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Everything posted by kenichis

  1. So you're expecting IC money in exchange for "promotions" on your channel? lol good luck with that I guess you have no idea why people join an RP server in the first place.
  2. Introduction Charles as an EMT at LSEMS. Charlemagne Coyer was born in the 24th of August in 1995. He was born the eldest son and would eventually have 3 younger siblings. Charles spent most of his life where he grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. He had a normal childhood and teenage years as any other American family. After he finished high-school, he went to work at his father’s auto-workshop nearby his house in the suburbs, it was a small shop but it gave money to the family. Since Charles was the eldest son, he had to think about his siblings future as well. Knowing that his family wasn’t the wealthiest, he decided to willingly help out his father at their business. Charles was an ambitious individual. He knew that he would never settle to work there his whole life. Eventually, he asked for permission to spread his wings and pursue his dreams to his parents. At first they were unsupportive, saying that he was turning his back on the family. However, after more persuasion, they decided to support Charles decision to enroll in a University. After receiving a letter of acceptance from the University of San Andreas he and his family was overjoyed. He packed up all of his belongings as well as their entire family to fly together to Los Santos for the first time. Charles walked out of the plane to see the beautiful sights of Los Santos alongside his family. After moving in to the apartment they were renting out for Charles the entire family decided to sleep inside the small apartment to save funds on the trip, nevertheless Charles was glad they went along. After an entire month of accompanying Charles in his start of the year, the family went back to Atlanta after saying farewell to him. During his time studying at the University of San Andreas it was not always smooth sailing. While his family sent money to pay for rent and food, some months they weren’t enough. Charles decided it was time he took up a part-time job to help ease his parents burden. Eventually he started working at GoPostal as a courier after classes. After a tough 3 and a half years, Charles has managed to finish his studies one semester early and receive his Bachelor in Law degree. When the euphoria died down he knew that this meant it was time for him to get a stable job. He went scouting to see what career opportunities lie in Los Santos since he was always too busy with studies to pay attention. Realizing that the regular bus driver would probably not suffice, he relies on the DCC drivers to aid him on where he should look, since he doesn’t have a vehicle to call his own. To be continued... (( As everyone should know by now, none of this info should be taken IC and is a purely used for OOC storytelling. Enjoy the read. ))
  3. don't you think its a bit too late for a chapter one after almost 2 years
  4. I think only downside is that this will lead to metagaming on who is an undercober cop. Imagine someone saying "he's a cop he takes out his gun funny." Unless of course, anyone can choose how to go through with their animation. Maybe anyone can place their guns to the side and have a shorter gun animation, but there is no ability to conceal carry that way.
  5. What I wouldn't like to see is only "O" as it will literally spam the ame since its hard to pull off opening the correct door first try.
  6. You know somethings wrong when the title says “Get rich fast!” and the person is still driving a Warrener. Honestly I wouldn’t recommend hunting because: 1. Its tedious and boring 2. Little to no RP involved with other players 3. Risk of robbery and paying for fuel On the other hand, I used to make $9000 / hour ($7000 base + $2000 bonus) working for DCC. Perks are: 1. Getting free gas, people tend not to rob DCC, LSC, and Bayview, standard pay thats stable whether you’re plenty in calls or dry as a desert 2. Always meeting new people, getting into new scenarios daily 3. A lot of RP involved especially as a management member Only freelance job I would recommend is mining, and you need capital to start mining effectively and even higher risk of robbery. That being said, I hope you keep making videos. Maybe less on guides and more into scenarios and entertainment. We need more ECRP content creators.
  7. Hopefully something happens, however I believe that massive rulebreaks should still go punished. This should only be for punishments given as a new player or under 25K EXP. After 25K EXP I find it strange if you still don't understand the rules. Personally, I know that I broke a lot of rules as a new player but got lucky. I hope people who were less fortunate than me gets cut some slack. +1
  8. This used to be the case some time ago, but it got changed because no kind of RP could ever happen in prison. They are hoping to improve prison RP, while I don't agree to bring back AFKing I agree to change for improvement.
  9. All the best for this crew. Hopefully you keep up what you're doing right now.
  10. The downside is that you have to do plenty OOC things when you're trying to take their guns. Example: /me takes the persons .50 Pistol /do can I do so? /do yes Then he has to OOCly stand up, equip, drop then go back to the /down anim. Another example, /me takes the suspects rifle from his back /do can I do so? /do nothing would stop you Then the cop has to OOCly un cuff with /uncuff taking a few seconds for the action timer, the criminal must OOCly equip, drop, then the cop mush OOCly /cuff again but not before asking the criminal to OOCly put his hands up or taze him OOCly. So much trouble for something so simple. If you ignore RP when taking things, then its still powergaming and reportable, but using these commands for the intended purpouses it just increases the quality of life.
  11. I was dumbfounded when I found out for the first time that PD, SD, MD and friends have their own frequency only for people in their faction. While MD roleplays it as "whitelisting" your radio for the "encrypted" frequency, I think it makes sense for a law enforcement or EMS group to have it, not regular companies. I would give this a -1. Just because of my view on how these type of "secure" frequencies are borderline powergame and that it could be interesting to have access to a factions radio frequency. Honestly, I would see it as sometimes having interesting RP opportunities to it. Once I robbed a DCC driver and took his radio. I was on the freq listening to where they are at and we would jump unsuspecting drivers 10-9 at quiet locations. Just another reason to keep it as it is.
  12. What I would say to the discussion is that most people who join Eclipse usually join under the guise that this is a "realistic" GTA mod, not a roleplaying server. This is literally what got me interested in joining the first time. During my early time here I too was just that one idiot who didn't know the rules or what roleplaying is and was just grinding for money. However, after about 1 month or so, I finally really understood what RP is all about and why its enjoyable. I shifted from just trying to grind my way up and not really providing any fun and unique RP to doing my own thing and trying to give an interesting scenario for people. I think the people who are just in it for the action or money are always gonna be there, but all we can do is just improve how we RP. It can still be fun eitherway.
  13. I like how everyone just turned this to a personal attack on alexalex's capability as a faction leader. Get a grip lol real classy
  14. Definitely agree with OP. I think OOC hostility after failing an IC situation is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed. Providing bare-bones roleplay that isn’t really enough for a rulebreak but is neither enjoyable for yourself or your counterpart is something that needs to be avoided. Not to mention, the almost instant use of /b as soon as someone does something that is “maybe” breaking rules, such as accidental “ramming” or something along the lines. Something even worse is just using /b to straight up harass people or threaten them for a report if they don’t let him win the situation. Remember that this is roleplay, and that there are always ups and downs, you can’t expect to always win. As to what the OP mentioned as a feud between WCA and NLA, in my view atleast, NLA used to be one of my favorite factions to see screenshots of their RP, since they strive for an authentic latino gang type roleplay. I used to think that if they were more active in recruiting they would’ve been made official. However, lately some members have been leaving me scratching heads with NLA low-income latino families who used to drive old muscle cars suddenly owning half a million dollar Comet’s etc. I understand how factions should progress but it doesn’t make sense really seeing how their reality is, they are far from owning sports cars RP wise. Not to mention, the toxicity being put out by some NLA members as of late has really put a sour taste to their faction. That being said, I think a good introspect to ourselves individually should be in order. That we are all mature people logging on to have a good time and create interesting fun roleplay for others and for ourselves.
  15. +1 to the poker table idea. Whether they decide to deem it illegal or not, it doesn’t matter. It adds to the RP. Imagine busting a gang house for “illegal gambling” as justification and finding all the other drugs and guns. It wouldn’t be a problem to just be able to play poker between friends whether its illegal or not since realistically you don’t even need a table for it, just some cards and money.
  16. (( Hello lovely people, I’d like to preface this by saying that this is more of a summary of what this character has been doing for the past half a year. Hopefully its an enjoyable read. )) Alexander Johan, fresh graduate from San Fransisco - the Golden State - chasing the American dream here in LS, San Andreas. Raised in your average American household went to your average American High School and worked as your average American Uber driver. Ambitions the name of the game, nothing more for him here in San Fransisco, its time to leave for the one and only San Andreas. First weeks in the city, nowhere to call home but uncle Phil down in Forum drive. Place ain’t much but at least its a place to call home, for now. Going to the bank meeting some new people, going to the 24/7 behind the bank. Little did he know it was owned by one of the most influential gangs in the city. Well, thats a new person in town for you. Always on the grind, GoPostal doesn’t pay much but it pays for a mode of transport. A classic bike nothing much, but its something from honest work. The grind doesn’t stop. Work all the time. Now having a place to call his own, being a courier did pay off. Now that all his basic needs are satisfied, time to go job hunting. PD, DOC, nothing. For now, all he had was his bike, his house, and the GoPostal van. DCC - The first stable job I’ve ever had and the best. The job interview was a bit rough, made the cut barely as a probationary trainee, the manager was probably feeling sorry for me. However, it was a start, while I planned at first to leave it for PD or something bigger, I never thought I would come to love the company and the people who worked in it so much. It was truly the best time in my life. Recently buying an upgraded crib with his best friend Revelt DeOrtiz, things were looking up. Bought a new muscle car, got the appropriate swagger. Alexander Johan was in his prime time. Money, friends, a great career, it seemed like things could only go up. Alexander Johan, being the law abiding citizen he is, decides to try out the criminal life. Nothing much, only street racing. What could he lose anyways? He has the money to pay for it, a new car, a new identity, nothing could go wrong. Lasted for quite some time, before he was raised to the position of Assistant Manager in DCC. Time was a big factor, he decided that he would rather spend it with his new family. The quiet life didn’t satisfy him though, he got into some contact with the Triads. However, they deemed him unfit to join their ranks, seeing him as only a taxi driver with no real experience in the criminal life. Alexander Johan, determined to prove those who underestimate him wrong, tries to seek attention with the West Coast Assassins. A co-worker who is a recruiter for the gang recruited him and put him in colours. Alexander Johan was now a gang-banger. His actions didn’t take long to catch up to him. While cooking with the gang, he gets himself arrested and placed charges. That was it, his career was over. He couldn’t possibly lose anything else. However, although he enjoyed the company on the West Coast Assassins, he ultimately regrets his decision to turn his back on his family, the DCC. That being said, you pay for your actions. Knowing the ultimate fate of his career, he goes on a suicide mission with Benjamin Holt to attack Bayview. Its a low blow for anyone to attack a legal workplace, however he had nothing more to lose. He put the SMG in the bag and went to the mech shop. Took control for about 30 minutes before things went south. Abel Montgomery ended up besting him in a firefight. While his accomplice had the sweet relieve of death, he was not so lucky. Once more, he was sent to the big house. Nothing more is left for him in the city, no family, no respect, no allies. But thats the way of life, you start from the bottom, reach the top, then you go full circle. This was the life of Alexander Johan. (( Thank you everyone who contributed to the amazing RP I’ve had for these 6 months. I decided to shift my focus to my new character, who I will be using for legal roleplay from now on. I decided to not go through with making my main character a criminal as I genuinely find it hard to be enjoyable. Theres little time spent on just roleplaying instead most of the time its a chase or something else. Another thing is the amount of toxicity inside the people who roleplay as criminals. I hope it gets better in the future, and if it does then maybe I’ll come back to try it. But for now, I will be sticking to the legal side of things. Its been a great 6 months. ))
  17. Bump. With recent increase in relevancy.
  18. Try playing single player and shoot an NPC on a moving bike.
  19. Seems more like a suggestion, since EVs like the Raiden shouldn't even use gas.
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