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Give DCC/Weazel/Bayview/LSC/Gov Factions Secure Frequency

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As a member of LSC, the issue of having to switch radio frequencies due to robberies is actually getting out of proportion. It's getting to the point where only having to change daily is a good thing. As part of a legal faction, it's especially annoying as we dont really share classified info on our radio, but people who've robbed our mechanics usually just use the frequency to piss people off until we have to switch. PD have a radio frequency that can only be used by members of PD, so I'm not really sure why we (mechanics+cab drivers) can't have the same thing. 

While im happy for any criticism to be posted below, the 'it's not realistic' argument should be irrelevant since irl a person could easily get into a police officer's radio if they robbed them. 


Sorry if it's not worded too eloquently but thanks for reading ❤️

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I think we would all like to have our own frequency, just like the MD/PD & SD. It happens so often that somoene robs one of our employees and that we have to switch the frequency. It would be much better if all companies have their own frequency and that only people added in the F4 menu can join that frequency. We could even join the 900 frequencies, so that PD, SD could join our frequencies in case of emergencies ( Kidnap, Armed Robbery ). 
- Jellay 

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I think it would make roleplay sense for DCC to have their own, as they have dispatch IRL but I'm not sure why a news company would need their own frequency.

What I think would be better in those cases is having a 'group chat' feature on your phone, like whatsapp that you can invite people to.

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1 minute ago, JakeInnit_ said:

The RP behind PD having a designated frequency is that their frequency is encrypted which is highly realistic. However I cant see a mechanic shop or news agency having encrypted frequencies for day to day workers. -1

I completely agree with this, -1.

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2 minutes ago, JakeInnit_ said:

The RP behind PD having a designated frequency is that their frequency is encrypted which is highly realistic. However I cant see a mechanic shop or news agency having encrypted frequencies for day to day workers. -1

I too agree with this, -1

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I was dumbfounded when I found out for the first time that PD, SD, MD and friends have their own frequency only for people in their faction. While MD roleplays it as "whitelisting" your radio for the "encrypted" frequency, I think it makes sense for a law enforcement or EMS group to have it, not regular companies.

I would give this a -1. Just because of my view on how these type of "secure" frequencies are borderline powergame and that it could be interesting to have access to a factions radio frequency.

7 minutes ago, MrWonanother said:

+1 I like the idea - Robbing a mechanic, weazel or DCC member of their radio for the frequency has no benefit for the robber in anyway, like it would robbing a known gang member.

Honestly, I would see it as sometimes having interesting RP opportunities to it. Once I robbed a DCC driver and took his radio. I was on the freq listening to where they are at and we would jump unsuspecting drivers 10-9 at quiet locations. Just another reason to keep it as it is.

Edited by kenichis
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3 hours ago, JakeInnit_ said:

The RP behind PD having a designated frequency is that their frequency is encrypted which is highly realistic. However I cant see a mechanic shop or news agency having encrypted frequencies for day to day workers. -1

Agreed so -1 from me as well

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-1 We need less scripted barriers that are in place for the sake of preventing crime.

PD/SD/MD having locked frequencies at least makes some form of sense as encryption would be used - however, these locks should apply to the radio and not the "player" meaning if you are in PD you can initially tune a radio to 911, but afterwards others would be able to interpret it. An OOC time for this to last could be 24 hours, meaning you would rebind your freq after a day and ones criminals acquired would be rendered useless.

As mentioned prior, I don't realistically see any other "Funded" factions requiring an encrypted frequency as they would be unlikely to utilise it in real life.

As for the frequency being compromised and moving an "entire companies employees to the new freq" you have additional methods to assist with this such as IC notice boards that are shared across discord. Criminals however, do not have such form and we manage to move 50+ people across multiple frequencies multiple times a week, even days on occasions. This is a regular occurrence as our frequencies are compromised by both any criminal and police officer.

Edited by CallumMontie
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3 hours ago, Jimmy Pegorino said:

before long we won't have any frequencies left.


If it get's to that point you can always reuse the oldest frequency you own and gangs also face the same issue, except they are much more prone to robberies and have to change our frequency multiple times a day, there are thousands of frequencies you can use.

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-1, as others have said before, it RPly makes no sense, I could be in favor of Taxis having a built in radio with a dispatch. Or possibly even mechanics having their own CB radio within their tow trucks. Regardless either wouldn’t be able to be used after you exited the vehicle. A scripted freq is just OOC protection from the rest of the server, PD excluded for role play reasons of course. 

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