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Cyrus Raven

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Everything posted by Cyrus Raven

  1. Ok, let's say I concede your point. Are you willing to enact the following measures on both sides to enhance the overall RP ? - Reduce acceleration of all vehicles to better match what is seen in real life and prevent chases having to be stopped early due to lack of time to setup roadblocks and other less lethal measures. - Disallow any street gang member from having any sports vehicle/bike or higher. - Decrease PD Salary to better represent what an officer in real life would earn (essentially making it hard to acquire sports cars, etc...) - Make it non-RP for anyone to wear a mask while not actively engaging in illegal activity, planning for it, or when used during appropriate social events or medical reasons. - Make driving in the city in an unrealistic manner Non-RP unless justified through appropriate RP (emergency, committing crimes, evading police) etc....
  2. Just report it if that's the case ? If whatt you are saying is true and no desync was at play then that should be an easy Non-RP report. Why complain about this and try and paint the whole of PD as bad instead of reporting ONE person who is breaking a rule.
  3. I appreciate that the OP was kind enough to post a few reference videos alongside others in this thread. It's always good to have examples when talking about a specific issue otherwise people don't have something tangible to discuss. First Video: Some things to clear up. As someone else mentioned, the vehicle being used here was done so as the vehicle being pursued was armoured. The .50 call insurgent was indeed used, but I think we can agree that such a vehicle being used isn't a regular occurrence. That being said, the overall commentary being made about shooting vehicles on a high-way that is RP'ly populated and doing so without exhausting other options is something we can definitely discuss. Second Video: (continuation of previous segment) In my personal opinion, the force used by Police can be justified in most cases. We more often that not give adequate warning via megaphone and what determines whether or not we shoot a fleeing vehicle is entirely dependent on the crimes committed and the way they are being committed. If someone is driving a high-speed vehicle on the wrong side of the road, in the city, through sidewalks, etc... going at an average speed of 180-200km/h then they have escalated their crimes from Felony Evasion to Felony Evasion and Felony Public Endangerment. What this means in terms of RP is that these suspects have a very high chance of hitting, injuring and/or killing someone given their negligent behaviour on the road, thus the decision sometimes PD takes to ''go for tires''. This is NOT the norm and only if certain conditions are met will the decision be made. In the case of the video in specific I have no idea what type of information the officers in question were acting on. What I can see is someone who was seen already driving recklessly in the city with a sports car, chasing someone. Then police initiated a pursuit on you and observed you at high-speeds in the city limit, driving recklessly and failing to maintain lane and then cutting across four lanes of travel and heading into the incorrect lane of travel for what would be a heavily populated high-way. You were given demands to stop or lethal force would be used at 1:00 in your video. You were then fired upon at 1:23 after being given the same demands two more times. In the video people from your own side claimed the frequency was compromised and SWAT was listening in. Like I said, I do not know what information the officers were acting on, but the video you posted shows you Felony Evading and Felony Public Endangerment, between letting you continue driving in such a way and striking other civilians on the highway while going on the wrong side or attempting to stop you by shooting at your vehicle I would say the latter is justified given that you put yourself in a position to be chased by PD when you chose to commit these felonies in city limits at high-speeds, which would realistically impact several civilians. Overall: What is being presented here as evidence are situations that involve known gang members and SWAT/IB. I do not think that your average police officer is going around shooting vehicles with Micro's. Not only would we get instantly booted from PD, but it would also likely lead to OOC punishment if reported. We have protocols to follow and depending on the circumstances these protocols can lead to situations like the second video or the one bellow (where the insurgent and Kamacho box a vehicle in). This is NOT the NORM. As for the .50 Cal video, I would chalk it up as a one time thing, special circumstances for a special vehicle being stolen, I hope people aren't implying this is a common occurrence, although I will agree that probably shouldn't be shooting people with a .50 Cal on an RP'ly populated Highway.
  4. -1 FearRP rule is in place to prevent people from acting in unrealistic ways when faced with a threat of lethal force (weapons), in other words valuing their life. I understand that IRL, people sometimes take a chance, or have a fight or flight reaction. However, this is a game with limitations. In Eclipse people can't kill you in one shot or two. If they could then perhaps some leniency would be in order since you are more likely to be shot and killed fairly quickly, like real life. Since this isn't the case, a change to the FearRP rule would mean that people would take advantage of how GTA works and would be able to escape situations that would realistically lead to their swift death. I find that the best solution for this, especially if your goal is to enhance RP, is to play smart, avoid putting yourself in situations where you are placed under FearRP and thus getting the edge over other players, not to mention the rules already allow for exceptions like being in a running vehicle, having appropriate cover, etc...
  5. +1 (but) I think the idea in general is good. However, I agree this shouldn't be managed by illegal factions. This isn't to say that legal factions should manage it. Maybe having the forum be more like a message board where you have anonymous users buying/selling/looking for items and they have to come up with their own codes and way to communicate as to avoid anyone with half a brain figuring out where a meeting is happening or a deal. Essentially, no one owns it (staff of course have access and can purge and delete any messages that break server rules) I'm thinking something along the lines off a very very simple IRC type chat window where people can sign in with any name they want or just as ''anonymous''. This could be done via any laptop as long as you own one (giving a reason to actually keep them as right now they seem kinda useless unless you're PD and want to check footage at a store) You could also use this chat to private message people you meet in the public chat or you can create your own ''channels'' which would only be available to those who are invited by the owner of the chat, making gang group chats a possibility. If a laptop is found on someone and someone checks it (either CIV/CRIM/PD) they could get access to the person's logs and naturally any channel they are in. The only way to prevent this would be to: a) Use an anonymous account as the laptop owner (More privacy but no logs or ability to be invited to other channels) b) Have an account which is password protected, adding more security. However, the username is listed with the password input being blank if someone opens the laptop. Although people might not be able to get into the account unless they know the password, they can figure out what name you go by online. PD would be able to gain search warrants with enough probable cause to gain access to a laptop through hacking if they found someone who is using method b). Alternatively, if a key logger (or whatever you want to call it) is introduced to a laptop before hand a chat printout would be generated using /printkeylog [ID] which would show all messages made from the laptop since the bug was first placed. This would bypass people using method a) and b). However, it would only show messages typed from the laptop and not what was received from other users. This last part is a bit more out there and would likely be suitable as it's own separate suggestion. However, I thought I would include it anyway, feel free to ignore it.
  6. Sounds good +1 The only thing I would add (which I realize is vague) is that this system should look to build a black market and NOT just gangs hoarding tons of guns with no regard for personal or collective profit from other gangs/individuals. I feel like (correct me if I am wrong), the current meta relies on gang members making money in whatever way they can (drugs, chop, regular jobs, crime) which they will use on guns, ammo, armour. There doesn't seem to be a lot of incentive to sell these guns to individual people or small gangs. The exception would be a non-official gang with good ties asking an official gang or a close friend of a member buying a gun. I would love to see more RP around heavy weapon deals, maybe usage of a ''dark web chat'' where people can set meetings using code words or just all round bigger focus on buying/selling guns for monetary gain and not just personal/gang use or as personal favours.
  7. (LSPD X Cleo Sullivan) This is how a regular early morning patrol started. A 911 call about shots fired. Officer Cyrus Raven and Cadet Axel Raven respond to the call. Units arrived on scene and find a woman running down a set of white stairs with a sharp knife in her right hand. This woman was later identified as ''Cleo Sullivan'' someone Officer Cyrus Raven has interacted with in the past. Through these experiences Officer Raven knows her MO usually involves a sharp knife, used for slicing rather than stabbing. Cleo was immediately detained following a stressful stand off with units. Cleo was initially uncooperative and aggressive having a knife in her hand but eventually calmed down after Officer Hector Mayfield calmed her down. She was detained and her knife was retrieved and placed into an evidence bag. BLOOD all over it. Officer Raven and Cadet Raven sprint up the stairs, looking into the room the woman had fled from. Yet another dead body, this city never changes. After a Medical unit is called on scene to collect some blood an EMT by the name of ''Thanatos LeBek'' arrives on scene, assisting the Los Santos Police Department with the investigation while I.B. makes their way over. After collecting some blood LSPD IB units arrive on scene, specifically Detectives ''Belle Cavallera'' and ''Elise de la Croix'' Both the detectives and the remaining units on scene do an excellent job collecting any relevant information. This includes witness statements, forensic evidence and statements from the suspect. After a long investigation it is clear Cleo Sullivan was involved and the blood found on the knife she was holding matches the blood from the body. However, we get an additional piece of information that points towards another person having killed the man with a weapon. The mystery of who killed the man continues for now. However, Ms. Sullivan has since been charged and arrested for GF19: Abuse or Desecration of Dead Human Body and has been recommended a psychological evaluation with the LSEMS Crisis Response Unit.
  8. +1 I think a blanket explicit ban should be issued. The announcement made by Ballin helped, but the words can still be used. I would argue the word will inherently be offensive, especially with regards to people of colour, a direct attack on an uncontrollable factor such as skin colour. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I don't think I've seen the word used once in an appropriate RP context. It doesn't add anything to the realism of the situation, at all. If saying the n-word is the thing that is stopping you from doing great RP then I don't know what else to say, that's just pretty sad.
  9. +1 for clarification, although, I was under the impression forgetting events leading to someone's death meant stuff that directly tied to your death and not larger on-going RP that makes two factions remain in a long-term conflict. Example: If you initiated something at Chop Shop VS another group and eventually got into a fight and won, killing the other party. That party would forget any info and negative events leading to that death (AKA everything from when you first met at chop shop), but if you guys have a long-term conflict from several situations prior then that would remain. Not sure if my perception of this rule has been wrong all this time, but what you said seems to make sense.
  10. Issue Being Reported: Forum name change from “Kyle White Raven'' to ''Raven'' (I think someone has this name but from their profile they don't seem to be active) if not possible then just to ''Cyrus Raven'' to reflect my main character on the server. Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone) N/A Your characters name: Cyrus Raven Other player(s) involved: N/A Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: N/A
  11. Happened today, the person saying it did it with no real RP reason.
  12. +1 I've said it before and I'll say it again, people aren't playing on this server as AAA actors trying to portray a thug in grove street as realistic as possible. 99% of people in Eclipse saying the N-word are being edgy gamers, simple as that. I haven't seen a single RP scenario where this is justified and it KILLS any content creation, let's not pretend saying ''Nigger'' or ''Nigga'' is the line between good and bad RP, maybe focus on getting players to actually try and RP for once instead of having the community argue about the n-word. Hit me up when you get Lamar from single-player on the server, until then classify it as Gross RP and make it so people need to ask OOC permission.
  13. Reminds me of the Underground Racing League in NGG, good luck!
  14. Disclaimer: I have no clue if this has been suggested before, if it has feel free to link them, always good to take a look at other suggestions and take inspiration. Lastly, please do not come into this suggestion (especially staff) with the same old boring answer of ''Just do it IC and with enough support it will become official'', not only is this the most boring and non imaginative answer you can give, but it defeats the purpose of the proposed system. Summary: The Dynamic Business Script is a new script UI within the server that would allow any player to create their own organisations. For the purpose of this suggestion, this would be strictly aimed at legal organisations, whether that is a company or an individual person looking to start their own business. The purpose of the script is to allow players to easily manage their player created and owned businesses with ease. Basic Features: - Recruitment of Employees - Ability to add/remove/promote/demote employees at will as owner or anyone with the permission to manage the company - Managing permissions and ranks - Ability to choose what rank/position can access company bank account, company vehicles, property, recruitment and permissions - Business Bank Account - A dedicated bank account with an accompanying debit card. Any transaction, debit and credit done will be displayed with detailed timestamp and what was bought - Access to a business dealership where commercial vehicles can be purchased - Tow trucks, cabs, boats, maybe even helicopters and planes (last two dependent on how far company has progressed and requiring staff approval, think of it as a reward for displaying good RP and growing the business) - Purchase and assign properties to company - Set HQ and assign company vehicle parking spots - acts as a spawn point for vehicles when an employee with the relevant permission types a certain command (/cspawn [1-X]) Long-Term Features: **The following list of features are just a brain storm of ideas that can come from having this system implemented in the first place, most likely will not be seen for a while and might take quite some work** - Stock System - Allow any player to buy and own stocks for any company that decides to issue shares on the Los Santos Stock Exchange (LSSE) This can be used as a way to raise money from the company perspective or as an investment opportunity for any person with money. Players would have the ability to buy and sell stocks on LSSE. - Illegal Organisation system - Item creation and Inventory System - Pretty much something as outlined in this suggestion by @RishabJaiswal. Allow firms who focus on the food and drink business (restaurants, bars, clubs, coffee shops) to create their own menu items which would require specific ingredients. Reasoning Behind the Suggestion: The reason for wanting to suggest a system like this is to allow players the freedom to create and operate their own businesses in a way that feels a lot more connected and ''official'' then simply ''doing it with RP''. I have come to despise how everything that is suggested as a script will easily be dismissed as ''You can do this right now, just RP it, grab some people and do it''. This was a feature in previous SAMP servers and I think it is something very achievable within RAGE. Giving players the ability to actually see and manage what their are putting their efforts in with an in-game script will make all the difference. Hopefully this also promotes more civilian RP with people creating competing businesses like Uber (to compete with DCC), Tow Truck companies (to compete with LSC/Bayview) and many other unknown possibilities. (Especially if some of those long-term features get added too). Something I have realised during my time on the server is that people need to be stimulated and encouraged to create their own RP, but we're not giving them the tools to do this. Hopefully this suggestion is something that can be added and we can get people who have really good ideas to use this system and create some kickass RP! Feel free to add points to the suggestion (and remove)! Discuss the features mention and remember, the focus of this suggestion is to enhance civilian RP.
  15. Sure, here you go. But for future reference, I generally mean if I am starting a thread where I want to claim X or attack Y, it's usually based on more than something vague, either it contains evidence or it's pretty self evident (although I understand this last point in itself can be vague). In this instance I am not the one making the accusations, but the one defending them. The burden of proof should be on the person who is making the claims. New Players being given a break/reduced sentence: '' Turned out the driver ((new player)) had no license so ''OFFICER X'' issued a ticket and asked the man to call a taxi to the DMV, we waited till the taxi picked him up and he called us 10-8.'' - Normally would go to jail. - New player and having a few CODE 0 issues, we gave him a break and let him off with a warning '' you are allowed to adjust charges with modifiers, to reduce time as a reward for either good RP or if the player is new, we don't want to throw someone in prison for 120 minutes if they are new. While we understand that this is a role-play server, we also want players to stay and become better role-players. If it's a new player, don't aim to make the list of charges the longest list you can'' - From an announcement made by Osborn a couple of years ago that is still used today to promote better roleplay and to encourage new players not only to remain on the server, but to learn from their mistakes. Leniency given on an OOC level to promote better RP/Correct Mistakes: https://streamable.com/5p9yuk - Player is let go after we waited for him to trim and upload a video, showing the map not loading and causing him to crash against a pole by accident. https://streamable.com/mjxwg8 - Player crashes against a crate and injures himself during a pursuit, we call for an admin to revive him and then resume the pursuit from where he crashed. So going back to the original claims which you said was a ''valid point''. The other person said ''SEVERAL officers INCLUDING admins straight ABUSING power, trying to make false claims and reports, tried baiting me into shit. Absolutely horrible RP value in the PD and SD. Everyone just hides behind the fact that IA reports need to be filed in order for anything to be done, and even when provided with VIDEO EVIDENCE, they'll still find a way to dismiss it.'' Does it look like that to you ? If so, it is now YOUR turn to back up your broad claims. ''All I had to do is type in LSPD in the forum search function to find examples of what OP was talking about, nothing subjective about hundreds of pages of evidence.'' - Go ahead and post some of these ''examples'' where PD/SD are ''abusing power'' making ''false claims and reports'', ''baiting people into shit'' and ''hiding behind IA report'' and please don't make this some boring back and forth where you post some ''example'' where the response ''IA report'' is actually valid, I want you to show me the most blatant full proof examples as you've claimed are in abundance just from a simple search. Good luck.
  16. Alongside other evidence, yes. Pretty much the main complaint from me is, don't word stuff in a way that can be viewed as PD not being able to charge anyone that uses a mask. As far as I'm concerned, since that ruling was given things have been business as usual, nothing really has changed about how I go in terms of solving crimes that require more investigation and RP. I think the intent behind that report reply was to let PD/SD know, don't go charging people based on hunches, especially if you only heard someone's voice and they are wearing a mask.
  17. I agree with this. My main point is that the wording used in the reply to that report explicitly said ''what is required for them such as confirming the identity beyond a shadow of a doubt which cannot be done with masks on and based on voices.'' My interpretation of this is that no matter how much investigative RP and evidence we collect, if the crime was committed with a mask on we can not charge this person. If this is what is intended as far as law enforcement standards of convictions go, then so be it, but I would expect a much harsher response to the constant usage of masks as seen by civilians/criminals, more than what is currently enforced. As for charging people SOLELY based on masks and voice, I fully agree, this should never be a thing, further evidence and effort has to be put forth besides these two factors alone.
  18. I'm saying that AS IT STANDS, there is NO justice system. I can not put once in place, nor anyone else, this has to come from admins/developers. ''Every single person has the capacity to show restraint and act responsibly and fairly, even without a fair justice system in place.'' - Yeah, we already do this. Ask any new player that goes around committing the dumbest crimes or driving borderline non-RP and ask them if law enforcement haven't let them off easy in an effort to not discourage him from playing. ''He made a valid point of the police policing each other and you either refused or ignored to acknowledge it'' - Yes, I responded to him with what I know from my experience. Vague claims like ''have an entire highlight from one of my streams of SEVERAL officers INCLUDING admins straight ABUSING power, trying to make false claims and reports, tried baiting me into shit'' and ''even when provided with VIDEO EVIDENCE, they'll still find a way to dismiss it'' This does nothing but fuel argument where there is none to have. If you ever read my posts in discussion threads you will notice that something I always try and ask or provide is some sort of evidence for what I am trying to say. So when you tell me ''He made a valid point of the police policing each other and you either refused or ignored to acknowledge it'', yeah I don't acknowledge stuff without any sort of substance besides someone's subjective experience with law enforcement. Doing so would not only go against everything I have experienced, but would also validate the implication that all law enforcement is corrupt, none of us want to even take the time of day to look at evidence when provided with some and we're all out to get you...
  19. +1 (but not in the way you think) I have issues with these decisions on two fronts. First: This should have been communicated to everyone, not just faction leaders. Whether your intentions were good, the idea that players get is that staff is breaking transfer request rules and doing so just to get their own faction to play with. This is now something we know is NOT true and the idea is actually pretty decent, but this leads me to point number two. Second: Why wouldn't you guys take an already existing group that has been fighting for official and help them out that way ? This server has a ton of criminal organisation ideas, why not pair up with one or two groups with good RP and decent backstory, take over a few of the high command roles and help develop the faction that way ? The idea of starting two factions to then pass them on is an interesting idea, the only issue is that it leaves those who are trying to achieve official demoralised, especially when combined with the first point made. TL;DR: Be more transparent with EVERYONE and include the community in these suggestions! At peak times we might have 400-450 players around, suggestions are always being posted, don't do everything by yourselves, include the community.
  20. +1 Although like others have mentioned we don't ''need'' script support, this isn't like old-school SAMP servers where text roleplay is slow and in-depth for the significant majority of people. I can accept that VOIP has brought about another type of RP where voice conversations take over with the occasional /me and /do. Although I prefer the first type of RP I am also not one to hold on to dead ideas. People, specifically civilians have mentioned the need and want for more scripted work and commands to follow along with that, I understand that it's harder work for the development team, but why not start with a small test run, maybe implementing only one of the above ideas and actually see if this type of idea would encourage RP or if it would flop. As it stands the general state of RP in the server is horrendous, at least to what I was used to.
  21. -1 Handguns are enough for self defence, if anything add one or two new handguns (making sure these are balanced). Gangs/criminals who want to buy heavies can already do so through IC means, especially since the new turf system, I assume selling/buying these might be easier and create good opportunities for gun-deal RP.
  22. -1 This doesn't make a lick of difference to any outcome. I was a big supporter of removing FeelsChromosomeMan given the Ableist connotations behind it, it was changed and we were given the ability to down vote. If you are bothered by this use this https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/ignore/ to ignore anyone you think is abusing the down vote to mass spam you. Additionally you can go to https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/notifications/options/ and disable the notification for ''Someone gives reputation to something I posted'' which I believe will disable any notifications for reactions. You will still see the reaction if you open the main post, but you won't get notifications, which should really be the only thing you care about. These down votes literally mean 0.
  23. Feels like changing frequencies shouldn't be a priority after you've crashed your car and are at gun-point, you might think you have nothing to fear, but for all you know Police could have information of you carrying heavy weapons or any other IC information that would put you at a higher risk of being shot, especially something that involves sudden movements. In essence, you should value your life while at gun-point, complying with police and anyone else holding you up. Furthermore, it feels like this is trying to justify winning mentality. You're essentially saying that players, especially criminals, should be able to ignore 8+ cops around him with weapons drawn all in order to change a radio frequency they know will most likely get confiscated and monitored. Plenty of criminals change their radio once they know the chances of them getting out of the situation are slim, this is the correct approach, doing it while at gun-point because you forgot or wanted to stay a bit longer on frequency shouldn't be a thing.
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