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Everything posted by Yputi

  1. 0 I think this is more something support of ECRP should vote on. For me... I love it. Cleaner, easier to identify people when you use chat and prevents meta ALOT. I can imagine how this influences support, but I can't be 100% sure. I would love to see what support thinks, thats why I vote 0 now.
  2. Yputi

    Postal code map

    Now if people bleet, asking for the owner of a specifc adres I am like... Is that my house? xD The current house addresses system is quite useless and it's a pain in the ass to give directions to taxi drivers sometimes. +1
  3. I hope to see some great RP from you guys! Seeing the pictures posted, I ain't worried about that if you guys hold on to this! GL!
  4. Or just obey the law and make sure I don't have to towtrucky your car to impound!
  5. Thats the point actually. Peopel PAY to do /vnn. Because of this spam people want to have it toggled. The idea of /vnn is to inform everyone and that idea would dissapear if this continues tbh.
  6. Update: This.. how is this even allowed. No one getting kicked:
  7. oof! Alright. I will change the topic title then to "... ( back to old rule) " Thanks for your comments!
  8. wait was this an old rule? Because I thought so, but couldn't recall....
  9. When I first joined this server around 9 months ago, bleets were used for advertisement. Actually, quite nothing else. Bleets stood out and were ment for everyone to see. After quite some time people started using bleets more like an actuall chat. They are useless and annoying, causing spam. Also, it makes serious bleets stand out less. People pay for VIP. What they pay (for me atleast) is quite alot, but that is not what this suggestion is about. I gathered some bleets I've seen in the past 2-3 days while I was online. These are basically the ones I am talking about: I know people try to be funny and respond to bleets, but bleets shouldn't be used as a chat. Its not something everyone needs to see. This is why I would like to suggest to bind some stricter rules to the use of /vnn. Me personally, it can quite annoy me. I would love to know what others think. Don't only leave "+1", "-1" or "0" please, change/support my idea by giving a reason/idea. EDIT: Apperantly this was indeed a rule in the past that made it more strict.
  10. I love Pasta Glad to see you here!
  11. +1 It indeed sometimes happens I drive with someone past a store and they see /me's In chat appear. When they say something about it I always remind them in OOC chat that you would have to SEE them doing it.
  12. Wish there were more like these people xD Welcome!
  13. +1 I don't chop vehicles or my vehicles barely get chopped, but this makes sense to me. It's weird driving a half-chopped car around that works perfectly fine.
  14. Yputi

    Crime zone

    No DM rules.... I think I stay with my original opinion... Just DM arena's and people waiting to completely destroy peopel for loot
  15. Yputi

    Crime zone

    So PD wont be allowed to enter those area's?
  16. Yputi

    Crime zone

    I have signifficanlty done less complaining/reports compared to 7 months ago. Since there are official factions.. its getting there, but sure not the best. Still I dont see how this area's will move criminals to those. Civiallians are less powerfull and an easier target. they will morelikey AVOID thos areas if they want to rob as every civiallian knows them and avoids them
  17. Yputi

    Crime zone

    Can really make out what your point is. You think those zones should be added or not? Do you think that will stop them from robbing citizens that are less pwoerfull then criminals?
  18. Yputi

    Crime zone

    I am about to reach 2K hours on this server.. Actually, its becomming less in my experience. Can be just luck though.
  19. Yputi

    Crime zone

    For a reason yes My opinion; no need for more criminal stuff. More should be added for "normal" people.
  20. Yputi

    Crime zone

    Also, you mean turfs? they already exist: (red areas) https://gyazo.com/11135b7978cd82f8a86538f5b39c5bbd
  21. Yputi

    Crime zone

    sounds like DM area's to me :3
  22. Yputi

    Crime zone

    In my experience RP is improved. not sure what time you are playing, but when I am around there are more people at LSC (I work there). This this is more of a worst case scenario, but alright... I don't see how area's called "crime zones" will change anything. You can't just say: "This area is a crime zone, so PD has to be affraid". Its up to teh players to create such area's as all the same rules count over the same area's (except NCZ ofc). ECRP tries to be as close to the real world. There are already official factions to lower the crime rate and raise the crime RP. More criminals will result in less realistic RP. IRL those areas are not assigned. People make them dangerous themselves. Criminal RP should not become the priority as that isn't the case IRL too.
  23. Yputi

    Speed cameras

    In my country they exist. On the highway right behind the signs above the road. Slightly hidden
  24. Any more details about how you think this should be implemented? Just by catagory (rulebreaker, rulebreaker urgent etc.)? Otherwise people will do reports and choose the catagory with the smallest qeue
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