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Everything posted by kenichis

  1. Yea would be good to see how much salary I got. +1
  2. What I'm saying is that the lack of activity on the trucker job can be subsidized by the increased pay of each delivery. The addition of NPC jobs can actually take away the ability for players to negotiate prices on delivery with other players.
  3. I mean, if you think the pay is not enough then this can be solved with IC means. Around June-August 2019 there was a faction called the Truckers Union or something of the sorts. They protested the cheap fares and often refused to deliver unless a better price was negotiated. Sadly, they disbanded because their leader left the server. However, they saw moderate success and it could be done again if someone was to do so. -1
  4. Yeah I do agree that some more activities need to be added to the prison. I don't agree with sentences being reduced, be definitely things should be added so people don't have to AFK. As a DOC player, I usually walk around the interior catwalk and talk to the inmates. However, people tend to choose to AFK which sometimes is annoying when you're also looking for someone to talk to. I think that more things to be done would benifit everyone, from the criminals as well as DOC. +1
  5. Call me a skeptic but the goals you have "accomplished" is quite doubtful. What kind of territory do you own? I've never seen you around and your goal of establishing a Crip alliance is basically just 2 new gangs that haven't made a name for themselves just magically getting along. It wasn't drawn out or even told in stories to reach that point and make it seem like an acomplishment or something of note. Seems like theres a lot more potential here but atleast try to respect that there are much bigger fish already established than you that would realistically collide with you (Ballas, WCA) but you haven't adresses them at all even though you hanging around Ballas hood. "All of this should be written in an IC manner and should not collide too much with current factions within the city. For example, if someone has already made a Grove street gang, you can not create another Grove street gang and RP the same way." -Guidelines to a good faction thread
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 7 February 2020, around 10AM UTC Character name: Akio Asakura Issue/bug you are reporting: Buying a baseball bat from a gun store gives the bat 50 "ammo," however once you equip it, then drop it the ammo count turns to 0. Expected behavior: Buying a baseball bat shouldn't even have an ammo count to begin with, especially not 50 "ammo." Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Go to any gun store, the one I tried was Jabumpkins Sidearms 2. Purchase the baseball bat under melee 3. Check in your inventory that it should have 50 ammo 4. Equip then do /dropgun and pick it up, it should turn to 0 ammo I don't believe you are able to strip the ammo though, I have tried and it doesn't work. New baseball bat and another one that was equiped and dropped. Vehicle license plate number*: n/a
  7. I would only agree to this if a civilian shooting range is also added. Otherwise its just a big fucking question mark for a civilian to be shooting so many rounds.
  8. Hey hopefully you meet some more people. ((This section is OOC, so its okay to talk OOC. The IC subforum is found here: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/18-in-character-section/))
  9. I mean as DOC we always appreciate new things to do, but where would this "drop"? It wouldn't be in the middle of nowhere since our imports are legal.
  10. We literally already got concerts.
  11. Alright so my suggestion is straightforward, give us a Mayor. The Mayor would act as the leader of the Government faction and would be elected every term. The term can be whatever the server decides (probably 1-2 months) and the Mayor would be capable of doing actions that involve things server wide (banning drags, press meetings, etc.) It would lead to a lot of cool roleplay (political campaigns, elections, etc.) and generally I think will improve the immersive ness of the server. I understand that not everyone will be able to fulfill the demanding tasks that come with being a position like that. Which is why selection for the position should be monitored by the admin team. People who want to run for mayor would make an OOC application and then if they fit the criteria would then start an IC campaign. Why this should be added: I feel that besides doing business licensing the Government faction is a bit of a no show in the city. Yes once in a while they show up and do interesting things, but most of the time City Hall is just, there. Nothing really happens in that NCZ and most people don’t even know we have it. With the addition of a Mayor as the faction leader this would give the faction a new better image that will reach more people. Increased immersive ness and more roleplay possibilities that I listed already. Other servers already have this feature. This would make Eclipse as a server seem more feature packed and generally stand out more compared to the competition. More IC things that are usually handled OOCly via server suggestions now have an actual place to be submitted. Things that people feel should get changed can now be brought up to the Mayor and it is up to him whether he feels it is a good change or not, all within server rules of course.
  12. +1 wouldn’t see any harm in it, but we should have someone actively manning it and actually archiving.
  13. +1 to this, I would hate to see the XP I got from Alexander get wasted.
  14. Problem is that no criminal would buy drugs from another, being that they have no use for it. The only people buying drugs from other players are people who want to RP as an addict. Criminals who want to make money wouldn’t buy this and unless a scripted method to generate money from these things exist not much will go down by removing drop offs really.
  15. Chapter V: Climbing Up Charles has been enjoying his time at the DOC as a Correctional Trainee, however it was time to start going higher. He reached out to HR in order to arrange what needs to be done to finish his training. They layed out to Charles some things that he has to complete in order to become a full Correctional Officer. He agreed and the start of one of the busiest days at DOC began for him. Charles walking down the halls of Bollingbroke. Charles began his assortment of things to do by first learning to drive properly. They took out the DOC Granger and head out to Fort Zancudo in order to do the driving course. It was quite complex and challenging, however Charles made it through none the less. Doing the driving test with him, was Sarah Janeson a fellow Correctional Officer at the DOC who got along quite well with Charles. After they finished, they headed back to Bolingbroke in order to proceed with the other training sessions. Charles preparing to leave to Fort Zancudo alongside the other officers. The next part of the day was learning how to properly handle a firearm. A member of HR accompanied Charles in learning the safety procedures to properly wield a firearm. Thankfully, Charles has had this sort of training before with another member of the DOC, although not with HR it was a good practice round. Charles learned the unload, make safe, load and make ready procedures. After rehearsing the procedures with a senior officer, Charles was officially certified to wield the issued sidearms. Charles being explained procedures at the shooting range. Lastly, Charles was taught how to transport a suspect. They started up the convoy again, this time with an armored transport van that Charles was going to drive. Four DOC officers participated in the training and went to Mission Row together. After a dummy 10-15 being inserted inside the back of the van, cuffed and shackled, they headed back to Bolingbroke. Charles relieved that he has finished all his required training now only had to wait for his promotion. It should just be a matter of time he thought. Finally, Charles finished the day with a visitation that he supervised. Charles supervising a visitation on-going at the DOC. Sarah Janeson the DOC officer has spent a lot of time with Charles while on-duty. Maybe it is time Charles asked her to go somewhere else than the cellblock...
  16. I would suggest to make the rewards of mining greater, including getting more reduced jailtime and cheaper items. Things like pickaxes should be spawnable in case someone loses their stamps and food / water being spawnable again but you cant bring it out to avoid abuse.
  17. Maybe make it so that you only require to bobby pin it if the driver didn't turn off its engine. This should encourage more people to actually do it.
  18. Personally I think most people should do this not because its againts the rules to not do it, but more to encourage a good roleplay standard.
  19. this will lead to metagaming when people RP that their ID is not currently on them. -1
  20. I'm guessing you're still pretty new to the server. Gang VS Gang action almost always happen. I mean right now even there is still a gang at war. A lot of the bigger gangs tend not to rob legal workers (taxis, medics, etc.) so robbing everyone isn't really true. I've had some times when some randoms were trying to rob me as a medic and a big gang showed up and actually defended me.
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