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Zemaitc last won the day on September 15 2019

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About Zemaitc

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  1. Can be archived, command is working properly finally.
  2. what, why u taking The Clown story from past without any permission and without even meeting previous Clown ??
  3. Thanks for the advice, sadly it does not work either
  4. cursor does not appear, that is the main problem I have filed this bug report. In the video where cursor appears later is executed by F2. I have edited the original post to be more exact where is the problem
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): 2019-11-22 08:00 (UTC) Character name: Vito McClown Issue/bug you are reporting: they ctrl + x command which should pop-up a cursor and a menu for options to select the most wanted one for bobby pinning does not show up when the command is executed. After clicking the command it only zooms in and zooms out, and nothing else happens. I have tried this many times for the past month and it does not work for me for some reason. F2 cursor does work as shown in the video below, but it does not let me use bobby pin command because it is not what it is intended for therefore either I dont know what causes the issue or I am bugged for some reason. I have tried relogging many times, I have asked staff if there is another way to use the bobby pin command and there is no other way. Expected behavior: cursor should pop-up after ctrl + x command is executed. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 2019/07/09 Character name: Vito McClown Issue/bug you are reporting: /refuel command works even if you are not near the vehicle and can run around up until you draw a weapon or phone Expected behavior: to be canceled when moving Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: The video and POV is not mine, but its not the first time I see that myself. https://streamable.com/uubej
  7. Zemaitc

    The Clowns

    Thanks for everyone being part of The Clowns and being with us as friends, allies and enemies
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 21/05/2019 Character name: Vito McClown Issue/bug you are reporting: General store do not provide ability to import fishing rods and phones. Expected behavior: Should be on the list of available items for order. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Item is simply missing from the UI.
  9. Zombies when from dead bodies Overall, great update, time to get someone in the trunk
  10. -1 GTA online is the place
  11. Zemaitc

    The Clowns

    Operation: Get Rid of Davis Wheels Since The Clowns are a known organisation that loves to disassemble the rarest cars possible in the city, we were contacted by our very old friends who managed to get their hands on FMJ There was not much questions asked, the time was running and we had to act fast in order to receive the money for such a beautiful and rare car. The only thing that intrigued us was the number plate "DAVIS", so we asked where did they get it from. They explained that it was taken form the home yard of Marco Davis, who is The Commander of LSPD With that being said, we contacted Los Zetas to help us, since this was not an ordinary package to be delivered to the chop shop. All of those who could help came, some stayed in the location waiting for the car to be disassembled and protecting it, some were scouting the perimeter in case Officers and a SWAT team would decide show up This is the last image of the FMJ. Few seconds later Davis family received a call from Mors Insurance company that they have lost the signal of the original car and can only provide a chinese version of FMJ Kind regards, The Clowns
  12. -1 from me, I like the new system, no more recognition by stranger/mask ID which were unique and in time you could really remember some of the players by it. As for the quality that is brought into the report videos, for those who has low fps, take a screenshot, will help a lot.
  13. @ViktorR no need of visual thing, engine stalled and smoke would be more than enough after 5th minute mark same as when car explodes or is destroyed to the point it requires a mechanics help
  14. This idea comes from a warning I have received. It stated that I moved my vehicle while chopping. Since when you are chopping a vehicle you cannot determine is the vehicle still able to move or not in the current chop time I would suggest some time frames that would be like this. 1. 1-5 minutes your vehicles simple parts, visual part are being taken out, which still lets your vehicle to move because none of the essential parts have been taken out (engine, transmission, wheels, etc) and can move at any point. 2. 5-8 minute the engine gets stalled to a point that the vehicle is not usable anymore or if chop gets canceled during the 5-8 minute mark, It would require a mechanic to make the vehicle usable again. Because as it was stated, the car is being chopped so it cant be moved, although many do that, even run from there if danger comes by, PD shows up or real owner comes. If rply the car is being chopped then the owner if he successfully retrieves the car from chop, shouldnt be able to drive from there like nothing happened because his car is missing parts in it also.
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