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The Rooks

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A Day In the Life of Johnnie Everdeen


The harsh sound of his phone’s vibration against a near empty bottle startles Johnnie out of his sleep. The sun was peeking right into his eyes through a small slit in the window’s shade. Holding his hand up to block it, he sat up in his bed and groped to the left of him on the nightstand till he found his phone. After knocking an ashtray over and several fast food receipts, he finally grabbed it and examined his notifications. "16 new messages", the device shown in a dim blue light to him. He scrolled through to see anything important, but it was just the usual stuff…


He felt a sharp pang in the front of his head as his brain processed through the messages. "Like, those fuckin' 8 A M bank notifications man", he cursed looking at the latest one. "How long was I asleep?" He wondered to himself as he willed his non responsive limbs out of bed. 


As he walked into his living room, he felt despair, because he had left some of his "manufacturing equipment" out! He sprinted across the room and peered through the shades. Rays of morning light glinted across the room. With trembling hands, he ensured that nobody was peeking in other than the morning sun. When he was satisfied that nobody was watching him, he took a few long steps to his table, and began to clean it. He swept the side of his hand across the paraphernalia littered table and filled a square paper with some leftover weed. Rolling it with one hand almost robotically while the other set various glass pieces in their proper places, Johnnie Everdeen finished putting away his “equipment” while simultaneously rolling “breakfast”.
The couch let out a loud groan as Johnnie sat down on it to smoke his freshly rolled joint. He was licking his finger to stop the joint from burning too quickly on one side, when he heard the ring of something metal outside. Fear stuck him like a hard slap in the face, his hands darted into the couch cushions and searched frantically.


“Like, holy fuck!” he wailed as his hands came up empty. Anybody outside would have heard a large thud as Johnnie’s body hit the floor, and anybody trying to peer in would see him pull two emptied bottles of vodka and silenced pistol from underneath his couch.


After retrieving his weapon, Johnnie took a large (and very audible!) leap toward his front door. He clutched his weapon tightly in his sweaty hands.  As he peeped out the window he saw an orange tabby cat lock eyes with him and scamper away. Relieved, Johnnie sunk against the wall and let his pistol hand relax. He sat down and began to disassemble and clean his gun. As he sat down, his hand rubbed his forehead because he had felt embarrassed at his paranoia  these days.


When he was finished, he set his weapon down on the counter and went into the bathroom. He washed his face, and examined himself in the mirror. Who was he going to be today? A homeless person? A pimp? A golfer? Maybe a weird goblin?


“Whatever it takes not to be noticed…”, he said to himself. Not being able to look at himself, he punched the mirror and shattered the glass. Large callouses on his knuckles glinted with broken glass in the morning light. He was growing tired of being a “ghost”. The constant spying, secrecy, and subterfuge has been really taxing on his mental state. He often saw old friends of whom he could not talk to anymore, either out of fear of torture or contempt for what many of them had become. He had been getting so paranoid that even the smallest unexpected sounds made him jump. It’s not an easy life, but it’s worth it.
He was on his way to go back to his room when the corner of a picture in a box next to his door caught his eye. He pulled it out and it was a group photo of Maynard,Mac and himself getting drunk at another wedding. A tear fell from his eye as he remembers running around town with Maynard, cutting loose, and causing drunk scenes at wherever event they were invited to with Mac in tow. Life was good before he and the others had to go underground for protection. He placed the photo back in the box and went back to deciding how he was going to blend in for the day. He was feeling nostalgic today, how about black?


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Chapter Three: Lost

Shawn didn't know how to feel.  He had already been broken mentally and physically from the loss of a gang that he called family before, so of course it happened again.  'What could I have done different?' he constantly asked himself.  He often came up blank for an answer, and this left Shawn exhausted.  At his lowest, he contemplated suicide.  Shawn had deemed it would be an easy way to get away from his problems and emotions, but then he remembered something.  He had made himself a promise to become successful in Los Santos, one way or another, and so he threw those thoughts out the window, rather than himself. 





So the next question became, what now? He had already traveled the world, seeing what it had to offer outside of Los Santos, and he wasn't satisfied.  He no longer had a crew, and thus decided to stray from criminal activities for now.  But Shawn's thirst for money was still lingering, and no matter what he did he always wanted more.  Shawn decided the best way to solve his problems was a distraction that could also generate cash flow.  So he hit two birds with one stone, by bottling his anger, sorrow and mourning by spending his time mining, hunting and fishing.  Honestly, the money was pretty good, but he felt... off.  This wasn't who he was, and so he quickly decided to creep subtly back into criminal affairs.  Recently, the cartel had started exporting drug manufacturing equipment and materials to the large gangs within Los Santos, so Shawn decided to invest.  He acquired a small amount of equipment from a past friend and got to work in his cramped low class apartment.  While the environment wasn't the best, the time he spent in that apartment cooking up countless batches of drugs helped to sate his thirst for money, and taught him a few tricks about the manufacturing business.  After a few weeks, Shawn had saved up a hefty chunk of money when something strange occurred...

Chapter Four: A Shade

One night, Shawn was visiting a local drug distributor to discuss selling prices for the product that he had been manufacturing, when an inconspicuous figure appeared to his left.  The man greeted Shawn as an old friend, even knowing his name.  He begun to ask questions about what Shawn had been up to, and since Shawn had nothing to hide he shared what he went through the past few weeks.  The man seemed intrigued about the information Shawn had shared with him, and took a step closer.  Instantly, Shawn realized who the man was.  He knew that stance from a single glance, and questions began to quickly fill his head.  Shawn expressed how he thought his old friend was dead, and the man explained to Shawn what he had been doing to keep himself hidden.  He offered Shawn a position within one of the groups he had been overseeing, and Shawn graciously accepted. 

Thus, Shawn was instructed to contact [REDACTEDand [REDACTED] for further instruction, and the man went on his way.  The next day, Shawn got into touch with the two that were mentioned, and they set him up with a management position in their organization.  He quickly integrated himself into their operations, and expressed that he knew of a way they could make a mass amount of income.  He used what he learned about drug manufacturing in his shitty trap house and invested into more equipment and space for a large cooking operation. 



So, the group spent a lot of their time collecting ingredients and plants to generate a steady cash flow for themselves.  However, they started to garner some unwanted attention from The Council.  Too many people were asking too many questions.  The group had to figure out a way to remain hidden from the public eye.  They all decided it'd be best for them to constantly change their physical appearances and to adopt the usage of code names, so that they could not be identified easily.  Shawn loved this, as he was an expert when it came to raw unleashed drip.  He filled his closets with varying outfits, and mixed and matched where he saw fit.


With the drug operation bringing in funds, and the constant appearance changes keeping their identities a secret, the group began to feel good about themselves.  They were successfully hiding from not only the cops, but also from other criminal organizations that sought to burn them to the ground. 
They had become a well oiled machine, and Shawn was back to what he knew and loved.  He had become a shade in the darkness.



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The Prelude


The story of Joe Schnider, begins in New York, where he met who he thought was the love of his life, Isabel. They both went to the same high school in New york City Queens, and had been dating for a long period of time throughout the years after high school before Joe decided that he wanted to follow his dreams and go to Los Santos. 
Joe was a normal American, he wanted nothing more than to follow his passion. He would be willing to risk it all, and wanted to convince Isabel to come to Los Santos with him. After many disputes, he later found out that she had been cheating on him for over a year with a man with money.His heart was broken, he felt betrayed, he wanted to make a change even more now. At this moment, he felt an anger that he had not felt since he was a child. He grew up in a tough neighborhood and knew that life doesn't always go his way. Nonetheless, he was angry, he felt disrespected and really learned that money makes the world go round. He took only his guitar and his dreams to Los Santos, he had no ties any longer.

It wasn't like the movies however, he made little money and was robbed on the streets by Gangs across town. It was after this, he wanted to make money, no matter what he had to do. It began small like selling and making drugs, planting weed and selling marijuana. He came into contact with the Void who all seemed to have a lot of money.Void welcomed him with open arms, and he quickly became included in many of their operations such as their meetings with an ally Gang Crimson Syndicate, an ally in arms.

He saw what they had, and he wanted it. Enthralled by the opportunities that could be, he began finding ways to prove himself to them, eventually becoming a part of them. At first, he was given simple tasks, like protecting others, being a bodyguard. Then, he began being tested, and after Harley whispered into his ear "We're gonna go do something you can never take back", a cold shock ran down his spine. "Kill a cop" she said, and with a fake it till you make it attitude, Joe replied "No problem, easy peasy".
These are some of the Pages in his Journal.

Page 32
I just remember standing up , looking down the sights of my rifle and engaging these cops hiding around a cruiser. When the first guy stood up, it was like a plastic target popping up. I just fired. When the dust settled, I'd killed six insurgents in the field. Two more died in a hospital.

Page 33


Friendly forces came and retrieved their bodies, and I made it back, Harley congratulating me. As time passed, I slowly began to humanize the mangled faces of the guys we'd killed. I remembered wondering if there was a tiny little girl crying at home because dad didn't come back, or if there was a wife with a husband who was now gone forever.

Page 40

The dead bodies around me are an every day occurrence now, I kill, I make money, I tare down anything in my path. I am over my own mental block, I am dedicated to this organization in every way.
Edited by S1mples
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Randy was born in San Francisco His father died when he was thirteen 

years old, Randy faced a bad situation that changed him for the rest of 

his life where he was at his school one day Randy saw three people 

beating one person up so Randy tried to help him but the three people 

beat him and broke his arm, after Randy's recovery he decided to learn 

a sport which is Boxing so he can defend himself and defend others if he needed to.

Randy was changed after that situation, and his financial condition was too bad.

He joined a fight club so he can earn some money for living.
One day while he's going for a walk, He fought someone that disrespected him,

after he won he felt so disrespected, he kicked the person multiple times in his face which ended up killing the guy.

Randy was wanted by the police after that event so he decided to 

travel to Los Santos because his cousin Alex Berkowitz was living there and 

he could help him with his problem.


Randy arrived in Los Santos by Illegal immigration overseas


When he arrived, he met with his cousin, Alex wasn't that experienced.

He did however, know a good way to earn money.

They soon started robbing miners, hunters, and people at labs for a living.

After they gained some  experience they started looking around for a gang to join .

 They tried to join a big group that was well known 

in the city at that time but they couldn't make it because they didn’t 

vibe good with that group.

Which gave them the motivation to try to make 

better contacts in the criminal world.

After a few months, they knew that it was time for them to try again.

That’s when they heard about The Rooks, they also 

heard that they were at war against all the other gangs in the city.

They got up the nerve to join.

They spoke to one of The Rooks recruiter who's name was Jerzy Mceden.

Randy and Alex after a being checked out and tested made it into the family and they were honored 

to be part of this organization.


To be continued...



No information or knowledge gained from this thread should be used IC. Anyone seen using this information ICly will be Metagaming.



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Before reading this story, I recommend reading 'The Big Heist' first. Enjoy!

Project 'Purloin'

After her first failed attempt at leading her team to a successful bank robbery, Harley felt defeated but inspired to do better. Ever since that day, she's been planning for their next heist. What went wrong? What should I change? Questions like that flooded her mind for months, up until the night before.

The night before, Harley stayed up all night in her house drawing up the plans and checking her equipment. She bought a map from a local store and placed it on her old stained coffee table


After being finished drawing up the plans, she writes 'Project Purloin' at the top and folds up the map. She carries it with her and walks over to her bag which is laying on the sofa nearby. She picks up the bag and drops it down onto her old, dusty carpet and begins to fill it with supplies along with the map.


Once the bag was full of gloves, masks and the map. She tossed it near her door and walked into her bedroom.
Exchausted, she collapsed onto her bed, taking her pistol from her holster, holding onto it tightly. She presses the button on the side of her gun to release the magazine and starts to count each round, calming herself down, before cleaning her gun. "Good as new".


She felt ready. She left all of her things in her room and walked into the bathroom. She ripped off the mask on her face and looks at herself in the mirror mounted on the wall. Harley took a few deep breaths while the tap began to pour water in the background, splashing in the sink. She bends down and splashes her face with cold water. She looks at herself once again in the mirror. "You can do this. They trust you. They believe in you. You've got this!"


The Storm Approaches

Harley called for everyone to meet her a few hours before the job. They all got together at [REDACTED] and discussed the plans. Everyone seemed to understand and had faith that Harley knew what she was doing. Harley tossed her bag onto the ground. It made a loud thud sound as it landed on the ground, it was clear that it was full and heavy. "Gloves on everyone." Harley said as she nodded towards the bag. Everyone approached the bag, one by one collecting a pair of gloves and a mask.


With frequencies shared and teams assigned, the team began their haul towards the bank. Upon arrival, everyone got into their places and signalled the inside team to go in. Harley was on the inside team, leading them to success and giving the countdown. After everyone was ready, Harley gave the final countdown.

Time felt like it froze right before she gave the countdown. Her mind started to remind her of everything that can go wrong. Her heart began racing, her palms getting sweaty, she began to remember the last time she was in this position; behind a shotgun, looking like a failure after realising the bank was empty. This cannot happen again, we have to be successful this time.

"5, 4, 3, 2... ONE!" the coundown was 5 seconds but felt like hours, on "ONE" Harley and her allies began to aim their guns at the tellers, and the team started to work on the door and vault. The door was easy work, Harley got behind the desk and knocked out the tellers. The alarm started to ring as they continued to work on the vault. Harley ordered her team to get ready on the door. She started to breathe heavily as she saw more police cruisers show up. First it was one sherrif, then two, then the whole police force was there!

The vault opened almost simultaneously with the police breaching the door. Harley shot down the officer without any hesitation, two shots from her shotgun made the officer collapse to the floor, his body mutilated from the shots.

After the shots were fired, more officers stormed the bank. The outside team sprayed down their backup and only 2 officers made it inside the bank alive.


The two officers who breached the bank had the advantage on Harley and her team however. They breached the bank and rushed them, shooting down Harley and her allies, killing everyone inside apart from her. Harley held onto her wounds, holding heavy pressure clinging onto life.


She blacked out and woke up in the back of an ambulance, police following it. She had failed and she was going to pay for it. After being treated at the hospital she was taken down to DOC, where she spent 8 years in custody and paid $70,000 in damages. After being processed in DOC, her face lit up as she saw two of her allies alive, waiting for her in the cellblock. They caught up from what they remember about the job, sat down at the abandoned poker table and immediately began to discuss what went wrong and what they can do next time.

Watch the video here:


No information or knowledge gained from this thread should be used IC. Anyone seen using this information ICly will be Metagaming.

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In light of recent development a team is formed assigned to preform a specific task, a chain of them. A new directive is set and the goal was made very clear, extortion. Law enforcement started noticing a rise in missing vehicles, chained robberies and bank hits, this is due to the demands of the few holding the criminal underground, manipulating power, status, and most important of all, shipments. Illegal contraband and drugs are the alma mater of the underground, without that a criminal organization can not flourish under poor conditions given by them. A cold war, an arms race is in progress and this selective group of people have been on the radar of many for the past few weeks.


The people pulling the strings remain unknown, this is just the beginning.

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Remaining true

As time flies by, alliances are formed, friendships are hardened and respect is earned, yet the everlasting hatred and division between the underground and law enforcement remains the same. There is no line, there are no rules of engagement, the sweaty favela of crime and money is ravaged by the government as the criminal underground resumes to exceed expectations, set new grounds and show their teeth, resilience and wisdom. Law enforcement having an unbeatable budget, new ways to fight are sought after as they slowly but surely encroach whatever they set their eyes on. A common enemy shared among rivals they remain as the main antagonist of any criminal.



Kris, during his time with his long lost family he has gotten a chance to get a head start, a step ahead the danger in blue. Continually finding ways to outsmart law enforcement which they add onto he is forced to find new ways to provide for himself and those around him. Drug dens and portable labs are a common way for the above average criminal to further his craft, expand his area of operations. Recent changes requiring an influx of drug sales to satisfy the needs of merchants, mechanics and off shore pharmacists Kris is expected to provide, to earn himself favors. Time remains unbeaten, the everlasting struggle for power is at large and reaching a peak, what faith has in store for him, he can only wonder.



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Strange Times : Mike Laurie


The WCA had fought long and hard against the council but just as others have fallen before the group followed the same fate. Mike Laurie was left alone lost and confused many of his family members had left the city or found new paths and he couldn't figure out where he would fit in. He knew no matter what he would never go to the councils side as they are the ones who took his family from him. From that point on he decided he would always be on an opposing side from them.




Mike found a new family in the Dojin Kai who were close allies with WCA in the war. He was very close with the leaders and they trusted his leadership skills enough to help take charge of the crew. He helped lead for a month or two before the same fate caught up to them and they faced death by council. While spending his time with Dojin Kai he reached out to an old contact from the Rooks the leader named Dmitri, Mike had heard whispers in the wind that the group was still alive and were supplying gangs trying to fight against council. Mike knew he wanted in as he hated nothing more then council. 




After a few meetings they both realized the business relation could be promising even beyond Dojin Kai. They would be in contact back and forth for a few months with many meetings to discuss what they wanted to see for the city in the future and to go over old stories of how the city used to be. After Dojin disbanded Mike found himself yet again lost on what to do even some of his previous family members all the Irish Laurie's created a new gang called Irish and would hold hands with council something that would make Mike sick to his stomach from betrayal.




With a good amount of guns ready he knew he still didn't have a strong enough force with his remaining 3 loyal brothers to take on the council themselves, he decided they needed to join a new group. After asking around and doing some of his own investigating he fell upon an old enemy he once fought, Ash Volkov or as he used to know him Ash Blatniak. After talking for a little bit he decided to give Mike and his family a chance knowing his history. 




After rolling with the group for a few months he started to get comfortable and was starting to settle in and feel at home again. His input was starting to be heard within the group and he would help everyone grow as a group together. With things changing rapidly in the city everyone had a lot to learn and he was ready to take on whatever task was given to him. He knew one thing though and it was that he would never give up until things went back to how they should be and all gangs could actually enjoy themselves again.


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Inverted_Rooks_Logo.pngWhere it all began

Charlie had just recently flown into town because he was visiting some friends of his who lived in Los Santos, he was only meant to stay for a week but he had fallen in love with Los Santos and he couldn't leave, as soon as he knew this was his decision he set out and looked for work. He stumbled along a lonely farmer called Paul who was paying 5000$ for every batch of wheat he got sold, Charlie didn't hesitate and took the job straight away. 8bf3ac2f66a9673f6f50dc7886aee5ea.jpg
Charlie enjoyed farming as he could relax and leave all of his problems behind while he was working. Eventually Charlie farmed enough to buy his first car, a Spectre Custom
A couple days after he had gotten his spectre custom Charlie bumped into somebody named Lele Mchoe, she taught him the basics of making and taking of drugs...and she taught him the ways of criminal life
At the time Lele was associated with the gang Russian Mafia although Charlie didn't like them that much he stuck around them to gain knowledge of all the other gangs within Los Santos which is where he found out about the Triads, Los Zetas and the Rooks. Charlie had obtained many numbers of many people related to the criminal side of Los Santos one of them happened to be Dante Kalashnikov.
Charlie had asked if he could roll with them for a while to get to know everyone
Charlie felt at home with everyone in the family and knew that he had to join the rooks....
To be continued
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The Meeting

Charlie had been hanging around with the rooks for a while now and had made many long-term friends and enemies.


After a long, exhausting and thrilling cook with the gang at one of the many drug labs he received a text from [REDACTED] "Charlie come to the mask store we have something important to do" he scurried to the mask store and was told to follow the matte black Jester. Charlie followed the Jester which led him to a group of familiar faces from the rooks organised in a circle. 


Charlie was a little anxious, but he knew he could trust [REDACTED]. A towering shadow appeared from behind the old creaky wooden beam, it began to give its opinion on Charlie and if he should be accepted into the Rooks. Everyone else one by one stepped up and started sharing their thoughts till they concluded that Charlie should be a part of the family.


He was in.


To be continued…

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A Family Divided

(From the perspective of Yousef Assad)

     The Rooks felt like a rope holding too much weight and whether we wanted to admit it or not, everyone could feel that it was going to snap soon. Tension was steadily rising for the Rooks,  between petty disagreements, struggles for power and each member of High Command having a different vision for the future something was bound to happen. And it did. The days of "Ash's Crew" were over as Duke "Ash Volkov" formally left the family; bringing along with him a few of his closest friends and brothers Mario and Enzo to the other side. They will be missed, and their efforts and accomplishments were greatly valued. Everyone understood the decision to part ways and thought it would be for the best. 

Uncertainty and Resolve

     Following the split, many members were lost and uncertain what to do because of the sudden loss of leadership. Just when things were bleak and The Rooks had completely lost their influence over their main hub of operations (Del Perro) to The Aztecas who had taken advantage of our situation, from the shadows came [REDACTED]. He managed to reorganize the family and give them a sense of direction, under his leadership, by tasking different members to focus on certain aspects like Drug Production and Money Laundering, The Rooks were able to completely regain control of Del Perro in under a week from The Aztecas. Under this returned leadership the core mission of profit and control of the wealthy business district was flourishing again.


(the businessmen relaxing and debriefing after a long night of shipments)

New Associates

    The remaining core fighters from Ash's Crew knew The Rooks needed manpower to be able to contribute to gang conflict and for protection of their assets. These members quickly formed a close alliance with [REDACTED], this solved the manpower hole. This allowed The Rooks to be able to easily plan Bank Heists, commit hits on other gangs at Chop Shops or Drug Labs and to support a side in the recent gang wars secretly. Things are looking good for the family once again.


                                                  (The Rooks along with their new close friends)   

The Battle for Chiliad

          A prominent member of The Rooks with many connections in the city named [REDACTED] received a call from [REDACTED]. They worked out an agreement to fight a common enemy and they surprised the Irish and Triads as they wouldn't expect the firepower waiting for them in that camp in the mountains. The battle was intense with Irish and Triads firing upon [REDACTED] from the mountains. The Rooks and allies were instructed to use cover and hide until the Irish pushed our lines. This method worked well and they were able to hold position and control of the drug lab and marijuana plantation from the assault.  Before a clear victor was crowned, SD showed up and members of both sides fled the scene as they knew their fallen allies would be treated by the SD and MD. 


Edited by Yousef Assad
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