go 260+ km/h, a speed that was never intended to be achievable. This was mainly due to the way GTA 5 handles different FPS or how the suspension on some cars respond to the ground, making it constantly curb boost. The result? A lot of players abused this by only driving these specific types of vehicles, which for an RP server is probably something that should be avoided. To simplify, even in vanilla GTA 5, there shouldn't be any car going faster than 210-220km/h fully maxed unless it's a special vehicle or has HSW mods, so why would you want a higher cap than 240km/h if 99.9% of vehicles aren't going to get up to this speed anyway? Bonus Meme: https://streamable.com/cs6b2p
  17. I agree, people are so soft for not wanting to be told to end their lives. I too enjoy 12 year olds casually saying the n-word RPing as gangbangers. All of you are mistaken, every single person running around with stretched resolution yelling ''get clapped retard, kill yourself'' is deeply immersed in hardcore RP. Let's pass a new rule. Anyone saying any homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.. slur, including KYS can be executed on the spot. P.S. if you cry about this rule you're soft
  18. Agree with Bala's first reply on this thread. The bigger issue is fixing state of criminal RP. Likewise, like Alex suggested, you could implement this short-term, since it could easily be lifted if player count and other issues are fixed that motivates criminal players to stick around long-term. I do hope if it is done, that the dev team doesn't lose sight of what the priority right now is. The server is still bleeding out, we need surgery. Band aids might stop the bleeding, but if that's all that's done then by the time everything is fixed you'll have bled out and died.
  19. Full disclaimer, I have never been in a Criminal Faction so these thoughts are just based on my perception, feel free to correct me. Some of the suggestions posted seem great. Equally, I think it's great news that FS is being more transparent on how these systems work. However, I think there needs to be a focus on changing core aspects of how factions work to reduce the time spent to get weapons and progress up the faction tier ladder. A few suggestions/ideas: In my opinion, the goal should be to maintain a high standard of RP without stifling the nature of criminal RP, which does involve conflict, shoot outs, etc... People are likely willing to have in-depth RP between factions and on their own if they know that they are likewise able to have fun. (From my perspective, this seems to be one of the biggest reasons for the current state of criminal RP). If the current system essentially forces people to be spending 20 hours of work per week to afford to be decently armed and prepared for one conflict then that's likely an issue that needs to be looked at. The way the tier system can assist in this is by rewarding and encouraging ease of access to weapons in combination with the already teased reduction in weapon import prices. Maybe having tier rewards that allow certain factions to have discounted prices from the Cartel on specific types of weapons. Additionally, while conflict between groups is good in terms of intercepting drops, maybe having a horizontal tier (Example: Tier 2A) to reward groups who focus on player to player weapon sales which promote interaction with other groups as well as individuals. Already somewhat mentioned, but getting access to F4 to manage your crew properly should be significantly easier to obtain and advancing to the next tier to get access to imports should be the ''main challenge'' so these factions can prove they are able to handle the responsibility. Until devs are able to modify the F4 menu to differentiate between factions in tier 1 vs factions in tier 7, maybe the handlers can be the ''owner'' of the faction, scritply speaking, to prevent abuse of treasury, etc... Achieving long-term criminal groups and civilian groups should be the goal, instead of having the flavour of the month. However, both are good. Once these small groups exist, through conflicts, turfs, etc... only a few will evolve into bigger groups while the smaller ones get disbanded. It should be easy to have F4 and start recruiting IC'ly, it gives members a sense that they are actually a part of the group instead of just IC'ly being a criminal group, if I had to guess, it probably also motivates them. I'd love to be able to just say, well F4 isn't important, you can do all this IC guys, and while that's somewhat true, it misses the mark on the type of players we have. I'm sure more experienced criminal RPers can give you more examples or more in-depths suggestions on how to work on the tier system in a way that won't be too prone to abuse while also allowing a bit more freedom and from what I've heard there is a criminal RP group chat to discuss these types of issues. The majority of serious and long-term criminal RPers want to be able to have fun without feeling like they are working another 9-5 job just to get something like F4 or access to imports while also following rules and focusing on developing in-depth lore for their respective gangs and characters. Some of what I spoke about like weapon prices are paramount, but as mentioned it requires dev work, I just mentioned it since it was brought up by Bakmeel. Other than this, ''State of [Insert meme name]'' threads already mention several issues needing to be addressed, but in so far as FS goes, I think these are the main things to look into.
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