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Everything posted by Yputi

  1. +1. Everyone kinda RP's stuff in the glovebox (even AK's), but what we missing here is a way for people who stole a car to get acces to that though. Or maybe that only the person in the driver seat can use /vehicletrunk? Anyway, would love to see something like this. Especially that you can then only get in the trunk by stepping out and press "I" at the back of the car.
  2. Please try to find someone IC who can help you out with this have a good one!
  3. Yputi

    Los Santos Triads

    How a newcomer's first 3 days in Triads did looks like:
  4. oh man, Italian mafia Too bad I can't give any IC sensitive info, but yeah... expect some mafia from different cultures here aswell! Hope you get in and enjoy!
  5. Hello! Are you on the server already or still trying to get in with the server application? Curious to know how your experience is so far and what you did on SAMP. On this forum, you can also leave character stories and ofcourse read them of others! Maybe intresting for you, knowing you really into RP. Hope you have a great time and meet some people! At ECRP, friendships are being made, not only IC but also OOC Yputi
  6. Agreed. Would also help against the: "Wait! Did you actually whispered to him while I was inbetween?!". +1
  7. The speedcamera's they added today is a first step! Don't worry bud, there are also not so meanies around!
  8. Learning them the ropes: People got jealous and wanted to grab some Wonga too: And more...: Then even more asked to join:
  9. Well, this is more something you need to find out IC honestly Have fun exploring and getting people to know. They will help you out if you find the right people
  10. I can imagine the pain I've always been careful with this yes, so adding this would not hurt I think. +1
  11. Yputi

    The Clowns

    The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. You guys, definitely made me smile big. - Stabby
  12. Even a simple rob, is not what Stabby will stop. Ally or not, "hands up this is rob" not. Learning others to master the knife, so they can ruin someone else's life.
  13. Pretty sure they are working on it, that is why there are admin markers. You also see them in the city. I get the idea why they added the system where houses will go on sail if a player is inactive for long enough, but I agree they also just could add houses as there are plenty to add.
  14. I am affraid this would really make PD more busy. Sometimes they already have a handfull of calls and adding this would probably really stress them out. I am not 100% sure though as I am not in PD myself, but IRL this doesn't really happen that cops get notified when this happens. Only when you call them yourself. What I personally do is just call PD once I get notified myself though.
  15. Lovely Still got the clip of the first time I saw your character though! https://plays.tv/s/M7W2qdfDQdi9
  16. I am staying at my -1 as I still believe this is more something IC as well. And trust me, it is not because I am at PD or anything else myself, even I got 2 crime Alts and like someone else stated, criminals will just reach for those rules right away when arrested. I don't see why this is taken OOC, because PD arresting people without proof seems IC to me. Corrupt things happen IRL too.
  17. Like I said, this is more of an IC info. I am not in PD myself, but I get why PD people give their -1. Not sharing info is not PG.
  18. -1. I dont see why this is powergaming. This is more like an IC issue to me. Being not able to see *their* rule book isn't powergaming. In my experience last time I had a situation with PD they actually stated the pennal code that was in effect. If they wont allowed you to do certain /me's or don't let you RP certain action, then it would be powergaming. Not having info you shouldn't have anyway isn't included. I already see people reading through LSC rule books and tell them what and what not to do.
  19. An ally showed up at my door, luckily I had to fear no more
  20. Entering a modern city with a timeless classic car, our destination won't be that far
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