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PD, can you please quit the corruption?

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Alright, I get it, it's fun. I imagine being a corrupt cop gets the blood flowing and I'm not making this post to say that they shouldn't exist, let's get that out of the way first. I make this post because of how common it is these days, to the point where it's normal to be a corrupt detective or higher. Corrupt cops exist IRL but in an ECRP setting, it just doesn't work. Let criminals be criminals and cops remain cops, otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference between them. I understand having a few lower ranking officers that do some petty, corrupt shit but when you have most of the detectives AND the CHIEF himself being corrupt, it spreads to the entire department. I have no issues being arrested, especially when I deserve it but only when it's by the books, completely clean and executed like an actual cop. Perhaps you all have different opinions but that's the point of a discussion post, let's hear them.

Edited by MrUntouchable215
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27 minutes ago, MrSilky said:

What started this train of thought?

A multitude of things. From Palmer and Reefer camping chilliad, baiting and shooting at people with a 50 cal, to Palmer and Reefer taking me up a mountain to execute me before letting me go and dropping my charges, to Logan Cross giving me a .50 after when I got out of jail, Jason Steel shooting a Tech 9, there's many more to list and I've videos of it all. As I said, I'm not saying corruption should be removed, but it really shouldn't be so common to the point where it's hard to tell the difference between criminals and PD. I could see Palmer being corrupt, Logan being corrupt and a few others but the Chief? Really? It just feels weird really. It feels like people join PD in order to shoot shit up, rather than actually acting like a cop. There's plenty of officers who are awesome at their jobs and I totally respect but the high command just seems full of corruption. We need more cops like Bacon or Hamilton.


Edit: I don't want people to think I'm trashing these dudes because I'm not. I personally loved Jason Steel as an entirety and had some of my best RP with him but I'm just speaking on some things I've noticed in PD overall. Every faction has their issues, both Crims and Government especially. Just for once, I would love to see more Black and White instead of full on grey.

Edited by MrUntouchable215
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I have to agree, that the Chief of Police being corrupt makes 0 sense in terms of an Official Faction

Steel, Palmer, Cross, all were high ranking Detectives with lots of privileges, so I can understand some minor corruption, like removing charges, or even turning a blind eye to some crimes - but the level of corruption should be limited to just that. Seeing Steel shoot shit with a Tec-9 was cool and all, but makes 0 sense RPly, as no cop would ever be allowed to use an unlicensed, illegal firearm, especially since RPly they have access to Military-grade carbines. 


Tldr: Just limit the corruption to pettier crimes, as too much can be game breaking to roleplay between Crims and Cops. 


Also: none of my statements are meant to slander any officer or their current status, speaking solely of the instances i’ve run into. 

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I work at PD and I saw what chief did and sorry to say to all PD but that should've been bannable + chief should have been stripped down from his position since PD Chief should hold highest RP standarts and what he did was just baiting and extremely poor RP. 

Also I believe there should be reasonable changes for criminals I know this makes me corrupt that I give petty 15-30 minute charges if they show really good and fun roleplay, this is a game and I'm not willing to punish someone for 3 hours of jailtime if they want just RP and have fun.

Problem with the toxicity between PD/Civilians/Criminals that everyone takes too serious everything while everyone here is just to have fun.

Not trying to advertise nothing but this what i thought i will get into when i will become officer, but what I get is like a second job where you can't try to fool around while this is a game and you cant just have fun since everyone is salty:


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On a serious note though, LSPD does not really support corruption roleplay and if you're seeing people do stuff you consider corrupt you would have a solid chance if you reported them on an OOC level or even directly asked them if they have permission to be corrupt, chances are they don't. At any one time there's only a couple of people who have corruption permission, when I had them not a lot of others did and then again my corruption was removed for 'exceeding' the limit and doing too much. Corruption roleplay is investigated on an OOC level and if you're found to either be in breach of it or doing too much, they remove it. 

From my time in LSPD, they have OOC corruption. I wanted to remove OOC corruption all together, I thought the fact that some people wanted to dictate how I tell my characters story out of character as so bullshitty - ruleplay > roleplay. 

However, I don't see the issue in this post. This post mentions 4 people being corrupt; 3 of which are no longer in PD and seems to be a 'why is chief of police corrupt?!??!' and a direct hate on Reefer. 

Here's a few links after a very small Google search:


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Brown_(police_officer) - Ayy @poptarts


Police corruption does occur and even at the rank of Chief. Personally, I hate the way the LSPD are so strict on the OOC corruption rule. I hated when people would text me on Discord 'hey u hit that man when he told u 2 fuck off, y???'. LSPD do a good job on monitoring their rule of OOC corruption. Myself, Steel and Palmer were all heavy roleplayers that IMO roleplayed our characters stories well. Even as a corrupt Detective I barely ever saw anyone else as corrupt. There's a lot less corruption in LSPD than you'd think. 

Maybe be better criminals and don't get caught

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9 minutes ago, SmallboyRyan said:

However, I don't see the issue in this post. This post mentions 4 people being corrupt; 3 of which are no longer in PD and seems to be a 'why is chief of police corrupt?!??!' and a direct hate on Reefer. 

Corruption is one thing but to be corrupt chief and then break server rules is way to serious and I have no hate towards chief just being non bias, but as I said, if PD chief is not showing extraordinary RP every other faction will have no respect for all officers. Also to be corrupt chief when there's 200 people in server shouldn't be allowed, since either the same group of people gets constantly punished or gets constantly saved it's just too small of player base to be corrupt chief.

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Just now, SamuelGunn said:

Corruption is one thing but to be corrupt chief and then break server rules is way to serious and I have no hate towards chief just being non bias, but as I said, if PD chief is not showing extraordinary RP every other faction will have no respect for all officers. Also to be corrupt chief when there's 200 people in server shouldn't be allowed, since either the same group of people gets constantly punished or gets constantly saved it's just too small of player base to be corrupt chief.


Then make a post pointing fingers at Reefer and calling him a dirty rule breaker and corrupt chief. This post is pretending like it's not happy with corruption roleplay on ECRP when in reality names were dropped and it's an attack against Reefer. From the length of time I was in LSPD I never saw Reefer do anything as bad as any other corrupt officer, definitely not at the level Logan did. Reefer IMO is a good guy and you're all pointing fingers at him cause you're upset at some roleplay that happened with him involved and you don't like getting caught. 

Corruption is so heavily monitored on LSPD High Command it's laughable. Again, ruleplay > roleplay. In my time in LSPD I had sooo many High Command members tell me 'hey, we love your roleplay and it's one of the best but you're not allowed do it anymore cause you didn't ask our permission to do it' - Of course that's a rough quote and not direct. Corruption in LSPD is not a problem. From the cities most corrupt Detective, I'm telling you that. 

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7 minutes ago, SmallboyRyan said:


Then make a post pointing fingers at Reefer and calling him a dirty rule breaker and corrupt chief. This post is pretending like it's not happy with corruption roleplay on ECRP when in reality names were dropped and it's an attack against Reefer. From the length of time I was in LSPD I never saw Reefer do anything as bad as any other corrupt officer, definitely not at the level Logan did. Reefer IMO is a good guy and you're all pointing fingers at him cause you're upset at some roleplay that happened with him involved and you don't like getting caught. 

Corruption is so heavily monitored on LSPD High Command it's laughable. Again, ruleplay > roleplay. In my time in LSPD I had sooo many High Command members tell me 'hey, we love your roleplay and it's one of the best but you're not allowed do it anymore cause you didn't ask our permission to do it' - Of course that's a rough quote and not direct. Corruption in LSPD is not a problem. From the cities most corrupt Detective, I'm telling you that. 

As I said I have no hate towards Chief, but to decline baiting and breaking fear rp in a situation where he should know better and just showing extremely poor RP can not be just written of as I said he has almost most ic power in town and this comes with responsibility, I have seen PD members thrown out of the deparment for less than that.
I dont say Chief is a bad guy nor a good guy but I'm not sure why you're so keen to turn blind eye that he broke pretty serious rules. Peace out I just said my oppinion and i'm not trying to be bias in any way.

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-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.

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1 hour ago, SmallboyRyan said:


Then make a post pointing fingers at Reefer and calling him a dirty rule breaker and corrupt chief. This post is pretending like it's not happy with corruption roleplay on ECRP when in reality names were dropped and it's an attack against Reefer. From the length of time I was in LSPD I never saw Reefer do anything as bad as any other corrupt officer, definitely not at the level Logan did. Reefer IMO is a good guy and you're all pointing fingers at him cause you're upset at some roleplay that happened with him involved and you don't like getting caught. 

Corruption is so heavily monitored on LSPD High Command it's laughable. Again, ruleplay > roleplay. In my time in LSPD I had sooo many High Command members tell me 'hey, we love your roleplay and it's one of the best but you're not allowed do it anymore cause you didn't ask our permission to do it' - Of course that's a rough quote and not direct. Corruption in LSPD is not a problem. From the cities most corrupt Detective, I'm telling you that. 

I don't see how you can truly compare a server of 200+ people to real life, regardless of role player in that sense. The issue is, when there's a corrupt chief and everyone gets wind of this, something is done about it. The main problem is, most people know about his corruption and nothing is done about it. I don't hate reefer, but this RP you speak of, I've yet to see it from him. The ONLY things I've seen was Palmer in his passenger seat doing 90% of the talking while the chief allowed him to do whatever he wanted, right along side him. No one is trashing reefer, people are speaking on how the chief can be corrupt and blatantly allow corruption on a server with 200+ population and no one to really challenge him on it. No one is upset at getting caught at all. I clearly stated in my post that I was caught and dragged to be executed by both Palmer and reefer and instead, they dropped all of my charges and let me go. What I did was some heinous shit and they just tossed a murderer back onto the streets with no problem. You ignore the corruption because it doesn't effect you, it effects people opposite of your position. I'm just saying, a little more black and white would be nice. I'm surrounded by criminals and yet it feels the same when I'm around PD and I feel like that's an issue that needs to be spoken about.



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2 hours ago, MrUntouchable215 said:

A multitude of things. From Palmer and Reefer camping chilliad, baiting and shooting at people with a 50 cal, to Palmer and Reefer taking me up a mountain to execute me before letting me go and dropping my charges, to Logan Cross giving me a .50 after when I got out of jail, Jason Steel shooting a Tech 9, there's many more to list and I've videos of it all. As I said, I'm not saying corruption should be removed, but it really shouldn't be so common to the point where it's hard to tell the difference between criminals and PD. I could see Palmer being corrupt, Logan being corrupt and a few others but the Chief? Really? It just feels weird really. It feels like people join PD in order to shoot shit up, rather than actually acting like a cop. There's plenty of officers who are awesome at their jobs and I totally respect but the high command just seems full of corruption. We need more cops like Bacon or Hamilton.


Edit: I don't want people to think I'm trashing these dudes because I'm not. I personally loved Jason Steel as an entirety and had some of my best RP with him but I'm just speaking on some things I've noticed in PD overall. Every faction has their issues, both Crims and Government especially. Just for once, I would love to see more Black and White instead of full on grey.

Hmmm would love to see this if i could

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15 minutes ago, SamuelGunn said:

-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.


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30 minutes ago, SamuelGunn said:

-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.

PD really out here. Sorry you lost your faction due to you speaking your truth. Shame.

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34 minutes ago, SamuelGunn said:

-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.

Shame, sorry to hear that.

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41 minutes ago, SamuelGunn said:

-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.

No way, that's fucked up bro

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To start off I agree that it feels like a large portion of PD I'd "corrupt" especially towards specific criminal groups. But I have to say that we more than likely miss the good ones by the "bad ones" hunting is and putting us in said positions.

As for the whole blast the chief topic, yeah he fucked up. He was punished and the entire PD faction was introduced with policy changes by the commissioner (Ballin) to counteract this action both OOC and IC. Minor corruption should be acceptable but to hear stories of higherups kidnapping, torturing and threatening execution of criminals. Never mind when an officers kills other officers. 

Bayview has a policy in place that if you're a criminal/corrupt you cannot proceed above a specific rank, preventing their high command from being corrupt. This is perhaps a policy that could be introduced to PD. I fully understand corrupt detectives and the occasional officer, but high command such as lieutenants, captains and chiefs being corrupt to this standard is absurd. 

Steel being used as an example, I'd like to comment on. Steel was a great character, one that boiled my blood to a whole new level because he was so good at what he done. RP of that standard should never be prevented due to limited corruption. After seeing him return to criminal, it was clear he was only playing a character. 

In my time playing criminal I've had some great interactions with a lot of officers, I've even been pd myself. But as of late it feels like 90% of these unique interactions have turned into, hands up, searched, arrested. Basically providing the same experience to criminals, that PD have complained about criminals doing to others in the past. 

No side is perfect, on the daily we see illegally armed, wanted criminals running to pd for backup/protection. 

Criminals need to change how they act around PD in general, as mentioned before criminals fear being arrested and not the officer themselves this needs to change. 

To go with this, PD should try take a step back in my opinion and look at how they were 6 months ago. I know they took a huge hit with SD opening and a lot of higherup/classic officers leaving to build that from the ground up. But overall policy needs to be followed a lot more than it currently is. 

No one is perfect, each side will always fuck up. I've been there as a criminal and pd. This entire situation requires work from all teams. 

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51 minutes ago, SamuelGunn said:

-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.

Unfortunate to hear this, but you knew that was going to happen from the get go. PD has a strict policy on misrepresentation of the faction, and frankly you were directly hurting its reputation. I'm not saying what you said was wrong, in fact I 100% believe in freedom of speech. 

If it was in my position, I would have done the same. I have personally removed members from our faction in the past for disrespectful comments towards us whilst being a member.

However, the situation of sharing your OOC opinion on a certain matter should never lead to removal from a faction, so long as you had attempted to be constructive with it. Which I believe you had bringing it up in a discussion thread. 

Hope you get shit sorted out, and if things don't go back there is always a second chance in another faction. 

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16 minutes ago, CallumMontie said:

Unfortunate to hear this, but you knew that was going to happen from the get go. PD has a strict policy on misrepresentation of the faction, and frankly you were directly hurting its reputation. I'm not saying what you said was wrong, in fact I 100% believe in freedom of speech. 

If it was in my position, I would have done the same. I have personally removed members from our faction in the past for disrespectful comments towards us whilst being a member.

However, the situation of sharing your OOC opinion on a certain matter should never lead to removal from a faction, so long as you had attempted to be constructive with it. Which I believe you had bringing it up in a discussion thread. 

Hope you get shit sorted out, and if things don't go back there is always a second chance in another faction. 

First of all, I wasn't trying to misrepresent the faction if all in all Chief did that and hurted reputation of PD even more, I just said my oppinion on the topic that had no hate towards anyone or bashing anyone, it was my only oppinion on the topic and I believe I have a right to it since Chief's actions led to our all reputation going down drasticly and i was basing on a fact that happened not on a rumours.

Second of all PD has ooc rule that if you get punished by admin you will be punished ICLY so don't you tink it's little bit of hypocritical thinking that there was no IC action for throwing hate towards PD while you're one of the most important people in the city ICLY?

Basicly even now this proved a point that I got punished icly by oocly means while Chief never received IC punishment, if so rules should apply to all but thing is that if you're chief on this server there's no-one to punish you icly since you have the most power.

Anyways I didn't want to bash or insult anyone that was just my oppinion on the matter which I believe I can have one. There is no point to involve in this conversation anymore.
Peace out all.

Edited by SamuelGunn
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1 hour ago, SmallboyRyan said:

Maybe be better criminals and don't get caught

So be better criminals...
Pinging our phone numbers which you didn't get IC...
Sure, Switch off the phone I guess...
Stacking charges to keep people in jail longer - Corrupt, Not dealt with in an OOC level

Truth is, there is hate with the cops atm, They should be setting the standard for the servers RP, and not just chasing/ramming/shooting shit, get someone in cuffs, don't RP their charges, and just slam them in prison.

I've had two or three Interactions with officers which were good, the rest has all been one-sided with no chance to RP charges etc, I'm lucky if they even tell me what they are... And they are the ones arresting people

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1 hour ago, SamuelGunn said:

-Update just got thrown out of the PD due to saying the truth and not even trying to offend anyone apparently in 2019 freedom of speech is not found on this server. The law says innocent until proven guilty Chief was proven guilty by admins but somehow pointing out mistakes of one is not okay. I guess AI works the same way.

i think that this is just fucking ridiculous. Seriously, what the fuck? How the hell is anything you said "misrepresentation"? And why the hell should it matter? This type of shit is why people leave the server. 

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