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Cyrus Raven

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Everything posted by Cyrus Raven

  1. Yes, I think that the level of RP across the board would rise since we would hopefully see less people who don't know anything about RP, but I still think significant development in terms of scripts should be done to get to the level RP that I used to experience in old SAMP servers. While I'm at it I'll also add that some sort of ''market research'' should be done, I'm talking about literally going into other popular RP servers, seeing what they do well and then taking that building on it and improving it for our use. There has been some many cool features and rules, etc... that I've seen on other rage servers and in general in past RP games that could work really well on Eclipse, I'm just not quite sure why this isn't being done.
  2. Let me illustrate my point using a hypothetical example. If you have Server A with 300 players with little moderation and no in-depth restrictions on DM and KOS, then it is unreasonable to expect people not to KOS and DM eachother since the server doesn't actively work towards preventing this. The same, I would argue, applies here. Players can not be expected to have hardcore RP scenarios (most RP is basic at most although I'm sure there is in-depth RP by some) when the server allows new-players and other subpar players to remain on the server with modest consequences and doesn't give people access to script features that would enhance their roleplay. This doesn't mean people shouldn't RP, it just means that the expectation for a higher level of RP will probably not develop throughout the broader player base, this is evidenced by the current state of the server.
  3. +1 This rule was put in place for very good reasons, the aim is to decrease the amount of people going around robbing people. In essence, get rid of the cop vs robber mentality and encourage people to RP other things besides just being a criminal drone going from shop to shop robbing people 24/7. This is something I think should NOT exist and if it does, then it should be based on very good RP. The rule should have exceptions for day/night and even for some established gangs given their capacity and effectiveness. However, the real change that needs to be done is with regards to facilitating RP. I think it is unreasonable to except people to have good in-depth role-play scenarios when the server actively goes against this. - New Players: New-players should be vetted a lot better than they are right now, as PD I find myself in situation with new players very often (probably 4-5 times per day). I have nothing against new-players, but it happens to be that most new-players often combat log, break basic rules, have no concept of what /me and /do is and how to differentiate it, etc... This is supposed to be a ''Hardcore RP'' server, yet even with a quiz new-players who aren't even fit for light-RP are still getting in. This should be improved massively, have them conduct an interview with support staff on discord to verify they know, make sure you rotate quiz questions very often (this might be done already, not sure) or simply put, hand out a lot harsher bans for critical mistakes like now being able to do /me and /do. Sending them back to quiz is not good, they've already passed it once while demonstrating a clear lack of knowledge which likely means they've had someone else take it or cheated. Before anyone gets any ideas, this is NOT a criticism about new-players who might have slight difficulties in figuring out server commands or who might take a bit of time to respond because certain situations are hectic and they aren't used to it. This is strictly a suggestion aimed at new-players who have very little to no experience in role-play to the point where it is counter-productive , we are are NOT a light-roleplay server and anyone coming into the server should already have had some experience on others servers or the very least show they are able to understand basic RP functions like /me and /do. - We need a lot more script incentives for role-play. This means allowing people to create business accounts at the bank and manage their groups and organisations in a similar way the F4 menu allows factions and gangs to manage their stuff. This is not about the lack of ability to roleplay without script, rather it is an INCENTIVE for long-term roleplay instead of short-term roleplay.
  4. I agree this should be an IC thing, but the long-term failure of such systems when people regularly complain IC'ly is why we need to address it OOC'ly. Same applies for other issues, especially when talking about things like ''City Hall'', anyone who has ever written an IC thread aimed at SA GOV or tried to contact someone in person by going to city hall knows it is nearly impossible to get an answer from them. If we had proper staffing in city hall, a section on government forums with regular community suggestions for IC issues, etc.. then maybe it would work, but we don't have it which is why people like OP feel like they are forced to write these threads out. Sometimes we can only expect people to act in a certain way IC'ly when we have a supporting infrastructure that allows them to do this effectively, when that isn't in place then sadly we must resort to OOC solutions, even if it's just to get someone's attention and inform them about the issue.
  5. This, tow truck training is something even SD/PD cadets do as part of their second training session, that's because we are aware of how busy impound calls can get (even if sometimes we still take responding) and because it doesn't take a genius to use a tow truck. This should be part of the standard mechanic training, not a special certification or unit.
  6. Before I start, this is NOT a ''give everyone F4 menu access'' thread. Players, especially groups. Should be able to scritply create a bank account and shared organisation account (Like the F4 menu). Essentially my idea with this suggestion is facilitate groups that aren't official factions or gangs to organise and have a way to share things scriptly speaking like vehicles. So in the case of the trucker's union for example. They would be able to set up their fleet through the organisation menu, allowing any rank they chose to unlock and lock these vehicles. They could also choose to have different branches they assign people to like long haul and short haul or management and normal members. Etc... What would this do ? - It would allow organisations (LSMC or Trucker's Union) and businesses to set things up a lot more easily than they currently can. - It would be used as a hub so owners of businesses and leaders of organisations can create a treasury, allocate members to branches, have a clear hierarchy with permissions they can edit (Example: Member Rank 1 can lock and unlock any organisation vehicle, but doesn't have access to the treasury) - Would encourage the creation of RP groups These types of menus are already being used by known competitors, there is no reason Eclipse shouldn't have a similar system and I believe any cons that may be brought up are easily outweighed by the benefits.
  7. Hey! I think it would be cool for people to be able to text 911, I'm sure there are certain situations where people might not be able to call 911 and clearly state their problem so this would be an alternative to that. Would encourage criminals who are taking someone hostage or trying to control a crowd to take phones away.
  8. Apologies if this is a duplicate thread. Can a head admin or any staff member for that matter clarify the issue regarding weapons on people's backs. Are they always visible regardless of clothing items or bags ? Can RP with /time screenshot allow people to RP having them hidden ? Etc... Thanks.
  9. -/+ 1 Gangs should 100% be able to enforce and protect their colour scheme, it's not only an IC issue with the pride one gets with wearing gang colours, but also a convenience to identify members (the latter applying mainly because this is a video game). However, I do not like gangs claiming an entire range of colours. Stick to one shade or particular colour and protect/enforce that specific colour instead of claiming an entire range of colours. (Triads are an excellent example of this, where 90% of their members have the same shade of colour). I personally would go farther, recommending retaliatory action only be taken to those clearly trying to impersonate gang members, but I understand I might be in the minority when it comes to this last point.
  10. I agree with you. I wouldn't go as far as to say populated places like ore drop-offs should be allowed. But abandoned structures and places where a small part of the server goes too, should be allowed.
  11. I just asked a simple question. What locations do you think you should be able to rob people at, but can't because of the new rule ?
  12. That sucks for sure, something I would change, but I am also fairly certain you can report people doing that for Non-RP as it is essentially seen as abusing rules to get away from your attackers, just like an NCZ.
  13. '' i understand the common public places such as parking lots/clothing stores/gas stations is totally fine but other else no'' What locations would you consider realistic to rob that are out of bounds because of the new rules ?
  14. This is the same base argument economists use for ''free market capitalism'', I won't bore you with the details, but it essentially boils down to ''The market will decide everything'', but as anyone will notice, there will be things that can't be handled and thus need regulation (in RL it's things such as pollution and in Eclipse it's things like DM rules and FearRP rules). All of this to say that, having ''free choice'' over your actions is a nice fairy tail, but it leads to chaos in the case of an RP server. The reason why such rules are in place is because people weren't able to critically think about what would be realistic or not. So to say ''It's our CHOICE to know what risk we take and how to play the scenario, we don't a rule that tells us which, with and how to do a robbery.'' is naive. If no rules with regards to robberies existed (e.x NCZ) then people would surely commit crimes in these areas, it's just the nature of such a game, people will abuse and take advantage of gaps in rules for their own benefit or entertainment. Giving you a choice is good, but there has to be restrictions and limitations because otherwise everyone will run around robbing people everywhere and anywhere with no regard for realism, which is what we are trying to achieve in Eclipse. ''However this rule is killing criminal RP and making life easier for people'' - It isn't killing criminal RP, it's getting rid of lazy criminals, forcing you to consider the risk and reward of your actions in public places while giving you a nudge towards the right direction by forcing you to think smart and avoid robberies in the middle of broad daylight in places where realistically there would be a low chance of people getting robbed. However, this isn't to say that all robberies are outlawed. If it makes RP sense and planning goes into it I am sure staff is willing to accommodate your RP. But for the broader player base, this is a right step in avoiding shitty role-play. As for ruleplay by others given the new rule, that definitely sucks, but I think it is something that can be achieved with slight modifications to the rules as mentioned by FatherOsborn, I don't think scraping the rules is the way to go.
  15. He has to initiate RP with you, so if you see someone coming and you have your gun out, as long as you are facing him you have a chance to retaliate, your issue with shooting first isn't exclusive to new players, it's with every player. Someone who approaches you with bad intentions will always have the advantage of initiating RP, the difference is whether you are prepared for it and able to defend yourself or not.
  16. The rules state the following: Players cannot steal from players with “NEW PLAYER” above their head unless it is in retaliation. Players with the (( NEW PLAYER )) tag that deliberately insert themselves into or start active crime scenes lose their new player protection during those illegal activities. This means that if you see a new player approaching and you think he is gonna rob you can, like any other player, unholster your weapon in preparation for anything he might do, you could probably even point it at him and ask him what he is doing (just DO NOT rob him).
  17. +/- 1 There would probably have to be specific rules surrounding this to make it feasible like limit to amount of people robbing the bank and some sort of system to allow groups to take someone hostage for negotiations, as well as a buffer between heists so we don't see two or three heists at the same time and constant kidnappings. Assuming such restrictions are put in place, then I think it would be a cool addition.
  18. Big -1 Police are already able to combat most threats, when we need more firepower we have access to SWAT and if needed SED can assist (and vice-versa).
  19. I agree with most of your points, but not your conclusion, different colours isn't being suggested so we focus on one or the other or decrease department relations, it's to simply ease the way we respond to calls. Right now, we do /calls and see a wall of text with no differentiation, be it a 911 call, a backup, a panic alarm or which department in came from. PD gets any call from the city, they respond, any calls from up north are (besides a CODE 1 or anything of the sorts) left to SD, whether or not we see the call as the same colour is irrelevant to how we respond. I feel like we're pulling hairs for something that seems like a no brainer. During high 911 traffic, pursuits, etc... it is CRUCIAL for people to be able to check what is going on around the city and easily identify and respond. I doubt this would have any effect on how we treat SD calls.
  20. My dude, your statements show your ignorance on the subject. Firstly, anyone who has ever reported gang members knows that if a staff member is even remotely involved they will automatically call for a senior administrator to deal with the report, this is to avoid bias and because a staff member is held at a higher standard because they represent the community. Secondly, we see people recusing themselves from reports all the time, it is common practice that if you are assigned a report and you know one of the parties or are in the same faction as them then you give that report to someone else that isn't involved, all in the spirit of avoiding bias and remaining impartial. All of these statements have to be backed up by something, I obviously don't want to dismiss your thoughts and feelings outright, they must come from somewhere, but in order for people to work at bettering anything they must first establish what is wrong, this comes in the form of evidence. Making statements with regards to staff favouritism is misguided when all you have to do is take a look at the report archive to disprove your argument.
  21. Patience is a virtue. Your ban appeal has not been moved to the archive which means it hasn't been completed yet, just locked. Once someone has an answer for you they'll reply to the thread again, in the mean time wait, it can take a few hours all the way to a week or a month, you just have to wait and be patient. Posting this in other threads will get you nowhere.
  22. Can confirm the issue seems to be fixed! Thank you.
  23. Date and time (provide timezone): 23/04/2020 Character name: Cyrus Raven Issue/bug you are reporting: Certain vehicles are unable to go past certain speeds all of the sudden. My elegy retro is stuck around 170km/h, going over to 171-173 when going over bumps, but then immediately returning to that speed, when going max speed on a straight the speed doesn't seem to be capped the same way the 240 cap or /cruise is. Generally, /cruise means the car will flat line at the selected speed and never go past that, no matter the bumps or terrain. This bug seems to make car speeds fluctuate, meaning that they hover around 170, sometimes going very slightly over or under that speed. The exact same as above applies word for word for my slamvan, except it hovers and stays around a 145km/h speed. Expected behavior: Vehicles are limited Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Steps tried to fix issue: - Tried to repair vehicle at LSC, did nothing - Tried to turn /cruise on and off with L, did nothing - Tried to change /cruise limit to another number like 240 and then turning it on and off, did nothing - Tried putting the vehicles in parking lot, did nothing Vehicle license plate number*: - Elegy Retro: C0PKILLA (the second character is a ZERO) - Slamvan Custom: CYABITCH If anything changes I will update this bug report. Edit#1: Video of bug using a brawler - https://streamable.com/2glb82
  24. Pretty simple suggestion, when a medical license is revoked it shouldn't remove the ability for people to /cpr, it should only serve as an IC indication to Law Enforcement that someone is not licensed to provide CPR (you can then couple this with a new law stating people shouldn't perform medical procedures without a proper license) It seems holy unrealistic for someone to magically forget all of their BLS training, as if this knowledge is tied to a piece of paper, anyone who already took the BLS course should be able to /cpr forever, if they do something do warrant a license revokal then the repercussion to doing /cpr will be an IC law break.
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