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Front Yard Ballas

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"You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor."

Job 11:18-19


Alexander has been away from the Ballas for a few days. He was not caught up on what has been going on around the city. He walks out of his house to see his van and Sentinel with all their doors open. He sees a WCA bike go by and it slowed down immediately as he saw Johan. He knows exactly what must be happening. As he sees the WCA bike call out on the radio and slowly make a u-turn, Alex rushes towards his bike which is hidden in the bushes. While struggling to turn the engine on, he finally manages and slips away from their reach just in time. Alex tries to get a reach on any other Balla who is in the city. They converge in Jamestown. After being debriefed by a Balla as well as an NLA member, for the time being Alex cannot call Grove his home anymore.


During their hiding and escapes from the hunting WCA, Alex came across Travis who was a Balla like him, riding inside a supercar. Alex didn't pay much mind to the two, as he was more concerned with getting gas before any hostiles arrive. As he was filling up his tank, he overheard the driver speaking about Ballas recruitment, at which point Alex introduces himself. The driver invites Alex to follow them to his estate, which he did. At the estate, the driver introduces himself as Jake Ryan. After which, Jake invites Alex to go inside his office to talk business.


Ryan was told by Alex the current state of the Ballas and their current troubles. After listening to Alex, Ryan made clear his intention was to learn more about the Ballas for the possibility of recruitment. After being told by Alex that recruitment while hindered by these recent events, is still very much possible for a good asset like Ryan. Ryan then said that he will have to think more about recruitment with the Ballas, considering the recent events that has unfolded. Alex told Ryan that is perfectly acceptable, but Alex also shed light that Ryan entering the gang could be the hail mary that the Ballas need. Alex predicts that the Ballas will be wiped in a matter of weeks if this goes on, but Ryan entering could shift the tides.


After the meeting with Ryan. Alex told the others that with all of his arms being inside Grove, it is impossible for him to fight back. They soon devise a plan to sneak into Alex's house and retrieve his supplies and deliver it to another safe house. After making sure Grove was clean of any WCA threat, the Ballas move in to retrieve the goods. With 1 person being the lookout all the way from the Vory store, and 1 more looking out at the bush near Alex's house, he could ensure that none of his items are at risk when leaving. After quickly packing everything, Alex calls it in and rushes out to meet his pickup. They all leave to the safehouse where the arms will be stored to hopefully retake Grove, its not much, but it brings hope to the battle.




Edited by kenichis
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"For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light."

Luke 8:17


Alexander needed to get in contact with the other Ballas leaders, after a few texts they agree to meet in Mirror Park at a location that is oddly very similar to Grove street. They decided to call it Brove street as a joke and went through with a meeting to discuss our current situation and how to best handle it. After a meeting in Brove the Ballas decided that they needed a place that was more underground so they wouldn't be spotted. After a few resourceful suggestions they decided to go to the docks in one of the warehouses and lay back for a few there.





With the ongoing war with the WCA, they needed to make some progress in the fight. Alex went to Grove street to find some WCA cars and made sure it dented their wallets with the repair bills. Lets just say they didn't take it very well considering the insane amount of cars that went chasing Alex for over 30 minutes. Even though at the end they couldn't catch him.




Now after getting some sort of payback to the WCA, the Ballas needed to start making some money. Benjamin gave a bright idea to the crew to start trafficking drugs using a boat in order to make it less conspicuous and as well to make it safer. Everyone jumped aboard on the plan and the Ballas started heading towards Sea lab. After planting marijuana, cooking heroin and packing them on the boat, they all sailed towards the drug dealer who bases himself at the docks and sold their stock to him. Lets just say they pocketed quite a bunch from that run.





After quite some time of trying to make first contact, the Ballas and the Iron Pegasus finally arrange a meet. They agreed to meet at the docks near the truckers yard in order for the Ballas to have easy access to the sea. After they meet, Alexander exchanged names with Matthew, the President of the club regarding each other leaders. Alexander also made sure to propose a business deal, one that could hopefully benefit both crews. After the meeting went as planned, the said their farewells and took off. One towards the road, the other towards the horizon. Things are starting to look better for the Ballas.




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"A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle."

Proverbs 18:19


Alexander noticed the drop in morale within a lot of the Ballas. The war has costed many lives and even more in money, they needed a win. Alex contacted Trey in order to devise a new plan. Previously every Balla knew where to find their brothers, it was always Grove. However, since Grove is under hostile occupation a lot of the Ballas has become lost on where to go and what to do. We needed a new home, whether its temporary or not, we needed one. So Alex came up with a few of the suggestions that were brought up by the lower members, Trey liked most of them. However they finally agreed on one. After the discussion, Alex and Trey called the other Ballas and broke them the news. Those who were there, Alex, Benjamin and Ondre were all given new tasks and a new rank to prove it. They sent out the word to every member, not before pulling some pranks on one another of course.


With the new access they received, the water became Alex's new home. After receiving some news that the others are hiding from 5-0 at the shore, Alex followed soon using his own boat. Seeing the Ballas making money and hanging out brought some new hope back, at least they weren't being hunted and could make some money in peace. Alex thought to himself, the Grove isn't something that defined the Ballas as "the Grove gang." The Ballas are where they are at and if he could make peace without having Grove returned, he would take it.


Longing for peace aside, war is war. Its time to fight for peace. With the recently briefed Ballas all up to speed on the latest plans, its time to execute. The Ballas moved in on every lab and every chop looking for the snakes WCA. Alex himself saw a prospect taking out his brand new Rebla at the parking lot. Seeing the nice car, its only fair that he let some of the Ballas test drive it. Having no backup on him, he decides to call the cops. Bad move.



The Ballas continue their hunt. Rolling up on the chopshop, they spot someone dismantling a bike. She was soon put on gunpoint and asked for her affiliation. Seeing as she wasn't a snake, they let her go. They keep on searching until one of the Ballas spot the snake at a drug lab. All the Ballas respond and soon take over the lab. Those who resisted, lets say it didn't end well for them. The Ballas will live on, whether at Grove or not, we are the Ballas.



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"The Hunt"

As the BALLAS continue to grow we keep getting Roadblock after Roadblock. Not only are we at war with WCA and Vory we keep encountering NEW groups and RANDOM people who want to attack us. At first are morale was down in the lower ranks but we percerviered. After leaving GROVE we found our temporary home while we wait for GROVE.


One after another they all FALL


The attack at our HOME. People seem to hear information in the air from other groups and form opinions. This never ends good. Attack after attack we CONTINUE to FIGHT back.


"Too much confidence in weak men will lead to your demise"




We as a group will continue to build and grow. While the WAR continues BALLAS will lay low, But will NEVER run from a true fight.









We out here




After NLA split we chose a side. We chose to stick with the REAL NLA, Los Aztecaand fight the imitators.






BALLA'S will continue, We want to make it through this war and see the city at peace and tranquility. While all GANG's in the city continue BALLA'S will do the same with the hope in mind that some day through the street's of Los Santos the name BALLA will echo.

Edited by Ultra3D
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"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."

Proverbs 17:17


Alexander has known Benjamin for a long time. They have been through a lot, from first being with the WCA together, until now being in purple fighting against the same people that they both once called brothers. Although, they have parted ways before in the past, when one was with the Misfits, Alex was working a job. But now, they’ve both reunited within the Ballas and have never been closer together.


While they’ve always been brothers at heart, Alex and Ben wanted to make something symbolic to show their unity. Alex contacted City Hall and requested for a legal name change. After the lengthy paperwork was done, Alexander Johan was no more, and is now known as Alexander Holt. Alongside Benjamin Holt, they now have something symbolic to mark their brotherhood. Together they fought together to hopefully bring back peace for the Ballas. As a gift, Benjamin hooked them both up with custom plates to signify the new name change.



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"No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence."

Psalm 101:7


Alexander heard about this "peace" that was struck between the Ballas and the WCA, Alex was glad and promptly celebrated with the rest of the Ballas. They finally move out of hiding and embrace the purple in Jamestown. Finally, they could just hang out at the hood like the old times before all the bloodshed. Ballas were never the kind of gang who was brutal like that, it doesn't fit their lifestyle and for once things can go back to normal. Just the boys and the hood.



Now with the heat dying down, it was time to rebuild for the future. The Ballas meet with a friend of the hood who might as well be part of the hood at this point. They meet up with Jerzy and discuss some deals to stock guns for the Ballas. While they were there, they had some extra discussions going on and promptly settled it the way they do in the hood.



Time to make some money for the crew. They started by holding down some labs and cooking, though Alex didn't particularly like it, it was decent money. After the batch was done, they move on to something that was preferred. The Ballas look around for the chopshop, once they did find it, they held it down and taxed everyone who came. It was wise for them to simply pay tax and get a free ride back to Sandy, we were sure to make an example of the people who didn't want to.



Alex knew that some of the WCA wouldn't have gotten the message yet, war was over. However, those who were chasing Alex at this particular time didn't seem to care. After being told multiple times, the Comet Retro asked to "talk." Alex agreed, seeing as there isn't a reason for even more purple blood to be spilled. Once they did get to talk, the person was talking out his ass making up lies. Of course, being the snakes they are couldn't handle their word and meeting 1 on 1. All of the sudden, 12 other snakes jump the Ballas.



A gangster without his word, is nothing. The WCA just confirmed they're nothing but lying snakes. Alex was glad he was in purple, at least we got the balls to talk like men, 1 on 1, instead of 12 on 1. The Ballas, they'll keep their word, we won't hit the snakes. Its just a waste of ammo at this point. Its just a matter of time, until the bigger fish in the pond take notice, and maybe they won't like a player growing fast like the snakes being sly and shitting on their own word. Its just a matter of time...



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Snakes in the grass

It never ceases to amaze me how strong two groups can form a bond. Groups through out time have always teamed up to fight together, but rarely do you see GOOD and BAD fight together.

WCS aka WEST COAST SNAKES have shown to us how strong they are with the POLICE. Time after time have we seen them call, talk to, and use the cops to fight their WAR. Their alliance in the past weeks has only gotten stronger where not only their PROSPECTS but their MEMBERS feel scared and cant call WCS back up they call POLICE back up.


Pulls up to cop: "HELP ME, HELP ME" WCS shit


WCS member: "They were menacing"


Things never change

OP of video



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11 hours ago, Ultra3D said:

Snakes in the grass

It never ceases to amaze me how strong two groups can form a bond. Groups through out time have always teamed up to fight together, but rarely do you see GOOD and BAD fight together.

WCS aka WEST COAST SNAKES have shown to us how strong they are with the POLICE. Time after time have we seen them call, talk to, and use the cops to fight their WAR. Their alliance in the past weeks has only gotten stronger where not only their PROSPECTS but their MEMBERS feel scared and cant call WCS back up they call POLICE back up.


Pulls up to cop: "HELP ME, HELP ME" WCS shit


WCS member: "They were menacing"


Things never change



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10 hours ago, Ultra3D said:

Snakes in the grass

It never ceases to amaze me how strong two groups can form a bond. Groups through out time have always teamed up to fight together, but rarely do you see GOOD and BAD fight together.

WCS aka WEST COAST SNAKES have shown to us how strong they are with the POLICE. Time after time have we seen them call, talk to, and use the cops to fight their WAR. Their alliance in the past weeks has only gotten stronger where not only their PROSPECTS but their MEMBERS feel scared and cant call WCS back up they call POLICE back up.


Pulls up to cop: "HELP ME, HELP ME" WCS shit


WCS member: "They were menacing"


Things never change


I know that guy in the panto hahahaha he is not even a WCA recruit LMAO

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Loved your thread and its still pretty good but in the past month there has been alot of new people in Ballas that I had bad RP interactions with them. Also i've seen some Ballas mixing and started hating us OOC because of the IC war. I hope you will change that soon. 👌

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"I'm Never Switching Up Man I Promise"

Tariq came to the city with nothing. He was left on the streets sleeping in his beat up Warrener - taking showers at the mall, boosting cars and stealing from local stores just to make ends meet. After meeting Tyrone and joining the Ballasthings changed. He had something he never had before - a family, brothers who he could trust his life with. Money, Cars, Drugs, RESPECT


The heated war with WCS took a toll on Tariq and the Ballas as a whole.



The Ballas simply became out numbered. After seeing his brother Tyrone get laced up by WCS he really started to contemplate his life and choices. Was this the life he wanted?

Blood In, Blood Out

Tariq knew one thing and one thing only, BALLAS FOR LIFE! It was the one thing that brought him life. It was what made him the man he is today. He made a promise that day to himself "Never Forget Tyrone, Do What He Would Do" 


"If you aint got no haters you aint poppin" 


A week passed since Tariq and the Ballas last encounters with WCS. Tariq and the other Ballas were laying low. Tariq was trying to enjoy the outdoors and took a walk to clear his head. He was approached  by an unknown car - They began to shit talk him and the Ballas.


Words were exchanged and Tariq tried his best to keep his cool. The man took it too far and threatened to beat Tariq's ass right there on the spot. Tariq was not going to take that shit - One thing led to another and they decided to meet in the garage to fight it out like men.


No Guns, No Knives.


Tariq did this for the BALLAS. For TYRONE. He would never let anyone tarnish the name even if it meant getting his ass kicked.


After the fight, Tariq knew it was time for him to really lay low. He was being targeted every place he went. It was getting out of control. He moved back in with his cousin Jarome. Jarome agreed that it was best for Tariq to lay low and avoid Grove and WCS at all costs.


Until things calm down at least...


Tariq Miller 

My very first post, hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the fun everyone!  💜



Edited by Adaliah
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17 minutes ago, Adaliah said:

"I'm Never Switching Up Man I Promise"

Tariq came to the city with nothing. He was left on the streets sleeping in his beat up Brawler - taking showers at the mall, boosting cars and stealing from local stores just to make ends meet. After meeting Tyrone and joining the Ballasthings changed. He had something he never had before - a family, brothers who he could trust his life with. Money, Cars, Drugs, RESPECT


The heated war with WCS took a toll on Tariq and the Ballas as a whole.



The Ballas simply became out numbered. After seeing his brother Tyrone get laced up by WCS he really started to contemplate his life and choices. Was this the life he wanted?

Blood In, Blood Out

Tariq knew one thing and one thing only, BALLAS FOR LIFE! It was the one thing that brought him life. It was what made him the man he is today. He made a promise that day to himself "Never Forget Tyrone, Do What He Would Do" 


"If you aint got no haters you aint poppin" 


A week passed since the war. Tariq and the other Ballas were laying low. Tariq was trying to enjoy the outdoors and took a walk to clear his head. He was approached  by an unknown car - They began to shit talk him and the Ballas.


Words were exchanged and Tariq tried his best to keep his cool. The man took it too far and threatened to beat Tariq's ass right there on the spot. Tariq was not going to take that shit - One thing led to another and they decided to meet in the garage to fight it out like men.


No Guns, No Knives.


Tariq did this for the BALLAS. For TYRONE. He would never let anyone tarnish the name even if it meant getting his ass kicked.


After the fight, Tariq knew it was time for him to really lay low. He was being targeted every place he went. It was getting out of control. He moved back in with his cousin Jarome. Jarome agreed that it was best for Tariq to lay low and avoid Grove and WCS at all costs.


Until things calm down at least...


Tariq Miller 

My very first post, hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the fun everyone!  💜



Awesome post man, I really like it.

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"The end of a matter is better than its beginning;
Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit."

Ecclesiastes 7:8


A scream was heard in the quite neighborhoods of Mirror Park. Alex woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night and reached for his gun. It didn’t take long for him to realize and put his gun back under his pillow. Another nightmare he thought. Nevertheless, he got up and did his regular routine. Alex was glad to be living in this new house, its not the one he has in Grove, no nothing can replace that, but at least its quiet here and he can take a break from all the violence. Alex was just having his morning coffee when a text hit him. He was conflicted. On one side he was glad that his homies were at least still alive, but on the other side he’s scared to read it, he knows its just gonna end up with more purple blood spilled when he does answer it. “Head to James dog, its been too long since the Ballas burned some leaf there. -Ty” After a brief moment of hesitation, he puts on his hoodie and took the drags keys.

After the ride, he turns off the drag as he greets the homies. Hugs and laughs everywhere. True, its been too long thought Alex. Alex held his strap tight, he knew theres still a lot of heat at James, but for once it was pretty quiet. All the homies we’re there, including Alex’s brother Benjamin. Alex finally laid back for once after weeks of being on edge. The one time he does, the unthinkable happened. It was too quiet like Alex though. Shots in the air, smoke from rubber burning as the shooters escape. Alex takes out his gun and was about to shoot back as they drive off. While everyone was shocked, it looked like none of the bullets hit. Just as Alex was about to express some relief, Tyrone falls to the ground...

Alex hasn’t left the house after a few days since what happened. He didn’t attend the kings funeral, it was too hard for him. Alex stares down his .50 on the table for a good hour, he doesn’t know what he wants anymore. Just as he seemed to almost come to a conclusion on what he wants to do with the .50, his phone vibrates. He knows this feeling all too well, should he answer or not.

The sound of the Japanese motorcycle roars in the garage. Alex puts on his helmet before speeding out the house for what felt like forever now. As he drives of he checks his phone to make sure he read that right, “LSC.” He pulls in to the LSC lot for a surprise. A previously Balla car leaves the workshop, now out of the color. He is relieved to see familiar faces, but his smile didn’t last long as he notices no purple can be seen anywhere, it was just him. Surely an explanation can be found, Trey did say that he was going to take Ty’s place. As Alex asks around, he finally realizes it. The Ballas are no more. Even the most loyal of members has got themselves and their own families to think of. Alex is as conflicted as ever, yeah of course he understands, family is number 1 for him too, but he doesn’t want it to end.


Alex finally accepts the fate of the Ballas. Nothing more he can do now, only a fool would stay in the color now. Nobody else is there to back him and the color up. He heads home and digs through the wardrobe. At last, he looks himself in the mirror. Did he fail? Or did the Ballas fail him? Was he a coward for leaving the colors? Or was he smart to do so? He closes the wardrobe and heads outside. At the very least, he is more glad that it happened than that it ended.


Ballas for life.

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