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Radio frequency action timer

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I believe that there should be a 3 to 5 second action timer when switching radio frequency. I believe this will add to realism as changing your radio frequency while running would not be possible to do accurately and instantly. Furthermore, it will alleviate a big number of missclicks that happen when people try to put their hands up and instead hit a bind, which impacts RP scenarios.

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Changing a radio freq to a certain bind doesn't take more than a finger and a click. I get your point about the missclicks, for those, a command can be created to go back to last bind. But a 3-5 seconds timer would impact criminals negatively because sometimes you have to change freqs in a tight situation.

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I understand the frustration of miss clicks affecting RP, but this would pretty much guarantee that cops will compromise your frequency when you are evading. I've seen action timers be activated from a driver, but I've never seen it while the vehicle was moving, so I'm not sure how that would even work. By that time it's too late because you would immediately be mobbed by the police. Perhaps it's possible to implement it appropriately where it can be done without any effect on your ability to drive, but I also believe it's unrealistic for other reasons. 

Changing frequencies on a modern radio doesn't take 3-5 seconds IRL. In fact, it probably takes longer to change with text chat than the real world counterpart. This would effectively be a buff for police and could cause major problems for factions, both official and unofficial. 

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If the miss-click is the issue, why can't we change the keybind for placing your hands up to something else or adding a new hotkey that switches the radio to the previous frequency instead of adding an action timer?

From a realism point of view, I can see where you're coming from, but there are a lot of things that are unrealistic but it's there causing little to no effect on the RP quality in general. I'd prefer getting other QoL updates or even the guns update first.. 

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6 minutes ago, Harveyyy said:

If the miss-click is the issue, why can't we change the keybind for placing your hands up to something else or adding a new hotkey that switches the radio to the previous frequency instead of adding an action timer?

From a realism point of view, I can see where you're coming from, but there are a lot of things that are unrealistic but it's there causing little to no effect on the RP quality in general. I'd prefer getting other QoL updates or even the guns update first.. 

It is unrealistically easy to change your radio frequency at the moment. The missclick was an added benefit not the main point.



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As someone who supports representation and better roleplay for criminals, I don't think this needs to be a thing and would be an inconvenience to crims in normal situations, so -1.

That said, anyone that abuses the instant switch in non roleplay situations needs to be shot out of a cannon.

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Huge +1 
Realism is the problem with everything.

While we are at it let’s add a timer to checking your inventory, because I can’t instantly check my pocket irl. Also let’s add a timer to /stats because irl it takes some time for me to check my bank balance. Lastly to make our roleplay even more realistic we should add cellphone service fees where we have to pay for phone signal because nothing is free in real life, so it does not make sense for in-game cell service to be free.

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12 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:

Honestly why don't we add a range for the radio, doesn't really make sense for it to work decently from one side of the state to the other

Ok I was joking with my previous post, but it seems like you were taking me seriously. Also I don’t think you know how radios work, because at this day and age it is very common for radios to have wide ranges.

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The game map of San Andreas checks out at 23.7 miles, which upon release, was the largest three-dimensional map ever made. Most standard walkie talkies will claim a range of about 25-30 miles but a regular store bought walkie talkie has a range of about 1-2 miles, particularly in built up locations like the City and around Chilliad.

It doesn't make sense for a walkie talkie to have infinite range, any more than it makes sense for gangs to run around with walkie talkies broadcasting their locations and their criminal activities but these are the compromises we make.

Realism is a dangerous thing, because if you lean too heavily on it, it sucks the fun out of things.

For me, this would be a little bit like the changing armour in the front seat of the car change. Just an unnecessary obstruction for most circumstances where changing a radio frequency is intended and legit.

Then again, adding a timer to /fl is also unnecessary as well. I hate those timers with a passion as is.

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+1 if we also add action timers to hitting a panic, taking armor/weapons/barricades out of trunks and equipping them, parking a cruiser with shot tires and spawning a new one, scanning license plates, clocking a vehicles speed... etc etc.

There are a lot of things on this server that probably should take longer to do, but being nitpicky with what should and shouldn't receive action timers based on bias is a big -1 from me.

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let's be real if someone accidentally hits the button while putting their hands up, they can change the freq back it's not that hard, in addition we should also add long action timers to pd pulling out their heavy weapons as its not realistic to be able to grab a locker weapon from the car in an instant. 

On a real note there is many other updates/changes that should be added this wouldn't even be beneficial to anyone but PD, Pd heavily is already outweighing criminals  so I don't see why this is even necessary to suggest IMO, and I guarantee you would never think of posting this suggestion if you were still active on your crim character

HUGE -1 

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Add action timers for one, add action timers for all. But seriously... don't add them at all.

The RP you type when putting on armor or unracking weapons is the "action timer". You also have to scroll through the faction load out which takes a few seconds.

AHK scripts just shouldn't be allowed for RP like that. Some people have an AHK script for every single line of RP they might ever have to do and it's lazy and inorganic.

I have personally never used AHK even back when I worked at LSC and the RP was repetitive with my minimal IRL mechanic knowledge. I have and will always hand type each line of RP because having the same copy paste lines of RP everytime you do an action makes you a robot and prevents you from tailoring it to the specific scenario.

Radios don't need action timers etiher because changing the frequency realistically takes 1 second. The rules prevent people from changing radio frequencies when they are under gunpoint or tazed anyway so what's the point.

Both sides only want  an action timer when it benefits them.

Edited by Jett_J
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