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Retired Administration Staff
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Everything posted by Ash

  1. If you're in DOC and MD after "reforming" why do you need it expunged. The only thing you're locked out of doing is PD and SD really, yes some people fuck up their character on the first few days but instead I think you just make it part of the character development and if you want a truly clean slate make an alt. That being said, record expunges have happened IC in the past, I don't see any need for an OOC way for it to be done. Edit: that's not to say some IC way of "forgiving" lesser things that can be proven to be a silly mistake won't be a good idea. I mean look at DOC hiring people with form C is going well. But that depends on the specific charges and the time. But I think it's mostly an IC conversation as opposed to OOC
  2. Ash

    The Chosen Ones

    As ex prophet of the epsilon program cult, and as a assistant wizard prophet of the Bathsheba family church and also as a owner of Cobb's Community church I can't wait to see this in action! If you would like any advice or discussion around this concept hit me up in forum PM's Hope to see you IC
  3. Archived to make way for their new thread:
  4. Been saying this for ages +1 I'd be happy with a compromise where aliases would "decay" after a certain amount of time.
  5. Honestly, this is already supported within DOC roleplay. If people go to the proper effort of roleplaying hiding small items like lockpicks, drugs etc inside food, lining of clothing or other reasonable places and then take a screenshot of the rp with /time then DOC guards are pretty competent in acknowledging it as valid smuggling roleplay. Usually this kind of smuggling RP requires more thought and realism with how it's executed but if you do it well then they're receptive. (By this I mean no guns or knifes up the bum or /do you wouldnt feel a baseball bat during pat down) A good example I personally saw first hand was in a visitation where the visitors had a knife hidden inside of a submarine sandwich inside the bread with butter on top covering it to get it past the initial search and then during the visitation distracted the guards by saying their vehicle out front was being lockpicked and then handing the knife over to the inmate amidst the commotion for them to later use inside prison. Not everything needs to be as elaborate as the above example, something as simple as /me would hide a small baggie of crack inside my sock and wedge it between my foot and shoe prior to any sort of arrest on the off chance you went to jail could go a long way to facilitate this kind of RP. In 2 years of being in DOC I have always wanted a gang that puts a lot of effort into smuggling things into prison but unfortunately no group has put in the effort for that.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but is it not low risk and low reward? If you're doing it right and not keeping evidence on you like packed money you're can get away with a misdemeanour at most. This is just not true.
  7. It'd be a nice compromise but its not a major thing, just thought id sprinkle in one of my main nitpicks with the current tables.
  8. +1 Another thing I'd love to see is somehow the ability to sit on the seating within burger shot and actually sit at a table and eat
  9. I'm on the fence about this, I do think more action timers would be cool in general, but at the same time I assume talking whilst focusing on an action timer would result in actually less rp from people chatting whilst working.
  10. -1 for now I think it may bring more interactions with people being more pushed to less areas when being dropped off instead of the current lot of MD's being a 2 second trip then leave. I can see the criticisms above but I think it's worth trailing for a little while to see how it affects interactions. As for the BLS location, there's MANY solutions to that: property requests to commissioners what pd sd and doc all have done (pretty sure you guys have a zonah interior which is basically unused), other government facilities, Paleto MD (I don't see how making more activity in paleto is a negative and that's a lot of the criticisms so far which is odd.) etc. Point 4 of avoiding congestion is against the whole concept of rp imo, if it's ooc chat, tell them to take it to PMs, if it's general IC congestion this absolutely isn't bad. I do think sandy hospital should return, however. And as I've said many times before, pillbox is criminally underused for such a good MLO it is, its completely behind all locked doors and doesn't promote people spending more time within MD and taking advantage of the increased recovery thing. So I personally think pushing a bit more activity in that direction is good.
  11. This might already be a thing, you should discuss this in-character with cops to find out more info on if it's a thing or not and if not then suggest it to them IC. Archived
  12. In my opinion this is an issue with the implementation of LifeInvader and this is more of a band-aid fix for the base issue. I'd much prefer to see some resources put into LifeInvader development making it work correctly in-game with auto login & not be extremely slow.
  13. Thread archived per thread owners request.
  14. Ash

    Truckers Union

    Looking forward to seeing what new RP you can bring to the trucking job!
  15. Store owners have absolutely no right to hate vending machines. Stock for vending machines has to come from somewhere and that's store owners. I have a deal going with 2 store owners to stock my vending machines. There's plenty of opportunities for store owners with them since they're the only ones who access items for stock price. I'll correct you, store owners who don't actually play the game other than to log in and stock up hate this.
  16. This completely. As the 2 above me have just said, you scratch the back of established organizations and you get access to their resources like weapon shipments.
  17. +1 I have 2 vending machines in prime locations (Right next to paleto MD and on the pier). I've made... ~$3,000 profit from them both combined since the cash-only system got rolled out. One even had a blip on it. I can live with the reduced refrigeration effect and basically be unable to sell food but being cash-only makes them effectively unusable. Don't get me wrong, i'd love to see changes personally that encourages more pocket cash on people, but at the current state, for most vending machines that I know, the nearest ATM...Is right at a store. So there's basically no benefit to using a vending machine as there's no convenience when most people need to go out of their way to get the cash out. A bold suggestion from myself is to make more things cash-only if the goal is for people to have more pocket cash e.g. stores and burger shot, clothing stores, barbers etc. But honestly just making vending machines able to take bank transfer again I think is the answer I think. In terms of realism, EVERY vending machine I see IRL takes card.
  18. Ash


    There's a lot of events similar to this that happen pretty frequently, both organized in-character and also by the server staff team. You can post more formal and detailed event ideas for staff events here: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/155-event-suggestions/ There's a few locations where we have access to custom mapping specifically for races as well as the one you specifically mentioned I've seen events there before.
  19. Archived upon faction leadership request for a new thread
  20. @Dirty MikeThis is already a recent suggestion, please utilize the search feature when making new suggestions. Merged
  21. I'm a little confused about what the actual need for this is but beyond them being free, how is that much different from what they can do right now? In the past and even right now, some faction leadership has enforced lore/theme friendly vehicles. Off the top of my head I can name a few obvious examples such as low riders for Ballas and Black Disciples, Mesa (I think) and other SUV-like vehicles the Russians used for a long time. You see it in a lot of official factions actually (both past and present), as lore-friendly vehicles is one of the many aspects that's looked at when it's relevant. This argument of gang representation/lore is not very relevant as they can very much do that currently. The hard truth on the matter is, a lot of people prefer vehicles they like or that perform well over vehicles that suit their faction lore. The majority of faction-spawned vehicles that currently exist, exist for things such as: logo's, ram bars, lights, sirens, faction-specific functions (towing, ambulances, taxis with their script support etc). And because it wouldn't make much sense for people working the jobs that do have it to have their own personal vehicles when on duty, and instead use government or company funded vehicles, unlike criminal activity. They can do this currently though, with the illegal money the gang makes, I've seen a few factions do exactly this, fund lore friendly vehicles and clothing for their members. Pulling it out of thin air doesn't quite make as much sense as it does for the gov factions. Sure, I get that government jobs/factions take in some level of money or are funded by the government and personally I'd like to see some sort of actual finance tracking for assets like spawned cars but that's a bit beyond the scope of this suggestion. But I don't think spawned vehicles for criminal factions is really valuable enough to justify implementing Overall, I am 1000% for more faction script support, especially for official factions, but I do not believe this is it personally as someone that's worked alongside many factions in the 2 years I've been in faction services.
  22. Senior Admins can place down furniture so you could potentially request a wall added but it is unlikely. Beyond this, you will likely just need to work with what you have access to within your build limit and radius. Archived
  23. All properties have the same radius from the position of the door for their building radius, this isn't a bug. Larger properties, especially ones extending further in one direction will sometimes have part of the property not able to be built on.
  24. Merged all topics regarding this suggestion, thanks for highlighting them @Xoza
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