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Retired Administration Staff
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Everything posted by Jasmine

  1. Well I don't know about you, but I also don't pay 300k for a shit ass tiny apartment. Or 20k a month for rent. Fix the prices of houses to be realistic, then we can make realistic tap water.
  2. I am sorry, I have to add to this. Another point here is who do we even ask? Do you know how long it took me to understand how gas stations work? If you want to say we need to make this an IC issue, then you need to explain how I would even BEGIN to find that info or make a change ICly? I have no idea who the government entities are, and all the info Ive gained on how to buy houses, buy cars, how my taxes get deducted, how business taxes are done, etc etc etc have been answered by scouring the forums anyway! And I can show you examples where very well established members of the community still have no idea how things work. I can ask until I am blue in the face, but when 98% of the server doesn't know, RP aint gonna help.
  3. No this is an OOC issue. We live and grow in our home countries and are educated in schools about the way things work. It is inherent knowledge, and when you need knowledge there are libraries, lawyers, etc etc to turn to. This is an RP server, and basic information about taxes and welfare and housing and general stores magically appearing for sale should be easily referenced and learned about before even stepping foot in the city. It should be quickly and easily found for the average player walking into the server. Not hidden. You guys that have been here forever have zero ability to hold empathy for new players. I simply asked for more accessible information on how the government works, and instead you get mad at me. Typical response. I've played here 2 months and have no clue what you are talking about with this gov website with tax and welfare info?? Or info on how businesses are declared. I mean when I first logged in I got yelled at for asking how to heal myself in disc. Told to ask ICly, because apparently eating a sandwich is something my character didn't know how to do. Extreme example, but you get the point. There should be some things that are told to a new player on day 1. (Housing (rentals), parking lot, Basic jobs, taxes, welfare, Mors, speeding Fn tickets, Eating and drinking, etc.) And when a player needs the info, other things should be easy to find. (businesses, loans, Gov functions (which I still don't know about), buying houses etc.)
  4. All I can say here, is if you want people to believe the government and its agencies are effective and not corrupt as all get out, be more transparent. I get RP, and I get having to ask to figure certain things out. But...taxes, housing markets, welfare, government structure and positions, legal systems, business decisions (read: government openings of general stores for public ownership) etc etc. are all public knowledge in the real world. Not hidden in the minds of magical entities who create the systems and mechanisms civilians live by. Make things more obvious, communicate with the community, stop creating (or knock down) barriers for the newer population.
  5. Jasmine

    New Homes

    Solutions to this problem can be solved much easier than adding thirst/hunger/hunting/new shops. Just open a few more parking lots. And provide rent based housing in a few areas around the city. Redundant rooms are also possible in RangeMP (meaning multiple people using the same door, each paying rent). This breaks RP less than a single magic parking lot where your car disappears. The fact is, the devs do not consider this an issue. As with many things effecting the newer/poorer/hourly-worker population of the server.
  6. This solves half the problem for me. The other problem is the massive hurdle from New-ish player, to any chance of owning and operating a business. 4/5/6 million to buy a business is too steep a climb. Limiting offline income, forcing more interaction with your business, and deactivating businesses when owners are not around (or employees as you suggest) would allow more businesses to be able to be opened. The current businesses run for so much because they have an inherent lock on the market, without even needing to be logged in. The solution to market control is lowering barriers to entry and providing assistance to new business owners. This can be done by allowing more businesses to be purchased. To ensure enough demand for the new businesses, disallow offline operations. ASIDE from all this market/theory talk, there is also just a level of unfairness. The only access to passive/offline income is through these money-gated businesses. At a base level, I just do not think passive income should be a game mechanic for RP. Or at least require frequent logons and significant time (time requirement can be debated but...) to be invested to maintain the income. There is no reasoning that would make a once a week login for an hour to refill your gas supply or order new cars while making 100sk profit for the following week justifiable. Just none.
  7. I have watched the gas market for 3-4 weeks now. Many of these owners do not log in for 5-6-7 days to refill their stations. I can prove this. I am glad we agree that the owners should have to log in, I just think it should be more than once a week. And also know this: this is not a knee-jerk reaction. This is from a player who has contributed SIGNIFICANT time and effort into eclipse, and is at wits end with the lack of options despite millions in her account, countless hours of RP to set up as a business owner, and most importantly, DESPERATELY wants eclipse RP to remain her home. Maybe my timing is off, because it comes after the general store disaster...But I spent weeks in anticipation of this update, secured a loan, met with business partners, gained financers, and other support....this was hours/weeks of RP.... To have the admins walk in and just open the stores completely unannounced. That was the catalyst for this thread, but trust me, the ideas here are something I have been thinking about for months.
  8. OK, so you have played on the server 2+ years, you have put in your time and effort, worked your butt off, now you should get to log off and still earn more money than the average player, right? Wrong. Income should only be earned while you are actually logged in and contributing to the server community, engaging in RP, and actually playing the game. The community that makes up eclipse are the players who are in the streets, putting in their hours, developing scenarios and interacting with each other. If you are not willing to contribute to the CURRENT community anymore, then your income should stop until you log in again. Things that could be done to address this: 1) Gas stations, general stores: Only recieve cash when the owner is online, the store goes offline when they are not on. OPEN more player owned shops to ensure demand can be met. Active shops would recieve and icon, and others are blacked out. If no shop owners are online, open NPC owned stored, or sell more shops! 2) Car Dealers, Gun stores: Reservation system where an owner (or possibly employees) have to be present to sell goods. If their is not enough supply because the owners are never on (often the case right now with car dealers) allow more player owned shops. Run the others out of business if they are not willing to contribute to the CURRENT RP community. - This reduces passive income, and opens a ton more opportunities for CURRENT players to open and operate businesses. This will also reduce the insanely overinflated prices of these shops. 3) Government subsidized housing rentals: removes the dependency for new players to rely on the rich to afford a small apartment. Removes some of the passive income generated by these insanely overpriced houses. FINALLY fix the housing and the parking lot issue in one simple change. 4) Government issued loans: remove some of the reliance on the loan sharks (many of whom are rarely online) by offering business loans to players who can provide a business plan. Offer government assisted mortgage loans, with an approval process, to alleviate the housing prices, and reduce passive income to loan companies. - You can even make the government loans at a higher interest rate than the market, to ensure loan agents who are online and active are still in demand. I am sure there are more. Idea here is passive/offline income (equaling 100k or more per week in many cases) should be removed or at least diminished, while also allowing CURRENT RP players options and opportunities. Thanks for reading! PS: If you have been here 2+ years, and are also still contributing to the CURRENT RP community, first of all thank you, and second of all, this change should hopefully help you as your car dealership/gun dealership etc. will now gain an advantage over the ones with passive owners.
  9. The rules need a serious upgrade for clarity. But...the rules also need to be enforced. Right now nearly direct breaches of the rules are ignored. Recently had the exact situation you described, a guy drove up behind me driving 80-90 kph yelling to put my hands up (not even to pull over....but put my hands up LOL - Nice FearRP macro bud) Of course I just kept driving. So he started gunning me down and ran me over wounding me. I /reported, the admin said it seemed fine to him, and I could do a forum report but it will probably be denied.
  10. Glad to see Civilian RP getting attention! I like the speakers, and more jobs for civilians (although mining looks insanely unsafe with the nonsense robberies in eclipse). I love the player owned stores, just hope I can afford one. I just hope we get some rules/enforcement improvement to match the Civ updates! Until it's semi-safe to leave an NCZ without a crew or significant gang backup, it'll be tough to have a thriving Civ community. Looking forward to more!
  11. Yes, this is obviously never going to happen. New players are not deserving of anything in this game, because they haven't been on the server for 2+ years. It does not matter that now, in the game currently, new players are doing amazing things and putting in tremendous hours and effort to make quality RP. While passive income rolls into the older guys without having to be logged in. The chances for a new player to ever catch up, or even make a fraction of the wealth and power of the older players are slim to none. Even with dedicating countless hours every week into the server, and into their own RP development. This is a harsh truth of this server. And not much anyone can or will do about it. There are guys working 20-30 hour weeks on duty and cant make a dent in the armor of the Servers dinosaurs. Many of them can barely afford housing. These player businesses will be no different, its a really cool idea (even if not anything new at all to GTA RP), and will add some RP scenarios, but will just be another system reserved for the people on top of the hill.
  12. Picked up a cab customer up north. Guy admits he stole a bike, and wants me to tell him how to make more money with his gun. I try my best to remain calm and get him out of my cab without incident.
  13. Cabby with a secret - One of my co-workers picks me up with something in his trunk. I pretend I cant hear it, I want nothing to do with this....
  14. Hanging with Alex - After a friend opens up about his depression and thought of suicide, I take him out and show him a good time! Cruising in my Banshee, and off-road with my twin BF400 dirt bikes.
  15. 1v2 Robbery Gone Wrong - Guy tried to rob two people while fishing, one of which was strapped. Didn't go well for him! The following RP scenario with the PD was really great! Applause to these guys for allowing this scene to develop.
  16. Saved by an Officer - Two guys jump off a roof and try to rob me with a cop right next to me.
  17. Party Gone Wrong - Out partying at my favorite spot with friends, when Erika gets a bit tipsy and "falls" off a cliff.
  18. Secure radios, at least military ones, have a button that can be pressed that zeroes out all frequencies and makes the radio unusable in Frequency Hop FH mode. Not sure if these radios would represent that expensive of a radio (the PD and EMT ones would be IRL). Most radios used by civilians, even expensive ones, do not use or have FH modes, and are single channel. You would have to manually change the frequency to remove it from the device. Not really for or against the suggestions. Just adding what I know about radios, for realistic RP sake.
  19. Jasmine

    Base income bug

    When you go over $500k in assets (cash houses cars etc) it dips to 1500. goes to 1k at 1 million. your taxes also go up at these break points. It is not a bug.
  20. -1 My reason is very simple, there is very little RP from a system like this. You get to a house, rob it, if the other person is offline or not able to get to you in time, you just stole his shit without a single PvP interaction at all. All this does is create a way for thiefs to get free loot for no effort...and no RP. So HUGE no. Maybe...MAYBE...if it required a ton of effort/time, and the owner had to be online...then MAYBE...but again only if it forces the thief to face the owner and the PD to get away with it.
  21. +1 And agree about the taxes, it should not be a thing you can hide your money, defeats the purpose of the taxes completely. (although I don't like how the tax system in the game works...that's a separate topic/issue)
  22. Big -1 No analysis here - I like that everyone you see in game is a real person! That is all
  23. +1 Don't like the location, but definitely think we need more. Especially with the housing the way it is, maybe if houses were cheaper I can see making parking lots a dangerous option...but we don't have many choices if we are poor and don't have housing. It's really lame people just sit at the parking lot robbing people.
  24. A gun to my head... Not super exciting, but good example of how far I have come. I feel this is decent Civ RP as a victim. (a month ago I was so bad at this!!) See: Bad victim RP I still have an issue where I get so mad at these jerks IRL, I don't go all-in. I definitely could have used /me's and /do's to make it more realistic. Even if I don't think guys like this deserve the effort. It would be more fun for me, and anyone who watches these vids!!
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