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Improving prison RP

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There should be more script support for things to do while you’re alone, or want to be alone.

The last three days I spent in prison consisted of people death matching, bug abusing, and not knowing how to RP in general. I usually help these types of players out so long as they’re willing to learn.

Current prison RP requires creativity to some degree. For example, playing HORSE in the yard and using /dice to see if you make/miss shots. Torturing other inmates is also fun so long as they consent to it OOCly.

I would also like to see the guards interact with inmates more. It’s pretty good as is but most guards stand 10-8 at intake until there’s enough guards to go into the cell block/patrol in numbers. Means for less personal interactions.

In conclusion, +1 for more scripted tasks, be creative in prison, more guard interaction with inmates.

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9 minutes ago, Jason_Shen said:

There should be more script support for things to do while you’re alone, or want to be alone.

The last three days I spent in prison consisted of people death matching, bug abusing, and not knowing how to RP in general. I usually help these types of players out so long as they’re willing to learn.

Current prison RP requires creativity to some degree. For example, playing HORSE in the yard and using /dice to see if you make/miss shots. Torturing other inmates is also fun so long as they consent to it OOCly.

I would also like to see the guards interact with inmates more. It’s pretty good as is but most guards stand 10-8 at intake until there’s enough guards to go into the cell block/patrol in numbers. Means for less personal interactions.

In conclusion, +1 for more scripted tasks, be creative in prison, more guard interaction with inmates.

It has been a long while since I have been in jail last but sounds like it is a lot of the same. The only interaction we had with guards after intake was if stuff started to get seriously out of hand. Would be nice to see more of a presence from them in the prison and my rp interaction from them in turn.

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As a DOC guard I would absolutely love to bring more to the table in terms of RP with inmates. Most of my interactions with inmates thus far have been great and I am always sure afterwards to PM the involved players and thank them for the fun times. One of the barriers to more RP and personal interaction with inmates was stated earlier by another poster - nobody fears a taser. More often than not, when guards enter the cell block, you have a cluster of chaos, a hostage situation, etc. so we are practically forced to wait for multiple guards to come on duty before we can have more interaction. It's an unfortunate truth that leads to minimal interaction with guards and I would love nothing more than for that to change because as I've seen, great RP can come from both sides and I'm a full advocate for that.

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<---- Sgt. Moraine | all of your suggestions hamin have been discussed and have been brought up to devs quite awhile ago. While we are always trying to imrpove rp theres several limitations both ic and ooc that make it difficult. While stamps are a pain rnow, unless they take away the stamp conversion upon release we wont be able to hand them out, since 1 stamp = 1$ when you get out of prison. You can imagine the abuse thatd get. 

Id like to bring up rdm in prison as well, stating that if people randomly punch you for no reason, admins have strongly encouraged you to report it. Its a dm breach and should be handled just as strictly in prison as it is outside of it. 

Also, if youre not aware theres a certain ic limitation for guards to enter or be near cellblock if theres a dangerous ratio of guards to inmates. 6 inmates to 2 guards for example. 

While ive wanted to try to bridge the gap between guard and inmate, its a relatively unfortunate statistic that keeps us wary, since about 80-90% of times inmates shout for us its an attempts to attack us. Now while combat rp is a guaranteed part of the job, the relentless factor of it all gets stressful to some quite quickly and many are discouraged to engage inmates further because of this. Right now the general attitude that seems to be a constant these days is "if i go into the cellblock i will be attacked and taken hostage", not in hopes of rp, or investigations, or medical rp, or general inmate interaction, but that theyll be attacked. 

Again, not that such a thing should be a surprise but the tiring amount of times it happens is concerning.  I want to get away from the stigma of guards 'processing and leaving' and have more engaging rp but sometimes theres really only 1 or 2 guards on at a time and against 8 or so inmates you are probably not going to see them for safety reasons ic. 

But on this note we've noticed people injuring themselves just to get guards to the block, like running head first into walls. Its NRP and gets treated as such if youre caught so id not recommend it. 

I don't want to sound like im making excuses because i agree prison rp needs help, but until we can get more staffing, dev work, cooperation and effort from inmates to not just focus on hostages and rdming, change wont be easy. Its our theory that we'll see dev upgrades in the next major update, perhaps in the new year, but until then all i cam encourage is patience and understanding.

I believe fixes to the poker table and stamps are being looked at as well but as with all server changes and script work, it takes time and sometimes a lot of time. Your suggestions are really good though and we appreciate them!

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On 12/26/2019 at 9:17 AM, Wolokai142 said:

<---- Sgt. Moraine | all of your suggestions hamin have been discussed and have been brought up to devs quite awhile ago. While we are always trying to imrpove rp theres several limitations both ic and ooc that make it difficult. While stamps are a pain rnow, unless they take away the stamp conversion upon release we wont be able to hand them out, since 1 stamp = 1$ when you get out of prison. You can imagine the abuse thatd get. 

Id like to bring up rdm in prison as well, stating that if people randomly punch you for no reason, admins have strongly encouraged you to report it. Its a dm breach and should be handled just as strictly in prison as it is outside of it. 

Also, if youre not aware theres a certain ic limitation for guards to enter or be near cellblock if theres a dangerous ratio of guards to inmates. 6 inmates to 2 guards for example. 

While ive wanted to try to bridge the gap between guard and inmate, its a relatively unfortunate statistic that keeps us wary, since about 80-90% of times inmates shout for us its an attempts to attack us. Now while combat rp is a guaranteed part of the job, the relentless factor of it all gets stressful to some quite quickly and many are discouraged to engage inmates further because of this. Right now the general attitude that seems to be a constant these days is "if i go into the cellblock i will be attacked and taken hostage", not in hopes of rp, or investigations, or medical rp, or general inmate interaction, but that theyll be attacked. 

Again, not that such a thing should be a surprise but the tiring amount of times it happens is concerning.  I want to get away from the stigma of guards 'processing and leaving' and have more engaging rp but sometimes theres really only 1 or 2 guards on at a time and against 8 or so inmates you are probably not going to see them for safety reasons ic. 

But on this note we've noticed people injuring themselves just to get guards to the block, like running head first into walls. Its NRP and gets treated as such if youre caught so id not recommend it. 

I don't want to sound like im making excuses because i agree prison rp needs help, but until we can get more staffing, dev work, cooperation and effort from inmates to not just focus on hostages and rdming, change wont be easy. Its our theory that we'll see dev upgrades in the next major update, perhaps in the new year, but until then all i cam encourage is patience and understanding.

I believe fixes to the poker table and stamps are being looked at as well but as with all server changes and script work, it takes time and sometimes a lot of time. Your suggestions are really good though and we appreciate them!

Why not make an OOC rule then that inmates are not allowed to attack and/or take guards hostage when there are less than 5 guards online? and an OOC command should be added to support such a check /guards for ex. and if 5+ guards are online no need to ask for admin permission, and if less than 5 guards are online guards can safely interact with players and roleplay without worrying about being outnumbered (which is not realistic in most cases as a prison wouldn't have 1 or 2 guards at any point)

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3 hours ago, Amaim said:

Why not make an OOC rule then that inmates are not allowed to attack and/or take guards hostage when there are less than 5 guards online? and an OOC command should be added to support such a check /guards for ex. and if 5+ guards are online no need to ask for admin permission, and if less than 5 guards are online guards can safely interact with players and roleplay without worrying about being outnumbered (which is not realistic in most cases as a prison wouldn't have 1 or 2 guards at any point)

Current ruling from what it was last discussed is that if an inmate HAS PB permissions, you can take hostages without consent if roleplayed properly. However, if inmates do NOT have PB perms, hostage taking is at the discretion of the victimed officer if they want to rp it or not. That may have changed since it was last discussed. As far admin permissions for PB, the reason you need such is because of auto-teleporting scripts that move inmates who get too far away from the prison straight back inside. You need admin commands to release people from the prison script to continue and finish the PB attempt, in addition to ensuring the roleplay of the entire situation is up to standard in quality and interaction for all parties involved. As for number of guards, in a 'realistic' sense the prison would never be 'unstaffed', and there are outlying factors such as ooc commitments and general number of staff on the roster that plays a large role in how many guards are online during certain time periods of the day. Basically we can't guarantee the number of guards that will be available in any part of the day, and we have zero control over the Prison Break system as its at the discretion of the higher admins to allow permissions and such. 

Only thing I can do is encourage other avenues of roleplay besides combat and hostage based. If an admin denies your permissions for an attempt, try finding other avenues of rp to engage in until further developments to prison activities can be made.

Edited by Wolokai142
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On 12/28/2019 at 3:02 PM, GWXCORE said:

Just an anecdote from my last prison sentence. I had something like 120 minutes or whatever. I did a bit of it, wasn't too many people around so I logged for the night, hoping to see more when I logged on in the morning, around the time the server starts to pass the 150 players online mark, to give you the idea of my time zone.


I log in in the yard, see no one, I run inside to find a cop placing someone into prison, I then head over to grab a water and a burger, and find 3 people have kidnapped a guard. They are awaiting prison break permission. Myself and the guard both explain that it's not fair to essentially pause her RP by kidnapping her and waiting for admins to approve the request. So we all are just sitting. With nothing happening. 2 new players also arrive in the meantime.

An admin answers to void the kidnapping as no prison break was approved. The two new players start screaming over voip about how the mod is "gay" and "a bitch". Literally screaming btw, clipping their mic and all.

I call the mod back, the mod sets them right. They then call me a snitch via voip and one of them someone has a baseball bat. He DMs myself and one other inmate who has been processed in the meantime. Mod is called once again to deal with the situation.i am released from prison.


Honestly, at this point, if I'm not going to prison with @Spencer GerritsGerrits then I just want be locked in solitary or hide in a corner of a cell to avoid this kind of issue. Because Everytime I do prison with Rex it's at least new and interesting

Yeah i was the guy who held the guard captive, apparently those 2 new players logged out so many times and then started blasting with pistols.

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