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Burnout Nation

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Los Santos can be a toxic city at the best of times, and the negativity begins to seep into people's hearts and minds.

One day whilst fishing, a group of friends decided it was time that someone tried to make some kind of change.

The main aim of Burnout Nation is to bring positivity and a friendly atmosphere to any location they drive. Formed as a car club, the cars are secondary to the atmosphere and feeling of family the nation prides itself on.

With no prior history the nation's model is based on the usual car club hierarchy and some original ideas implemented by the founders of Burnout Nation. Currently we are still a fresh legal club, and are looking to get our name out there so people in the city begin to recognize our colours, outfits and our name begins to be heard in conversation between people who don’t know us personally.

We aren’t a gang, or a racing club, we plan on running car meets, and legal race events only. Absolutely no illegal activity of any kind is welcomed within the club.


1440856049_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.c402fd08dc1ca6ff6d19c3d49e633ee2.pngWe aim to spread our name across Los Santos and make people aware of our existence and to have people know us as some of the best people Los Santos has to offer through BLS treatment for random injured civilians to giving people rides if they’re stuck on the side of the highway.


417120001_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.c0fcf55c136953026644cc17819adbb8.pngWe aim to purchase a property that will serve as a HQ and Nightclub for events and business revenue.


2018060117_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.8745f1771e4a63d2b6f3a88072e373e8.pngWe aim to increase the treasury to at least 1 million after the purchase of said HQ and nightclub to be able to start a side business purchasing and modifying cars to flip for a small profit at reasonable prices to customers around the city.


63339093_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.dc21c1ed983ed5fc45715b3bae8b0078.pngWe aim to make connections with higher ups in the various gangs and maintain good relations to keep our members safe from any civilian robberies.


727780333_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.521d12fc899f3101774939ced45fb3be.pngWe aim to recruit a few more members to broaden our capabilities in both hosting events and running a business as well as cruising and presenting ourselves to the citizens of Los Santos (Extended Goal: Reach 30 members to sufficiently fill divisions)

727780333_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.521d12fc899f3101774939ced45fb3be.pngTo purchase a garage that club members can use to unwind and work on their vehicles (or friends of the club's vehicles) without having to wait in queues at shops every time a minor fix is needed. Ideally the abandoned garage site formerly ran and operated as Benny's Motorworks as the paintjob fits the aesthetic of Burnout Nation's colors.


552084588_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.887f6ad151439effb9b62912a593aa28.png 20,000 Minimum XP, but those with lower are welcome to hang around


133157531_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.474d73e7d4afa935edf1867ba3f6a203.pngMust have no admin punishments within the last 30 days however severity of punishment may be assessed internally


1417422606_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.8b866e1ea9bae93ffb66055664732c99.pngMust have a good understanding of server rules and drive in a realistic manner, understanding the servers road laws


939416839_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.3fb3361cf2ba40c38850e042ae3a0b71.pngMust be over 18 however maturity will be assessed internally and exceptions may be made


939416839_BurnoutNationbulletpoint.png.3fb3361cf2ba40c38850e042ae3a0b71.pngMust be willing to commit time to the faction, inactivity without due communication can result in removal from the faction


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The leader of Burnout Nation and the lead in meetings and discussions. Is involved in all divisions of the club and works to maintain a strong relationship with every member of the club.




The right and left hand of the chairman, in place to make sure any decisions and rules put in place are fair and just. Takes over from the chairman when he is not around.




Underneath the chairman and deputies are the Overseers, charged with overseeing all the clubs divisions and acting as a second port of call for members to come to with concerns and questions, form a large part of the grids decision making process.


Satellite Team



Senior member of the Club, the head of a division of their interest, other members will come to you for guidance in any of the following divisions. Involved in grid meetings.


PR & Cruising - Responsible for arranging club cruises around the city and will act as lead vehicle in convoys alongside the chairman. Also responsible for maintaining public image with resources such as Lifeinvader. 


Event Management & Racing - Widely recognized as one of the best drivers in the group and one of the best at protecting other members, will be in charge of getting permission to run legal races and running security at those events. 

Business & Acquirement - Responsible for handling all the transactions involved in flipping cars and ensuring that our prices for modified cars are fair and competitive. Works very closely with the banker regarding budgeting and is the main person responsible for maintaining good relationships with dealerships.



Second in command from an Ace 


Long term members who are very well trusted within the club, they will be knowledgeable in all aspects of Burnout, a mentor for all the members, to help in all aspects of the divisions and club activities.




Trusted and experienced members within the club, there to guide Cruisers and Blazers as they learn the ropes.



Members that have been with the club a while, there to be involved in any way they can in Burnout Nation activities.





Members of the club who have not yet decided on a division they would like to focus most of their attention towards, but have proven to fit into the family well and shown they get along well with the majority of members and are a positive presence to be around. Can be called upon by any Ace and above if they are in need of help and are expected to offer a hand where possible.





Fresh recruits who have shown interest in the club and seem to be a good fit and a friendly person, will spend time with the club until the majority of members feel like they know and get on well with this recruit and they should be brought in as a full member.

Edited by Maccy
Updated with new rank system
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Authors: @Ranger and @Asbo





‘’Asbo.. Vince Williams wants to talk to you.’’ Don exclaimed to me.

A slight chill ran down my spine, really, Vince Williams, owner of La Fuente Blanca, playboy, millionaire, gun store owner, The Tony Stark of Los Santos?

Only a few hours went by before we met each other at the Bayview parking lot, although it wasn’t a very serious encounter, I was still nervous, what could he possibly want to talk to me about?

‘’So.’’ Vince said towards Asbo, while he was lighting up a Cuban cigar. ‘’I heard you’re high up in Burnout Nation, correct?’’

I raised my brow slightly, before giving a slow nod. ‘’Aye, I am, second-in-command along with a deputy chairwoman.

‘’Well, I heard you guys do races, fancy doing a race?’’

I pushed my tongue up to the roof of my mouth and gave a nod.

‘’Sure, what do you have in mind?’’ I asked Vince with a curious grin.

‘’Pink slip.’’ said Vince.

‘’Ah, shit.’



After Don, Asbo, and a couple other members spoke with Vince in the Bayview parking lot, Asbo and Don began to spread the word to other members to let them know what the opportunity was that was offered to Burnout Nation. They were told to go meet at the La Fuente Blanca Ranch to talk more about the opportunity that was offered to them.





After meeting with Vince, the Burnouts went to The Lot and spoke a bit to other members that weren’t able to make it to the meeting.  After filling them in, they all spoke, and thought that Jamie would be the ideal racer, as he has had a background in racing during a couple city hosted races.

After everyone agreed that Jamie would be the best racer, they remembered that they had to put a car up for the race. Asbjorn stepped in and said that he would offer his Schlagen, and Jamie offered to put his Feltzer up, just in case they needed a backup car. After deciding who was going to race, and what car was going to be used, the Burnouts hung out at Vince’s Ranch for a while, and then went to The Lot to discuss things further.






It was getting closer and closer to the scheduled time of the race. All the Burnouts were hanging out around the lot, and driving around trying to pass the time. After sitting at The Lot for a little bit, everyone checked the time, and prepared to head over to Fort Zancudo for the race.


The Burnouts pulled up to the location, and Vince and a few associates pulled up in his Toros. The Burnouts chatted with Vince, and saw the Coquette D10 arrive shortly after. The Burnouts were in awe, the car they’ve heard so much about was right in front of them, and the time to race it was coming soon.


Jamie prepared himself for the race, and drove his car onto the track and parked it next to the D10. All the Burnouts and Vince’s crew were eager to see the race begin. After some time passed, the race was ready to begin. 5 Laps, first one to cross the line won the race, and the pink slips to the other person’s vehicle. 




3..2..1.. GO! And they were off, everyone was cheering on Jamie as he left the starting line, and Vince and his group were watching, hoping that the D10 would win, and they could leave with one extra car.


As they kept coming by, lap by lap, the race got closer and closer. In the first few laps the D10 was in the lead, and after a long pause in laps, the two cars came around the corner, Jamie was in front of the D10! Everyone cheered him on as they began their final lap. Vince’s crew was looking nervous, Vince started talking about how his boss would be very upset if they lost.


The final lap was coming to a close, the two cars were neck and neck to the finish line, as they came down the final stretch, they crossed the finish line. Jamie was the winner, but the two racers decided to continue racing, and ended up doing 3 extra laps.




The Burnouts flocked the track to congratulate Jamie and let them know how good of a job he did on the track. Vince on the other hand, called his boss and let him know the results of the race. As he was on the phone off to the side, all the Burnouts were talking to Jamie, asking him how it was, and how the laps went since the Burnouts could only see the first, and last corners.




After talking with Jamie, they spoke with Vince and his associates, and everyone parted ways. The Burnouts decided on what to do next, and went to LSC and got the car modified. After getting it to their desired look, they went to The Lot and celebrated the victory with some chatter and pictures.



Edited by Maccy
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Author: @Diego Lionetti - Secretary

Another day of building. Another day of sweat and paperwork. The first order of business, however, is to continue spreading the name of Burnout Nation across every street of San Andreas, and that is exactly what we did. The day started with a simple plan: make some friends, and give ourselves a name. As such, we took the opportunity of local events to present ourselves to the various people of LS, of all walks of life.



Reaching out to local affiliations, the Nation made our way north to Paleto to partake in a block party put on by a local organization that was open to the public. Although Paleto is a bit further than some might want to drive, Burnout Nation finds a home wherever we can meet the open road. As such, we made our way en masse to the party to participate and show a local gang that we have just as much interest partying with them (in a responsible manner) as we do anyone else who is interested in having a good time.


After showing our support for the parties in Paleto, we would make our way back to the city to hit a more secretive event. Deep Into the Void hosted by DJ Abyss at a tucked-away location near Grove St. Close enough to the city to draw a crowd, but tucked away enough that one might need to know where to look to find the party. And we knew exactly where to look. The group was small, but everyone enjoyed the music, and we got to meet some faces that we might not remember. But that is what makes a party fun, right? More importantly is the faces you do remember.


The evening concluded with the sober members of the club driving those of us that might have partied a little too hard back to the temporary HQ provided graciously by our Deputy Chairman, Asbjorn Schmidt. It might not be as big as a real clubhouse, but it's a home. A home that suits a family like ours, and gives us a place to rest our weary feet after a long day of trying to make an impression. Some casual conversation and recalling of the plans for the days ahead was led by our Chairman, Maccy Kentworth. It was a productive conversation that spanned for plans over the next few days (including a dinner party), and making contact with other clubs- particularly the American Muscle Club. Along with making our intentions clear to all of our members, we accepted into the ranks of Burnout Nation our very first set of recruits.



Former Sergeant at Arms of the LSMC, Ryan found himself hitting the road once more in search of what the city had to offer him. Thankfully, many of our founding members remember the work of Ryan Blackwell fondly, and when they learned that he was in the market for a new social group, invitations were quickly left open. It didn’t take long before Ryan found himself becoming comfortable around the club members and decided to join formally. On the same night, by unanimous present vote, Ryan was offered the position of Ace- the head of club security. His previous experience made him an obvious choice for the position; a position that he humbly accepted once he was certain it was the desire of all members present.


One of the first official Burners. A prospect to the club- a growing urban legend to the city. Serena has taken her persona as a synth-crushing DJane and run away with it like wildfire. Having played for several clubs already, as well as exclusive parties including that of Los Santos Customs and even the Department of Corrections. Burnout Nation was quick to reach out to the growing influence only to learn that she was still running without a crew to call her own. Welcomed by such a group that had shown a vested interest in her personal events, Serena felt comfortable among the company and decided to step up as one of the very first Burners, and she was welcomed with open arms.


New to the city and a relation to someone that most of the Nation’s members do know, Axel has dreams to become a PD officer within the city of Los Santos. Axel seemed a perfect fit from the get go with his friendly if quiet personality, he instantly got on with the members during an informal hang out at the HQ. He was promptly brought in after showing interest in the club and has so far been an excellent addition to the family.


The first few days of a journey towards a recognized legal club have been full of excitement and energy; everyone is feeling motivated and ready to contribute to making this club into the image we all share. A place where we can socialize with people who will see us as family. A place where the voice of every member can be heard. There are quite a few steps yet to be taken to put our goals in sight, but all of us are eager to push forward. If only we had an idea of the sort of complications that awaited us.

Edited by fin02110
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Author: Bez Meowington

Pictures chosen by: Hazel Adams & Maccy Kentworth


The day was finally here, again.. The first attempt at a dinner party was a day tainted with all kinds of mess. But here we were, excited and eager to taste the food that had been described so elegantly to us by the man himself. You couldn't blame us for being somewhat dubious of what we were about to receive due to his playful nature. The question we were all thinking, but not saying.. Can he actually cook?!








The day began with Maccy and Asbjorn taking a trip to the store for ingredients. Asbjorn was raring to go and spent no time finding the items he needed, happy with their purchases they headed back to Asbjorn's apartment, also known as the current Burnout Nation HQ.









Asbjorn got straight to work, wasting no time prepping the food ready for cooking once the rest of the club arrived. He decided he would ask Frost and Maccy to help him out by cutting and mincing the bison meat he'd bought earlier. Unfortunately Maccy and Frost did not follow the instructions given and added some extra ingredients, Asbjorn was not impressed and promptly sent them back to the store to collect more meat.






Once back, he had them chop and mince it, this time watching over them to ensure it was done correctly. After all, this was the meat for his BurnoutBurger ™ and this was his first time letting anyone try his creation so it had to be perfect!







Once the prep was done members of the club began to arrive, first they had a Grid meeting to discuss rules of the club and to finish up the logbook. It was now ready to be printed off and handed out to everyone, and any new members.

Once done, Asbjorn went straight into the kitchen, the club members gathered around to watch him go to work in an outfit he bought just for the occasion. Chatting between themselves and with him as the smell of food filled the apartment, a rich mouth watering scent wrapping around them like a blanket on a cold day.










At last, the first course was complete! Everyone gathered around the table as Winter and Asbjorn served the food, it looked amazing! But how would it taste? Everyone hastily grabbed their spoons and dug in, the room went silent for only a moment before erupting with exclamations of delight and wonder! The carbonara Asbjorn had cooked was delicious, every bite left them wanting more, it was mouth watering, soul fulfilling perfectly cooked. Not a complaint in the house!









Asbjorn then announced he would be beginning to cook the next course, "there's more?" the club members asked surprised there was still more food to come after such a delicious creation already! Yes there's more he exclaimed, and began to cook his burgers, taking time and care to get them perfect. With a little help from Bez passing him things the burgers were ready to go, everyone rushed to grab one. Once again the room was filled with appreciative sounds and gestures.






And finally! The last course. Dessert! A chocolate mousse that Asbjorn had made earlier, was quickly dished out and eaten just as quickly. During this, Hank arrived at the HQ and was given a copy of the logbook and had a chat with Maccy. The chat went well, and Burnout Nation welcomed a new member to the family.

Edited by MeowBez
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