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Cyrus Raven

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Everything posted by Cyrus Raven

  1. Would having static labs output more drugs or the same amount but with a shorter timer be something of interest ? Then if people want to play it safe they can cook at home, but if they want to get a bit of a boost at a time where they have a large group they can head to a lab and set up there. Essentially: - Mobile Labs = Safer but slower - Static Labs = Faster but more risk involved. Disclaimer: I only play law enforcement characters, so I have no clue if this would be viable from criminal prescriptive.
  2. So do you take these using single player and the director mode ?
  3. I'm not talking about something blatant. I am talking about something subconscious. If you have Person A and Person B in a video game. Person A has just started playing, he is careful with his actions given the lack of gear he has, trying to play things safe. He knows if he dies he will lose what little he has. Meanwhile, Person B has every weapon in the game, he has a stash in his base and if he were to die he wouldn't really care too much, given the minimal loss he would suffer. When both these players go against someone, they will go in with different mentalities, one will value his items more and thus try and be more careful (as much as possible). While the other player will go into the situation focusing solely on the game-play aspect, with no thought or worries about what he will lose. This is what I mean. I'm not sure, if this can be corrected with added context to FearRP rules, but adding the fear of losing something besides their life is what criminals mean when they say then want PD to lose something. This would never be an issue in real life, given that there is an actual fear of losing your life, in the game that doesn't really happen. We have FearRP rules to regulate obvious unrealistic actions, but these don't account for subconscious small actions or attitudes that some players might have because they don't really lose anything. However, a lot of the suggestions about letting people loot cops or having cops pay for their own guns don't sit well with me either, it doesn't seem like an appropriate solution given the multiple reasons others have stated. Maybe the objective should be to balance the playing field by allowing for easier access to weapons by gangs and criminals, making them focus more on the crimes they commit and the quality of RP and not whether or not they will be broke after one shootout. Just brainstorming at this point.
  4. I think what most crims in this thread are trying to point out is that us as PD don't really care if we die or not given that we don't lose much, meaning that we are more prone to taking risky 1vsX moves against gang members. For the most part, I think this could be corrected by adding a FearRP clause to include specific law enforcement actions, but at the same time I haven't experienced this to a degree that would warrant this. I think others have mentioned ways that law enforcement as a whole can improve when it comes to introducing penalties for dying, but we are there as a force to keep order on the server and to rarely be defeated, the goal of criminals should be to evade and out smart, instead of confront and shoot. In a sense you guys should have to "play smarter" because you're the underdog. As an example I would point to a guerilla group part of a revolutionary force VS a well armed and equipped government force. The only way the revolutionaries will win is if they out smart their enemies and pick their battles wisely, focusing on guerrilla tactics.
  5. I'm not against this idea in general, but make it so the value is removed from the budget for the LSPD and not individual salaries. Like others have pointed out it makes no sense to make government workers pay for their equipment, that is a burden the agency they are employed by must carry. Furthermore, for both ammo, weapons and vehicles I would expect the value of these things in terms of restocking and repairing vehicles to be significantly reduced. Doesn't make much RP sense to charge a law enforcement agency the same value for ammo as some drug cartel selling to criminals. Unless these changes are done then that's a big - 1 from me.
  6. I was never involved in gangs since I prefer sticking to Law Enforcement, but there is no denying the Zetas left their mark on the city, anyone in the city with any amount of experience knew who they were and not to mess with them. Amongst the dark underbelly of the city, other gangs knew who was in control, even through alliances and neutral bonds. Short Story: I remember one of the first times I encountered Zetas was when I first joined PD, about a year ago now. I was in my cruiser driving past bank, checking plates as we do. Suddenly, I see this blue super driving towards the LosZantos 24/7, all four wheels off the ground with a pink haired woman driving. I immediately responded at such a sight of disregard for traffic laws, I turned on my lights and sirens and followed the vehicle as it stopped in front of the Zeta store. As I stopped I heard the woman driving the vehicle say ''Is that for me ?'', as she noticed the lights and sirens. Yet another sign to me that she did not care about the presence of law enforcement, to her the roads belonged to her blue brothers. I step out of my vehicle after calling the traffic stop, one of my first traffic stops after passing my academy and field training sessions, representing the lonely LINCOLN unit. I approach the vehicle, at the time in anger and disbelief, and say ''Here is the deal, I will give you two options, I can give you a reckless operation or I can give you a ticket and two demerits, you choose''. A bold move for sure, but one made not knowing who I was speaking too. After the initial offering, a man in glasses with slicked back medium length hair and dressed in blue approaches the traffic stop. I would later come to learn the man's name. Jay Gamble. Turns out I had pulled his loved one over and he was not keen on the manner that I addressed her by. He is visibly angry, asking me in an aggressive tone ''What did you say ?! Get me your supervisor here, right now!''. At the time, as a cadet, I did not want to mess anything up, I held my ground and knew the driver was going to be issued with a heavy citation or a reckless, but I obliged and called my supervisor. A few minutes passed and an unmarked cruiser rolled by, Jay Bacon emerged from the driver's seat walking in my direction. He asked my what the problem is and after explaining the situation he informed me to issue a citation to Ms Gamble and be on my way. I was surprised by his response, but I complied. Some might see this as a sign of weakness, but I see it as someone trying to protect me from a future where a cadet is targeted by the Zetas, see Bacon had spotted people on the roofs, heavily armed. It turns out I had decided to conduct a traffic stop in front of their HQ at the time, a mistake I would not repeat again. The Zetas were a gang, but in my time in law enforcement I got to witness situations that were resolved out of mutual respect for each others power, something that is rarely done with other groups. Although they were a gang, in full force they would overwhelm any opposition, being able to compete and at times defeat Law Enforcement. I am glad that they are gone while having a good standing in the community as the undefeated group on the server. I would rather see them go at a high than continue at a low.
  7. I thought it was a hardcore RP server, but the way some people are talking I can only assume they think they are in a cops and robbers server.
  8. I'm not trying to make tensions between crims and PD/SD worse. But these suggestions need to be outlined in a lot better light, the reason these convos become a big back and forth of ''no you're wrong, no I'm right'' etc... is because there isn't any concrete examples or evidence being given on either side. Most if not all of the comments I saw here regarding script changes and QoL improvements I agree with, like the /pw comment, until the script changes we will have to continue RP'ing taking weapons and extra vests to our vehicles, you can, at any point, ask an Officer you see using a heavy weapon for RP proof, it might take a while to get it depending on the circumstance, but in theory they should all have it, if they don't then that is them breaking an OOC protocol. Same applies to the bank alarm suggestion, being able to do a certain part in a stealth way, maybe with a mini-game like GTA Online. Giving you guys a better system to acquire weapons probably wouldn't be bad either, etc... However, I think it is fair that criminals also realise that some of their actions could improve. I don't think people should be surprised for getting reckless when speeding past cops in the city at 200km/h, I don't think people should be surprised to get IDd when having a gun on their waist while wearing a mask or being a known criminal. I also don't think most actions that are inherently IC should be complained about, they should adapted to. BUT, I am also 100% in support of a legal system and beyond that a actual involved government where people have a voice instead of the way it works right now, because then these complaints can actually be addressed IC'ly. I understand that as it stands right now, the only real way to change an IC protocol is essentially to complain OOC'ly because of the lack of recourse to fix these IC'ly.
  9. Wait what? Why didn't you just say this from the beginning and save us all some time. Then I could have just dismissed your entire argument that much more easly. So it really isn't about "better RP" or "Doing what is realistic", you just wanna ask for it to avoid consequences for your IC actions and go straight back to gang banging...
  10. Anyone who goes into /b complaining about your RP you can tell them to fuck off. If you are genuinely RPing wounds then that is fine, but don't delay RP as a way to scritply die and avoid going to jail (not talking about you specifically, just in general). Otherwise any RP you do should be fine. If anyone has any complaints tell them to cuff OOC and /report or go to the forums, just like we usually tell you to do. Only staff can pause RP. Also a sidenote, sometimes players try and extend RP in a way that prevents officers from using /cpr. Stuff like /do the bleeding would not stop until you do X,Y and Z. RP is a two way street. You may not want to RP that the officers treatment completely fixed you, but if your focus is on the RP then you should be giving in a bit so /cpr can be used and then continue RPing your injuries and other side affects.
  11. Most of what you are complaining about is IC and should be dealt IC'ly. If an officer gives you and order I'm willing to be that 99% of times it is for a valid reason, either because they are trying to set a perimeter or because a bunch of gang members think it is smart to hang around in gang vehicles close to a scene where their friends or allies are being arrested. We have brains, of course we're going to tell you to leave the area, why wouldn't we. This really would be a better conversation with examples. I have a feeling most of the "orders" your complaining about is stupid shit that no-one would get away with IRL like wearing a mask in public or having a gun hanging from your waist while having your mask on or being a known gang member. That's part of OUR RP. Noticing these people and getting to develop a portfolio of who is a trouble maker and who isn't or who is a knnown criminal and then using that to prevent further crimes. Same applies to the reckless thing, I personally let a ton of people off with warnings or light fines, but if you think you can speed directly past a cop at 200 in the city, especially knowing they are there than you best belief I'll slap you with a reckless and suspend your license, its all about HOW you approach situations. In other words, "play smarter". As for PD RP, it goes beyond /me and /do, how exactly do you expect indepth RP for cuffing someone, there is only so many ways you can RP it. What IS considered good RP is taking your time with certain situations, talking to civilians and suspects, adding small lines of RP for your actions when you have time (like using the MDC, issuing tickets, releasing vehicles from impound, taking statements, etc... And this isn't even getting into detective RP and developing cases, cultivating CIs and all the other work involved. At the end of the day both criminals and cops have people that are good and bad, both try and correct this behaviour I assume. With PD it is with IC and OOC IA reports and constant reminders to keep high standard of RP. Like anything, a few bad apples will always be the ones the faction is judged on, same aplies to law enforcement views on criminals and certain factions. Solution is to approach FM or command and talk to them about it, just like you guys can approach cops or OOC IA report about PD conduct. Just be aware some things will be inherently IC.
  12. This is a two way street. You ask for realism yet you complain about police response to a bank robbery, you want realism and you don't seem to reflect on the amount of criminals that own businesses or all the sports cars and supers they have. Would you be in favour of restricting vehicle selection to what makes sense realistically? Whether we use force or not is an IC issue, one we have protocols for called the force continuum, our detectives spend a massive amount of time investigating cases and an even bigger time filling a truck load of paperwork alongside that. This is real effort put in by people who don't get paid to play on the server. I'm afraid your time in PD was too short to realize the standards all members are held against. As for the death RP issue there is a reason why its something that shouldn't be expected. Because it creates discussions like this where people complain about not getting it. We've explained how you can increase your odds of getting it and why even then you might not get it, not sure what else you want.
  13. The thing is, everyone who always gets shot will ask for DeathRP, the focus should be on RP'ing the wounds for individual scenarios and even then we might not allow it, it really depends on dozens of factors. Sadly, most people ask for DeathRP to get out of prison times or other investigative RP, that's why people should always RP, avoiding /b and then once RP is underway for a few minutes you can ask in /pm, if you get denied it doesn't mean we didn't like your RP, but might be because of the overall situation leading to your injury or something else.
  14. Big +1 for this last part. People seem to think we just want to insta deny DeathRP to everyone, but what we want to see is people doing some in-depth RP from the situation from the get-go, not jump straight to /b for permission. Hoping in /b and complaining that you got shot 5 times in the head when you're playing a server that takes multiple shots to injure someone will most likely get you insta denied. Easy guide to getting DeathRP (be advised this is a guide on how to INCREASE your chances, it doesn't mean you will get DeathRP every single time). DO NOT ask for DeathRP as soon as you get injured and approached by an officer. You should ALWAYS aim to RP as much as possible and then if we notice your RP we might give you permission for DeathRP, you shouldn't be only RPing if you get DeathRP. Make sure you do extensive /mes and /dos to properly describe your wounds, if you wish to RP your death then progressively describe these wounds as getting worse and worse. It is OK to let medical RP happen, you can still RP other side effects of the wounds without blocking the officer's attempts to slow bleeding. Enjoy the scenario itself, don't go in thinking you're already gonna ask for DeathRP, RP your wounds realistically and always try your best to be detailed, maybe even throw some /dice in there for certain types of treatment to involve other people.
  15. I do not have access to what FM tell you, unless it is coming from a staff member you can promptly tell anyone to fuck off about how you and your gang conduct themselves as long as it is within the rules. When you say ''What your literally suggesting here is us get more numbers to hit banks with to counter the PD response but when we do that we get complaints from PD its an unrealistic amount to rob a bank with.'' I am not sure what you mean, can you elaborate ? As for the recruitment comment, I disagree, I've been in law enforcement since I've joined the server and I've also been involved in recruitment when I was in SD, like anyone in a new job people have to learn, some will go on to become good members others will fail, to say that all of this effort should be tainted because of maybe one encounter where you had to tell someone the rules is illogical. Just like I try not to judge all gang members based on my daily encounters with new players who have no idea how to RP, they might be criminals, just like you, but the level of RP is different and I understand that. I think I try and have a fair outlook on what criminals go through, obviously I don't play criminal characters and I don't plan to anytime soon, but I also know that my preferred style of RP is one which is slow where situations can develop over the course of hours, instead of shootouts. All of this to say that sometimes it feels like these suggestions are aimed at Law Enforcement when the focus should be on improving the way things work with developer support. As far as I am concerned most of these complaints are about the IC actions of PD/SD.
  16. Ran the Raven Lottery for a while a few ago, had great fun doing it but due to other commitments had to stop. Good luck!
  17. You say that things are out of your control and PD are just coming in here saying ''Just be smarter'' then proceed to outline situations where you should just be smarter... Anything you do as a criminal involves PD. Want to go rob a bank well no matter what the alarm goes off and the entire PD shows up forcing a shootout Yeah, no shit, it's a freaking bank. If gangs want to rob banks do it rarely but with a lot of coordination and numbers. Maybe instead of Dojin trying to rob a bank every other day and getting outnumbered they should coordinate with two or three other groups, set a day and time up and then hit it hard with a ton of people. You can't seriously be complaining about PD responding to bank alarms... It's literally our job. However, if you want to complain how you can't easily get hostages for these bank heists, that is a totally valid view and one I agree with. There needs to be a balance between preventing gangs from being able to take anyone hostage while allowing exceptions so gangs have some leverage IC'ly for negotiations. If you want to complain how the alarm shouldn't go off if you do X things correctly in a row then I also agree with that, you probably shouldn't be able to stealth an entire heist, but having ways to delay the alarm and give you more opportunity to escape is also something I agree with. Guess what, both these options are suggestions that need to be brought up to developers and have NOTHING to do with Law Enforcement. want to rob stores PD just begin camping stores To my knowledge this does NOT happen and if it does you should report it. What DOES happen is if we as Law Enforcement notice a pattern of stores being robbed in a row then we will obviously put 2 and 2 together and temporarily check nearby stores where it makes sense. This is wholly different to ''camping stores''. want to go chop shop well can't do that because its already being camped by SD The chop shop rotates locations unlike the drug labs, therefore, if we get multiple reports of stolen vehicles we might check known locations, this part obviously pertains more to SD considering most of the chop shops are up north. However, from my experience in SD we try not to camp any chop shops unless we are ACTIVELY looking for a stolen vehicle which has been reported to us by 911 or in person. Being smarter in this case means setting up lookouts to tell you if police are coming, instead of being surprised when you eventually get raided. It seems you just want to be able to commit crimes with 0 opposition. If you have an issue with how chop shops are rotated or the amount of them then suggest something to developers, once again this isn't a Law Enforcement issue and we are only using IC elements when going into one. The way I see it a lot of this comes from law enforcement factions having little to no consequences IC or OOC. Criminal factions are constantly reminded and spoken to about their level of RP from faction management, constantly given ways to improve ect. and if you continue to display poor RP in an official criminal faction then you risk losing official. PD display poor RP all you get is "just IA report it" which most of the time ends in just the officer getting "spoken to about their actions". and yet with every rule added to improve criminal RP is see nothing coming from law enforcement in ways they can improve. This is blatantly false, and it shows that you have little to no experience with law enforcement or you're being dishonest. As mentioned by others PD/SD have very strict RP standards, in fact we have one of the toughest recruitment processes out of all the factions. We are constantly reminded to keep a high level of RP and anyone that is found or reported to be displaying poor RP or even doing anything in a corrupt manner is spoken to and dealt with. You also have to keep in mind that a lot of IA reports given are frankly BS. This isn't to say that there isn't valid IA reports being done, but when you have a lot of BS it gives you the perception that everyone is getting away Scott free when in fact they didn't get punished because they did nothing wrong. I agree another recourse should be available and hopefully Osborn's efforts to create a justice system will aid in this endeavour, although I suspect the complaints would continue even with a justice system due to lack of self-reflection.
  18. Ok, this response is a culmination of going through most replies that I think are worth mentioning, because there is a lot of stuff being said which either does not make sense or attempts to push a server to an even deeper state of ''cops and robbers'', which is NOT the goal of the server. @Copperhorse ''But the fact that PD / SD loses literally nothing when they do something stupid or just get overpowered is wack. They need an economy just like the rest of the server.'' Police shouldn't lose anything, they are a government agency, every police force in the world provides gear and vehicles to police, some choose to spend their own money for some better body armor or a few extras, but generally they are government provided because it is a government agency, just like DCC workers don't pay for their own taxis and mechanics don't pay for their own parts or tow truck. HOWEVER, you are right, that there should be more of a consequence to death in PD, I think the NLR already does this to some extent. NLR already prevents PD from coming back and being involved in the situation that got you killed OR any others that stemmed from that. (AKA: A bank robbery happens where 80% of police die, then that robbery turns into a pursuit up into Paleto, the cops that died in the bank robbery can NOT go and help out in that situation). But, maybe there should be more consequences ? I'm open to hearing suggestion on this front, but I don't think that talking about how police don't lose weapons is a pragmatic avenue to explore, because not only is it not realistic, it's also how most RP servers with PD operate, including old school SAMP servers. (FYI, I bring this last point as a way to show that this way probably isn't inherently flawed, but I recognise just because most servers do something doesn't make it automatically right). @FrankieP Why should cops fear for their lives, their weapons, their vehicles or their colleagues when they can simply /pw to get unlimited weapons and /fspawn to get a fresh cruiser? Addressed above, cops IRL don't go on-duty thinking ''I guess I can afford to let all my colleagues die and even myself because the government pays for my gun and car''... If guns were lootable, then maybe cops would put more thought into the items they take out of the armoury for basic patrols, as well as actually being tactical about the situations they choose to intervene in, instead of simply bumrushing 20 criminals with like 2 officers, knowing full well that neither them nor the department will take any hit to its resources or (non-existant) budget. The way that guns aren't lootable from cops seems like an OOC restriction on something that makes a lot of sense IC. If cops don't want their carbines taken, then maybe they should be more cautious with their approach to law enforcement. This is OOC to prevent people from targeting cops for their weapons. I'm not against giving it a try, maybe having a month to test the waters out to see if it works, but if an IC response comes about it like allowing lower ranks access to ARs to combat the increase in potential weapons in criminal's hands then don't complain. To my knowledge it isn't common to see cops rambo into a scene alone, it happens because I've seen videos of it, but I don't think it is common. Why do we pay taxes if that money isn't actually used IC? Seems pointless to me, although it would make a lot more sense if that money went towards the police budget. PD could then have resource managers that are in charge of ordering weaponry and vehicles; with heavier equipment requiring High Command approval to be taking out of the armoury. Money from taxes and tickets are, to my knowledge, used. It is used to fund most government agencies. Additionally, I believe that PD needs to start acting in a more realistic manner, because currently they behave however they want, and then when you call them out on it, they simply say '/b thats IC' or '/b file an IA report'. There's nothing fair oocly and icly about cops ramming you and then having the nerve to arrest you for it, or for them to randomly stop you in the middle of the street to ask if you have a license for the gun on your back. This might upset you, but it is IC. A cop could literally go up to you and arrest you for no reason and it would be IC, as such you have resources available to you to appeal this, getting that person fired and your charges reversed. By the way, the example given is EXTREME, to even do anything of the sorts you would be need OOC corruption permissions and these permissions are for those with high-RP, not for some cop to walk up to someone and arrest them randomly, I just used it to point out that most actions that by police are usually IC. However, I do agree with you there should be a better system, namely the Justice System that I believe Osborn is building. Until then we have to hang in there a bit, but I hope you believe me when I say that most cops take their time to figure out if you were involved in a situation or not before slapping charges on you, I'm sure there are situations where someone is wrongfully charged, but just like OOC reports these need to be reported IC'ly/OOC'ly to IA, otherwise nothing will change. As for the weapon on people's back. Unless you are a known criminal or you are actively committing a crime (wearing a mask, etc...), cops will not just stop you for the weapon, but it is important to note that they CAN do it if they want. The firearms license everyone applies and agrees to it's terms IC'ly states that they have to comply with law enforcement officers. If you are someone without a license and a known criminal and you walk around with a .50 on your back then that is on you for being stupid, do not blame cops for recognising you and asking for your gun license, play smarter. As for the times we have to spend in DOC, I don't believe the solution is to lower the times, but rather there should be more to actually do in prison rather than standing there for hours watching netflix or getting punched by new players I agree, I think the problem here is from two fronts. One, there isn't enough to do in DOC, scriptly and RP'ly speaking. Two, the reason for that is probably cause most people who end up in DOC don't give a fuck about RP'ing in there, but focus on getting out. There needs to be a mentality change from people getting put in (although I've seen good RP from Prisoners before, Lucy is one of those who seems to make an effort and does not mind going to prison), as well as more stuff to do and RP encouragement from DOC. Another thing is the way in which cops will take everything off your person and out of your car, simply to despawn it in the back of their cruiser. This is absolutely unnecessary and enforces the winning mentality that so many cops have on Eclipse. I know that cops don't have to spare a penny for their equipment, but the rest of us do, so that must be taken in consideration. Give us script support to put people's stuff in evidence, or making it so any item on you during your sentence is unusable. We already spend a lot of our time doing paperwork and responding to calls, it is unreasonable to expect us to catalogue and keep evidence stored for every person that comes by our jail cells, especially considering we don't have any designated people to keep track of this. Good news is I hear DOC has gotten a lot better at doing this and they have started to actively store and give back prisoners items. I will +1 any script system that allows us to do this easily as I agree you guys should be able to get your stuff back. PD vehicles are currently overpowered. How is it realistic that a shitty Queen Vic can do 240 on a highway, traverse every terrain, whilst A 20mil+ supercar cannot? This could be solvable by removing the 240kmh speed limit, or lowering the speed of PD vehicles. This is similar to my suggestion about the PD budget, but also why does it make sense that cops are regularly seen driving around on drag bikes and in supercars? Realistically, a police budget would not stretch that far, nor would commercial vehicles like those every be approved for use by Law Enforcement I can not comment for SD, but PD does NOT actively deploy drags, we have a normal hakuchou, that is it, if a member of high-command wishes to deploy a personal drag they can, but again, it very rarely happens and let's not forget WHY we have to deploy them in the first place. People here love to discuss ''Oh PD has fast vehicles, oh they deploy supers, oh they use drags'', yeah but WHY do we use these ? You think we just do it cause we feel like driving a drag or a super ? No, it is REQUESTED as an IC tactic to counter criminals who are using these same vehicles, that's the reason. The question I leave you with is, in a city where sports cars, supers and sports bikes amongst criminals are common, why wouldn't the police force in that city get specialised vehicles to combat that ? Dubai gets Police Lamborghinis and Bugattis not only because they are rich as fuck, but because most of the cars they are enforcing against are super cars and sports cars. Same applies in Eclipse, we use these vehicles ONLY when needed and we do it because of how often they are used by criminals. @Itzsonzy ''Come rob some banks with us or get the same response from speeding and evading, we'll see how easy it is to avoid. I think lots of points are easier to serve than say, i welcome the majority of people commenting who have not had any recent/relevant criminal experience to log in and enjoy. You will start upvoting the second you loose 40k and 2 hours of your time because someone saw you at the bank with a mask on.'' ''Want to fight PD? Alright. Each of you put 30+k worth of guns on the line, 6 hours OOC in prison time, with the reward for actually winning and outplaying being a '' Banks aren't suppose to be easy to rob... If you go into a situation like a bank robbery expecting to be let go easily then you're playing your criminal character the wrong way, same applies with fighting PD. This IS NOT a cops and robbers server. You can choose to fight PD, but don't get angry at us when we clap back at you, as a criminal organisation the last thing you should be doing is getting into gun fights with PD unless absolutely needed. As an example I will use a clip which you said you were gonna report me for, but I found that it actually shows the crim mentality pretty well. (Not all criminals, specifically those with more experience, but sadly we deal with more inexperienced criminals) Context: We had a convoy with a few known gang members in it (don't remember who exactly) and we noticed a blue hellfire and a black feltzer following from behind. At the time we had no real reason to suspect them of doing anything, so we just decided to make a moving blockade, two cruisers on both lanes of travel at the same speed both with lights AND sirens, indicating to any vehicles they should slow down and maintain speed. (AKA: Yield to an emergency vehicle). Soon after we entered the bridge heading towards DOC we noticed the two vehicles got closer and eventually the black feltzer broke formation and attempted to drive past us, ramming the cruiser on the left. After getting in front of it, still with might lights AND sirens ON, they decided to try and pass me, heading towards the convoy, they got PITed and arrested. I will spare the OP of this thread the embarrassment that followed, berating every officer including myself around for ''ramming for no reason'' in a way which felt borderline OOC. The point of showing this is to demonstrate that criminals have a choice of when to act and when to let things go, using your brain when you are less well equipped then a government law enforcement agency is key. https://streamable.com/12hqn5 @James Sakamoto''Show me a car shop where people can now Order and buy super cars and drag bikes please as you are making out that they are easily obtain vehicles drag bike goes for around 1.4 million for a crim to buy, how much isit for pd ? super cars the cheapest iv seen is 19million, how mucsh isit for pd to spawn ?'' My critique is aimed at the general access criminals have to these vehicles, they don't need to be supers. In fact, there are plenty of sports cars that go faster then most super cars. MY POINT IS, that criminals having access to these vehicles that not only are expensive, but also very fast (regardless if they are a super or not) means that we as law enforcement have to REACT to you having said vehicles by having some of our own that we deploy and an overall buff to PD cruisers so we can keep up with vehicles. As for the drags, they are still very much present in large amounts, if you have one and you use it commit crimes, chances are you are never pulled over for a traffic stop and can easily evade police. @Danny-T ''I have seen people saying police cruises go to fast and after doing some research I have found. The average top speed of a police charger is 150 mph which is equivalent to 240 khm. So this shows why cruisers go the speed they do.'' IMO, this is not a good justification. We do it because we took the time to gather data about how many pursuits we were loosing due to speed differences, given the access criminals have to vehicles that go very fast. So that is why they got buffed. If we were to apply realistic speeds to most cars that supers and other sports cars would still go a lot faster than a crown vic. I made a suggestion a while back at the height of people abusing FPS bugs to go over 300km/h+ that we should actually just buff every vehicle. I will link it bellow. TL;DR on it is that removing the cap and having vehicles go a lot faster 300+ will equalise the playing field, but also make it a lot harder to control the vehicle. Right now if the max speed is 240km/h then whoever reaches that speed first and more consistently wins, it is a fairly easy speed to handle and chances of crashing aren't very high. Now if you buff most cars or add an incentive for people to tune their cars to higher speeds, you make the racers happy (which is something I would like to see more of), you make the criminals happy as they have their fast cars back, you make PD happy because they can keep up AND most importantly, you create a skill curve where in order for you to take advantage of the speed of your vehicle you now need to learn how to drive at 300+ otherwise you will crash miserable and lose out to someone who was taking it slower at a steady pace. This would also be x100 better with a realistic handling script, but I am unsure of how viable this last part is, maybe with RAGE 1.1 it will be easier. As of writing this no other replies have come in, if you wish to discuss anything in here I ask that you quote only one part as my post is huge and I want to avoid cluttering the thread. Bellow are somethings that I think should be implemented in general. Remove the speed cap and buff all vehicles, potentially opening up an avenue for tuning scene where illegal vehicle modifications are imported. Make driving a challenge where those who want to go at high-speed are likely to crash and die unless they are good and have learned their specific car. *Potentially add a server side handling script to make vehicle handling harder but more rewarding unlike it is currently* (Some FIVEM servers have this) PD/SD should lose something after they die besides the penalty afforded by NLR, not losing weapons or money, but maybe a cooldown before going back out on full-duty, giving an opportunity for them to focus on towing vehicles or impound lot. This is up to discussion and even I don't know what solution should be implemented. Criminals should stop focusing on fighting PD unless a highly elaborate plan is brought up. If this means you spend more time in a safe house RP'ing having a coffee and talking over a plan to rob a bank with most of your gangs at a certain day of the week then so be it, stop trying to focus on quick reward with no thinking robbery, this is an RP server, act like it. Generally, this is NOT a cops and robbers server. We should be moving in a direction where petty crime can be common VS other criminals and civilians (in a location that makes sense). High-Risk crime is not regular and happens only when there is a high amount of coordination present (AKA Bank Robberies) and where criminals are encouraged to spend their day RPing simple stuff with their friends. I would mention other servers, but I'm not sure if I can even if it is a part of a discussion to improve the server, so I will settle with giving examples of old SAMP days. Nowadays, we don't see RP that involves sitting around at the Dojo where we spend hours with /me and /do fighting other people or simply talking about stuff that pertains to IC events, like we did in BHT. Maybe this is a effect of having VOIP over Text based chat, but I still think an effort could be made here. An example of this was the truckers union fundraising event at the singleton's restaurant. That was one of the coolest RP experiences that I ever had on the server, I just wish this was more common place rather than the exception. Note: If my spelling or grammar is fucked, my b, don't feel like going back and proofreading everything.
  19. The fact that criminals in major factions have access to supers/sports cars and bikes like the drag makes no sense at all, that's literally why cruisers were buffed. Would you care to explain why you think it makes sense for criminals to own supers and drags, but unfair for PD to have cruisers that go fast ?
  20. +1 the text provides OOC information that can be used IC'ly. Whatever little benefit this feature has is outweighed by the cons.
  21. That was my suggestion: ''when a medical license is revoked it shouldn't remove the ability for people to /cpr, it should only serve as an IC indication to Law Enforcement that someone is not licensed to provide CPR''
  22. reminds me of the hitman faction in NGG, good luck!
  23. +1 literally get inspiration from any other Rage/FiveM server, copy and build on that. There are so many aps that could be used. Things like pinging location to a contact for a meeting point. An application that would work like twitter or a lesser known weazel news where people can post updates about their life or where you can buy/sell things. An app that would encourage racing by allowing someone to set up a custom track and setting up races where people can join, etc... Other servers have done this, if ideas are needed just do your market research, easy as that.
  24. My view on this always steers towards creating a more RP heavy environment. Sadly, I do not have any experience in any official gang, but what I can keep stressing to the founders and staff team as a whole, is do some market research!, hell I will even gladly provide said research for you provided you don't ban me for mentioning other servers. It is so unbelievably easy to go to other competitors who have managed to create a good heavy RP environment that is also fun. Obviously this isn't the solution to every problem as Eclipse has problems that are unique, but a lot of what is complained about on a daily basis already has solutions.
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