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Everything posted by TreMetal

  1. Oh lord, they will miss out on one arrest until they have to arrest them later anyways if they ever want their cars back. The terror.
  2. Gee whiz, that would happen with an automated one as well since it would detect they are wanted and not allow their car to get removed. Also, imagine thinking wasting countless peoples time at the impound (i've personally waited over an hour and a half one time) is better than losing out on the extremely crummy impound "RP".
  3. There is no RP at the impound. As noted in my first reply. Thanks for another useless reply though.
  4. The NPC is part of the police. It's not that hard.
  5. How is using an automated impound "exciting"? lol. It makes 100% that there would be an attendant at the desk at impound (read automated NPC) that can automatically release your car with payment if you have no outstanding warrants or tickets. This is generally how it would work in real life as well, you wouldn't ring a bell and hope a cop comes in real life.
  6. I find it weird that the conversation is about paying for parking rather than the fact that the impound is a completely miserable situation altogether. There are other ways your car winds up there besides parking at the bank. People claim it is because of RP created by the impound, but in all reality it is a really shitty scripted RP: "license?" "/license" "ok bye" every single time I have ever been there.
  7. Scamming people is an OOC punishment too. lol.
  8. Just change the penal code for fraud to account for the amount of money to be equivalent to the OOC estimation of making said amount of money (for example 1 hour of jail per ~10k stolen). Of course that is kind of an IC issue, but it deals highly with OOC concepts.
  9. Just add NPC orders to various stores that give these prices and let player owned stores choose their own pricing still. PC players would then need to compete with the NPCs for prices. It doesn't help that the trucking job is basically dead most of the time and people who like the job just take whatever is there (or don't know any better). $1,000 per delivery is insanely bad, but that is almost what is always offered currently.
  10. +1 the idea, -1 the long slash command name (lol).
  11. +1 to promote more realistic driving. I am pretty sure if this was a real city almost every business owner would be petitioning for a speed camera near their business given how people drive on this server.
  12. +1 to all undershirts always available with any top.
  13. Even simpler would to be add more speed cameras and wouldn't make it so cars are almost unusable. lol.
  14. +1, doesn't make much sense that they are gone.
  15. Probably could do a compromise where weapons are dropped on death for new players, but they can retain other items.
  16. #3 could interfere with Courier Job, so I probably wouldn't do that. #4 should require script acceptance similar to frisk / friskaccept. Though depending on the price of the hose it could be useless or make jerry cans (mostly) useless. Rest seem fine.
  17. My input: Courier Job: The biggest thing they could do for courier job is enforce a minimum payout (or enforce a minimum distance between deliveries). Also, get rid of 4 package deliveries, 1-3 makes the average delivery 2 which is 5 deliveries per truckload where as 1-4 is an average of 4. This may not seem like a big difference but the largest time sink of this job is traveling back to HQ for a refill which pays you nothing. Also less 3rd+ story deliveries would be nice. Trucking Job: Add NPC jobs in addition to the player ones. Clothing stores, tattoo shop and barber can all take in shipments (though primarily clothing shops). It would also be possible to deliver goods to non operational gas stations, gun stores and convieniece stores (or things like the megamall by grovestreet, or 'you tool' on the east highway). NPCs could then always give $1,000-$1,250 for their jobs and players could prioritize their deliveries by offering more cash for deliveries.
  18. No offense to anyone on the server, but we can hardly handle the rules when they are strictly defined black and white let alone when you have a nebulous "roleplay reason" for DM rights. You would have to define what a "roleplay reason" is and it would ultimately circle back to Fear RP, arrest, KOS rights, etc that are already in the rule book.
  19. I already address this in my original post: I reported with the video provided (as noted in my original topic) and quoted the NonRP rule in the /rm to the administrator. I was asked if they committed any crimes and was told nothing could be done as he did not. I was told it was not a violation because it was not one of the examples listed in the rules which is why I made the topic to update the rules to add this to the examples. Suffice to say if an adminstrator does not realize this is an NonRP rule break (as you are now saying it is) then I doubt the average player realizes it is. I do not see why changing the line from "Spawning a scripted work vehicle and using it for crimes or submerging any vehicle in water." to " Spawning a scripted work vehicle to use for non-work purposes or submerging any vehicle in water." (or whatever is appropriate wording) would cause any issues.
  20. There was a recent update on Discord about requiring mechanics and tow trucks to unflip vehicles, but the analogous situation for taxi drivers is not addressed. Currently if anyone dies and shows up at pillbox they can immediately get a bus from the bus depot and drive anywhere they want. This is also the same for bank to anywhere with courier truck, parking garage (either bus or money transport) and high end / bahama mama area with the taco truck. While the rules has an example about using work vehicles for crimes (which obviously should not be done) there is no reason this shouldn't be expanded to included any non-work related activity with the work vehicle. There is no way your courier company is going to let you take their truck to Sandy Shores to ditch it where your car is (clearly falling under "Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor quality roleplay are considered as non-roleplay." in the non-rp rule section). Unfortunately the examples of rules are currently used as set in stone to be the the only ways to break said rules and not just examples of nature of the rule. (I did a /report and was essentially told this). Just for fun here is a video ( https://streamable.com/o3xbq ) of me on standby in a taxi while a player runs past me (within a few feet even) runs to the depot and drives over the hill towards Sandy Shores / Mine. I am 99% sure there is no route that goes this way and the player made 0 bus stops on the way. In this case even if no taxis were available he should be attempting to use a city bee, not a city bus. While I do not think we need an example for everything possible (despite being told that is the case) I do feel this clarification is necessary because it clearly affects an official faction with 52 members negatively by bypassing their RP.
  21. +1, though if they log in once a month I think that's fine, but I think the current limit to lose your house is something insane like 3 or 4 months. Reducing the time to 1 month from 3 or 4 (or whatever it currently is) would help drastically. I have a similar situation where I check the door / lock on a few unlocked properties to see if they are still unlocked and to check to see if they are up for sale yet (been at least 2 months on them as well). -1 to player owned clothing stores and tattoo shops (unless the NPC versions are still available), the rest seems fine. Our player driven economy is pretty shit as you can see with the Gun Stores and the only way to break out of that is for a non-scummy person to buy a gun store to make the prices remotely fair to everyone. As it stands criminals (and people who know the owners) pay less than half for their guns because their owners give them the real price while everyone else pays rip off prices (e.g. .50 for ~4.5k vs ~10k). However, new players aren't going to get these it will be bought up by some ultra rich player whose been around for years just like they always do. They would need to add some sort of 'update to scripted general (or gun) store' option to regular business properties for new players to even consider getting into a business. The last business to get sold was a Gas Station for 14.6 million. The server economy is basically totally fucked in that regard with no opportunity for new players to even consider taking part in owning a real business. Nevermind the fact that almost all of the business are owned by criminals who shouldn't even be allowed to own business like that to begin with (especially gun stores).
  22. You don't like how it is the order in which they are entered except if you delete someone the next persons entry goes into the space where they were deleted from? lol. +1 btw
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