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RAttlesnake7473 last won the day on October 6 2023

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About RAttlesnake7473

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  2. i’m iffy on this one. Per your clip the fact that you were even in that situation is crazy. There you should’ve surrendered as you just face more jail time from shooting him with a 0% chance of winning. 200ap is crazy but they are heavy metro units. It really depends on the situation if i were to agree/disagree on the amount of armor they have. In this one particularly i dont think he should have 200ap for a clothing store robbery but at the same time i dont expect them to quick swap a vest at their vehicle
  3. I agree it really is situation-based. I'm just not sure if messing with the rules and script to change it will help at all tbf
  4. so we’re just to ignore when someone calls cops to a situation that you’d not want PD at? Ex: big shootout happens at eclipse, some injured and need to be cleaned but someone then starts to call pd, you can’t just ignore that. Allies and weapons are still needing to be brought out and to MD but if pd comes it’s all useless and they get charged. I feel my crim and most others would shoot and kill the person calling pd in this situation and really any where someone calls. -1
  5. I realistically don't see a problem at all with signatures. -1
  6. Rather us have it under someone else's name that 1. Pretty much no one can be trusted with unless you've know then ooc for years or know them ooc or have the house sold due to inactivity and lose it all anyway. What PD is doing right now is killing crim rp and there's no excuse for it.
  7. GOD BLESS SOMEONE SAID IT, can't stop anything anywhere without PD coming to steal it. On a serious note, its killing the criminal side of the server and once were all gone it'll be CIV RP, Ban evader RP and cops. Something needs to change
  8. that’s right it was Paulius, sorry about that either way he did confirm the random alarm a few weeks back in discord
  9. if you can't risk the 20k for a pretty good gross profit idk why your doing houses
  10. You're still able to successfully do them. I've done over 30 alone and only ever had this happen twice.
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