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Everything posted by Ash

  1. There is actually a few player made businesses that have started up that can repair peoples vehicles with the right IC planning and interactions. There's also progress on an IC Los Santos University that might cover the RP aspect of 'learning' how to do things. However if you mean for anyone and everyone being able to fix cars willy nilly then I'm not a fan of that. People can currently replace popped tires I believe through the chop system if they have the spare parts and maybe a few other things
  2. How would you suppose it works if they're broke or say a cadet who has no money? They can't make money if they can't get the standard equipment out? I'm unsure about using personal funds at all for this to be honest. Instead having the purchases linked with the treasury and f4 could introduce some government budgeting RP and then LEO faction higher ups can implement things like tracking damage to vehicles, armour lost etc and then implement policies IC around that e.g. one officer seems to do a lot of damage to his car when on shift, he instead has to ride passenger for a week, I know there was support from LEO's on your suggestion for that but personally it seems weird it'd use their personal funds and not a PD/SD budget. But with the way SASG is growing there'd definitely be room for budget management should there be more script support for accountability of damages/losses. Right now in f4 things inside vehicles that are removable (gps) are tracked in treasury logs and the money is taken from the treasury when its removed from vehicle and then put back in when it's returned so I feel this could be extended to vehicle damage and kevlar and possibly even weapons upon death. Edit for clarification: I don't mean 'budget' as in endless money pit like salary but a set amount of funds. I'm unsure if you're purely talking about pd/sd or all factions that have this but from my experience pagers allow DOC at the least to facilitate hostage situations, prison breaks, large transports. All of which are fun and wouldn't be very viable without a pager, especially in the quieter hours. I also think you're misinformed about pagers, they don't tag everyone in the faction but generally a specific division, I can't say about pd/sd 100% though but I'm sure someone will correct me.
  3. I don't know how fixable it is but I'm pretty sure this is just a mechanic in base GTA unfortunately. I think /resync is the fix
  4. Ash

    The Pier

    This is the basics of it really. It was very popular when it was a really good money maker balanced with talking to people but as changes were introduced and things were developed people make their money elsewhere now. That being said, If you want activity there, go there, try rally friends there etc. I heard some cool government guy is maybe doing an event or two there soon Maybe it'll bring people there, maybe it won't, who's to say.
  5. I love this. Another possible multiplayer freelance job like burger shot.
  6. This is a step backwards, teamspeak is shit and we should get rid of it entirely, this isn't 2004. And I've said it before, TAC is not an advantage as people say it is, it's 99% people screaming over each other like monkeys. That being said the logistics of this would be awful. People would be able to see what radio channels other people are in or there'd need to be new servers per group of people or something. It would be a nightmare. All of emergency services are on the same side and the teamspeak is moderated to an extent. Having teamspeak open to individual groups would increase complexity so much. The real answer is to implement more fixes to /vr. Doing a /vr when you don't need one no longer screws you over so I'm not completely sure but I'm curious if the server can auto-vr people periodically. Another solution is to make TAC viable in game somehow. Both obviously require dev work, however. Overall I think this is a non-issue beside some obscure edge cases mentioned but my opinion is very limited in value here as I don't play LEO or criminal so take what I say with a grain of salt as more of an outsider personal opinion
  7. Moved to discussion instead of suggestions
  8. Do it, do a work experience week there
  9. And this is 100% it. I totally back that they shouldn't have heavies on them all the time but I don't think it's as much of an issue as people above are making it out to be either. What equ1nox said is totally it though, in 2 years of DOC, people preach realism from the guards but it's a 2-way process! Inmates are beating on guards, beating on other inmates in front of guards, taking guards hostage pretty much on a daily basis etc. realistically this wouldn't happen and criminal activities within prison would be much much more discreet. Waiting to have an actual weapon smuggled in, having fights away from guards in secluded areas away from cctv. For a loooong time I just had tazer and baton and I think I've only shot 2 or 3 people in DOC, both times was person who had a heavy outside the prison and not the cellblock. From my experiences when I used to lead the faction, 99% of the time heavies were deployed on supervisors was more of a show of force than actually using them to deter the kind of behavior from inmates mentioned previously (and was enforced this way ICly). I do not know what it is currently like so I cannot speak on that. My summary is that there's room for improvement both sides, there always is. Someone else said this in another discussion a while ago and I think it applies here...be the change you want to see. Set examples of good roleplay and making realistic choices and hope the same courtesy is applied the other way.
  10. This already barely works for prison breaks and would be quite a waste of mod+ time. I know that I personally have no interest in spectating a generic boring bank job. A change in rp quality level should come from you guys on both sides than to need our approval.
  11. Where the majority might disagree, I agree with this completely.
  12. As sad as it is, rulebreaks. I absolutely LOVED the system when we had to hold alt to see ID and alias but it was ruined when rulebreaks became very very hard to handle without ID's being visible. A compromise I'd love to see is aliases being hidden by default and you hold ALT to see the alias. ID's would always show. With maybe even the option to have aliases on by default or off that you can toggle to which you prefer. I did a high-quality mock-up of how this could work Side note, what OP is describing can kind of be achieved with /hidehud true which hides everything except text box
  13. I always thought this feature was silly when I've seen it elsewhere. Who changes seats without just getting out of the car so -1 from me personally
  14. Ash


    Hi greenblex i am ash
  15. Nothing much to add on what Osborn said. Factions can do this through their faction guides. Bakmeels message was about the "free for all" type of events where we do it not knowing who's going to get involved.
  16. Merged with topic of the same suggestion. Please utilise the search function to see if your idea has already been suggested!
  17. This. +1 A nice civ addition!
  18. That is how it works. The old one phases out and is considered old so you'd get NonRP #6 but with the punishment of #5. (The #6 is just to number them, but the punishment would be 5.)
  19. Same for: Weazel ads showing /showvehicles /newsagency /mechanic As you'd also not be able to use those services. (I left /showhouses since thats more just something your character would remember tbh)
  20. There's many ic ways to address unlawful behaviour, especially from government workers. To play devil's advocate here, in real life doc guards aren't taken hostage daily and attacked on such a frequent basis. Portraying realism is a 2-way street in RP and sometimes sticking 100% to realism doesn't work but from what I know DOC does strive for realism where it can and once again, If there's suggestions as to how they can improve on that aspect:
  21. Archived at the request of the thread creator
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