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Everything posted by Igor_Morozov

  1. Wow, they're back. Glad to be a part of the old crew. Many great experiences. Good luck!
  2. +1 think that the recent tax updates were a bit too harsh.
  3. Had a good run while it lasted, some areas where you can improve, great gang overall. 10/10 would join again.
  4. I would only +1 this if the backpacks made it so you could carry more weight with it.
  5. Merryweather Mesa should be on that list. +1
  6. +1 would like to see more action between gangs.
  7. -1 Since most people arent from the US, they will have very high ping leading to them leaving the server.
  8. Some relaxation before gang related activities.
  9. +1 or atleast make the sms/text shorter. eg: Speed - at (area) fine -.
  10. Getting guns ready and clean before action!
  11. Topic looks nice! Good job.
  12. +1 Would add something to listen to instead of playing your own music. Could make a command to turn on the radio such as /litfm or anything of your choice. Could also add different radio stations from across the world into the server so people could listen to their own country radio station ingame.
  13. Igor_Morozov


    -1 You can roleplay that you have an accent if you want.
  14. how is bleeting paid to win? you spend money on the server to bleet and thats it, not my problem that weazel news is fucked.
  15. +1 used money for vip/donate to get /vnn or /dnn but get nothing
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