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Victor Einhart

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Everything posted by Victor Einhart

  1. I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, I'd like to see this in order to correct the mistakes that happen. On that front I'm 500% for it. On the other hand, it would encourage people to ambush officers driving to DOC with suspects and basically take them captive trying to get charges removed because they would now OOCly know an officer can do that with script support. I guess you could argue this would encourage more DOC convoys to pick up suspects, but that's not always possible. I think it would lead to abuse cases during low population times, where there would be every incentive to attack an officer and force them to remove charges and in my opinion giving people even more reasons to attack law enforcement is going to make the job more and more frustrating.
  2. I know how it works, my man. No need for this chirping. All I'm saying is, instead of doing all this, you could simply tell an officer to add the charges. You don't actually have to drive all the way to the station, get on duty, and add charges yourself. You can just call 911 and tell the responding officer what happened and you can get those charges you want added. Given that your witness testimony is valid probable cause to add charges, a privilege you have over everyday civilians, I don't see why it's necessary to do it yourself when you can take a few seconds to explain what happened and roleplay with another officer and achieve the results you want. My issue is I don't see a need for additional scripting support when it can just be done by talking to an officer responding to your 911 call. I never said anything about abuse, that's why I didn't mention it.
  3. You can use big boy words to relay information to other officers. I get that it's a convenience but honestly it's already no bueno to use other forms of faction equipment off duty. I don't see why an exception should be made here when one can just speak to their co-workers and achieve the same result.
  4. -1. You already have advanced privileges when it comes to being involved in a crime while you're off duty, both formal (your word and a charge can be added to someone whereas a civilian's word is not enough), and informal (your buddies will probably believe your story over some nobody). While I agree it would be convenient to access this system while off duty, I don't think it's ok to add yet another layer of privileges when you already hold all the cards in a situation like this.
  5. An actual officer would be trained, just like soldiers, to aim for center mass (read: the chest). This mickey mouse stuff of aiming at somebody's shoulder or leg is hollywood film stuff and is in some cases, like a leg shot, more dangerous than a shot to the torso. Aiming for anything other than the center of the target is a recipe to miss. There are plenty of non-lethal ways to de-escalate a situation but there is no police force in the United States that will respond to lethal force being used on officers with anything less than lethal force in turn.
  6. 1). These injuries aren't really accurate due to how rage syncs clients. I don't think that's entirely practical because they are more or less random even if you are some kind of godlike marksman and lets be honest, most people aren't. 2). There is no such thing as "non lethal shooting." You're either shooting to kill or you aren't. Second rule of gun safety is to never point the gun at something you aren't willing to destroy. I do agree that people shouldn't just take a dump on somebody for OOC reasons, though.
  7. That simply isn't true. The reason police weapons can't drop their weapons is because people would just try to "farm" police officers for their weapons. Why would anyone want to play as a mobile loot box for other players? And if you think police officers are never robbed, you are simply wrong. I've seen officers get shot and killed over a $500 traffic ticket, what makes you think it would be any better if everyone thought they were hot stuff and wanted a new gun? This does not happen, and if for some reason it does, send me a video of an officer patrolling in the Hakuchou so I can arrange for their deployment privileges to be taken away.
  8. There's already hydraulics on some cars, and depending on what state you're in neon lights are also illegal (the reason being some people install flashing blue or red lights which can confuse the public into thinking the vehicle is law enforcement). The only other thing I could see being added is some kind of nitro injection system, but since that feature was cut from GTA V it would have to be added either with a mod or scripting. We could increase the enforcement of the already existing illegal mod law to cover more things like dark tinted windows and neons (hydraulics are already enforced) but that really depends if people want to actually go for that.
  9. +1 so long as there is a system to prevent abuse and getting spammed with hundreds of messages.
  10. +1. The only reason it's ever used is to humiliate people which in my opinion is no bueno.
  11. In every city in the world, if you parked your car on the side of the road and left it there, it would eventually be towed.
  12. I know your suggestion makes sense from a realism standpoint especially in America, but there are already too many heavy weapons in the server and they don't promote the kind of interesting RP everyone says they want.
  13. I already said I was in favour of lads like that being able to shoot a fleeing car, but I don't think rolling up to some random person with AKs to take his radio and a burger is great RP to start with.
  14. I'm in favour of allowing people to take shots at a car that flees in these kinds of scenarios, but I'm concerned at the level of RP surrounding these scenarios to begin with and the details of how it would work. Already I think the level of RP with these robberies is quite low. It's just "hands up, out of the car, /do success" and that's it. Absolutely nothing else in all the robberies I've seen. If there was any kind of engagement beyond this I wouldn't be concerned, but right now I can just see this devolving into more dumb shootings where people just shout some nonsense and then start blasting. Personally I want more interesting RP and this isn't it. Also, at what point would you be allowed to start shooting?
  15. -1, it's an IC issue. Using the Mission Row example: if PD has a lot of officers and not enough parking, that's a problem to be solved in-game, or with OOC regulations to not log off and leave your crap laying around. A script that beams cars up to the mothership removes that player interaction.
  16. You can change this in GTA system settings under Display > Measurement System
  17. The problem I think right now, is that people aren't allowed to show much effort, because only moderators or above can roleplay as a lawyer let alone any of the other myriad parts of a judicial system. I'm certain if that RP was opened up to the average joe it would be more commonplace.
  18. This is more of a server culture thing, rather than something that can actually be enforced. +1 though.
  19. Using the ID when you don't know what someone's name is IC is metagaming. If you get charges added to you when only your ID was known, submit a forum report. As for this suggestion, while I don't approve of using the ID to metagame, removing this feature would also remove the ability to search the MDC for somebody's fingerprints in the case that they RP not carrying their ID. If we remove the ID search and somebody RPs not having their ID, we would have no way to identify them even if PD roleplays scanning their fingerprints and searching the database for a match. Using the ID search feature, we can check to see if they do indeed have mugshot and fingerprints on file (which is roleplayed when creating a criminal record for somebody). Removal of this feature makes that roleplay entirely pointless and adds an enormous incentive to always roleplay not carrying an ID.
  20. Victor Einhart


    This sentence right here, officer. Translating IRL funds to IG funds is no bueno from not only a "fun" perspective, but once money gets directly involved like this it can cause legal issues. -1.
  21. SWAT already has an EOD unit to respond to bomb situations. While bomb RP requires admin approval, it does exist and is becoming more prevalent in recent times.
  22. My suggestion is to add /eod duty to law enforcement (explosive ordnance disposal). This would equip the player with a different uniform, similar to /swat duty, but in this case it would equip them with heavy ballistic gear/bomb suit, for bomb disposal tasks. I don't suggest any kind of increased armor rating or any additional equipment, but I'd like to this kind of equipment available for when law enforcement is taking on explosive scenes. I'd suggest IC regulations for when it would be used, as obviously this uniform wouldn't be used for regular active deployments. I realize this is a niche suggestion, but it would be really nice to have.
  23. I'd like to see player-made labs, which would not only give criminals things to do but also LSPD investigators something to look for.
  24. You and I both know that isn't what I'm talking about.
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