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Cyrus Raven

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Everything posted by Cyrus Raven

  1. +1 Especially to a news feed by weazle, perhaps the addition of twitter or classified ads for people selling services or looking for something/someone
  2. It's not talking to a brick wall, it's just that we might have fundamental disagreements. I understand everything you've said so far and I even agree with some points, but these are mostly IC issues. For example, the failure to pay fine charge, that could be something you can deal with IC'ly. You RP approaching people to sign a petition so that Failure to Pay a Fine can only be given after someone has been warned or so that people have up to one week to pay fines instead of three days. You take the petition to the commissioners or any government employee. Or you can submit it through the government website. https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewforum.php?f=1369 You say ''I feel like we're talking to a brick, but, a government employee which i will not name, went 92, and got a first degree citation and a demerit, they spoke about this with PD, the PD officer was actually a decent rank, not even a cadet, the demerit was taken down but nothing else was taken in consideration, the fact that police can do that and no one will say anything it's way too unfun'' this is RP. A demerit was wrongfully given so the officer in question was approached and the demerit was removed. You can then choose to IA report someone for their misconduct and, in the case of charges with jail time, you can even take it to court and have a whole case around the situation. What else can be done here? Ignoring you speeding? Again, petition the government to increase the speed limit in the city, gather people to protest, etc... Law Enforcement in this server is serious. Depending on the Officer you get they can be strict. If you're pulled over by a traffic unit then you're likely getting a ticket for breaking traffic laws and/or demerits. However, if you're pulled over by a Detective or another unit that has higher priority situations to be dealing with, you might just get a verbal warning. There is huge variety in outcomes depending on what else is going on, types of units, type of character being played by the Officer, etc... Finally, ''i am not saying hurr durr police shouldn't have fun, everyone should but right now unless you're in a big gang or something, ain't no way for someone who goes a bit over 85 to have have fun, and there was no IC reasoning i was new, no one knew me but there were 8 cruisers after a new player who didn't pay his citation, saying he will go with them and pay them.'' I just don't believe this. There are plenty of ways to lay low, have fun, speed where police don't often patrol, etc... You're either really unlucky or you're just not being careful enough. If it's the latter option, I don't think PD should be blamed for that, criminal characters have to play it smarter, don't expect to just be given free reign to speed all around town, that might be fun to expect, but it would be bad RP for law enforcement to ignore, we're a roleplay server after all.
  3. It's hard to take your opinion at face value when two of the points you made are either not true or can be appealed if it happened. There is no situation where 10 cruisers get called for a simple speeding situation UNLESS there is IC reasoning to justify such response (Known criminal, known gang affiliation, history of evading an officer, etc...) You shouldn't be getting Demerits for going 92. Finally, there are easy ways to avoid police, but if the idea of being a crim is being allowed to break laws and complain when police respond or put more units on you based on your past then you're likely out of luck, I doubt that will ever change and I'm not against it.
  4. +1 for clarification. The previous spawn rate was good, the issue (which I think they were trying to fix), was that the spawning was fairly predictable both in terms of time as well as spawn location. I know I could go to richmond clothing store every hour and have a fresh spawned sports car that would chop for 15-20k, which shouldn't really happen. I agree that since it got ''fixed'' I've noticed less vehicles in general, but I'm not sure if this is just coincidence cause a lot of players are stealing them or because it was decreased.
  5. Having the optional parameter to limit unit response at the criteria of the Officer dropping the backup would be a nice feature.
  6. These might be good things to bring up IC'ly, no script implementation is needed for this suggestion. There are always both sides to one coin. Having 10+ cops respond to a traffic stop can be seen as a waste of resources, but the other people committing crime get essentially a free pass because of this bad management of units. What might look like an overkill to one player is essentially a free pass to 40 other players who might be doing any number of illegal activities from slightly speeding to robbery to drug trafficking. Unit management is up to PD Command and shouldn't be regulated by OOC limitations, we have supervisors and command staff that determine what type of response is acceptable and regularly clear excess units if needed.
  7. I agree, so shouldn't we focus on adding perhaps a clarifying section in the non-RP part of the rules as @FatherOsborn suggested with the goal of then reporting the people who do this? Why would further rules that affect IC actions be imposed on PD/SD who, by the original poster's own words, aren't to blame at all for this. As for SD, I am not sure what their protocols on static drug labs are, if some of these are failing then it would be something to address to the faction members to try and reduce these issues.
  8. You can do more, report the situation in game using /report or these forums and hold those players accountable.
  9. -1 PD already has rules surrounding these types of static criminal locations and won't just wonder into one unless RP organically leads us there or we get a call about it. This is not an issue that needs to be regulated from law enforcement side of things, If anything there perhaps should be a clause added to the Non-RP rule section regarding criminals regularly calling 911 for the purpose of getting a rival gang in trouble with law enforcement, I would imagine it would make more RP sense to deal with this gang vs gang instead of weaponizing PD against rivals.
  10. For the first time in over 2 years I am investing some time on my criminal character, so keep in mind the following opinion might be skewed. I have had a ton of fun the last week or so since the boosting update. I spent the first few hours of the update grabbing a slamvan from grove just to be pulled over by @Jbacon 1 minute later. From this I understood that Police could likely tell if a car was stolen or not. Fast forward one or two more arrests from boosting cars and I started developing a system. I realized my biggest issue was that I lacked the knowledge of where current chop shops were set up. I decided to pause any attempt at stealing cars and instead I focused on building connections. I went around town asking anyone that looked remotely shady about the situation, introducing myself and explaining my predicament to them, most were willing to chat and give some sort of information. A lot of people found themselves in the same situation, not knowing who to go to. However, as I met more people I started building relationships with some of them, I finally met someone who was able to chop my first few cars, a solid 40k in my pocket, not including their cut. Things were looking up. With a chop connection secured, I continued to build other avenues as you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. I started focusing on high-end vehicles in high-end areas, planning routes from the car location to the chop shop, avoiding commonly policed routes and generally taking my time to make sure I am not detected. From here, I started to ''stash'' vehicles. I didn't have access to a shop that was open 24/7 so I would instead boost 3-4 high-end vehicles and hide them around town, coming back for them later, taking my time knowing that I would be able to chop them later. This eventually developed to talking with gang leaders, further developing our relationships beyond just business, offering my vehicles for a fee to groups who had chop shops but did not want to reveal the location to someone they don't trust. Hell, I even witnessed likely one of the first ever attempts at stealing a toolbox by GBK which in itself was cool to be a part of. The point of this story is to explain that even someone like me who started his first criminal character only a week or so ago, can have access to these things if you put in a bit of effort and talk to people. You are correct in that chop shops right now are very valuable, naturally at the start they will likely only be used by gangs and their members, but I have met criminal groups willing to at least buy stashed cars I have for a price, thus giving me some money while keeping their chop site hidden. The struggle that myself and others went through, the time spent learning and looking for any information and the connections made so far are worth the time I think. It makes me feel like there is more substance to RP than just going from static generic chop site and waiting 4 minutes. On an ending note, it's not like this system is perfect. I don't disagree that perhaps the toolbox should be reduced to around 100k or some incentive should be placed to encourage interaction between larger groups who own these chop shops and small time criminals looking to make money. However, let's not make it as easy as before where there was very little work and interaction between players. Perhaps make it so that when a toolbox is placed down as well as the lift and engine hook, these remain at the spot it was placed for a week until someone is able to move it again. (exception for Police raid). This means that rival gangs who find the chop location wouldn't be able to take it for themselves, instead they would have to hold the spot for the remaining time left before they can pick the toolbox and other equipment back up and leave, giving the original group who placed the toolbox time to retaliate and encouraging some conflict RP.
  11. +1 on having a way to more accurately check these. I don't think the cooldown should be decreased at the moment,
  12. These situations can be dealt with ICly through LSPD internal affairs or OOCly through a report if you think the interaction was OOCly motivated. It can suck to have such a big response for something you perceive to be small but at the same time this means 150 other players have less police on their backs because of the arguably bad choice to put so many units on you. Sometimes you'll get the short end of the stick.
  13. Blanket unbans don't work, but the same applies on the flip side. I don't know whether I would +1 all of the points in the main suggestion thread, but there has to be significantly more leniency given in the cases of NRP, Fear RP, DM bans. Roleplay is exactly about that, RP. Not ruelplay. I don't want to imply a doomsday scenario, I don't think that the majority of permanent bans for these reasons were necessarily given wrongfully. There are certainly people and groups who committed mass DM and these aren't events that can be ignored (although even these should be appealable after a while). However, with RP comes the likelihood and I would even argue eventuality that there will be rulebreaks, some of these happen unintentionally and some because of the heat of the moment. Hypothetically, I don't think a player who has x6 DM charges that were given out during chaotic gang shootouts should ever be banned, especially if the nature of the reports are with regards to motivation for shooting. On the other hand, one new player walking up to MRPD and randomly stabbing everyone around should be permanently banned. It should be heavily based on a case by case basis based on the situation and context and not on whether a player has met the target number of offences for a ban or not. Likewise, affiliation bans are equally as bizarre. Having people getting banned for being associated with a group or certain individuals has the consequence of getting long time seasoned players with an ok/clean record caught in the crossfire, something that I have personally witnessed twice. These types of bans are arguably worse on the community because they might involve serious topics such as doxxing and defamation of specific individuals within the community which means the bans will be harsher (full ban, with no access to forums for appeal or discord) and the area of affect greater (otherwise innocent players caught in the crossfire). These types of bans grow into resent towards the server staff. TL;DR bans shouldn't be based on a threshold of offences but an analysis of the situation(s). Affiliation bans should always be appealable on the forums and careful consideration should be given to those who are doing the rulebreaks vs those who were "caught in the crossfire"
  14. I'm assuming the idea here is to promote being cautious and smart. It isn't just about driving safe and normally, but also about driving through areas with low police presence, let's say you have a chop shop at the airport. If you grab a car from vinewood you should be looking for routes to get there that have the least amount of police presence. Perhaps have a friend in a getaway car in case you get caught as an escape route, etc...
  15. Date and time (provide timezone): 27/04./2022 Around 18:30 Character name: Cyrus Raven Issue/bug you are reporting: I spawned my slamvan at Mors after noticing it was there (believe it was stolen from Vespucci PD and chopped). When I went to mors and paid the amount to recover it, it did not spawn at the usual spot, instead I tracked it to one of the previous static chop shop NPCs next to Mega-Mall. It also showed a value of 7000 and a few dollars yet the prompt ''at no cost'' showed up. Expected behavior: Vehicles recovered from Mors should spawn at Mors Insurance parking lot Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://streamable.com/g5q9o0 + Vehicle license plate number*: CYABITCH
  16. This should be handled IC'ly through the government letterbox, no OOC intervention is needed here. In fact, I would likely support you IC'ly with regards to extending the time to be able to pay a fine or a change to the penal code stating that a chance to pay the fine has to be given to the RO of a vehicle (since these charges are sometimes added by scanning parked vehicles). There is no ''they'' bogeyman here, we don't control the penal code, we enforce it. That's fair enough, but that is your decision. Getting pulled over and found with illegal items is just a direct consequence of your actions. Next time you might decide to take a safer approach and leave any illegal items in your property until after you pay the fine. No one forced you to drive around with illegal items on you. Especially not PD.
  17. I agree with everything said here. However, I sympathize with the need to add replacement activities when making these drastic changes. Perhaps as @LucasJHughes pointed out, public labs should be given a boost, adding incentives to occupying and running labs out in the open again, high-risk, high-reward while scaling payouts with law enforcement on-duty as a means to avoid grinding in dead hours. Introduce new lab locations that can be built and dismantled by groups when they feel like cooking. An absolutely incredible change that we saw recently was the addition of the new free lance job that promotes team work to get through the tasks. Why not use a portion of that system with regards to setting up labs, chop shops, etc... If Gang A wants to cook at sea lab, don't just have the lab already be there, instead the group arrives, they set up the lab, cook however much they want and at the end they can either leave it up or dismantle it. Have mini-tasks/games after it has been initially set up used to replenish supplies, grow marijuana plants, etc...
  18. I like the idea of more heists, although I agree with the sentiment @IAmTurtle is expressing, it's not like I don't want more heists added, It just needs to be handled differently then the current bank meta. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is only one jewellery store in the base GTA map, as such I think the payout for this heist should be significantly higher than banks. However, this also should come with significant risks. A few ideas that I think would benefit this suggestion. - High payout - As suggested there should be jewellery cabinets, although these would only be accessible via lock picking (ideally this would be a mini-game instead of using standard lockpicking RNG action timer, thus promoting skill and benefiting criminals who practice a lot) - There needs to be something that keeps people in the location longer, perhaps even promoting hostage taking as a bargaining chip to negotiate free passage or something of the sorts. We talk about RP all the time, but as it stands store robberies, banks, ATMs are all a game of amount of people and bikes with the only goal being to get it completed as fast as possible. - This heist should be able to be partially completed stealthly if enough preparations are made. Add a junction box on the roof where someone with bolt cutters can shut the electricity and/or cameras, giving criminals a 5-10 minute window to rob the place. The NPC inside would still need to be constantly held up to avoid a 911 call. However, this would only allow you to get through a small amount of jewellery cabinets, unless you've mastered the lockpicking games. TL;DR, overall suggestion is good, but I think it needs to be significantly different and challenging to account for there being only one jewellery store as well as to promote a well planned heist which might include hostages instead of the current meta with 20 bikes completing a bank in 3 mins and leaving
  19. We need to add a lot more to the criminal side of things, but I just hope these changes are there to promote more interaction and tension between criminal groups, more activities for criminals to do and the long awaited drug update. The focus should be on having more to do, but increasing the quality of the RP, lets avoid repeating history. I don't think it's in the interest of the server to go back to the time where you couldn't even refuel without getting pulled up on by a 6 man convoy for a radio and gps.
  20. +1 except for literally every item in the server. Having to spam buy 50 donuts as a cop is annoying
  21. I respectfully disagree... Some of the most expansive suggestion threads for criminal RP comes from @Balaa Police Officer as seen in the following threads: Mind you, I don't agree with a lot of the points made in these threads, but I hope it serves to point out that this isn't as easily boiled down to ''police In this server so Invested In a play to win mentalities that they force you to limit your RP which leads to you getting caught 90% of the time'', especially considering Police see criminal faction members switching frequencies or smashing radios while injured or tazed on the daily... so we should probably cool it down with the play 2 win mentalities, this isn't the thread to discuss this. Furthermore, Police do not have a say when it comes to choosing to follow the server rules and standards, just like any other person that plays on the server. As it stands right now, you have to place a weapon away through the script if you want it to be hidden. This thread is to discuss whether this should be changed, I don't see how blaming a legal faction that neither made this rule or has a choice to enforce it contributes positively to the discussion. Now onto a discussion about the actual suggestion. You can already expand your RP responses, specifically when it comes to hiding weapons, you just have to do it in conjunction with what the script lets you do. If you have space in your glovebox to hide your .50 and you want to RP hiding it under the seat, you can do that. You drag your .50 into the vehicle inventory and then elaborate where it is hidden through /me and /do What you can't do is use RP as a way to be able to hide a heavy somewhere in your car, circumventing the script, which I would argue is a good thing. Why might you ask is this a good thing? Because otherwise what we get are groups driving around with heavy weapons on them 24/7 and every time they are pulled over they just RP that it is hidden in the vehicle, creating what I suspect would be an environment where for any Police related incident the weapons are always RP'ly hidden, but for any incident outside of that involving civilians or other criminals the weapons are readily available to be used against It just makes it sound like you (not you specifically, but the people who agree with this suggestion in general) are looking to find a way to prevent Police from being able to see weapons on your person while also having the perk of being able to quickly step out and shoot at a moments notice in non-Police incidents and hiding this under the veil of improved RP. Compromise? I would consider it fair to allow heavy weapons to be stored normally in the vehicle storage as long as you have an action timer to store the weapon and an action timer to retrieve it. By having this script support, like you can right now with .50 or other pistols, you can then expand on your RP by using /me and /do after using the script function, thus being able to have that RP component of hiding a weapon in a specific area of the car through /me while also having it scritply in the car.
  22. This is fine to ask for and something plenty of Officers do, although it isn't a requirement. I don't think you need Alt RP approval to hide a weapon using the inventory and then specifying where through and /me and /do RP. What isn't allowed is to keep a weapon on your person and then use /me and /do to RP'ly hide it, as mentioned if everyone would be given the freedom to do this it would be prone to abuse by people trying to avoid being seen with it while still having it easily accessible via the weapon wheel. It could lead to players claiming they hid the weapon via RP when pulled over by the Police while at the same time claiming it was on their person via the script so they can instantly use it if they engage with another criminal faction moments later. Using RP in combination with the script seems like a sensible solution and something that, as far as I am ware, is perfectly allowed. Want to hide a weapon in a car in one specific spot ? Place it in the inventory of the car and elaborate with /me and /do
  23. This can still happen with the current system though.
  24. I'm not opposed to finding ways for criminal groups to get weapons without having to be in an Official Faction, but this would have to be an extremely fleshed out idea for me to be able to +1 it. My main concern is that if we just copy paste a script like the bank heist but for a gun-store where the pay-out are weapons, we would see a lot of the same issues with the current system or probably worse. For the parties that think Police already shoot too much in bank situations involving hostages, imagine a situation where now what is being stolen are weapons and not money, this would likely lead to people being shot 99.9% of the times given the dangerous nature of the heist.
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