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Faction vehicles despawning

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When you obtain a faction vehicle by either robbing the occupants or finding it stranded after a situation it is very annoying for the person who stole the faction vehicle after they put in the effort to steal it to have it disappear. This happens because the one who it was stolen from went off duty or spawned another one. It ruins the RP of the person who took that vehicle, it vanished out of thin air and all their plans are basically ruined.

Obviously we cannot let a worker be able to take out unlimited faction vehicles. Maybe a good compromise would be a faction worker can each have only X amount of faction vehicles out at a time (X to be determined, and obviously higher than 1.), and once it passes that amount the oldest vehicle would be despawned. This would still screw some people over if they have long term plans with the vehicle, but i think it is a much better solution than what is currently happening.  

Edited by TheCanadian
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I like this idea, but in your video compilation, it would offer additional role-play on both sides, but if you steal a faction vehicle said vehicle needs to be traceable via a faction menu option open to specfic ranks/positions in said faction, as all Police Cars, Couriers, Ambulances have GPS tracking that is tied directly to the ignition, meaning if its removed then the car wont run, and inorder to remove it you need to be a specialized mechanic as its a complicated process. (Try stealing on in RL, bet you dont make it 100km before they onto you, especially after shooting a cop. :D)

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49 minutes ago, Jbacon said:

Try stealing on in RL, bet you dont make it 100km before they onto you, especially after shooting a cop. 😄

There is a line to be drawn between game mechanics or scripted things and IRL, and i think this is one of the things that crosses it. What else is unrealistic is the amount of crime that happens in the server compared to IRL, No Crime Zones, PD cruisers, supers, or other unsuited vehicles that can go up mountains and a thousand other things. At the end of the day this is a game, it has mechanics and rules that can make it more realistic and others that make it less so but can be considered necessary. Having a vehicle disappear after you stole it is far, far less realistic than you stealing it in the first place and i don't think anyone can disagree with that reasonably.

Maybe they can add a mechanic where once in it the GPS will remain until you pull over and interact with it and remove it? But i do not think the solution to this issue that will lead to improved RP is to keep it how it currently is, having them randomly disappear for the thief.

Edited by TheCanadian
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-Criminal sees mechanic pulled over

-Criminal robs the mechanic for his tow truck

-Criminal leaves the mechanic and takes the tow truck to go steal cars

-Mechanic calls the police

-Police makes a BOLO for a stolen tow truck

-Criminal teleports out of tow truck due to the tow truck despawning

1. Criminal's roleplay is ruined, making his successful robbery and risk of getting arrested not pay out

2. Cops's BOLO is no longer relevant halting their investigation


This script is a roleplay killer. Please fix this.

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21 hours ago, Larry Wrzosek said:

-Criminal sees helicopter

-Criminal steals the helicopter to to try to demand a ransom for the expensive vehicle

-Criminal flies off and suddenly the helicopter despawns in mid air

-Criminal falls to his death


This is what I wrote 1000+ words in my application for.

Would like to know how criminals have figured out the advanced ignition sequence of a helicopter along with the incredible skill and practice it takes to fly a helicopter... have any of you ever been in one? I have, actually got to hold the yoke for 2 mins... I would and will never say I can fly a helicopter, there is a lot of skills needed, and I assume/know no one has rply gone to attend any helicopter training other then PD members and MD. So this is a poor example as 99% of people in RL wouldn't be able to get a helicopter to start let alone get it off the ground and if they somehow managed... they would crash before they got 15' off the ground.

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+ 1 This needs to happen, For PD if one of your police cars gets left unlocked and stolen, for one there should be a RP punishment by higher up ranks of police surely? and they should be trying to get it back simple as that. like if a player gets his car stolen, you got to go find it again or wait for it to be back at mors after its been chopped or blown up. police should have to do the same, not just respawn a new one.

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Alright so what your suggesting is that every-time a cop gets killed because of DM, NON-RP or because people treat this as if it is GTA Online. that a criminal would be able to steal a police car?
Fine im okay with that but I also want to request life sentences implemented for mass murders, cop killers, and people who a mass 180 warrants because they don't want to RP properly, or create back stories but would rather play GTA Online, and only reason they are here is to shoot players that are cops.

So you want us to leave our cars when we die, okay, but when you get caught, or the cruiser recovered, then I would think that you would also be open to longer jail sentencings reflecting closer to those of RL. 

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19 minutes ago, Jbacon said:

Alright so what your suggesting is that every-time a cop gets killed because of DM, NON-RP or because people treat this as if it is GTA Online. that a criminal would be able to steal a police car?
Fine im okay with that but I also want to request life sentences implemented for mass murders, cop killers, and people who a mass 180 warrants because they don't want to RP properly, or create back stories but would rather play GTA Online, and only reason they are here is to shoot players that are cops.

So you want us to leave our cars when we die, okay, but when you get caught, or the cruiser recovered, then I would think that you would also be open to longer jail sentencings reflecting closer to those of RL. 

What about when we die to dm and desync. People still take our shit and we have to go out and find it, we dont have the privilege to spawn a new one. If the server really does promote realism then why does this happen on a daily basis?  

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On 4/7/2019 at 5:32 PM, Jbacon said:

Alright so what your suggesting is that every-time a cop gets killed because of DM, NON-RP or because people treat this as if it is GTA Online. that a criminal would be able to steal a police car?

Non-faction RPers deal with this daily, these rule breaking exceptions should not be used as an example for a counterargument to a very poor RP script regarding faction vehicles. The fact faction vehicles disappear severely stunts the RP on the side of the criminal. I would suggest you take your own advice if you get DMed and:

On 4/7/2019 at 7:06 PM, Jbacon said:

make a report. like everyone else does.



On 4/7/2019 at 5:32 PM, Jbacon said:

So you want us to leave our cars when we die, okay, but when you get caught, or the cruiser recovered, then I would think that you would also be open to longer jail sentencings reflecting closer to those of RL. 

As for this, i am not opposed to these suggestions regarding prison time, but just not yet. 2hours is a very long time to spend not doing anything. This is why the prison has been dubbed 'AFK simulator' by most people, go in and go outside, watch tv/youtube/netflix. Basically anything other than play on the server. I am not opposed to longer sentences, i think it would make criminals think harder about an action before performing it (i.e robberies in broad daylight, chopping with a PD situation within the area, etc.etc.). I do think that before any change to the amount of time is implemented, there should be a revamp to the entire prison RP structure, add stuff for us to do. There have been numerous suggestions to this subject such as adding functioning pool tables or other games, able to work off your time, add a prison economy (shivs, cigarettes, food,etc.). Changing the max sentence from 2 hours to lets say (random number) 6hours currently would not improve any sort of rp, it would just make a criminal AFK in the prison for that lenght of time, leave their PC on when they go to bed. 


This is a good suggestion you added, i just dont think it should be added with how the prison system is currently.

Edited by TheCanadian
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1 hour ago, TheCanadian said:

As for this, i am not opposed to these suggestions regarding prison time, but just not yet. 2hours is a very long time to spend not doing anything. This is why the prison has been dubbed 'AFK simulator' by most people, go in and go outside, watch tv/youtube/netflix. Basically anything other than play on the server. I am not opposed to longer sentences, i think it would make criminals think harder about an action before performing it (i.e robberies in broad daylight, chopping with a PD situation within the area, etc.etc.). I do think that before any change to the amount of time is implemented, there should be a revamp to the entire prison RP structure, add stuff for us to do. There have been numerous suggestions to this subject such as adding functioning pool tables or other games, able to work off your time, add a prison economy (shivs, cigarettes, food,etc.). Changing the max sentence from 2 hours to lets say (random number) 6hours currently would not improve any sort of rp, it would just make a criminal AFK in the prison for that lenght of time, leave their PC on when they go to bed. 


This is a good suggestion you added, i just dont think it should be added with how the prison system is currently.

Going slightly off-topic, but DOC was supposed to be the thing that allowed the increase in prison time. It was said that once DOC settles in as a faction, prison times would be increased.

Edited by alexalex303
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Alright I agree there needs to be additional activities in prison, this was suppose to occur with the implication of the DOC faction, but never happened, at one point there was a branch of an official faction acting as lifers in boiling broke. I think the issue is that players expect the server/gov't employees to generate rp for them, rather then generating it for themselves.

I think that if the developers were even to put in a poker table where someone could gamble jail time.... example you wager time in prison or even better refer to the suggestion I made pertaining to in jail currency, Cigraettes earned by completing a sequence of tasks that are valued at time servered… that could be traded, or wagered... but not stolen as that would promote DM. Gamble cigarettes, earn some by working inside the prison during your time, then you can gamble them in hopes of winning some to decrease time, or lose some and end up in for a bit longer. The potentials are enormous but, needs development support. 

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@Jbacon i disagree with none of this. But this thread is about faction vehicles as it is thing that happens on a daily basis that ruins RP. Should prison be improved? yeah, sure. But this suggestion is to get faction vehicles to remain when the person takes another one out or goes off duty as it really ruins the immersion and RP the criminal is doing to just have it Poof out of nowhere to respawn back at the worker's location because he went off duty or spawned another one in.

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As I said I personally don't have an issue with it if the faction cars that are abandoned or lost remain for an allotted amount of time. Or if they go un occupied for say 30mins if not assigned to a unit they de-spawn.
So to counter this and offer some thoughts on how to keep this balanced as we are referring to realism in a form/fashion, these are things that I think would be justified if a this was to be implicated.
*Fueling them at a gas station, or driving through a speed camera would notify police as to its last seen location, as if an officer died in an incident that cruiser would be actively being tracked by pd.
*If it was stolen and the officer not killed it would also be being tracked. As in RL, emergency vehicles are constantly broadcasting their location to a dispatcher, who monitors the location of the vehicle full time. and the tracking devices are wired into the ignition and electronics system meaning without it the car cant run/start/move. So if they were to implicate this sort of tracking even when an officer code-0 (crashes) to allow a dispatcher to track said cruisers of all units. Then this would allow for far greater rp situations with PD, and also be realistic for criminals as stealing a cop car, is extremely high risk, and ballsy to say the least. (( https://www.gpspolice.com/   found this, it isn't exactly what they use, but businesses use this to monitor their drivers locations))
*Stealing a cop car in RL, would give you maybe 10mins of joy before the entire police force would be on you like white on rice.
*I would also ask how is a player to know the officer hasn't code zero'd as 99% of officers will never leave their cruiser abandoned in a public place for long enough duration to have it stolen unless its unlocked, they also don't leave the keys in the car as they are tethered to their duty belts, so I'm a bit curious how criminals manage to steal cars in general in 10seconds flat. (fastest video I can find is 3minutes).
*As we don't receive notifications when a failed lock pick attempt is made, which dispatchers would be notified of instantly, and the live dashcam footage and cab-cam footage streamed to the dispatcher computers would allow for immediate identification of the suspect. So if the cars are to be lock picked it should be sent to the dispatcher and then into the police database by them as a call requiring attention.

As I said, I think having cop cars stolen would be beneficial, but with increased ramifications as J-Time currently is not near big enough for players who mass murder 40 people, or execute cops for the sake of "he was arresting my buddy". Stealing a cop car after killing an officer would result in the death penalty in the states that have it, others would serve life in jail, instead you get 2hours. (I am on both sides of this as I have a criminal also. I just don't get caught and don't run around like terminator.)
Lets get increased criminal rp when being arrested or interacting with police, so it becomes more enjoyable for both sides. 
In summary, great Idea, but lets get some other aspects of the idea that need considered as faction cars despawning isn't very real, neither is cop cars not being able to be tracked, or dispatchers knowing when being lockpicked/hotwired. And dead cop cars, would never be left on a scene, as in this city of los santos the police department based on the crime rate here would be assume a city of 2million people, there would be 500k cops based on the crime rates... and if you get into the statistics you would find that it would likely be almost 1 cop to 1 civilian in Los Santos.


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As been stated, I feel the server is hectic enough without criminals gunning down cops to get cruisers, and driving around in cabs, ambulances and tow trucks. 
Yes, there is some valid RP that could be done, and would make for an occasional good RP scenario....
(And by the way, I have occasionally seen a well played out scene, and the PD or taxi driver lets the vehicle stay out for the sake of quality RP)

But FAR too many people would abuse this system if it were implemented.
We already have police chases on tractors, and people using ATM trucks as free rental vehicles.
We need more realistic criminal RP across the server, and less chaotic nonsense.

As an example, Cab robberies would skyrocket if people could keep the cabs permanently. 
Scripted work vehicles should remain off limits. In my opinion.

Edited by Jasmine
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I can agree and disagree... faction vehicles are stolen OOCly way more than ICly due to crashing.

If there was a way players could 'check previous owner's online status'. Then i would support, however, you'd still have to give that individual the status they were previously before crashing.

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On 9/9/2019 at 2:45 PM, kenichis said:

Honestly just tell the person you robbed in OOC not to spawn another one. I robbed people down at DCC before and I always PM them that I'm done and they can spawn another one. Noone really does it on purpouse if they actually want to RP.

Ye i honestly wouldn't care. Someone stealing my car should not stop me from going on duty or off if i feel like im done for the day.

Now if script would allow the cars to stay then that would be good, cause it is an RP killer if you just despawn your car, but it is not your fault that that happens.

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