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Faction Wide Vehicle GPS

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Hello Again,

DCC Management would love to have a command that would show the location of all current On-Duty Vehicles since they have a GPS Built in anyways. That way we can locate our drivers and make sure they are working and not sleeping on the job. (Taxis IRL have Trackers on them and dispatch can see them on a map). This would make management's lives a lot easier instead of having to drive around town looking for 1 driver who is MIA. This not only would be beneficial to DCC but all the factions as well who tend to have "MIA" Employees. This would help out admins as well as they would have to worry less about having to teleport to everyone to make sure they are working (OOC Removal) and rely more on the players in Management positions who are supposed to be able to handle those situations ICly.

The Command could be like /fvloc or something like that or /fvehgps 

Thanks for taking the time to read this,



Varro Dalison

HR Representative


Edited by Nubbsauce
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Great for all government vehicles to show on the map when you're on duty. (big map only, so you don't see the icon on the edge of the minimap all the time? or maybe? Something smaller?)

  • Taxi - Taxi's on duty see where each other are so they can spread out better to cover areas. When a request comes in, they see where the request is coming from. Customers should also be able to see where there taxi is when the driver accepts.
  • Police - All active cruisers on the map, Orange if they've called for backup, Red + Dot if an officer called an emergency. Police can also see where the closest Ambulance is.
  • Ambulance - Similar to Taxi's and Police, Requester can see Ambulance when responded and how far they are. Medics can see the call location before they respond. Medics can see where other ambulances are as well as the closest police cruiser. Orange when responding to a call, red if emergency request.
  • Mechanics - Should be able to see their own mechanical vehicle locations.
Edited by Xoza
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On 1/7/2019 at 7:51 PM, Xoza said:

Great for all government vehicles to show on the map when you're on duty. (big map only, so you don't see the icon on the edge of the minimap all the time? or maybe? Something smaller?)

  • Taxi - Taxi's on duty see where each other are so they can spread out better to cover areas. When a request comes in, they see where the request is coming from. Customers should also be able to see where there taxi is when the driver accepts.
  • Police - All active cruisers on the map, Orange if they've called for backup, Red + Dot if an officer called an emergency. Police can also see where the closest Ambulance is.
  • Ambulance - Similar to Taxi's and Police, Requester can see Ambulance when responded and how far they are. Medics can see the call location before they respond. Medics can see where other ambulances are as well as the closest police cruiser. Orange when responding to a call, red if emergency request.
  • Mechanics - Should be able to see their own mechanical vehicle locations.

You forgot about Weazel.

Edited by Ohad
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