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Everything posted by alexalex303

  1. thread looks good. good luck!
  2. The biggest difference with IRL is that you can not tackle someone in GTA. If someone is running on foot, the only way to stop them is either tasing them, or ramming them with a car. People also do not run out of breath in GTA, and can run forever. Until you add a tackle system, I do not think you can add a limit to taser usage and not make it incredibly powerful to run on foot from law enforcement.
  3. Removed comments which were not constructive. If you have issues with the way the faction is representing themselves on any ECRP platform, please submit a complaint with faction management or contact the leader(s) of the faction privately.
  4. Let's not. Thread archived.
  5. I think a good amount of people did it in the past, however, that doesn't make it great or something to aspire towards. At one point WCA was robbing people at gas stations, but if I supported the public robbery rule, you would find that a good argument against it? You can support a better standard, even if you were part of the problem, because you want (or should want) things to improve, and not stay the same forever. I think if we're moving forward towards more realistic RP, and advocate for it (such as what you self-identified as), a gang banger with a bodycamera and a sharp pen makes absolutely no sense.
  6. To be fair, it does seem to be a bit questionable to be wearing a bodycamera as a gang member. I think you would struggle to find a career criminal in the hood going around with a bodycamera on his person. If anything, they'd be shot for it. It's mainly cops and civilians that wear them. I'm not against people having to do some extra work if they wish to wear them, except when it makes sense to be provided by an employer (including DCC, Weazel, etc)
  7. Negative comments removed. If you have any issues with the way the faction is conducting itself, contact faction management or faction leadership privately. This is not the place for it. Any further posts of the kind will result in forum and/or in-game punishments.
  8. Just like every gang discord has at least one OOC voice channel? It's a non-issue, as long as metagaming does not happen.
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 15/JAN/2020 0700 UTC Character name: Jason Steel (spike strip) & Cyrus Carver (driver) Issue/bug you are reporting: Spike strips do not do anything since 1.1 Expected behavior: The tires of the vehicle should become deflated Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://streamable.com/10m1rn Place down spike strip Drive over spike strip Prior to 1.1, this only happened if the spike strips were placed outside of streaming distance. Now it happens regardless of them being placed well within streaming distance. old bug report thread: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/51371-spike-strips-not-working-outside-of-streaming-range/ Vehicle license plate number*: N/A - does not work against any vehicle
  10. Yes. Do /stats before and after. I do /paytoll as a cop and do not pay anything.
  11. alexalex303

    Dark Army

    Looks very unique. Excited to see how it unfolds in-game. Good luck!
  12. My biggest issue with alias is the misuse of the command. I find that if you meet someone reasonably, i.e. hey I'm Jason Steel, you're John Doe, that's fine to /alias. The issue for me arises when during a robbery, someone aliases rob1, rob2, kos3, etc. I'd consider making /alias tied to /license, or require approval similar to /frisk. Obviously if you introduced yourself to someone, you will be able to /aliasapprove or whatever, but it should help stop random alias abuse.
  13. And the server has been around for three years. Let's not pretend the Drag was a rare sight. Triads were posting pictures with 25 drags a year ago now. It was (and probably still is) the most common motorbike on the server, simply because of its performance and ability to lose people in chases.
  14. The look have stayed the same. You can still enjoy the looks and the RP aspect of it.
  15. If you bought the drag because you liked it or for RP reasons, nothing changed. Things only changed if you bought the drag because it was OP.
  16. I would love to see fines that scale on your income, similar to the tax system. Shows that it's possible and some of the groundwork is already done. Say something like a $500 base + % of net worth. Obviously percentage would be higher on stuff like murder and much lower on reckless operation.
  17. Alliances negatively affected criminal RP more than any nerf to importing weapons and whatnot. Realism/NonRP I feel that if gang A wants to be friendly towards gang B it can exert a good amount of soft power. Ex. Provide them with cheaper prices for guns, provide large weapon shipments while refusing to stock the other side, help with propaganda, etc. However, the current state of affairs where gang A and gang B hop on a joint frequency and look for the "enemy" to shoot together does not bring any good RP, does not make any sense and it should be stopped. It completely dilutes faction identities and honestly, in recent conflicts, it is very hard to tell where faction A begins and faction B ends, when they are always together, in the same vehicles hunting. No gang would literally take to the streets with an enemy gang in order to directly fight a third enemy gang. You notice how I'm saying enemy gangs? Because, realistically, there would be no two friendly gangs. Everyone is the enemy when you want to be #1. The issue is that right now a lot of the factions are happy to share third place between four of them. Thinking that makes them #1. Game Balance This is a video game, I know, shocking news. But even if we disregard realism completely, it doesn't make sense from a game balance point of view to allow these mega-blocks to form. It completely forces any newer gangs to eat scraps or get pushed off the server. Should newer gangs be as strong as older ones? No. But it should be based on older ones having more experience, more weapons, etc, not just because the older gangs can say the magic word on a joint frequency and get six gangs there to hold hands. Strain on game engine We're playing using RAGE which is effectively a mod for a sometimes dubious console port. This is made very clear when you drive past bank/pier/high-end and lose sixty frames with a decent computer. Even from a technical perspective, having hundreds of players in the same area is not good. You get constant crashes, and when they are not crashing, they're playing at thirty FPS. Physics are affected by FPS in this game, which means that it is actually affecting RP scenarios. Strain on reactionary factions Sometimes, or even most of the time, when these large alliances clash, law enforcement/medical services will become involved. If it was just one gang against another, there would still be a large response, but it would either be less large, or over with quicker. However, when there are 20+ people to arrest, and 40+ to take to the hospital, you are quite literally crippling those factions for an hour. That means for an hour everyone can rob stores/banks, and if a random fisherman gets injured on the way to the dropoff? He's screwed because all EMTs are at the large shootout between six gangs. No matter how you look at things, these large shootouts between six gangs are bad for the health of the server, and should be stopped, as soon as possible.
  18. Anything that provides more repercussions for getting injured/shot/killed is something worth considering. +1
  19. Big -1 One of the main reasons why good roleplay seems harder to happen in prison is because everyone starts punching randomly. If anything, we need more strict DM rules in prison. Roleplay is more than just attacking people, and the sooner we get rid of behavior like that, the sooner we can get actual roleplay going on. DOC posted some great examples of prison RP, that would be totally ruined by a "100% aggression level inmate" attacking guards. Credit to @DrPathetic for the picture.
  20. I feel like it breaks immersion a lot. We need less OOC text, not more. I like the idea of having a /toggle command to show/hide it, but have it be disabled by default. In my mind, the command would be client-sided, similar to pressing F7, if you do the command, you will no longer see other players' (( TABBED OUT )), they can still see yours unless they toggle it as well.
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