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Backup Rule

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battlebusses were pure cancer that ruined it for smaller factions


plus I doubt gangs IRL would waste their resources for shootouts that allied gangs find themselves in. I do not see the use for this to be removed other than for gangs to build more numbers to win a shootout.

Edited by Dimja
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I'm in support of removing the backup rule to allow complete freedom to groups.

On the other hand, I am also in support of adding a rule of 6 to criminal activities.


Honestly the way we have it now is such a weird middle ground. You should either have freedom with no limits of group or you should have a hard limit of 6 per criminal activity. There shouldnt be some weird middle ground. 

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1 hour ago, Harley said:

Maybe just remove it for situations involving LEO? We've just witnessed a fight where PD still wins after fighting 2 gangs together so it seems kinda fair

I think giving this a shot is worth a chance. It could always be reverted if it doesnt work out. 

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I always hear many players new and old find this rule very confusing, 

If groups are allied with supported RP, why should there be such a limitation - regarding the comments about smaller factions being at the losing side here, at the end of the day if a small group places themselves in a situation versus a way larger force/alliance with slim chances of winning, it should definitely not be a fair fight. It's more realistic.

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3 hours ago, Harley said:

Maybe just remove it for situations involving LEO? We've just witnessed a fight where PD still wins after fighting 2 gangs together so it seems kinda fair

This is the better suggestion in my opinion. It's at least worth a trial period.

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Can't say I'm feeling particularly supportive to this tonight, has something changed in these faction's mentality that warrants this kind of change?
If we want to start taking the stabilisers off the bicycle, I hope that means the handcuffs can come off the legal factions when it comes to more proportionate responses to handling these situations.

I'm fine with having those Black Hawk Down moments on occasion, but I hope that this new potential freedom comes with less complaining when it comes time for PD and SD to tap that ass.

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12 minutes ago, Bala said:

I hope that means the handcuffs can come off the legal factions when it comes to more proportionate responses to handling these situations.

What handcuffs are we referring to here? In one situation, I witnessed K9 units being called for a minor speeding traffic violation, armored kurumas being spawned in, snipers in helis shooting any and everybody in the area (including those unarmed trying to run away and those not involved at all on bikes), and DOC officers being called for backup to a shootout that did not involve them... I really fail to see where LEO factions have any sort of handcuffs for handling situations whatsoever on this server - yet crims are held back by outdated and unfun rule limitations.

+1 to removing the backup breach rule for LEO situations. Maybe we could restore some of the community feeling to the crim side of the server with a change like that.

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+/-1 Eclipse already has a concerning amount of PvP and "win mentality", I feel this would only further it, but at the same time I don't know the last time I saw a complete LEO loss. (Last time I can recall is when 67 would wipe out LEOs night shift daily, and that was unfairly leaned towards 67 compared to the average gang due to other reasons.)

If this does get implemented, gangs will band together and start fighting LEOs in swarms and LEOs will use it as the opportunity to 'hammer down' even further than they already do. Gunships will be the norm, as will 'active' special enforcement deployments. I feel like we should be trying to move away from this mindset, not deepen towards it where we're basically playing in Fallujah.

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+1 in my opinion PD are over 100 factions members plus SD are close behind. ((ps believe there ain’t a cap for members))On a good day there’s a lot of cops and crims get crazy outnumbered. Also stating PD have SD as backup and also DOC adding maybe triple numbers of a regular crim faction limit. This would create a lot of rp scenarios as PD/crims would have too think smarter. I get from a POV PD wouldn’t like this at all as we all know some can’t shoot properly. Crims also usually hold crazy peaks but either way in my opinion would make it more fair with balancing the figures.

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It all just depends on how the community "abuses" the rule. As long as it doesn't get to the point where multiple different gangs are acting as one 24/7 it should be fine. There's no point in removing it just for LEO though, that's basically promoting shooting cops which 9/10 ends up bad ICly and OOCly. Could give the rule a test and see how it works.

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As much as some people wants to pretend and make it sound like this is only a PD/SD vs crims related, it's not. It will just bring back the massive zergs era, which did not promote any sort of variety or good roleplay neither between gangs. Faction cap was lowered as well for that reason, there's no point whatsoever in taking a major step back in that direction.

I'd be more prone for a rule of 6 like @Clank mentioned. 

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A big reason why people play RageMP roleplay instead of FiveM is because it supports such a large playerbase, you can be with 10 of your friends... 20 of your friends doing whatever you wish to do. Having hundreds of people on one server at a time. Adding a rule like a "rule of 6" destroys that luxury that most people love about Rage.

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5 hours ago, Scar. said:

A big reason why people play RageMP roleplay instead of FiveM is because it supports such a large playerbase, you can be with 10 of your friends... 20 of your friends doing whatever you wish to do. Having hundreds of people on one server at a time. Adding a rule like a "rule of 6" destroys that luxury that most people love about Rage.

Large alliances also destroyed people's ability to play the game. 

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I have given this some thought and I think that, having played during the "council days" as LEO, I found this was very negative for both Illegal and LEO RP. Small gangs had no chance and big gangs just created battle-buses.

I don't think this is the direction the server should move towards, instead, striving for more realism. If anything, I think that we should make these shootouts less likely by escalation and realism rule changes.

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