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Retired Administration Staff
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Everything posted by Jasmine

  1. As I have stated many times in the many other threads about the inventory UI, I completely agree it needs to be completely reworked. And as more functionality (cast bars, crates, mining etc) the need to rework it increases. 1) Command to directly place items in bags/cabinets without putting them on the ground first. 2) Command to hand things to other players directly. 3) As OP mentioned, way to take things from your shoulder/hands directly to the trunk. 4) Completely new Outfit UI. 5) And many others that have mentioned elsewhere.
  2. The whole inventory UI should be updated. This issue is not gun specific. The whole UI and inventory system is a mess, with crates and action bars, it's even worse. We need: Ability to open 2 bags at once and transfer between them. Way to look in bags we are carrying without having to place them on the ground. Way to put things in bags or our pockets directly. (with a action bar would be fine) Way to hand stuff to other players, without putting it on the ground. Way to put a gun in our pocket or bag without having to drop it on the ground. A better labeling system. (e.g. "shoes: 173754856" how about "red heels", or more icons) An outfit UI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get there should be action bars and times to complete the tasks....but the system is so clunky. Definitely needs an update.
  3. I once chopped a car, used 11 lockpicks. (pretty sure I have the clip for proof) At a point, I was only continuing so I could chop the car to recover the 3300 I wasted on lockpicks. The car chopped for 3k. There may be a legitimate problem with cars being stolen too often, but lockpick chance is not how it should be solved.
  4. Looks great! Long live The Rooks!
  5. Jasmine

    Gender Changes

    You could be just as shocked about weak, timid, thin, short teens pretending to be big tough badass gangsters. Or kids who were bullied and pushed around pretending to be tough, protectors of the peace in the police force. The fact is, we are all faking it here. We all, on some level, are pretending to be something we are not. That is the draw and power of RP. To escape our realities and have a little fun creating a diverse, unique, colorful city to play around in. We really should not be offended by a deep voice on a girl, any more than we would be offended by a teenagers voice on a hardened criminal gangster.
  6. Honestly, there are quite a lot of business properties out there. Problem is, most of them don't do anything with them. Creating more will not solve the problem. If someone was serious about starting a business, they could find a property rather easily. Then they just need to start advertising and creating RP sales and services. It can be done right now. The other side-issue, is everyone tries to create nightclubs, open for a weekend, realize they are hard to make any money on, and are pretty cringy once operating, then close down or stop operating.
  7. I support any suggestion that includes upgraded interiors. Some of the interiors make zero sense. 3 garage house right on the famed Vespucci canals....interior looks about 800 SF.....(I wont mention the dildos in this interior....which I know for A FACT do not have to be there. Seems like a massive troll to me...)
  8. I spent more hours than most as ATM runner, there is just as much RP to be found as a cab driver. Besides that, you are saying improve the side jobs so they are more involved and fun - Agreed, that would be great. You also want a promotion system. Meaning these jobs would end up making much more than the gov jobs. - This is where we disagree. The gov jobs have requirements, some of them SERIOUS requirements, like half your playtime on duty, increased responsibility off-duty to fix spreadsheets and talk about how to improve the faction, while on-duty there is much more responsibility, and a higher standard (as an example, cabbies can not AFK for more than 5 minutes). I still run the ATM truck, because sometimes I just don't want the added hassle of dealing with customers, calling in radio codes, having managers hound me about getting calls, and being able to take more than 5 minute breaks. I honestly think you have it backwards: Side jobs should be easy, simple to apply and do, and low standard for lower pay. Gov jobs should have increased responsibility, time requirements, and RP requirements, and therefore pay more. What you are suggesting is to make the side jobs more fun, with fun little perks, and get more pay with promotions. Which I am against. If you are looking for all of those things, join a gov faction, or ask devs to make more fun and interesting gov factions to join. Side jobs in ECRP (not worried about what SAMP does) serve a very simple, effective purpose: provide new citizens with a simple, easy way to make a little cash while they decide where their character goes from there. And I believe it serves an important role in the server.
  9. And an outfit UI for the love of god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Jasmine

    Gender Changes

    No objection to gender changes... However, I would just like to say, there are TON of people on this server who completely and utterly understand RP of all types and mixes. And don't care what your voice sounds like. Do what you feel most comfortable with. At the end of the day, your RP experience should be about what is fun for you, not other people, that's there problem...
  11. I for one don't support it, because the pay is already pretty good for these jobs. And government jobs are lower at the start (and often at higher ranks as well.) In order for this to work, those jobs starting pay would have to be lowered to around 4k and hour...which I am against. Unless they finally raise pay across the board, there is not much room for promotion systems in the starter jobs.
  12. Nah, PD is completely fine, and RP their "undercover" sports cars just fine....and within logical and sensible reactions to crimes. Like U-turns.
  13. They already take this into account. I am not sure we need a specific system with complicated rules to lift old records of DM. For some of the examples given, the mods will ABSOLUTELY take into account how long your record is clean. If not in the actual punishment, certainly in the appeal. If you looks through the bans, and the appeals, you will see they consider the entire history of your record. I don't think it's needed to have an automated system of removing admin records.
  14. This issue has been brought up many times, and it seems Devs have no desire to create more NCZs. I can not give you the reason why, but there has been enough threads about it, and it would be a rather easy change (they did it for the new MD). So they are clearly not for the idea at this moment in time. I, of course, am not discouraging you from suggesting and discussing it, I am just simply informing you the idea is out there, and has not been successful so far. And while we're on the topic... I think the Chumash shopping center should also be an NCZ
  15. Theres nothing stopping you from creating a faction. It takes a lot of work and dedication for any faction to be official. I have watched the process, and it is tough. If you were to put in the time and effort, and create something, to the same standard as the illegal factions, I think you could than approach dev's about it. But their hasn't been anything close to the caliber of faction you are talking about. So until people start creating such factions, it's unlikely dev's would do anything. As there would be no reason to do that. The Teamsters are closest thing to a legal faction, and they are no where near close to the standard they would need to become official. As a side note, I made a thread similar to this about scripting player-owned businesses, and a smart poster stated "you don't need the script to make a business, just go do it". I took his advice, creating an event center with no scripting or help rom dev's, and it has been a great experience, and has creating something really fun for the community. I think my point is, players should try to build the things they want, then when it succeeds, ask for dev support. Not the other way around.
  16. Yah! for all those boats we can go and buy!! This will have a huge impact...
  17. Yah I shoulda stayed out there in the firefight.....are fucking kidding me?? PD bullets were literally hitting the cab.....you mean they didn't see me????
  18. I decide to let a Zeta give me a ride to the Money HQ... Of course, a car chase ensues! But he would not let that stop him from getting me safely to my destination. And Officers can't figure out why Jas turn to gangs before PD for protection?
  19. The result of bad cops? Citizens who don't trust them to do the right thing... I am not stopping for you on a dirt bike. Bye!
  20. More harassment by the PD... Cuz when someone does a LEGAL U-turn because the PD have the road blocked... The proper response is for 7 cops to chase them down with 2 sports cars and 2 cruisers.....Cuz I am gonna get away in my stanier.... Idiots..... More
  21. PD doing what they do best...Seeking out gunfights and car chases, putting Civilians lives in danger, then not bothering to make sure they are safe and unhurt....
  22. Party Bus for the Rooks! Rooks called for a shuttle, and they decided to turn it into a bit of a party bus! One guy was hitting on me pretty hard, so I pretended I had a girlfriend....
  23. Guys literally hits me and flips, then tries to blame me. (For those wondering, I ignored the crash and walked away because I heard them talking and knew they were gonna come say something. My RP was to walk to the safety of my friends, and RP being scared, seeking safety. I had no intention of running over and trying to ask if they were OK...knowing they would be aggressive.)
  24. Just confirming I'm also having an issue. I have a few more Dildos to cover up, and this bug is making that difficult!!! - Places new items seems to work OK. - Items placed before today seem to have separate permissions, and I get the message saying I don't have permissions to remove furniture. Thanks! I am sure it'll get fixed.
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