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About Gavineo

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  1. Nice idea, hope it goes well!
  2. THE YOUNG MEET UP After Extensive recruiting, and finding like minded individuals Ballas is finally ready to have some fun again. The high ranking individuals call for a Ballas meet-up at Grove Street. Many show up and show their nice rides, Grove hasn't looked this packed in awhile Leon thinks to himself. The Ballas talk about what is our next plans what shall we do next while chilling around our rides. Many things we're discussed. Weed was smoked what can I say we Ballas. After the small meet-up Ballas leaves grove shoutin' "Ballas4Lyfe" knowing proudly we chose this life until death.
  3. Chill before you set my speakers on fire
  4. THE GET TOGETHER Leon heads to Grove to get together with the new blood of Ballas. He Patiently waits on a car waiting for them to arrive. With the background music of thug music playing in the distance. Though slowly them arriving one at a time Leon is surprised about how many people showed up. After everyone shows up, the get together begins we talk about many things that are happening in the city. Problems, issue and how to solve them. We started up new ways for our new blood to make cash, and celebrated a new start for Ballas. The young ballas are excited of what is ahead of them and ready to be a Balla for Lyfe.
  5. REMEMBERED BY SPRAY Leon Looking into the distance, thinking on how he can help Tyrone bring Ballas to its original state. After thinking about it for a bit he walks over to see a clean non-sprayed wall. Looking at the clean slate it reminds him that Ballas isn't the same anymore we are kinda like the wall "A clean slate". To pay respects to the old members of Ballas Leon shakes his spray-paint can and starts spraying. Once a Balla always a Balla.
  6. Good luck met a few of you guys, nice guys.
  7. Hope Leon can meet you soon!
  8. No, we didn't make the track for the rap song, It would be cool if we did though.
  9. THE FOUNDATION It was a rainy night, but a good one posted up at Grove Street Tyrone Bell, Leon Bell, and Adriana Costa speak about our first foundation of rules and regulations for our new blood. These new blood will be trained and will be taught to lead as they are the first people to rep our colors and grow the gang. Teaching them the ways and giving them information about where they get their own weaponry. The Ballas have a lot of expectation from these new blood as they will be the determining factor to this new gang. This is a shark eat shark world, and we need to make sure our new blood understands that and is ready. THE MEETUP It was a beautiful day in Los Santos and Adriana thought it was a good idea to host a party at Grove for our foundation, many people showed up Ballas, Zetas, and Grove Street Families now we all know where this is going. We were chilling and having a good time until the Cops showed up and people started to leave. After chilling dancing to nice beats and drinking. A fistfight broke out between Ballas and Grove Street Families. The Grove street gangster knocked out and injured a Ballas which caused another to pull out a gun, things went downhill fast after that. Many were injured and killed in the shoot out. Overall everyone had a good time. THE GUN MEET Whilst everyone in Los Santos was mining because of its High Demand, the Ballas struck another deal. With a long but very productive conversation Ballas struct a deal with two gangs. All three gangs posted up at Grove Street as it is a usual hang-out destination for Ballas and is the place they consider their Headquarters. The deal that was made is very productive for all three gangs and will push all of its members further in different ways. Everyday Ballas completes new goals of theirs and will keep pushing till Ballas obtains what they want. THE CAMPOUT It was a quiet night and Ballas was hanging out just driving around, Stephanie in the front seat driving making multiple driving mistakes the group got mad because Stephanie almost killed them and locked her up in the trunk. Then drove off into the distance on some really shady roads. After finding a nice place the Ballas put some tents down for the night to relax and just have a good time, whilst thanking the gods that they're not dead due to Stephanie's horrible driving skills.
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