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Everything posted by Yputi

  1. Yputi

    Crime zone

    In my experience RP is improved. not sure what time you are playing, but when I am around there are more people at LSC (I work there). This this is more of a worst case scenario, but alright... I don't see how area's called "crime zones" will change anything. You can't just say: "This area is a crime zone, so PD has to be affraid". Its up to teh players to create such area's as all the same rules count over the same area's (except NCZ ofc). ECRP tries to be as close to the real world. There are already official factions to lower the crime rate and raise the crime RP. More criminals will result in less realistic RP. IRL those areas are not assigned. People make them dangerous themselves. Criminal RP should not become the priority as that isn't the case IRL too.
  2. Yputi

    Speed cameras

    In my country they exist. On the highway right behind the signs above the road. Slightly hidden
  3. Any more details about how you think this should be implemented? Just by catagory (rulebreaker, rulebreaker urgent etc.)? Otherwise people will do reports and choose the catagory with the smallest qeue
  4. +1 The current /anim smoke is... bad... It makes your char turn around and it looks like your char is holding a metal cig thats way too hot, but he still wants to use it I think it would be fun to add yes. AFAIK in GTA it also slightly brings down your HP.
  5. I think if /vnn wont be used as a chat anymore it would help alot.
  6. This is an another suggestion I even have discussed with some people. Basically, an idea for an updated /mechanic. Now, people can use the command /mechanic to "call" for a mechanic. It's similar to what taxi used to have back in the day, just a command. Quite a while ago DCC got a phone number you will have to call for a taxi. This was somehting I was happy to see as it makes more sense. I've been a mechanic on thhis server for arond 6 months now and the way of requesting a mechanic has never changed. People can use /mechanic even without a phone or others seeing you requested one. I even had requests saying "I am getting robbed, please come fast!". Basically, people using the command to request help as there is no RP bound to that command and no one else can see you requested one. I personally think other factions (actually not only mechanic shops) should get a phone number like DCC got. What I was thinking about for mechanics: - Pull phone out and call 4444 - When phone gets answered you get the options to ask for: Towtruck or Roadside. Basically, the option to get a towtruck or requesting a truck for a roadside repair. - After saying what you want you can give a description of the situation you are in. When the call is ended mechanics should get (just like DCC got) a message in the chat with the option the caller requested, mechanic request ID (to respond to) and the description the person left. This way when someone is asking for a roadside repair it makes more sense having the parts and tools brought with you that are needed and will prevent people "abusing" the command. Another thing I would like to see added: A small cooldown for doing those requests! A lot of people like to spam our requests by doing /mechanic [message], walk out of the area and simply do /mechanic again. This is very annoying as it's simply possible people are not able to help out for multiple reasons. Please let me know what you think.
  7. Yputi

    Voice Changers

    I miss your voice Back to the topic: Personally just using chat works for me. Actually, I prefer using chat most of the time. It also forces me to use more /me's and /do's.
  8. This is really a complicated story and I know I gave minimum details. (very) long story short: A person was stalking me, held me on gunpoint while being drunk, kept texting/calling me, kept comming back to Bayview (where I worked), started multiple shootouts there, killed multiple cops (he was well known by PD) and it was driving us (Bayview) crazy (not only IC, but also OOC). As PD got called all the time he came to Bayview an officer kinda followed me for a few minutes, checking out how bad it was. Basically, in 15 minutes he approached me around 3 times while being asked to leave. The officer got a restraining order on him for me. The stalker even threatened to kill Audrey's loved ones so he could be the loved one. The moment I shot him (and made him CK with his approval) I was stuck in some sort of alley. His friends actually were recording: It was this moment where I (Audrey) asked soooo many times to leave me alone and get away. Even a collague of Audrey tried to alert a cop as he saw the whole situation. The cop however said there was something more important and left, not even looking at the situation. As the person refused to leave after asked more then 10 times and he grabbed a pistol from his roof, Audrey got in panic and in an impulse she shot him down with her eyes closed, crying. Ofcourse Los Santos is different from IRL. ECRP tried to be as realistic as possible compared to the real world, but thats just really hard. There are too many criminals in Los Santos compared to real life. What my point of this story is, is that (IMO) it was well RP'ed. The person had sooo many warning, restrainingorders etc. I could actually have reported him for fearRP as there was a gun aimed at him while given multiple demands, but the story made sense for his type of stalking...
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): (UTC) 11:35 PM Character name: Audrey Martin Issue/bug you are reporting: A bug causes to make the second (pearlecent layer) of metallic paint cheaper. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: When you got any random paint, here is what you have to do to "activate" this bug: 1. Go to a mechanic shop and do /modview. 2. Select "metallic paint". 3. Choose an random color from "Pearlescent" (not the standard one (the 1/161 one). 4. Leave the selection at "Pearlecent and click "Custom paint". 5. Choose any "custom paint". 6. When done, close /modview (DONT change anything back from "metallic paint"). 7. Let a mechanic apply the new paint. 8. When done, get in the car and do /modview. 9. Select "Metallic paint" again and now "pearlecent paint" shouldnt cost the 2.5K extra anymore. Normally metallic paints costs: 2K for "Selection" + 2.5K if "Pearlecent" added. Here I got a video showing that my car doesnt have any "pearlecent" applied at all, but I remember I selected that before doing the paint currently applied. For some reason it applied the "pearlecent" part on the car for free when applying an otehr type of paint: https://plays.tv/video/5c3535cfec2fc6ffa9/bug-report-pearlecent-paint- Also, it can be used to get "pearlecent" for cheaper, but it will also make it more exspensive for people that dont want pearlecent (as changing it to 1/161 will cost money for me now). (Please contact me on forum or Discord (@Yputi#0001) if something isn't clear). Vehicle license plate number*: SZJQPN9Z
  10. +1 Would also fix I can check how much CASH I got without having my phone charged
  11. Hello again! I've been with this idea for a while. It's basically that since november 8 the development section on the forum isn't updated. I never really got to knoiw why this section isn't updated anymore. Now I know there is a #development in the Discord, but those lack some details in my opinion. For example, the more recent ones: "Fixed mechanic service prices": I would love to see what exactly has been done with this. What is the logic behind those prices? Is there a formula? Also, "fixed". After it was "fixed" /mechoffer 1 broke again (that was "fixed" before that). "Added some features to SADOC": What are those features exactly? Don't get me wrong, I love (the most) updates that have been released, but looking to other development teams you get exact patch notes. Me atleast, would love to know the details as they are kinda... just keywords now.
  12. -1 Would also be another reason to steal cruisers (which already is dumb).
  13. +1, it doesnt really bother me, but it makes sense
  14. +1 I even prefer the 2 garage interior over the 3 garage.
  15. +1, nothing to add. 100% agree
  16. Yputi


    Not sure what would be a good place/location... It has to make sense and it should not become a minigame thing... I've not seen something like this in servers before, so I can't really tell how it would be, but I am afraid it will not be that realistic since real guns will be used and nothing in GTA itself supports it... Like mentioned earlier, personally I have the feeling it will become a minigame on the server, so people will join just to play paintball...
  17. Yputi


    Can't wait to see more! I like the story, not too complicated and makes sense. I like the idea of not being a fulltime gang. I hope to see some unique things and hopefully grow quick!
  18. +1 I mainly support point 1 & 3 as there is no other option for these then go to the store and re-buy them everytime. Point 2 would be a nice addition yes, but I am not sure if it should be a toggle. It makes sense you swap them, so when you are in a bikini you carry the other clothes with you.
  19. +1 Would also prevent just poor RP and also limit the amount of jailbreaks. It would be good if an admin first approves it to improve the quality. The people performing the jailbreak would also feel more responsible for good RP.
  20. Ah yes! You were making a list with all mods that could be applied on cars in Rage! Also, prices (although those can differ over time). Maybe this can be a combo as I mentioned in the main post, the cars dont perform the same as in ECRP. Same goes for mods (I had many times I was quite dissapointed).
  21. But would you also use it? Like, review your vehicles + using other reviews?
  22. So I had this idea for an vehicle review page on the forum. There is a page where you can seel vehicles and real estates, but I did realize the vehicles aren't the same as in "normal" GTA. Every vehicle has it perks and disadventages. I also often get people asking me how I liek a certain vehicle. Pretty basic idea. Not sure how many people would be intrested in this, thats why I would like some comments. ====================================== Small example (although I think most people get the idea): ======================================
  23. +1 First of all, glad to see people are down to farm! I was never really aware of the amount of farmers as my characters never go north that often. If this is true this is an "issue" that there is not enough space, I would love to see some expansion in this job to keep our potatoes on the table. Also, were you thinking about expanding the exsisting fields or add a location? I am sure mainly the most north farm (forgot the name, its NOT Pauls farm) got some unused space. If you were looking for additional locations; I searched around on a satelite map of Los Santos and as far as I was able to see, there are not many options. This is a location I did find though: It's around O'Neills Ranch. Actually, I was wondering if you had a place/expansion in mind yourself? Maybe you can draw some lines on teh map where you would look to have expansions?
  24. Agree with this, although I never tested this as my main char only uses text chat. Putting VOIP to whisper mode should give the same/close to the same result.
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