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PD and illegal imports; recent changes that should be reversed.

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5 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

After manufacturing drugs, do you always sell them to players, providing good roleplay to the server, or do you have the option to sell them in automated drop off areas which instantly spawns cash?

Depends on the time of day, i personally do both.

5 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

This isn't anything but a double standard, where its fine for you to sell drugs automatically to NPCs, but the LSPD having 4% of a task automated? It's NonRP, Powergame and all of those?

This is a false equivalence. With drugs you need to make them, drive them to the dropoff or people to sell and do the transaction. at any point in time PD can catch you, if you go at the dropoff often people may snitch, or patrolling PD may search you for drugs or large amounts of cash from a transaction. There are multiple points of potential interception. Not just a scripted thing with no interaction being involved.


7 hours ago, flow said:

You are ranting about a 5% chance of your illegal shipment being seized. Are you aware of that? The system used to order these shipments is all online, and by definition and real-life examples, these illegal market places are monitored by the police and lead to arrests and seizures. Lose the mindset that you have to win in every situation and need a reward simply for roleplaying. Maybe if you would see past this petty point you're making of how unfair it is that a tiny percentage of shipments may be seized you could see the RP value of such and come up with ideas to not only secure your shipment but also in the process of doing so, enhance the roleplay for everyone involved.

Honestly this is the best counter to the suggestion i have seen and i can see it now from your point of view. I will not retract the suggestion as i think this can lead to a healthy conversation about the standings of PD vs Criminals. But the way you described it is surprisingly accurate and i didn't realize it until you said it. 

Especially this line:

7 hours ago, flow said:

Lose the mindset that you have to win in every situation

Thank you for taking the time to present a proper counter argument.


2 hours ago, Fa1N said:

Isn't this IC issue? More heavy weapon imports, more force to deal with it. 😉

I don't agree on nerfing swat, it shouldn't be a fair fight. they should have better weaponry and criminals should not feel confident going up against them. But wouldn't their members be an OOC issue? considering some gangs were told OOCly to slow down the recruiting by higher ranking staff members, wouldn't the same issue on the side of PD also be OOC?

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+1   I would like to see a message like "the shipment might be getting tracked" for when the PD get the notice. This way there is no Powergaming without a chance to react ICly. You would have to decide if the shipment is worth the risk of it being tracked based on its value.  

If its assumed that the criminals messed up somewhere by failing to communicate securely, then the SOURCE of the import would be hit by SWAT just as much as the person receiving it, meaning no more shipments at all... right? 

If I was sending shipments and 5% of them got picked up then Most likely I as the source am being tracked, rather than the IC person i'm sending to. (this makes since as the PD gets the delivery location and doesn't know who its going to) If this was the case then would THE SOURCE would start securing shipments more by having a way to know if they are being tracked so they can burn all my ties to it. IF 1 out of 20 weapon shipments are found with connections to the same supplier then they would have been found out a long time ago... right?

I don't think its to far off for someone to get a tip 'FBI is tracking this shipment receive at your own risk'.

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9 minutes ago, HighTV said:

+1   I would like to see a message like "the shipment might be getting tracked" for when the PD get the notice. This way there is no Powergaming without a chance to react ICly. You would have to decide if the shipment is worth the risk of it being tracked based on its value.  

To play devil's advocate, i could easily see PD counter this by saying it is the criminals responsibility to patrol the area or go with friends that will patrol for you the drop while you wait to claim it. They can say the onus is on the criminal to make sure his shipment is safe to claim. Also, if there was that notification, with the current system it should appear on every shipment because every shipment might be tracked (all have a 5% chance).


If this notification is RPed as a 'mole' inside the importing process on the other side (those you buy from) then there is no guarantee you would know about it either.

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4 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

To play devil's advocate, i could easily see PD counter this by saying it is the criminals responsibility to patrol the area or go with friends that will patrol for you the drop while you wait to claim it. They can say the onus is on the criminal to make sure his shipment is safe to claim. Also, if there was that notification, with the current system it should appear on every shipment because every shipment might be tracked (all have a 5% chance).


If this notification is RPed as a 'mole' inside the importing process on the other side (those you buy from) then there is no guarantee you would know about it either.

All of this is assuming the buyer is at fault for the PD knowing of the shipment, else why wouldn't the import supplier be taken down despite having 1 of 20 shipments getting tracked. 

If what your saying is true and its RPed as a mole, then it makes since if the mole is on the buying side of the import process.. Else if the mole was on the supplier side of things then the whole system would be taken down by the FBI because they always go for the supplier not the buyer.

Either-way, the only way this doesn't feel like powergame is when the mistake is by the supplier. Because RNG effecting your Roleplay directly is never good for roleplay. RNG catching the supplier, an NPC, is different then it catching you, a player, directly. 

Why would a supplier keep sending to people who get found out every 20 shipments? They are Risking their own heads then.. it just feels nonrp

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1 minute ago, HighTV said:

Either-way, the only way this doesn't feel like powergame is when the mistake is by the supplier. Because RNG effecting your Roleplay directly is never good for roleplay. RNG catching the supplier, an NPC, is different then it catching you, a player, directly. 

Why would a supplier keep sending to people who get found out every 20 shipments? They are Risking their own heads then.. it just feels nonrp

This kind of sums up what i am thinking. but i can also see it from PD's PoV, It will most likely stay because its a way to nerf criminals and artificially buff PD. But i cant help thinking it is a small form of powergaming since it is completely out of anybody's control. And the underlined part also makes a lot of sense to me. A massive supplier giving weapons to the factions, and the PD goes after the one picking the shipment up, and not the supplier itself? it just doesnt sit right with me.

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On 5/27/2019 at 6:55 PM, HighTV said:

All of this is assuming the buyer is at fault for the PD knowing of the shipment, else why wouldn't the import supplier be taken down despite having 1 of 20 shipments getting tracked. 

If what your saying is true and its RPed as a mole, then it makes since if the mole is on the buying side of the import process.. Else if the mole was on the supplier side of things then the whole system would be taken down by the FBI because they always go for the supplier not the buyer.

Either-way, the only way this doesn't feel like powergame is when the mistake is by the supplier. Because RNG effecting your Roleplay directly is never good for roleplay. RNG catching the supplier, an NPC, is different then it catching you, a player, directly. 

Why would a supplier keep sending to people who get found out every 20 shipments? They are Risking their own heads then.. it just feels nonrp

I'm only going to say a couple things.

If you want to RP it as the shipper having a mole, that's fine and you want PD to shut down the shippers, awesome, then we can just close all imports as pd would go after every shipment they get notified about.   Secondly to this point.... do you know who your shipper is? perhaps your buying it from a dirty cop? or a gov't run weapons sting operation?

Nerf swat... really.... okay Swat is an extremely limited group of members, these members are required to attend 2-4hours of training a week, they also go through an extensive recruitment process that takes between 1 and 4 weeks.... there are MASSIVE regulations around their operations... and pd currently has 114 ish members... of that only a handful are SWAT certified and even fewer can just go on swat patrol when there is need, it often requires permissions from higher rank members of swat or Command Team members.
As someone else wisely said, your not suppose to get into gun fights with swat... hell even pd, because I can assure you in RL, if you shot a cop, you aint going back to your house and chilling with a beer, or going for a drive around the city.... Because of the limitations of as you so eloquently called it "the game" PD is unable to gather evidence as after you kill a cop, if we are lucky theres a body, but no one to rp what happened, no evidence, and if the officer had rp'd a body camera, and PD goes and arrests the guy, because if you watch any of these cop shows, you know ballistics from every firearm purchased legally is recorded in a database, well you would have swat and half of the cities police knocking on your door before you had time for the second beer. Oh and the person being arrested would instantly go to /b which there is a ton of people who do when getting arrested.... you have no idea how many times I get /b show me the evidence.... and my reply is /b KEEP IT IC, and then they just ignore rp and /do yes all day long....

I have no idea about the size of shipments or anything like that but if its true you can only order 30, why not setup for a bunch of shipments? When I ran a criminal gang we would plan out 10 shipments, so they landed 5-10mins apart, giving us time to pickup escort to our store house, then go get the next one, or send teams to each... never went to a shipment alone, and we rp'd it... if I was getting guns, I would go get my phantom, and rent a trailer and go pick up the guns... hell I even rp'd paying off the truck depot to borrow the truck. (give the money to a trucker at the place). 

So nerfing swat, not the answer, fear them, hide, run.... tons of people get away everyday from the PD....
Shipment moles, if you want them to be from the supplier then give PD the ability to shut down shipments for x time because "they shut down that organization" then your going to need to rp building new ties to import guns... oh and hope to hell that the supplier didn't narc you out on a deal. There are limitations on both sides of this argument, example... there are no Peds, in rl… im pretty sure that if a crate parachuted from the air to the ground one of the 5million people in a city would make a call... or if a float plane landed on the lake.... and unloaded a bunch of boxes of guns... or somehow, they smuggled guns crates through customs at a international airport... I think Police would be involved.

Now I wish you the best of luck on your imports, and I personally feel 5% is a good ratio, (just gotta build the cost of lost merchandise into your sell prices fellas!)

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On 5/29/2019 at 7:55 AM, Jbacon said:

If you want to RP it as the shipper having a mole, that's fine and you want PD to shut down the shippers, awesome, then we can just close all imports as pd would go after every shipment they get notified about.  

Exactly, if the mole was on the supplier side that supplier would be 100% fucked not 5%..  I'm glad you understand this. RPly means the current mechanic of the 'mole' is on the IC persons side else this 5% makes no since, it would be 100% and aimed at the supplier itself.


Secondly to this point.... do you know who your shipper is? perhaps your buying it from a dirty cop? or a gov't run weapons sting operation?

You don't just go door to door buying weapons, its presumably from the same supplier over a long period of time. And with this in mind, why would Undercovers sell us weapons only to bust us 5% of the time? That not logical..



Nerf swat... really.... okay Swat is an extremely limited group of members, these members are required to attend 2-4hours of training a week, they also go through an extensive recruitment process that takes between 1 and 4 weeks.... there are MASSIVE regulations around their operations... and pd currently has 114 ish members... of that only a handful are SWAT certified and even fewer can just go on swat patrol when there is need, it often requires permissions from higher rank members of swat or Command Team members.

Nerf swat? Who said that? I am saying that it feels power-gaming to track a shipment without any interactions and not give the Character the chance to RP being a good weapon importer. No weapons smuggler gets caught 1 out of 20 shipments and still sells weapons to people on the streets, so why wouldn't I cover my ass very good every single time?? Its sort of a get caught once and your fucked sort of thing RPly.

Or do I HAVE to be like every other NonRP criminal that goes in and out of jail like it means nothing and continue to do blackmarket sales as if my phone isn't being tracked and swat isnt watching my every move... Because If you get caught and lose the cargo every twenty shipments... you are not going to be selling weapons illegally for long.. You will be living in maximum security prison.

I don't care if swat hits my shipments and I get an unavoidable 5% loss on my 100 grand in money.. I DO care that I am forced to risk life in prison and my weapon selling career RPly over an unavoidable 5% powergame feeling script. Just give us a chance with a notification of it being tracked and we can fight for the weapons or leave it for swat to seize... Is taking 100k+ of weapons without any RP not strong enough for swat that they need to catch the receiver and destroy their RP lives as well?

MOST people on the server will fight it out for the weapons and nothing changes, however people wanting more in-depth RP wont risk the jail-time or charge on record and will be smarter than that. 

Seems like you are ignoring this nerf to criminal Rp while strawmaning criticism of it as a nerf to Swat...
Swat would still get their Zero RP scriptly discovered shipment with a possible shootout that costs nothing for them just like before.

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Whatever happened to getting an organic informant lol. I kinda assumed that was the point of detectives and RP? Why does a script have to decide if we have an informant or not? That doesn't make sense and that in itself is an act of Powergaming. That's forcing an RP situation out of our control. Swat officers have sniper rifles, etc. If a drop comes and you get the notification, we automatically lose the drop and there isn't jack shit we can do about it, that's NOT okay.

PD gets free stuff, we have to pay for our stuff, if someone ordered 10 AK's, that's literally like 100k down the drain because of this import notification stuff, that's NOT okay. I saw a video where a guy went to go pick up his Ammo and they shot his car and disabled it, leaving him no room to escape lol

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On 5/27/2019 at 5:43 AM, HaminLord said:

No, I can tell you this now. We have no way of knowing where your house is located at. Nor do we raid it simply because we caught you importing illegal weaponry.

We have our own protocol in regards to raiding houses which I don't know if I'm allowed to share or not, but I can assure you we don't raid houses this way.

Hmm I was raided 24h after I was caught getting ammo, I also just started working for LSC.   So you guys RAID legal working people now due to the ammo collection?  Also I bought the house you raided 2 days prior to being raided so how did you get the warrent for THAT house?   😂🤣

So many questions you guys can't anwser always with the same reply.  "Its IC".    Well OOC'ly I wanted answers how to everything was SO PERFECTLY selected.     Either way I strongly agree with the original post, this 5% needs to be toned down to atleast 1-2% if you want to leave it as I think its just complete bullshit.   You guys also moved the gun trade into the  Black Markets hands now you want to make it harder for us to get guns.    I dont understand why its even a thing to be a criminal anymore.   Moneys dick, RP's kife.   Not sure what there is to do anymore Ill just keep working at LSC.

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3 hours ago, MrUntouchable215 said:

Whatever happened to getting an organic informant lol. I kinda assumed that was the point of detectives and RP? Why does a script have to decide if we have an informant or not? That doesn't make sense and that in itself is an act of Powergaming. That's forcing an RP situation out of our control. Swat officers have sniper rifles, etc. If a drop comes and you get the notification, we automatically lose the drop and there isn't jack shit we can do about it, that's NOT okay.

PD gets free stuff, we have to pay for our stuff, if someone ordered 10 AK's, that's literally like 100k down the drain because of this import notification stuff, that's NOT okay. I saw a video where a guy went to go pick up his Ammo and they shot his car and disabled it, leaving him no room to escape lol

Whoever mentioned before - When you're selling the drugs that you were making in the drug lab, you ain't selling them to the player, script is taking it instead and just giving you the money right away, isn't that equal enough ?

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4 hours ago, NateTheGreat said:

Hmm I was raided 24h after I was caught getting ammo, I also just started working for LSC.   So you guys RAID legal working people now due to the ammo collection?  Also I bought the house you raided 2 days prior to being raided so how did you get the warrent for THAT house?   😂🤣

Working at LSC does not make you a legal citizen. If you engage in weapon or munition trafficking you are a criminal, regardless of where you work.

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13 hours ago, Boonkgang said:

Whoever mentioned before - When you're selling the drugs that you were making in the drug lab, you ain't selling them to the player, script is taking it instead and just giving you the money right away, isn't that equal enough ?

That's not equal, I've voted against this before in the past. I don't agree with scripted drug sales or scripted pings when we're trying to pick up weapons we spend hundreds of thousands on. We get fined when we go to prison and now PD is taking money from us through sheer script, that's not okay and I don't see how anyone would think it is. "There's a 5% chance you're fucked and you get to lose your entire import" They have the means to obtain organic informants, I mean PD has been taking our radio freq as of late, how is that not good enough lol

Also, the drug drop off script is not the same thing but again, I don't agree with it. This is our means of making money, the same way you get paid for cruising around and doing your job, making drugs and selling it is our job, I hope we can agree with that. PD should seriously not have a means to screw us over like that, there has to be a balance and that's not the answer. Players are grinding to make this type of money, day in and day out and to lose 100k because of an automated system is seriously going in the wrong direction.

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11 minutes ago, MrUntouchable215 said:

That's not equal, I've voted against this before in the past. I don't agree with scripted drug sales or scripted pings when we're trying to pick up weapons we spend hundreds of thousands on. We get fined when we go to prison and now PD is taking money from us through sheer script, that's not okay and I don't see how anyone would think it is. "There's a 5% chance you're fucked and you get to lose your entire import" They have the means to obtain organic informants, I mean PD has been taking our radio freq as of late, how is that not good enough lol

Also, the drug drop off script is not the same thing but again, I don't agree with it. This is our means of making money, the same way you get paid for cruising around and doing your job, making drugs and selling it is our job, I hope we can agree with that. PD should seriously not have a means to screw us over like that, there has to be a balance and that's not the answer. Players are grinding to make this type of money, day in and day out and to lose 100k because of an automated system is seriously going in the wrong direction.

Of course you don't like it, you have the opportunity to lose lol.

There is a 5% chance that we'll receive a tip-off of your shipment and act to try and seize both you and the product. 

But, it's not an automatic win for the PD. No one is stopping you from coming as a group to secure your package. 

You talk about this 100k dropoff as well, i've been to these raids three times and on two occasions, it was just some SMG ammo. If you are buying 100k's worth of stuff at once, you are taking a big risk for a big convenience. The numbers game suggests doing more imports but for less would be safer for you but obviously, you want the path of least resistance.

The only thing automated about this system is that it's set at 5%. We still have to deploy SWAT and organise ourselves more extensively than you think. You just have to scout your location properly beforehand, leave it on the ground for us to seize or come tooled up to the drop-off to fight for it.

If you are sending 1-2.. even 3-4 guys to pick up the mother-lode, then that's either arrogance that no one will dare try to stop you or stupidity on your part that you think no one would think to. You guys have a small militia, use it for more than just standing outside the 24/7 playing music and painting your cars blue.

I don't think it's fair that you can only go to prison for two hours when you guys commit mass-murder but bippidy boppidy, life is unfair right? 
Zetas are practically unopposed by other criminal factions so you need a challenge.

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1 hour ago, GOAT said:

Of course you don't like it, you have the opportunity to lose lol.

There is a 5% chance that we'll receive a tip-off of your shipment and act to try and seize both you and the product. 

But, it's not an automatic win for the PD. No one is stopping you from coming as a group to secure your package. 

You talk about this 100k dropoff as well, i've been to these raids three times and on two occasions, it was just some SMG ammo. If you are buying 100k's worth of stuff at once, you are taking a big risk for a big convenience. The numbers game suggests doing more imports but for less would be safer for you but obviously, you want the path of least resistance.

The only thing automated about this system is that it's set at 5%. We still have to deploy SWAT and organise ourselves more extensively than you think. You just have to scout your location properly beforehand, leave it on the ground for us to seize or come tooled up to the drop-off to fight for it.

If you are sending 1-2.. even 3-4 guys to pick up the mother-lode, then that's either arrogance that no one will dare try to stop you or stupidity on your part that you think no one would think to. You guys have a small militia, use it for more than just standing outside the 24/7 playing music and painting your cars blue.

I don't think it's fair that you can only go to prison for two hours when you guys commit mass-murder but bippidy boppidy, life is unfair right? 
Zetas are practically unopposed by other criminal factions so you need a challenge.

My answer to that is challenge us on the streets like everyone else has to, not through a script. 

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The police IRL receive tips and 911 calls all the time. Unfortunately in a game where a majority of the server are criminals and there a few people willing to call 911 there needs to be systems in place for the police. Players are able to get away with shooting in public areas and getting into chases without the police even getting alerted, despite how unrealistic it is. Imagine if a large group of cars started chasing down a vehicle, ramming and brake checking it.. that's going to bring a lot of attention and the police would hear about it. Not here.

Hell when this attitude of always having to win and fuck the police is so predominant then maybe GOAT's idea of trading this suggestion for higher prison times is reasonable - if throwing you into prison for 8 hours got some of you to leave the server than that would be a huge win for Eclipse.

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On 5/29/2019 at 7:55 AM, Jbacon said:

Because of the limitations of as you so eloquently called it "the game" PD is unable to gather evidence as after you kill a cop, if we are lucky theres a body, but no one to rp what happened, no evidence, and if the officer had rp'd a body camera, and PD goes and arrests the guy, because if you watch any of these cop shows, you know ballistics from every firearm purchased legally is recorded in a database, well you would have swat and half of the cities police knocking on your door before you had time for the second beer. 

I'm going to assume you're referring to internal ballistics, and this is a factually incorrect statement. There is no ballistics record for every firearm sold in the United States. Examination of bullets can be done to identify characteristics which limit the amount of guns it could have been fired from (i.e. caliber, and sometimes model). But there is nothing to tie that information to a database of registered firearms. This is why murder weapons are needed in most cases. You need the specific gun that was used to run ballistics tests.

Secondly, ballistics change due to normal use, and intentional modifications. Meaning even if there was a database, it would be useless because the ballistics of a specific firearm change over time.

257 man hours were spent on the rifle that killed MLK by firearms examiners (and it was test fired 18 times). Yet, there was no conclusive evidence that the rifle in possession was the one used in the crime. Each of those times, the ballistics were different.

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On 5/27/2019 at 1:07 PM, Yputi said:

I just think we come to a point again where we have to accept PD and Criminals are not equal.

I hate this argument for 2 reasons:

1. We're still playing a game. Games are supposed to be fun. If you lose because something you cannot prevent, the game isn't fun. This is something entirely different then it being a difficult challenge to overcome (e.g finding real snitches in your gang) because then the game is fun, it's just challenging.


2. The strength of PD is unrealistic. Incorruptable and unkillable. The LSPD are basically robocops. Just 2 days ago I went to see John Wick 3 (good movie IMO would advise you check it out) and there was this scene with people with heavy body armor, that just stood there reloading while bullets pinged off them and then shot the shit out of anyone shooting at them. It was hilarious, it was meant as unrealistic comedy. This is reality on Eclipse. I can hit a Police Officer with a pistol 10 times and he will not be dead. This does not make for good realism and doesn't make for a fun game either.


In short: Sure PD should have the upperhand, they are the state after all. But making it an unstoppable force that all you can do is go out of the way of is just absolutely no fun for anyone involved and is frankly unrealistic.

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2 hours ago, Rubsmeister said:

I hate this argument for 2 reasons:

1. We're still playing a game. Games are supposed to be fun. If you lose because something you cannot prevent, the game isn't fun. This is something entirely different then it being a difficult challenge to overcome (e.g finding real snitches in your gang) because then the game is fun, it's just challenging.


2. The strength of PD is unrealistic. Incorruptable and unkillable. The LSPD are basically robocops. Just 2 days ago I went to see John Wick 3 (good movie IMO would advise you check it out) and there was this scene with people with heavy body armor, that just stood there reloading while bullets pinged off them and then shot the shit out of anyone shooting at them. It was hilarious, it was meant as unrealistic comedy. This is reality on Eclipse. I can hit a Police Officer with a pistol 10 times and he will not be dead. This does not make for good realism and doesn't make for a fun game either.


In short: Sure PD should have the upperhand, they are the state after all. But making it an unstoppable force that all you can do is go out of the way of is just absolutely no fun for anyone involved and is frankly unrealistic.

1. Oh no, not a challenge! Whatever will the biggest gang on the server do? Maybe use their heads to approach situations with more than just brute force?

2. The strength of PD.. my guy, they hold us back so much. You have no idea. Police eventually always win in real life so the whole "its unrealistic" argument doesnt really play.

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43 minutes ago, GOAT said:

1. Oh no, not a challenge! Whatever will the biggest gang on the server do? Maybe use their heads to approach situations with more than just brute force?

2. The strength of PD.. my guy, they hold us back so much. You have no idea. Police eventually always win in real life so the whole "its unrealistic" argument doesnt really play.

I don't know why you have to be so condescending, no need to be disrespectful. Besides please take the time to actually read what I said. I said challenges are good, a challenge is what makes a game fun. The current system isn't a challenge, it's a chance. It's random, unpredictable and unstoppable. That isn't fun, that is just frustrating. 

On your second point... I have no idea what you're getting at to be honest with "holding you back". You get to have bullet proof vehicles, police officers have armor that can take an incredible amount of punishment and also the most information resources. In the real world police isn't unstoppable, they don't always win, we don't live in a utopia. Police is corruptable, held back by government funding and so on and so forth. 

Please tell me why I am wrong but do so in an respectful manner.

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On 5/27/2019 at 5:43 AM, HaminLord said:

I'll start off by saying this, PD doesn't know the import locations.

When an import does come in, and we get the message telling us one is coming. We only get 1 message in chat saying something roughly like this.

"[POLICE INFORMANT] A criminal weapons import is arriving at Paleto Bay in 50 minutes."

We don't get any markers on the map, any further messages or etcetera. We simply get the message, a general location. (E.g Vespucci Canals, Los Santos International Airport or Grapseed).


The way you guys setup before the shipment drops. It shows you know exactly where it’s dropping, you’re all huddled around it waiting for us to pick it up. So I’m wondering how is it you know where it’s dropping exactly? If you just stated you you only get a general location? Would y’all be using OOC knowledge of the spot? 


I’d also like to add why is it ok to start spraying down our vehicles with 0 RP interaction, whether it’s through voice or text, does PD get some leeway in these scenarios? 

Edited by diplodorkk
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